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Electronic Arts will resume full support for Wii U when it "becomes a viable

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#21 ameritt



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Posted 15 June 2013 - 08:00 PM

EA is a business. Yes, they are unreasonable sometimes, and some of their employees have big mouths, but some people need to stop being butthurt because they wouldn't make their games for Wii U. Yes, it sucks, but from a business standpoint, it makes sense. EA's sports games have always had trouble selling on Nintendo consoles. They aren't putting them on because a lot of us (including me, because I personally don't like sports games) didn't buy them. I don't blame them. The install base isn't large enough to have a big enough number of Nintendo sports fans to actually make money yet. And out of most of the games they ported over were just that. Ports. They weren't bad. Actually, EA's games are currently some of the highest rated games for the Wii U on the internet. We just didn't buy them. I don't blame EA for not putting stuff on the Wii U at all. Am I happy about it? No. Do I think from a business standpoint, it's smart of them? Yes. Do I think Nintendo is doomed? No.


And for everyone saying "But the XDONE AND PS4 DON'T HAVE ANY BASE YET LOL EA"


For both consoles, I can guarantee that they will sell more of EA's games on launch than the Wii U has currently. It's just the type of people that buy Nintendo consoles at launch and the type of people that buy MS and Sony consoles at launch. They're different.

#22 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 10:31 PM

EA seems to be providing all the funny as hell news at the moment, comes to something when your company is reduced to a laughing stock.........

#23 AndyG


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Posted 16 June 2013 - 01:35 AM

EA can't expect to receive good sales on WiiU if all there gonna do is release a buggy, watered down copy of the same game available on other platforms with much larger user bases for the fraction of the cost along with full DLC support (and by DLC i mean the rest of the game). More games means more sales, it's not rocket science EA.

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#24 DéliopT



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Posted 16 June 2013 - 06:53 AM

Can`t blame EA - or anyone, for that matter - to not bet everything on a platform that hasn`t got a userbase for their expectations.



#25 Desert Punk

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Posted 16 June 2013 - 09:05 AM

Wii u hardware sales have stalled currently. Nintendo are going for a big christmas promotion, likely a price cut with a bundled game and if that sells a lot of wii u consoles then the major publishers will start developing again but the result of that will be late 2014 I guess when they hit retail apart from more simplistic games with short development periods.


PS4 and Xbox one are being treated differently as they are expected to sell higher hardware numbers and be bought by users with higher disposable incomes (older gamers) who buy the more major titles. Publishers are expecting these consoles to sell better than wii u.


Of course we don't know how ps4 and xbox one will sell. At the beginning you often have a huge number sold like wii u but then after the early adopters its difficult to keep sales rolling. Neither console offers backwards compatibility so the library of games will be low for sometime and they are even more expensive consoles. However I think its fair to say there is a buzz about ps4 currently and most are expecting that to do very well.


I think Nintendo will push again for the casual crowd to buy wii u. Their current marketing has been weak. They are even stopping the video channel on wii which they could have used to solely promote wii u. I don't get their decisions recently.


I'm not a Nintendo loyalist though I just love games. If NIntendo are forced into lowering prices to increase market share or wii u titles are quickly discounted because of low sales then I'll be paying less for games which is good. A 3 way console war is great for consumers, it means plenty of discounts. Although that won't help me with the xbone games because I'm not interested in that console at all. I'm hoping it will offer some competition to the ps4 though so Sony keeps its prices low.


We don't want to see an outright winner that is for sure. Sorry to take the thread off track a bit.


Even if EA goes back to developing games for wii u they will likely be ports from the 360/PS3 versions of games running at the same level of performance approximately. Do we even need those games on wii u. Unless such games make heavy use of the gamepad to enhance gameplay I will be more interested in the ps4 version of such games. Also if they are using an engine not currently written for wii u someone has to adapt it to the wii u first. That won't be easy if the engine is expecting higher cpu performance and routines have to be written to maximise the amount of work done by the gpu.
The poing is will there be consumer demand for weak wii u versions of games that perform at the same level as ps3/360? I personally don't think much demand will ever be there even if the wii u sells a lot of consoles. I think the main wii u audience will be the casual crowd and people that love NIntendo games. It's a younger, more family friendly audience really.


I think realistically at best is we see EA casual games for wii u late in 2014 if the wii u market share recovers and I don't think this is that important to wii u success.

#26 Alianjaro



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Posted 16 June 2013 - 12:14 PM

Well, it is a business, an people need to be paid, so they need to make money. Why does no one get that here?

Because, although this is what a business is about, it has to show otherwise. You think Samsung is about making Earth a better place with technology? It's not, it's for money, but do they tell you that? No, they don't. It's something you can't say to customers.


This is how business goes (usually):


"I sell TVs to let people stay informed and for their entertainement."


True meaning:


"I sell TVs to make money."


Saying it the second way is a big turn off to most consumers.

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#27 Gamejunkie



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Posted 16 June 2013 - 12:43 PM

EA is a business. Yes, they are unreasonable sometimes, and some of their employees have big mouths, but some people need to stop being butthurt because they wouldn't make their games for Wii U. Yes, it sucks, but from a business standpoint, it makes sense. EA's sports games have always had trouble selling on Nintendo consoles. They aren't putting them on because a lot of us (including me, because I personally don't like sports games) didn't buy them. I don't blame them. The install base isn't large enough to have a big enough number of Nintendo sports fans to actually make money yet. And out of most of the games they ported over were just that. Ports. They weren't bad. Actually, EA's games are currently some of the highest rated games for the Wii U on the internet. We just didn't buy them. I don't blame EA for not putting stuff on the Wii U at all. Am I happy about it? No. Do I think from a business standpoint, it's smart of them? Yes. Do I think Nintendo is doomed? No.
And for everyone saying "But the XDONE AND PS4 DON'T HAVE ANY BASE YET LOL EA"
For both consoles, I can guarantee that they will sell more of EA's games on launch than the Wii U has currently. It's just the type of people that buy Nintendo consoles at launch and the type of people that buy MS and Sony consoles at launch. They're different.

Pretty much what I was going to say.

I'm thinking that by viable they mean when it has a higher install base.
And they expect the PS4 and One to have a higher install base before they're even out?
They're delusional.

Its not EA who is delusional but some of the people here who just want EA games on the Wii U despite whether it makes business sense for them or not. Also if you think the PS4 and Xbox One won't sell well and significantly better then the Wii U then you're mistaken. Those consoles appeal to hardcore gamers and those with higher disposable incomes more then the Wii U does. Yes developers and publishers are hedging their bets but their games have a better chance of being successful on those consoles then the Wii U.

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