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My Best Buy Wii U Experience

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#1 Guy Fieri

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 05:52 PM

So, I just got back from Best Buy and the E3 Wii U demos. My thoughts, the games were good, but every thing else was handled poorly. I'm not denying that Nintendo and Best Buy tried their hardest to get things done, but it wasn't too pleasant.




Being a big Nintendo fan, I head off to Best Buy 2 hours in advance (1 to get to the Best Buy, the second hour to try and beat the crowd). I finally arrive, and see a Best Buy employee trying out Donkey Kong. No biggie, until I see the whole mob of people gathering around the demo unit. It's not my fault or the people's fault for being there so early, but they only had one demo unit, the regular one the store has. Why only one unit? It's like if Nintendo put all their E3 demos on one unit at the real E3, it just doesn't work. I do understand that there are space limits, but there was enough space for at least one more smaller demo unit.


 As I'm standing there, I didn't see any organized line, so I didn't know what was happening. I saw a table with a sign up sheet, but at the time, I thought it was for some sort of contest. Only to my surprise later that it was actually for the demos, possibly a half hour was lost, thanks for not having any notification that it was for the demos...... So after about an hour (thankfully a slot for 3D World multiplayer opened up, I originally went for Donkey Kong, which was about two hours in), I finally got to play 3D World......


 It was good, but I wasn't the Gamepad player. I was forced to use the Wii Remote, meaning I had to mesh the D-Pad to work as a control stick. It's awkward to use, and I wish I could have enjoyed the game better with proper controls. After about another half hour to an hour of walking around the store, I finally got called up for Donkey Kong. This was worse, the game was all fine and dandy....... But I had to use the Wii Remote + Nunchuck combo, which was mandatory for everyone. No Gamepad, no sideways Wii Remote. So of course I sucked at it for no controls, but it got worse.

I had another player with me, and he (without any input from me) chose a stage. It was practically nothing but barrel blasting segments (showing off the impressive camera angle gameplay), but he made all of the blasts. So I barely did anything. 



 But it did get better, I picked up an open slot for Mario Kart 8. I was the Gamepad player, and the controls were great (made sure to use the control stick, not motion). And the courses were fun, the anti gravity segments were neat, but didn't offer any control change, which is a good thing for me. So that was it, by around that time it was 6PM. All sign up sheets were filled, so I just decided to leave. Even though they considered staying open an hour longer, I wasn't gonna wait two hours for the slight chance to play some more games, and Wind Waker (which I couldn't play). I think the concept of a sign up sheet was good and bad. The good being that people could wander around the store while waiting, the bad being that it was filled up quickly, literally a half hour after the shebang started no less. Plus, each demo was expected to last 7 minutes. But the only one I saw end on you was Zelda. With Mario Kart being pretty close to the 7 minute mark. But 3D World and DK only let you play one level, which lasted about 2 minutes per game. So some people got the short end of the stick. 



So in summary (AKA Too long didn't read) here's my complaints.


1. Control schemes were meh for 3D World and Donkey Kong (obviously the final games will fix this issue) because of the controllers.


2. Sign in sheet caused some confusion and difficulties, plus the wait times could be up to an hour


3. Some demos were over before they started.


I also had two minor gripes that are pretty much issues for me. Being nowhere to sit, and that I barely played DK because the other player took over the level.




Now, the event wasn't 100% bad. All the demos themselves were fine. Plus the free Luigi loot was awesome (I got a Luigi hat, Mario Kart flag, and two Year of Luigi coins. Along with a pamphlet shaped like the Animal Crossing leaf for Nintendo's E3 press site). The sign in sheet table also had two 3DS units tethered to them. Which were handy so you could do something while waiting.



 In summary, I'd give the event a 5 or 6 out of ten. There was some good stuff, but the atrocious wait times and lack of multiple demo units just screams a rushed event.





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#2 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 06:02 PM

Hmmm, the control issues trouble me... Hopefully Ninty addresses them before launch. What worries me is they might delay to fix the controls and pretty up the games..


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 12 June 2013 - 06:03 PM

Cool story, thanks for sharing.


I think devs noted for both Donkey Kong and Mario World that pro controllers, gamepad (of course), wii motes etc will be able to be used.

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#4 Guy Fieri

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 06:11 PM

Hmmm, the control issues trouble me... Hopefully Ninty addresses them before launch. What worries me is they might delay to fix the controls and pretty up the games..


The control issues were only for the demos. screenshots for Tropical Freeze show that the Gamepad and sideways Wii Remote will be usable. But oddly enough weren't used for the demo. Same goes for 3D World, as the Pro Controller will be usable in the final game for at least multiplayer. Nintendo probably didn't want to offer multiple control schemes for a demo.


By the way, here's the DK level I was playing. As you can see, there's very little platforming segments, and more barrel blasting. So since the other guy did 95% off the barrel blasts, I was left with barely a minute of actual gameplay.

#5 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 06:16 PM

The control issues were only for the demos. screenshots for Tropical Freeze show that the Gamepad and sideways Wii Remote will be usable. But oddly enough weren't used for the demo. Same goes for 3D World, as the Pro Controller will be usable in the final game for at least multiplayer. Nintendo probably didn't want to offer multiple control schemes for a demo.
By the way, here's the DK level I was playing. As you can see, there's very little platforming segments, and more barrel blasting. So since the other guy did 95% off the barrel blasts, I was left with barely a minute of actual gameplay.

i would be sooooooo upset if that happened! I would demand I get to actually play a level!


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#6 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 06:33 PM


I still think the demos should have been on the eShop, I mean who wants to go out in the daylight really?

#7 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 07:06 PM

I got a free 20 dollar eshop card for coming so far and I got to play more than one demo people at my Best Buy only got to play 1 a piece it was so packed.

#8 Guy Fieri

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 07:18 PM

I got a free 20 dollar eshop card for coming so far and I got to play more than one demo people at my Best Buy only got to play 1 a piece it was so packed.


I had to travel about an hour and a half to the Best Buy, so maybe on Saturday (if I go) I'll ask for the same compensation. Especially when today only let me play for about 2 minutes compared to the 45 min - 1 hour wait per demo.

Edited by Firejonie, 12 June 2013 - 07:18 PM.

#9 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 07:22 PM

I had to travel about an hour and a half to the Best Buy, so maybe on Saturday (if I go) I'll ask for the same compensation. Especially when today only let me play for about 2 minutes compared to the 45 min - 1 hour wait per demo.

The lady at the booth went to best buy store and bought the card and gave it to me so idk if it was planned or what. I loved the new Mario too it played very well.

#10 Julio93


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 07:25 PM

They shouldn't have done the whole best buy thing, I mean why not for the Eshop for like 3 tries? Project X Zone has that and that's coming really soon.



#11 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 07:27 PM

They shouldn't have done the whole best buy thing, I mean why not for the Eshop for like 3 tries? Project X Zone has that and that's coming really soon.

My best buy experience was like the real deal it felt like E3 and everything. We had a huge display im sorry other people didnt like it.

#12 CrimsonDivine


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 08:29 PM

My local best buy had a huge booth setup and there were only about 50 people there so everybody got to try everything. Lu's there were multiple booths for each game.


#13 Big Boss

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 08:48 PM

Everything went fine for me. The Nintendo rep handled everything well, explaining that control schemes would be fixed, helping in games, sharing stories of meeting Miyamoto and such. Games looked great, played great, had a few bugs due to the fact they were unfinished.

Rep told us the reason they weren't being made available is because the builds are kind of unstable. Nintendo doesn't want to risk freezes and bricks and such. We actually had a freeze, so I believe him.

#14 Guy Fieri

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 09:06 PM

Man, everyone else seems to have had a better experience than I have, hope you all had a good time. I'll be planning to return on Saturday and have some strategic plans to help me make sure that everything goes better than today. I'll be trying to arrive a few minutes before opening, with my 3DS and other handhelds in tow to keep my interested in case of the 40 minute waits. I'll try to explain the problem with having a 2 minute session on Mario/DK, since a 2 minute session for a 40+ minute wait is a complete joke. I should at least be able to try 2 levels. Might even try to persuade some people to choose levels I haven't played yet, despite the Nintendo employees saying "Oh well level 2-1 is best for beginners". I'll search the store for the sign up sheet, and see how many games I can get signed up for. I don't know everything I'll do, but I'll have a plan. 



 Oh the things I'm doing for Saturday, better work out as planned. Saturday is probably gonna have a lot more people, making my plan even more crucial for success. 

Edited by Firejonie, 12 June 2013 - 09:08 PM.

#15 Abcdude


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 09:31 PM

Nice story, but like others have said, why the hell didn't nintendo release these as demos on the eshop?


#16 Guy Fieri

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:20 PM

Nice story, but like others have said, why the hell didn't nintendo release these as demos on the eshop?


Most of the speculation for why the demos haven't released on the eShop are because Nintendo wants attention to be stirred. Having non Wii U owners try the games out, and having big Nintendo fans there will stir more attention. Plus, E3 demo builds are usually incomplete and buggy. So it might be harmful to your console if the game were to freeze or crash, considering the demos may/may not be running on dev kits, and having a "complete" demo with bug fixes and not running on a dev kit/demo kit would require way too much time and effort for just a demo.

Edited by Firejonie, 12 June 2013 - 10:21 PM.

#17 AdmiralClassy


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:01 AM

Sounds organised :/

Hopefully something like this will come to the uk, though I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen, they'd just ignore the town I live in.

Anyway if those demos do come to the uk I'll at least know to head there incredibly early. 

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#18 NintendoReport



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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:07 AM

Nice story, but like others have said, why the hell didn't nintendo release these as demos on the eshop?


Big Boss answered your post a couple posts prior to yours. There is more work to be done on these games. Think of them as still in a late beta.



Rep told us the reason they weren't being made available is because the builds are kind of unstable. Nintendo doesn't want to risk freezes and bricks and such. We actually had a freeze, so I believe him.


Edited by Sorceror12, 13 June 2013 - 06:09 AM.

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#19 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:16 AM

I'm gonna go on my Birthday this Saturday. My priorities are Wind Waker, Mario Kart, 3D Mario, then Donkey Kong. Hopefully things go smoothly, because not a lot of people who live near me care too much about the Wii U. It's also 15 minutes away from my house, so even if it does suck, it won't be a big waste of my time. Maybe I can use this opportunity to convince my mom to get me this for my birthday. :D

Edited by TheUltimateWaddleDee, 13 June 2013 - 06:17 AM.

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#20 Goodtwin


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 06:33 AM

Nintendo should start putting these demo's up on the eshop.  That would be the best way to get people excited for them.  I think its working for Rayman Legends. 

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