I'm feeling pretty relieved having watched the launches of the PS4 and Xboxone as despite all the fear's they don't appear to be massive power leap forwards. I'm guessing that E3 will be all about Game announcement as we've pretty much covered the hardware, with the expect of what the PS4 box looks like (a glossy brick?).
I'm hoping Nintendo layout 12 months of conformed dates of triple A titles to dispel any notions that the Wii U has no games. Put all the cards on the table to make sure people know that all their favourites will be coming and when they can expect them, SSB, Zelda, Mario 3D, Wii U fit, Mario Kart, Zelda WWHD, Sonic Lost Word, Yarn Yoshi, Bayonetta 2, + all the already confirmed titles like G&W, Pikmin 3 and W101 and then the unveiling of untitled Retro Studios Project.
Basically title after title until we can take no more. oh and then a price cut.