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The petition about Nintendo exclusive Sonic games.

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#21 Azure-Edge


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 08:49 PM


It'd be all well and good but... these people don't seem to be petitioning for sonic to be on more platforms, they seem to be doing it to get sonic from the Wii U.
Seriously, they're all "i hate the wii u, it stinks!" sorta people. *sigh*


Believe me, it has nothing to do with these people actually liking the Sonic games. It has to do with them hating Nintendo. When was the last time you heard about people going crazy over Sonic? When was the last time you heard of stores having midnight releases for the next Sonic game? When was the last time Sonic was getting nominated for GOTY? I'm not saying the games are bad or anything, in fact I've liked a lot of Sonic games. Even the 3D ones, but the series has seriously fallen from where it used to be back in the day. 



Same thing happened with Bayonetta. Think about it for a minute. How much did you ever hear about Bayonetta after the first one was released? Did it seem like it had some sort of colossal sized fanbase that treasured it as if it were the greatest thing ever? Because I never did. In fact, I barely ever heard jack about Bayonetta. It was a good game that got decent reception and so-so sales. It doesn't have anything to do with the games themselves.


#22 My Body is Ready

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 09:17 PM

omg i am starting a petition we need to get the wii u version of sonic all star racing off the wii u cuz gamers wanna play the wii u version on have all plataforms.



#23 Big Boss

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 09:34 PM




#24 My Body is Ready

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 09:52 PM




#25 Keviin



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Posted 17 May 2013 - 10:24 PM

I secretly hope all Sonic games from now on will be Nintendo exclusive. Heck they could even buy Sega and make it second party..
No sig.

#26 Half



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Posted 17 May 2013 - 10:27 PM

Believe me, it has nothing to do with these people actually liking the Sonic games. It has to do with them hating Nintendo. When was the last time you heard about people going crazy over Sonic? When was the last time you heard of stores having midnight releases for the next Sonic game? When was the last time Sonic was getting nominated for GOTY? I'm not saying the games are bad or anything, in fact I've liked a lot of Sonic games. Even the 3D ones, but the series has seriously fallen from where it used to be back in the day. 



Same thing happened with Bayonetta. Think about it for a minute. How much did you ever hear about Bayonetta after the first one was released? Did it seem like it had some sort of colossal sized fanbase that treasured it as if it were the greatest thing ever? Because I never did. In fact, I barely ever heard jack about Bayonetta. It was a good game that got decent reception and so-so sales. It doesn't have anything to do with the games themselves.

Uhhh that's what I meant. Most of the people petitioning are like "Sonic shouldn't go on a rainbowty console, he deserves better" Seriously, click the link and scroll down. They're petitioning for the wrong reasons and it's REALLY dumb.

BTW I absolutely adored Bayonetta, and yeah, surprisingly, it had quite a large fanbase, platinumgames has a very large fanbase. It was a great game, one of the best of it's relatively small genre base. And Sonic is one of the biggest mascots, that recently picked up the pace and started making great games, and even the ones that weren't so great, were adored. I understand fans being angry that they can't play more of those games unless they buy a Wii U, but they're angry for the wrong reasons.


#27 Kimtastic



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Posted 17 May 2013 - 11:07 PM

People who dislike ANYTHING exclusive for Nintendo, always act like ornery baboons. 


They're just mad because they're greedy and want everything for Sony or Microsoft instead of Nintendo. So.. yeah. They're all anti-Nintendo... and that petition just proves it. 

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#28 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:21 AM

I dont know if there is a post on this. But there is a petition with over 100 signs about getting the Nintendo exclusive Sonic games off the Wii U.
This is madness. This is terrible.
*Warning to admins, this isnt advertising, im just throwing this in*
I dont want this to happen so I made a petition against this petition.
Please sign it, to get those sonic fanboys upset as hell. Flip em off.

Lol! This is just crazy.

But only 100 signatures? That's a good sign that out of the bazillion gamers, and millions of sonic fans, only 100 are dissatisfied with this choice.
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#29 Xef



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 12:37 AM

Well the guy who made the petition doesn't seem like that big hater and just wanted the game to be available to more players.


From his facebook sonic fan group:

"This was a special day. First of all, Sorry if you get mad because I want to all sonic fans can have the same oportunity to play.

Sorry to not post about Sonic Rivals in his days... oh wait this facebook doesn't existed then....

Sorry to not put anything about Generations and Wii oh wait Wii can't handle....

Im not a hypocrite guys, I just believe that we deserve the chance to play in other plataforms (at least in the future), the Lost World is posible in other consoles and not all sonic fans are interested in have a WiiU

If you don't agree with me is ok, I like to hear other opinions but that don't give you the right to insult or judge me. I'm not Sonic: I can be wrong, I'm human.

At the end WE ARE ALL SONIC FANS and we don't have to be fighting each other.

To me it seems more like it's some of those signing the petition that are hating on WiiU

#30 Gamejunkie



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 02:00 AM

Wow just wow, Bayonetta was understandable but i had no idea the Wii U having 3 exclusive Sonic games would cause such a uproar in Sega's fanbase (especially when the Wii got 6 exclusives), Just imagine the sh!tstorm if Nintendo were to announce they were buying Sega.

Bayonetta isn't a Sega IP. It was just published by them.

I secretly hope all Sonic games from now on will be Nintendo exclusive. Heck they could even buy Sega and make it second party..

If Nintendo bought Sega which I doubt will happen it would make them a first party developer not a second party. A second party developer is one who is independent but is making a game exclusively for a specific console.

In all honesty there is a lot of hypocrisy in this thread. If the tables were turned and countless threads on these forums will attest to that Nintendo fans can be just as vocal about such issues. Personally I'm against exclusives as it means I have to own all the consoles if I want to play any game that's released due to the nature of exclusivity. That said whilst its possible to avoid third party exclusives although even third parties will pick and choose what platforms their games are released on first party games will always remain exclusive. I suspect Nintendo must have paid Sega a lot of money to make up for the lost revenue from other console releases. Microsoft and Sony are also guilty of this though especially the former. At the end of the day its all part and parcel of doing business and trying to persuade consumers to buy your console over the competitors.

#31 NintendoReport



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 02:46 AM

LOL, one signature (or message) on the petition said the Wii U is obsolete.... oh brother....

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#32 itogi



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:34 AM

it's stupid to have a petition over Nintendo having the right for Sonic. Everyone need to get over with it and deal with it. Come on Sega is no more and they will never make another console cause of Nintendo, Micosoft and Sony.


#33 Big Boss

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:41 AM


Sorry to not put anything about Generations and Wii oh wait Wii can't handle....

The 3DS could handle  generations. -_-

#34 Xef



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:46 AM

The 3DS could handle  generations. -_-


Yeah I was just quoteing the dude ;) I agree with you. I just don't think people shouldhate on him for wanting more people to be able to play the game and rather blame the guys signing the petition just cuz they hate the WiiU

#35 Nollog


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:56 AM


STOP Exclusive Partnership with Nintendo

Sonic fans who are not interested in have WiiU will miss at least 3 games!.
We respect your decision but we want you to please give us in the future Sonic Games for all plataforms!

[Your name]



Are you serious? Do you expect a company to take you seriously when you make such obvious grammar mistakes? I don't usually get on to people for this stuff since most stuff on the internet is just regular conversation, but if you're sending a proposal to a business you have to fix your crap. "Sonic fans who are not interested in 'have' Wii U?" A period after an exclamation point? Really? Really? You couldn't have done better? This e-mail is 3 sentences long and every one is messed up. 


The grammar isn't even the only problem. What's up with saying "We respect your decision?" If you respect their decision you have to give them reasons that their decision is logical and come up with reasons you disagree otherwise you're just blatantly adding useless words to sound friendly.  If you want people to listen to your ideas you at least have to make it sound smart.


I don't even know anything about business but 3 sentences? Really? Do you expect 3 sentences to convince people that have been sitting in multiple meetings discussing this? People that have probably already signed some legal agreement? Really? Also do they even have a goal? Did they plan exactly how many signatures they thought they'd need in order to make a difference? Do they have a plan to get that many signatures? Here's one of the reasons these petitions don't work. People have no idea what they're doing.


Bull crap. They'd listen if they got enough signatures people just don't understand what a lot of signatures are. 100,000 is not a lot. 1,000,000 is a lot. Now these guys? They're getting like 2 signatures an hour. That's not exactly a large movement.

She's Brazilian, her first language is Portuguese I believe.

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#36 kirbylover


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:33 PM

I feel sorry for sega. Look at all this crap they have to take from fanbase. Not everybody is bad but most are nowadays. In sonic 4 HE HAS green eyes  :(  :(  :( . Let's send a HATE LETTER! :angry:  :angry:  *sarcasm*



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#37 Gimbal



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:24 PM

She's Brazilian, her first language is Portuguese I believe.


Is that supposed to be an excuse?

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#38 magiciandude


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:45 PM

The 3DS could handle  generations. -_-

The Wii could handle Sonic Unleashed. 

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#39 Big Boss

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 10:07 PM

The Wii could handle Sonic Unleashed.

But we were talking about generationsssssss.

#40 Nollog


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 05:01 AM

Is that supposed to be an excuse?

Do you know Japanese?

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