WAIT! Did they actually go with always online and anti used games! I thought that was all stupid rumours!
It's official that the Xbox is not "always online", but it does require the internet to function. That's on the Xbox One FAQ. What's unclear is how often you need to connect. A day? Every hour?
And your game is connected to the hard drive and connected to your live account. Meaning, if you sell it, someone else can't use it unless they pay extra. What's unclear is how much that fee is. Someone at MS made it. Sound like its the same cost as a NEW game.
Then there is a patent with Kinnect that allows MS to charge you extra for content depending on how many body's are in the room. That isn't even being discussed. Could have been and idea scrapped or an idea being placed in the hidden box.
But this would explain why Kinnnext needs to be connected to X1 all the time.
So what happens if you don't connect it to the internet once a day?
No one knows.