I hope you will remember everything you just said when you find yourself coming across a feral cat. Maybe you can set an example by being nice to it by picking it up and petting it.
Boy, after the things ive lived through, a feral cat is a walk in the park. And that was just to help pay for college.
If there is no other way (which there are many, many, many, ways, ESPECIALLY if you drive around in a truck full of equipment for subduing and transporting wild animals) Ill kill the damn thing with my bare hands before i open fire in a residential neighborhood. But this was NOT a pack of feral cats. It was a litter of 8 week old kittens that werent even old enough to run away.
A litter of 8 week old kittens dumped in the woods? Thats an all expense paid trip to disney land.
This, is an 8 week old kitten. No matter how disease ridden, it is safer to all human beings around to remove it than to open fire in a neighborhood full of people.
Now an idiot Redneck humane officer obviously lacking proper training who thinks hes a cop discharging rounds in a neighborhood backyard?
THATS dangerous and could have easily killed bystanders in nearby houses.
Although nowhere near as dangerous as some little terd sociopath advocating MURDER over a difference of opinion. Ask Germany how that fun story goes.
You DO realize you did that right? You said this woman should be MURDERED; shot in the head, because she didnt think a humane officer was going to shoot 8 week old kittens in her back yard.