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Ask Elric

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#561 Elric


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:17 PM

Is your avatar from the same anime as before?

Will you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, like I had to?

Yes, it is. My favorite character from it, besides another. He actually really isn't too much into the action as the other characters, but I think its the personality of the character I like the most. Probably it's because of his kindness. Seriously, this character is probably one of the purest and kindest characters I have ever seen. He makes friends with a murderer, and almost gets killed. Of course, upon finding out about this he doesn't think twice about being her friend. This is a rare personality trait in people, and even in real life I have only met a few people truly like this.

No, actually my wisdom teeth don't even exist. They did a x-ray and they have no evidence of it even under my skin waiting to grow. That's perfectly fine though, because I really don't want to be drugged. Who knows what I would say.

Did I finally get it right?

Yes. I think it would be interesting if you made a new signature sometime. But, I do like your sig. It brings a lot of almost nostalgia from the past. Oh yea, I think you should consider making a "Ask Mournblade the sorcerer" thread. I give you permission to, because there are so many questions wish to ask the sorcerer. The golden albino wizard would be intrigued if you did consider it. Besides, if anyone could make another "Ask" thread, it would be another wizard/sorcerer.

Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black?

Hard to choose. I think from what I have watched, I would say Rebecca Black. Her songs are definitely more catchy than Justin Bieber. And, she has more hits than Justin.

How can one tell weather or not they are a wizard?

It's different for everyone. Not everyone is a true wizard though. There is a difference between a wizard and a sorcerer though. As for me, I wouldn't even consider myself human, only a human shell remains. Magic is a strange thing. Sometimes, it is awakened in someone. Sometimes, beings are made pure of magic. This is my case. The only thing that separates me from this world and the world between worlds is my human form. I am actually unsure the composition of Pyro. I do know he has the same abilities of me, if not stronger and we have the tendency to compete.

Edited by Elric, 27 February 2012 - 06:21 PM.




#562 Bill Cipher

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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:18 PM

Why is everyone imitating you and HahaNo?

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#563 Elric


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:29 PM

Why is everyone imitating you and HahaNo?

It's generally fun and some people I suppose like "stealing" ideas. If Mournblade makes one, I will be truly thrilled. Seriously. I think he is totally capable of one of these threads since he is a generally interesting being. But, this is what I would advice you to do if these threads start to overpopulate:
1.) Only support the good ones. Meaning, the ones that are actually interesting and bother to give unique and good answers. I support haha-no because he is generally interesting. The "Ask Sonic" however, I can choose not to support, or support. But, I think that a limit to 4 actually good "ask" threads would be good if we got the right users to actually make them. Just think about it, my answers and perspective might be limited as I might have a lack of knowledge in it. But, with other "ask" threads, you can actually get different opinions and perspectives. I found a example earlier in a user asking about a animal. I could definitely answer this because I study animals and science. But that person didn't know. So basically what I'm saying is that not everyone has a definite or good answer to some questions so it's sometimes good to have several people to go to for a question or advice.
2). If these threads get more than say, 4 or 5 let a administer thread so they can take care of it. At the moment, we don't even know if these users will be committed to these threads or even if they will stay alive. I am carefully watching the "ask sonic" thread for this. I am not worried about LRP's thread. He is generally interesting and am sure that this will be a another great addition. Same if Mournblade does. But really, 3 "ask" threads is not bad. I remember MLP forums had like, 20. I think that if it gets more than 5, it's a problem.
Make the thread, dammit.

EDIT: Oops, got LRP and twilight sparkle mixed up. Well in this case, let's just see how this goes.

Edited by Elric, 27 February 2012 - 06:42 PM.




#564 Xiombarg


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 06:52 PM

I'll entertain the idea, maybe even answering questions in a specific manor.
Well, it seems I must ask a question now.
Do you feel any associations with any animals in a mythical sense? When I am asking this, I am asking about attachments or admiration. Take me and dragons for example, you know how I collect them.

#565 Elric


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 07:35 PM

I'll entertain the idea, maybe even answering questions in a specific manor.
Well, it seems I must ask a question now.
Do you feel any associations with any animals in a mythical sense? When I am asking this, I am asking about attachments or admiration. Take me and dragons for example, you know how I collect them.

It is quite the strange feeling. I feel I make connections with the animals I meet and have time to get to know. For example, my dog is my companion and she follows me everywhere. This might seem a little strange to you, but I would say I have a special connection with animals. For example today, the guinea pig in the class was freaking out, and just handed to me. It stopped squeaking immediately. It's almost as if animals can sense the energy you are putting out and know your nature and the way you are. The first time I went to see horses and was alone with them the one that usually doesn't associate itself with animals came up to me. I think all animals are different. For example, cats need to gain a little more trust and are typically pretty cautious when making a connection with you.




#566 PipoPito


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:56 PM

Are you SuperDarkYoshi?
Old Usernames: Pipopito, Great Mighty Poo , Pit.

#567 Elric


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 04:29 PM

Are you SuperDarkYoshi?

I was. Although I'd prefer people to remember me as Elric.




#568 aaron



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Posted 28 February 2012 - 04:39 PM

Should I change my avatar to a Dream Eater from KH DDD?

by chance

#569 Elric


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Posted 28 February 2012 - 07:30 PM

Should I change my avatar to a Dream Eater from KH DDD?

Go for it.




#570 aaron



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Posted 28 February 2012 - 07:33 PM

Go for it.

Which one though?
Should I use the good ones or bad ones?

by chance

#571 Elric


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 05:45 PM

Which one though?
Should I use the good ones or bad ones?

I kind of like the good ones better.




#572 nintendo3DS


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 05:51 PM

Why aren't you SDY anymore? Old times FTW! :P

#573 aaron



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Posted 29 February 2012 - 06:21 PM

Can I control light, fire, and move things using my mind?

by chance

#574 Elric


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Posted 29 February 2012 - 07:22 PM

Why aren't you SDY anymore? Old times FTW! :P

I've explained it in more depth in my past post, a few pages back but short story short I don't really think that the name applies to me any longer. Plus, I decided upon that name when I was 10. I think It's time I changed it.

Can I control light, fire, and move things using my mind?

That sir is up to you. I am not the one to say what you are limited to do and can't do. I suppose you would be really, really, over powered if you were abled to though. Most can't even control one thing right.




#575 Brian6330


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 05:26 PM

Do have trouble validating on my site? Want me to do it for you?

Think Mournblade will actually make a thread?
Why is "new world" still at 10% progress?

#576 Zok



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Posted 01 March 2012 - 06:19 PM

Are you a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard?

#577 Waller


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Posted 01 March 2012 - 07:20 PM

... How does Nappa look like when he becomes a Super Saiyan 3?


#578 Elric


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:56 PM

Do have trouble validating on my site? Want me to do it for you?

Think Mournblade will actually make a thread?
Why is "new world" still at 10% progress?

Yes. I never got a validation email.

I think he is considering it. The golden albino wizard would be very intrigued if he did.

Fixed. I actually am making progress on it, it is just going slow because I am trying to plot it out and make it perfect. I'm starting to continually work on it though. Even though I might finish a chapter, I won't release it until I get several finished. That way I can release one like every two or so weeks without getting input of the readers and so I don't leave them just waiting. So uh, just be patient. I promise you it will be worth the wait, because I am a perfectionist.

Are you a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard?

I am not a sorcerer. I am a wizard, and sometimes humans consider me a warlock. I don't really summon though. It doesn't interest me.

... How does Nappa look like when he becomes a Super Saiyan 3?

The image that pops into my mind when you ask that is generally humorous. I will try to find a picture for you sometime. Or request a art piece of it and show it to you when it is finished.

Edited by Elric, 02 March 2012 - 09:00 PM.




#579 chris112


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 09:09 PM

Will I ever get a girlfriend?

Edited by chris112, 02 March 2012 - 09:09 PM.

"Now Wii're playing with power!"
Posted Image

#580 Brian6330


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Posted 02 March 2012 - 09:26 PM

Validated. Will you check out the site?

Why did I accidentally reload this and delete my questions?
Can you guess the name of the poem I'll upload this weekend?

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