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#961 Elric


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 05:04 PM

Can you request it again so I can pin it?

Hey moderators, could I have this thread pinned please?

Hello, how you doing?
Is immortality a curse or a blessing?

I'm doing pretty good. I'm a little bit busy, as usual, but I am getting by.

I would say immortality is both a curse and a blessing. I think that it would have both pros and cons. A con would be you wouldn't be able to get attached to anyone unless they too were immortal. A pro could be that you could see society advance into the future and experience new experiences.




#962 Zok



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 07:09 PM


#963 Elric


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 07:58 PM


Hello, I've been wondering where you have been. I hope you decide to become active upon here again. Sorry I haven't really told you anything about being a writer on your site. If you end up having a forum, I would gladly be a moderator.




#964 Goom


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 08:04 PM

Do you have Fire Emblem Awakening? If so who is your favorite male/female character?

Posted Image

I am the hero this forum needs, but not the one it deserves.

#965 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 24 February 2013 - 04:25 AM

Elric, why?

Why are you do this? I thought you were the bro of all bros. Y?

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#966 Elric


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Posted 24 February 2013 - 11:16 AM

Do you have Fire Emblem Awakening? If so who is your favorite male/female character?

I do have Fire Emblem Awakening. I think my favorite characters are Marth and Chrom. They just seem to have the most character development.

Elric, why?

Why are you do this? I thought you were the bro of all bros. Y?

I just had to do it. I had no choice. Don't pin this on me, man.

Edited by Elric, 24 February 2013 - 11:17 AM.




#967 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 24 February 2013 - 05:13 PM

Nuu, but dey sed u did it. Y?

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#968 Waller


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Posted 24 February 2013 - 11:50 PM

Let's assume for a second you're Waller. How would you respond if Elric suddenly told you you're Elric, and asked of you to respond as Elric?

Would the USA's economy crumble if they stopped war for a hundred years?

Why is dtrexgaming trying to recruit you into his terrorist army?

Edited by Waller, 25 February 2013 - 12:45 AM.


#969 Death Stare Obama

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Posted 25 February 2013 - 12:08 AM

Are you a terrorist? and if you are have you ever murdered anyone. If you arent as a kid did you ever think about being a terrorist. Hell at any point in your life have you thought about being a terrorist

Edited by dtrexgaming, 25 February 2013 - 12:10 AM.


#970 Elric


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 04:40 PM

Nuu, but dey sed u did it. Y?

De be forcin meh tu too et. I haid nu choice.

Let's assume for a second you're Waller. How would you respond if Elric suddenly told you you're Elric, and asked of you to respond as Elric?

Would the USA's economy crumble if they stopped war for a hundred years?

Why is dtrexgaming trying to recruit you into his terrorist army?

I would try my best to attempt to answer as Elric would.

I think that it would actually start to thrive. With increased good relations with other nations, it would increase trade and thus increase commerce. I think it would also bring opportunity for more independence and technological advancement.

He probably thinks I would be a good candidate for his terrorist army.

Are you a terrorist? and if you are have you ever murdered anyone. If you arent as a kid did you ever think about being a terrorist. Hell at any point in your life have you thought about being a terrorist

I have never been a terrorist, nor have I ever thought of being a terrorist. Sorry to disappoint you.




#971 Zok



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 10:17 PM

Are you friendly?

Did I double post just then?




What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?


What would you do if someone took a Klondike bar away from you?


Only the fifth question, huh?


Will I make you squirm with the amount of questions I'm asking?


What was your favorite Super Bowl commericial?




What is your favorite pizza restaurant?


Do you think I spelled restaurant correctly the first time in the last question?


Do you like mispeeling things?


See what I did there?


C wat i did thar?


Same question?


What is your favorite TV programme?


Would you consider yourself beautiful?


Would you consider yourself ugly?


On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on the following categories (10 is better, 1 is the worst)


  • cleanliness
  • analytic skills
  • body odor
  • sense of surroundings
  • follow-through and execution of tasks
  • organization
  • patience
  • frustration management
  • social aspects
  • likability
  • speed
  • hustle
  • love of liberal arts
  • internet meme skills
  • intense gagging skills
  • writing
  • confidence
  • finger tiredness after typing answers to these questions
  • patience level after typing answers to these questions
  • curiosity as to why someone would ask these stupid questions

So are bullet points handy, or what?


Should I double-space?





What do you think of my avatar?

What do you think of my username?


Do you like Facebook?


Do you like Twitter?


Do you like Google Plus?


Do you wear a necklace or any other body adornments? Why?


What memories do you remember everyday?

#972 Elric


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:04 AM

Are you friendly?

I would consider myself friendly.
Did I double post just then?





What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?



What would you do if someone took a Klondike bar away from you?

Let them have it.

Only the fifth question, huh?

Only the fifth 

Will I make you squirm with the amount of questions I'm asking?

No amount of questions will make me squirm. 

What was your favorite Super Bowl commericial?

Didin't really watch the super bowl. 



What is your favorite pizza restaurant?

Pizza Hut. 


Do you think I spelled restaurant correctly the first time in the last question?

I think you had a little bit of trouble. It is kind of a hard word to spell. 

Do you like mispeeling things?

Can't stand it, actually. I am on a newspaper staff, so I like to correct everything that is spelled wrong. Oh, *mispelling*

See what I did there?


C wat i did thar?

O I C. 

Same question?

Same question. 

What is your favorite TV programme?

Right now it is the walking dead. I don't really watch TV much. 

Would you consider yourself beautiful?


Would you consider yourself ugly?


On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on the following categories (10 is better, 1 is the worst)


  • cleanliness10
  • analytic skills 9
  • body odor10
  • sense of surroundings8
  • follow-through and execution of tasks8
  • organization8
  • patience9
  • frustration management7.5
  • social aspects8
  • likability10
  • speed8.5
  • hustle8.5
  • love of liberal arts8
  • internet meme skills5
  • intense gagging skills5
  • writing9
  • confidence10
  • finger tiredness after typing answers to these questions10
  • patience level after typing answers to these questions9
  • curiosity as to why someone would ask these stupid questions Over 9000

So are bullet points handy, or what?

I would say they are pretty handy for you. 

Should I double-space?Yes





What do you think of my avatar?

I wonder if it is of your own creation or not. 

What do you think of my username?



Do you like Facebook?

Yea, I like it sometimes. 

Do you like Twitter?

Nope. Don't even have one. 

Do you like Google Plus?

Never tried it. 

Do you wear a necklace or any other body adornments? Why?

Wear a ring, a bracelet sometimes, and a pocket watch. Pockets watches are cool, I consider my ring good luck, and I just like my bracelet. It looks nice. 

What memories do you remember everyday?

Usually they are pretty random. 




#973 aaron



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Posted 23 April 2013 - 06:38 PM

How has life been lately Ellie?

by chance

#974 Elric


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 07:03 PM

How has life been lately Ellie?

School is finally starting to slow down and summer is beginning to be imminent. I have been planning some of the chapters for New World and my newest project. 

I have been trying to do some sketches as well as some photography. But yeah, I am starting to get a little bit less busy than I have been. So i'm pretty good. 


You guys should ask more questions. This thread has been dead for awhile. 

Edited by Elric, 24 April 2013 - 07:04 PM.




#975 White Trite Chronicles

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 07:12 PM

Why do Bronies exist?



PSN ID: TranceKujo. 


#976 dante👌


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 09:06 AM

Elric, Why is your title "Pokey"?

#977 Elric


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Posted 02 May 2013 - 03:06 PM

Why do Bronies exist?

I don't know, Trite. I just don't understand it. I've tried watching a few episodes and I saw no appeal to it whatsoever. 


I guess people just like it though because (insert stereotypical explanation of why a brony would like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic). 





Elric, Why is your title "Pokey"?

I guess I don't post that much compared to other members. Which is kind of funny, because I have been on this forum for longer than most. Maybe I enjoy poking people. 

Maybe both answers are correct. 

Edited by Elric, 02 May 2013 - 03:07 PM.




#978 Waller


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 02:51 PM

Have you ever visited /b/?


#979 dante👌


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:11 PM

elric, why are you elric

#980 Elric


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:27 AM

Have you ever visited /b/?

I haven't, nor do I ever plan to. I can only imagine what is in there *shivers*. 




elric, why are you elric


I am what I am, I cannot explain it. 




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