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What makes a hardcore gamer?

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#21 syks-1


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 05:04 AM

Someone whos very sad,someone that sits in playing games non stop,someone who has nothing else and cares for not much else but games,someone who has games on there mind 24/7


i used to be one but glad im not now lol

#22 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 10:38 AM

Yes, because that's obviously what I said.




I have to disagree with you because if call of duty is casual so is smash bros and neither of them are casual they can be played casually but there are tournaments and people winning large amounts of money from mastering both of these games


What I mean is I hate how kids claim you are hardcore if you play CoD!



Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash

#23 wombateer


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 11:31 AM

Practice, and not going out to play in the sunshine, (when it sunshines in the UK) but opting to stay inside and get a few more headshots instead. :)

Edited by wombateer, 16 July 2013 - 11:32 AM.

#24 DexterousGecko


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Posted 16 July 2013 - 12:56 PM

for me a hardcore gamer is someone who not just spends a lot of there time playing games, but they think about games. I have some different examples


1st. Dark Souls (which is widely considered "hardcore") - the hardcore player not just plays through the game, they aren't 100 percent content until they can beat each enemy without being hurt, try a number of different builds.


2nd. Mario Kart (considered "casual" by a lot of people) - the hardcore player doesn't just play with his buddies once in a while, but knows the strengths and weaknesses of each character, knows all the secrets, and knows the correct racing lines to have the best time.


hardcore to me doesn't just apply to gaming. It's a state of mind in while someone wants to really get better at something. I was a hardcore guitarist a couple of years back, spent 6 to 8 hours a day just playing, trying new things, copying professionals, etc. Anything can be "hardcore".


Although, I don't like it when people say there is no hardcore or casual. Sure there is! lol. My sister plays gaia online(is that the right name? idk) plays like 20 mins a day, chats with her friends on it. She is very much a casual gamer. Me? I spend hours on games, checking out new strategies, watching videos of very good players, etc. Call me no life, I don't mind, right now gaming is my hobby, and that's fine. In a year or two I'll be heading overseas again, and my hobby will change to something else!

#25 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:40 AM

I hate the term "hardcore gameer", dunno why, I just do.

#26 Mitch



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:44 AM

I hate the term "hardcore gameer", dunno why, I just do.



I agree....


It has a very toolish vegetagy tone to it...




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Posted 17 July 2013 - 01:42 PM

I think it is important to distinguish between A Hard Core Gamer / A Hard Core Game. To me a hard core gamer is one who loves video games and plays them a lot. Video games are a part of their life ... They play them, they research them, they talk about them, they may collect them, they are passionate about them.

To me, that is very different than someone who does not care much about video games but may enjoy playing them on occasion. Games to these "casual" gamers do not impact their lives as much and most of the time they play games to kill time, such as playing a game on their phone while waiting on line in a store or they play a console game because they are at a friends house, but they do not own a gaming console themselves and don't feel they want or need one.

A hard core game these days has come to mean adult themed ... Sex, violence, curse words, intricate mechanics beyond a child's comprehension. A hard core game can also be one that is very unforgiving and difficult.

In my previous post I was trying to point out that Mario Games are both hard core and casual at the same time.

Casual because they are kiddie in terms of graphics (no blood or gore), they offer many 1ups, if you die in a level enough, Luigi may show up to guide you through a level or you may have the option to be invincible the entire level, they offer instant saves, they offer check points.

Mario Games are thought of as completely casual games by gamers who consider themselves Hard Core Gamers. These people might say ... Mario is too kiddie for me, I want to kill someone and see the gore and I want sex in my games too.

So I wanted to point out, that in my mind, Mario Games are hard core - when it comes to game mechanics, Mario games are unforgiving ... If you do not make a jump, they don't give you the jump ... If you don't hit an enemy correctly, damage will be caused or death. Mario games are also hard core if you do not use instant saves, do not use the guide or invincibility presented to you if you die in a level several times. Mario games are hard core if you try to find every star coin and secret exit.

While many games are usually either casual or hard core, to me, Mario Games are both at the same time which is why they are so appealing to both young and old gamers alike, to both casual and hard core gamers alike.

I am a Hard Core Gamer, more importantly, I am a 1st Generation Gamer, I have been playing video games since they were 1st invented. I have owned more video game consoles | handhelds than many gamers playing games today have had birthdays. I can assure you almost all games today are much easier than games I played as a child ... Just download Donkey Kong for 30¢ in the eshop to see how hard core a kiddie game can be with regard to difficulty and being unforgiving ...

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#28 nbond3040



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 01:47 PM

I think it is important to distinguish between A Hard Core Gamer / A Hard Core Game. To me a hard core gamer is one who loves video games and plays them a lot. Video games are a part of their life ... They play them, they research them, they talk about them, they may collect them, they are passionate about them.

To me, that is very different than someone who does not care much about video games but may enjoy playing them on occasion. Games to these "casual" gamers do not impact their lives as much and most of the time they play games to kill time, such as playing a game on their phone while waiting on line in a store or they play a console game because they are at a friends house, but they do not own a gaming console themselves and don't feel they want or need one.

A hard core game these days has come to mean adult themed ... Sex, violence, curse words, intricate mechanics beyond a child's comprehension. A hard core game can also be one that is very unforgiving and difficult.

In my previous post I was trying to point out that Mario Games are both hard core and casual at the same time.

Casual because they are kiddie in terms of graphics (no blood or gore), they offer many 1ups, if you die in a level enough, Luigi may show up to guide you through a level or you may have the option to be invincible the entire level, they offer instant saves, they offer check points.

Mario Games are thought of as completely casual games by gamers who consider themselves Hard Core Gamers. These people might say ... Mario is too kiddie for me, I want to kill someone and see the gore and I want sex in my games too.

So I wanted to point out, that in my mind, Mario Games are hard core - when it comes to game mechanics, Mario games are unforgiving ... If you do not make a jump, they don't give you the jump ... If you don't hit an enemy correctly, damage will be caused or death. Mario games are also hard core if you do not use instant saves, do not use the guide or invincibility presented to you if you die in a level several times. Mario games are hard core if you try to find every star coin and secret exit.

While many games are usually either casual or hard core, to me, Mario Games are both at the same time which is why they are so appealing to both young and old gamers alike, to both casual and hard core gamers alike.

I am a Hard Core Gamer, more importantly, I am a 1st Generation Gamer, I have been playing video games since they were 1st invented. I have owned more video game consoles | handhelds than many gamers playing games today have had birthdays. I can assure you almost all games today are much easier than games I played as a child ... Just download Donkey Kong for 30¢ in the eshop to see how hard core a kiddie game can be with regard to difficulty and being unforgiving ...

very well written and thought out I enjoyed your respose :)




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Posted 17 July 2013 - 04:00 PM

I really enjoy this forum and talking about games but I guess if I had to classify myself as a particular gamer, I would call myself and Old School gamer.  Some people consider themselves "Hard Core" Gamers if they have been gaming since the early days of gaming.  In the early days of gaming, gamers were looked down upon ... we were nerds, we were outcasts, we were weirdows ... there was STIGMA associated with gaming.  Not only that, it was very rare to find a female gamer.  Some girls would dabble with Pac Man, but they, for the most part, did not own a video game system at home.


When video games first hit the arcades ... games like Asteroids, Defender, Joust, Scramble ... these games were intentionally designed to kill you within 3 minutes of hitting the start button ... they were designed to entice you just enough to get you to want to see more, to get just a little further ... to put another quarter in the machine.  So video games started out very difficult game wise.


As time went on, Home console makers quickly realized that they needed to appeal to players that were not "Core" Gamers or "Hard Core" gamers .... they needed to make games that were more forgiving, they needed to attract players that did not play video games "Because they were not good at video games", they needed to soften up the gameplay to widen their audience and hence widen their sales, and hence make more money.


Since then, video games have become easier and easier.  It is only now that you see more and more games going RETRO and these games, although are not as difficult as the games used to be, are difficult according to today standards.  


One slip up and your dead ... Take Runner for example ... the difference here is, back in the day, you would have a limited number of lives, 3 to be exact, and there would be no save ... that is why I say they are not as difficult as the games used to be.


My first home video game console was Coleco's Telstar ... a Pong Clone ... there were three games on it, you could not add any more games, but let me tell you ... it was very exciting!  It was the first time you could use your TV for something other than watching TV and that in and of itself was AMAZING ... it simply was unheard of!  It was unimaginable really, it would be like thinking about using your microwave to play a game ... it was so new, it was shocking to say the least.  


I got that Telstar because the kid up the block who got it for Christmas from his uncle was not allowed to hook it up to his TV by his father .... his father, a policeman, was screaming at his son while I was there ... "if you think for one damn minute your hooking that thing up to my TV you are crazy ... get that damn thing out of my house now"  My friend was crying as his father said to me .... here you take the damn thing if you want but I'll be damned if I see that thing in my house ever again!"  and his father handed it to me ..... WHAT A CHRISTMAS !!!


That argument went on for years about how video game systems would destroy your TV and it took me weeks to convince my father to let me hook it up to the ONE TV IN OUR HOME.   We stood there in amazement when it booted up back in 1976!

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#30 Peladex


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 04:12 PM

No life + No job = Hardcoregamer


#31 IvyT



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 04:51 PM

I hate the term "hardcore gameer", dunno why, I just do.



I agree....


It has a very toolish vegetagy tone to it...


Most of all I hate how people hide under the "hardcore gamer" label to make others feel less like gamers, or like they're not good enough gamers just because they're not "as hardcore as them"


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:01 PM

People today seem to be putting a very negative tone to the term "Hard Core Gamer", especially using it to put down gamers that enjoy Nintendo Systems and Games ..... Im HARD CORE, I dont go for that Nintendo Kids Stuff ... but in reality, if you sat them down and handed them the Wii U Pad and put in Super Mario Brothers Wii U into the system, I bet you anything they would enjoy it ...


Here is an interesting thought too ... someone can be a "Hard Core" gamer and only play phone or tablet games, if that is their passion and they are passionate about it.

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#33 Zinix



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 06:20 PM

An hardcore gamer is essentially someone who dedicates the majority of his or her life to gaming, or gaming has had an huge influence on their life. The term 'hardcore" gamer is thrown around quite loosely by idiotic girls and people lacking in IQ points.


"Z0mg, im s0 hard0core! i'm playing my bf's COD game for five hours! yaaay madden! yaaay the latest battlefield yaaaay just love ME AND GIVE ME ATTENTION INTERNET!" 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.




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Posted 17 July 2013 - 08:55 PM

But when it really comes down to it, most people call me a HANDSOME GAMER as opposed to a HARDCORE GAMER.

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

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