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Defending the Xbox One against the hate

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#41 routerbad



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 11:30 AM


1. And what the NSA is doing isn't illegal? And Microsoft wasn't participating?
2. "require DRM" doesn't even make sense. They went back on their 10 person family sharing, why don't you mention that? And you can't loan digitally purchased games anymore either, where is your comment on that?
3. The best online feature the 360 had is multiplayer, period. The XBox Live paywall forces you to pay $60/yr even if you already pay for netflix - lame. 
4. I had a Kinect with my 360, guess how many times I played Kinect games? Once and returned them - talk about a crappy gimmick. As for voice commands, yeah I tried that in Forza Horizon, it's entirely pointless. I dont want a Kinect again, it has no purpose for me. 
5. Yeah Sony has more; even the PS3 from 2010-2013 they had about 3 times as many as the Xbox 360.
6. Sony has Ustream (share button built into the controller), and TV Tuner is another gimmick. I dont use TVii on the Wii U, and I wouldn't use the dumb TV Tuner on the XBox One either. 
7. $100+$60 for the XBox Live Gold membership to use any of the online features. Make it $399 and take out the Kinect requirement and I'd buy one. 
8. The Wii U doesn't have great 3rd party support, not sure who you're trying to argue with there.. it's pretty apparent. But hopefully going into 2014 that will change. I like how instead of comparing the XBox One to the PS4, you took a dig at the Wii U because you knew the PS4 has better 3rd party support than the XBox One. 
I was a huge 360 fan, had a PS3 that I never really played because I preferred the 360 controller. But I lost faith in Microsoft when they lost sight of what consumers were wanting and asking for. Instead of developing all these DRM features, they could have innovated further. Who knows, maybe if they hadnt wasted millions on implementing their policies, they could have reduced the cost of the XBox One. Now they've already written the code, but they're going back on it and having to turn it all off. Waste of time and money on Microsoft's part. We as consumers pay the price for their mistake. 
I am buying a PS4 because I like their game lineup better, they have more original IPs and better 3rd party support. They also have the PSVita which will be able to play any PS4 game (that doesnt require the PS Eye) streamed from your PS4 - that is AWESOME similar to the Wii U.


Actually, what the NSA was doing was perfectly legal.  Unethical, but legal.  Microsoft has no choice but to participate, only non US companies can outright decline.


Otherwise I agree with your points.

#42 bornsupercharged



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 11:37 AM

Actually, what the NSA was doing was perfectly legal.  Unethical, but legal.  Microsoft has no choice but to participate, only non US companies can outright decline.


Otherwise I agree with your points.

"Article VI of the Constitution requires that all US laws comply with the Constitution. Regardless if Congress has been approving these illegal searches, they are clear violations of the 4th Amendment and therefore the empowering laws are invalid."


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#43 routerbad



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 11:43 AM

"Article VI of the Constitution requires that all US laws comply with the Constitution. Regardless if Congress has been approving these illegal searches, they are clear violations of the 4th Amendment and therefore the empowering laws are invalid."


Wiretapping involving US citizens requires a warrant.  Obtaining location and call data requires a warrant.  FISA allows limited intelligence gathering by removing the need to obtain a warrant for international calls.


I'm not defending it, I think its unethical and should be stricken from the books.  It is, however, legal.  Until the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of the bill.

#44 bornsupercharged



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 11:59 AM

We'll have to agree to disagree, because the NSA's actions are entirely illegal. 

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#45 routerbad



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 12:23 PM

We'll have to agree to disagree, because the NSA's actions are entirely illegal. 

We can disagree on a great many things, but the fact of the matter is that based on current law, which remains unchallenged by the Judiciary system, it is legal.  Unless more information comes out that makes it clear that their actions were outside the scope of FISA, its the unfortunate truth.

#46 ChrizAkaTheMole



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 01:08 PM

1. It does not spy in your living room,That would be highly illegal in many countries


Agreed, This is/was stupid argument. It has a camera it must spy on me!  Wiiu has a camera too and Ps4 yet they not game the same thing.



2. It plays used games and doesn't require DRM...Y U NO HAPPY YET?!?!?


I'm happy for xbox fans. I just dont like their exclusives or the pad personally so it's not for me. However if others like it, that's ok.




3. Great online features. The Xbox 360 featured some of the best online features around and it's sure to follow.


I agree it did but they were not "OMG amazing" to me. However Xbox one has dedicated multiplayer servers. That is a huge and great feature!




4. NOT EVERY GAME IS A MOTION GAME. The Kinect is being used mainly for voice commands.


I agree. I say the same defence of the Wii and Wiiu



5. Still plenty of IPs. Killer Instinct,Dead Rising 3,Ryse,Sunset Overdrive,and more to come.


Killer Instinct + Project Spark = great. The rest are not for me. (Though dead rising 3 would be if it was Frank)




6. Tons of features (Twitch,TV Tuner,etc.). I already wen't over that it had exclusives games. It has cool features too such as....Well about everything.


These are after thoughts for me personally. I buy games consoles to play games not watch tv ect... but the streaming idea is good but that is in ps4 too.




7. Decent price. It's only $100 more than the PS4. Calm down guys.


I personally agree, however to some people $100 is a make or break diffrence due to less money , poor ecomony ect... so i can see both sides.



8. Great 3RD party support. Something the Wii U lacks. Let the hate begin.


I 100% agree with this. My issue with them would be pad as to me pad is uncomftable. (Ps1 to 3 pad = best ever IMO) However great support.




I agree people should not "hate" it now there is no reason too. Dislike it personally as it doesn't intrest you? That is okay, but be happy for those out there that wil enjoy the system and honestly it's great for everyone as say a game on it sells 1-million coppies that gives the comany who make it more $$$ to make more games. I


#47 tboss



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 01:14 PM

M$ learned not to do DRM. The extra 100 is cloud+ kenect online will probly cost more than sony too. Cloud should do fine for storage but computing for very spacific tasks and requiring good internet 50mb+ prefered. As for power it wont matter between all 3 systems. M$ is the onlyone faking power using a pc 4-8x more expensive and10x more powerful for demos. But now they are overall okay

#48 XxNightfallxX



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Posted 20 June 2013 - 02:45 PM

I simply dislike the xbox one (despite the fact that they are undoing what they were previously trying to do) because of problems I had with their previous console so I lost interest in whatever they are working on afterwards, but then again the only console I did like from Microsoft was the original Xbox.  


Even if the Xbox one never had any negative publicity and was considered the best console in the world, I still wouldn't have been interested.  Its just personal preference on my part.  I guess one bad personal experience soured my opinions about them and the former negative publicity about their latest console didn't help things either.

Edited by XxNightfallxX, 20 June 2013 - 02:46 PM.

#49 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 06:08 PM

Actually, the kinect CAN spy on you if you consent to it in an eula.

And ms would most definitely mske you click "ok" or "I agree" or whatever to make it so if they go that route.

It's only illegal if you aren't informed and if you don't agree.

#50 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 20 June 2013 - 08:57 PM

Just think about it, once the Xbox One has an install base and people have actually brought the machine Microsoft could actually change the policies back with a simple update just like the day one update to disable them, and if the last few weeks are anything to go by Microsoft has proven to many people what kind of company they are, not only do I feel that Sony has the better and cheaper console, in terms of security and privacy I think thier console safer too. The way that Microsoft is going as a company plus selling your info to other companies it kind of makes me want to get rid of Windows as well for Linux or something, in all honesty I want nothing to do with them ever again.

#51 DexterousGecko


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Posted 21 June 2013 - 05:33 AM

for me it is all about the arrogance MS showed with their presentation. It is similar to Apple. They act like they are doing us a favor with these restrictions and that they know what is best for us. It's insulting, and I won't on principle support them. It's the same thing with EA. I don't care if they take over zenimax studios and all my other favorite game companies. I won't be buying another EA game again. Same thing with MS. Until they publicly apologize for their insulting behavior, I won't support the new xbox.

#52 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:51 AM

Just because I used uppercase characters?

How shallow.

Your points are not valid as they're not relevant to anything.

The best point you have is you should pay $500 for the same thing that you have right now on the 360.

Wow two people liked that comment so I need a comeback.Let me state the obvious....The Xbone isn't the same thing as the 360!

We'll have to agree to disagree, because the NSA's actions are entirely illegal. 

How can one simply compare MS to the NSA?


#53 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:59 AM

Why are people trying to argue this! People have different opinions! Saturn likes the X1, I know almost everyone else hates it, but stop trying to convince him otherwise, he is not going to change his opinion because of someone on the Internet.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#54 Nollog


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 10:13 AM

Why are people trying to argue this! People have different opinions! Saturn likes the X1, I know almost everyone else hates it, but stop trying to convince him otherwise, he is not going to change his opinion because of someone on the Internet.

You've got it in reverse. He's trying to convert us.


He made the thread not us.

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#55 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 10:34 AM

You've got it in reverse. He's trying to convert us.
He made the thread not us.

I think I got only 1/2 of it. Everyone is trying to convert everyone, and it is pointless. Although you are right he did start the thread, but this is only aimless arguing that wont have an end.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#56 Nollog


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 10:39 AM

I think I got only 1/2 of it. Everyone is trying to convert everyone, and it is pointless. Although you are right he did start the thread, but this is only aimless arguing that wont have an end.

Forums are for discussions, discussions often feature a clash of ideals.

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#57 Distractionwolf


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 05:21 AM

The video game industry is not the tuna packaging industry. Gamers, especially us, those of us passionate about games to spend a portion of our lives, however small or large, not only playing them but coming to forums like this one to discuss them, watching videos and reading articles about them, reviewing and creating articles ourselves, and for some of us even trying our hand at development, have a special connection to our consoles, the companies, and the industry. Even people not quite at that level have a more serious connection to their console than they do a can of tuna.


Part of that is the investment we make - these things aren't cheap. But the art form is a unique interactive experience and because of the way consoles and developers are set up we put a great amount of trust in them to deliver us content and quality. We trust them not to BONE us.


The reason why I will not be getting an xbox one, or even briefly considering it, is because Microsoft betrayed my trust before they even released the console. Their attempts to destroy Gamestop at the expense of the gamer is the equivalent to poisioning a towns water supply to kill a pest infestation. No they didn't do it, they backed off, because we pointed a proverbial gun at their heads. We said not only no, but hell no. You do this and we won't buy, and you can pack up your things and leave this market.


I'm proud of my fellow gamers for standing up to Microsoft's BS and especially proud that it worked. But as for me the fact that they came so incredibly close to implementing some of these things means they are out of the question. Yes I understand they want to protect their investments but there are other ways to do it and if it was really vital they wouldn't have backed off. We should not have needed to threaten Microsoft to resolve this. I get that this kind of thing is going to get discussed, but it never should have left the confines of a conference room at Microsoft HQ. The stub nosed snot headed green tooth that came up with this should have been shot down behind cement walls and it never should have gone so far as into development and definitely not the show room floor, that's where my trust died.


Sorry. I really liked the original xbox. 360 was hit or miss but not bad guys. You're just not the hardware developer you were in 2001. Don't take this the wrong way, but I kind of hope you drown.


Then it would be a two party war because see with PS4 targeting its core demographic and... oh...hi Apple *giggles* is that a new controller design your getting a patent for? Its smexy..

Edited by Distractionwolf, 23 June 2013 - 05:25 AM.

#58 White Trite Chronicles

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Posted 23 June 2013 - 05:28 AM

It comes with a lot of TV features and a Spynet Kinect, for starters.


I would've said Skynet kinect, but everyone's already made that joke before.



PSN ID: TranceKujo. 


#59 bornsupercharged



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Posted 23 June 2013 - 05:39 AM

Then it would be a two party war because see with PS4 targeting its core demographic and... oh...hi Apple *giggles* is that a new controller design your getting a patent for? Its smexy..

While I agreed with a lot of what you said, it's mind boggling that you will diss Microsoft for DRM and then say hi to Apple.. gaming on a theoretical "Apple console" would most definitely be all digital and you'd be locked into their app store, where only games they approved would be allowed. Apple has the worst DRM policies and are VERY unfriendly to mature content, which a lot of video games these days have. There's no way Apple can compete in the console video game market, only Apple fanboys would buy their crap. 

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#60 Distractionwolf


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Posted 23 June 2013 - 05:44 AM

While I agreed with a lot of what you said, it's mind boggling that you will diss Microsoft for DRM and then say hi to Apple.. gaming on a theoretical "Apple console" would most definitely be all digital and you'd be locked into their app store, where only games they approved would be allowed. Apple has the worst DRM policies and are VERY unfriendly to mature content, which a lot of video games these days have. There's no way Apple can compete in the console video game market, only Apple fanboys would buy their crap. 


lol yeah I know that was the joke I was making really, kind of playing on how fickle we can be despite how serious we take our games and the industry in general. Its important you posted that though because on a forum, every joke HAS to be explained. lol, not even being sarcastic.

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