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Pachter: “Why Would Anybody Buy A Wii U?”

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#21 XxNightfallxX



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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:55 PM

I bought the Wii U because I can and have no regrets

#22 LinkKennedy


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 12:01 AM

The problem for me with the Wiiu is longevity, will it last 10 years against ps4/x1. Looking at the wii,ps3,360 those systems lasted nearly 7 to 8 years and I've read the ps4/x1 might last 10. So looking at that I just can't see the Wiiu competing but then again the Wii was so successful the big N can afford a failed system. obviously this falls in line with what Patcher is saying the Wiiu will likely have weak 3rd party support because most gamers who are going to buy the system are buying it as a secondary system. Others who buy consoles just to buy one will skip it due to just being a gaming system unlike ps4/1.

Also the Wiiu is very weak compared to its contemporarys, and that will show in time. That basically means some developers won't be with Nintendo in a year or 2 due to being able to fulfil their vision fluently and in a much stronger system.

Now if the Wiiu fails which I think it will considering how successful the wii was, what then happens to Nintendo? I think they survive it, too many dudes saying their dead without thinking lol. Nintendo has a ton of money they can afford a loss similar to the gamecube. Also no sells and no 3rd party support doesn't mean the system wont have its share of great games in fact I want a ton of them like X, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., etc. It just means the console will fail to reach a broader audience like the Wii did, and this is why Patcher keeps stressing that Nintendo will fall after this console generation which is an exaggeration. This guy is full of good points that lead him to shout a bunch of hyperboles making him look cartoonish sometimes.

#23 magiciandude


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 01:51 AM

I see Pachter is off his meds again.

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 02:40 AM

Me: “Why Would Anybody Listen To Pachter?”

Edited by xBASSxMONSTAx, 06 July 2013 - 02:40 AM.

#25 Rockodoodle


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 10:31 AM

I agree that the Wii u is transitional, but it will last as long as any other system. The Wii came out in 06 or 07, so I'd guess there will be a new system in 2018. I think has enough "power" to last a while.

#26 3Dude



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Posted 06 July 2013 - 11:32 AM

The problem for me with the Wiiu is longevity, will it last 10 years against ps4/x1. Looking at the wii,ps3,360 those systems lasted nearly 7 to 8 years and I've read the ps4/x1 might last 10. So looking at that I just can't see the Wiiu competing but then again the Wii was so successful the big N can afford a failed system. obviously this falls in line with what Patcher is saying the Wiiu will likely have weak 3rd party support because most gamers who are going to buy the system are buying it as a secondary system. Others who buy consoles just to buy one will skip it due to just being a gaming system unlike ps4/1.

Also the Wiiu is very weak compared to its contemporarys, and that will show in time. That basically means some developers won't be with Nintendo in a year or 2 due to being able to fulfil their vision fluently and in a much stronger system.

Now if the Wiiu fails which I think it will considering how successful the wii was, what then happens to Nintendo? I think they survive it, too many dudes saying their dead without thinking lol. Nintendo has a ton of money they can afford a loss similar to the gamecube. Also no sells and no 3rd party support doesn't mean the system wont have its share of great games in fact I want a ton of them like X, Mario Kart, Smash Bros., etc. It just means the console will fail to reach a broader audience like the Wii did, and this is why Patcher keeps stressing that Nintendo will fall after this console generation which is an exaggeration. This guy is full of good points that lead him to shout a bunch of hyperboles making him look cartoonish sometimes.

The ps360 didnt 'last 7 years'
It was a bloated disgusting homegenized corpse festering 2 years past its expiration date because idiot publishers and hw manufacturers dug themselves into a hole.



#27 Nintyfan86



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Posted 06 July 2013 - 10:23 PM

The ps360 didnt 'last 7 years'It was a bloated disgusting homegenized corpse festering 2 years past its expiration date because idiot publishers and hw manufacturers dug themselves into a hole.

It appears publishers are still doing it. They are trying to make sequences of games with little innovation. The industry is in free fall with software sales, yet they persist.

I am really hoping an indie dev, or better yet, several, revolutionize gaming this gen. It really needs a reboot.

#28 Klobb



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Posted 06 July 2013 - 11:41 PM

I think the Wii U will be fine as long as people continue to hate Microsoft.

If you think Smogon ban stuff

"Just because they can't beat it"

You clearly don't play OU

You clearly have no knowledge of the metagame

And you clearly don't deserve to have an opinion.

#29 Cozmo


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Posted 07 July 2013 - 12:31 PM

Some one one here showed me a videonabout how people were worrying about Nintendo when Sega was coming out and we all know how that turned out so I'm not too worried.

#30 IvyT



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Posted 08 July 2013 - 09:59 AM

I just bought mine last week and I have no regrets, even though I already own a PS3. It's not really in my plans to get a PS4 now that I have a Wii U. I don't have that many games yet, but the few I have have been the most fun I've had in years, so I'm assuming any third-party game I might want will probably see a PS3 or Wii U version and if it doesn't... well, still have the Wii's entire catalog to play yet AND all the first-party exclusives coming to the Wii U.


You can't get experiences like you have on Nintendo's games on the Playstation or the Xbox, but you can have the same bland, overrated experiences you have on the Playstation and the Xbox on the Wii U. 


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