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Wii U Price Discussion

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#481 nintendo3DS


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 04:53 AM

According to my statistics in my documentation files of class Xyzzyui, Wii U will be bound to be ranged from $300 - $499. My files say so.

Edited by nintendo3DS, 25 March 2012 - 04:53 AM.

#482 Abdullah Bin Mustajab

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Posted 28 March 2012 - 06:09 PM

I want it at 350$

#483 Blasty



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Posted 28 March 2012 - 07:10 PM

If the Wii U is anywhere near $500 (Which it won't) I'm going to have to forget about it.
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#484 SBallesteros



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Posted 29 March 2012 - 08:15 AM

If the current controllers can be used .. and I can get the console (stand alone) .. I would go as high as $250.00.
Anything higher than that .. I'll have to go without the "ego boost" of owning a brand new Wii U.

#485 Repsys7


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Posted 30 March 2012 - 05:29 PM

Try being in Australia, we will get so over-charged it's not funny!!!

We sometimes pay $120 for a PS3 game! Usually 110.

They have already smacked a $598 estimated price on it on the EBgames website!

#486 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 05:43 PM

My guess on the price on Wii U will be $200-300 it won't go any higher

it wont be that with the tech they(developers) are saying is inside it.


#487 Keviin



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Posted 02 April 2012 - 06:28 AM

I'll bet my money on $350. It just... Will be. It's most reasonable and logical price. I almost have no doubts.
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#488 Alph


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:13 PM

The 3ds was about 250 pounds when it first came out. The Wii U is proberbly going to be the same price. Plus, the British ecomony is going down the drain right now so it's got to be expensive. Anyway, when the Wii U comes out, I will proberly be able to afford it and maybe get a 3ds aswell. I have beensaving up! :D

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#489 Daniel



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Posted 06 April 2012 - 09:17 AM

  • The Wii U will be expensive.
  • I'm not buying it if it costs anything over $350.
  • The Wii U will most likely be more media-friendly than this current generation's consoles.
What I'd like to know is how media-friendly the Wii U will be in comparison to the next generation's consoles.

#490 Blake



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Posted 06 April 2012 - 07:57 PM

$350 US dollars is THE price. Even that is a little pricey. You are almost guaranteed to spend $400+ because you definitely want to get at least one game with it. If it comes with a game it probably wont be the best. Nintendo probably will release at least two first party games and most of us will want to get both of those.

That comes to about $460. Woah!

Edited by Blakexd9, 06 April 2012 - 07:58 PM.

#491 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 08:07 PM

I wouldn't mind paying 250 pounds. $300-$400 is a sweet spot who am I kidding I'm going to buy it anyways.


#492 Daniel



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Posted 06 April 2012 - 08:07 PM

$350 US dollars is THE price. Even that is a little pricey. You are almost guaranteed to spend $400+ because you definitely want to get at least one game with it. If it comes with a game it probably wont be the best. Nintendo probably will release at least two first party games and most of us will want to get both of those.

That comes to about $460. Woah!

I guess I'm fine with that, but that is only because I have enough money to buy that expensive of an item. I possibly won't buy the U on launch day if the hardware costs more than $350. I'm fine with paying more for games though. I'm also thinking that big games will cost somewhere around the current prices, which isn't bad at all in my opinion (or too bad, unless it's like 70-80). That, or $50, which is pretty good. Dang though, I remember when I could buy a GameCube for only $100 q_q.

#493 Blake



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:02 PM

I guess I'm fine with that, but that is only because I have enough money to buy that expensive of an item. I possibly won't buy the U on launch day if the hardware costs more than $350. I'm fine with paying more for games though. I'm also thinking that big games will cost somewhere around the current prices, which
isn't bad at all in my opinion (or too bad, unless it's like 70-80). That, or $50, which is pretty
good. Dang though, I remember when I could buy a GameCube for only $100 q_q.

Ha, shortly after I bought the Wii, I called GameStop to see how much they would take for my Gamecube, and they told me $10. What a deal!

I wouldn't mind paying 250 pounds. $300-$400 is a sweet spot who am I kidding I'm going to buy it anyways.

Yeah. I guess we all are going to buy it anyways no matter what the price. As long as it isn't $600 USA dollars!

Edited by Blakexd9, 08 April 2012 - 08:04 PM.

#494 uh20



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:24 PM

a new rumor (manufacturing costs) is bringing the predicted point down 50$ to 300, I am now estimating that instead
also, I want to beat up whoever's pricing things in Australia right now, but first I must arm wrestle whoever stole Microsoft's top chair

#495 Soul



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 08:54 PM

I guess I'm fine with that, but that is only because I have enough money to buy that expensive of an item. I possibly won't buy the U on launch day if the hardware costs more than $350. I'm fine with paying more for games though. I'm also thinking that big games will cost somewhere around the current prices, which isn't bad at all in my opinion (or too bad, unless it's like 70-80). That, or $50, which is pretty good. Dang though, I remember when I could buy a GameCube for only $100 q_q.

WiiU games will probably be $60-70$.

PS3/360 Ports like Darksiders 2=60$
Average/Good or PC ports Games like=Killer Freaks 65$
Nonported Big games like Batman Arkham City=70$

#496 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 09:08 PM

Batman will be ported


#497 Nollog


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 01:56 PM

Yeah, it will.
Also, that's not how publishers structure their prices.
They'll price ports the same as original titles, the same as guaranteed million-sellings titles.
Difference is CoD doesn't come down in price, Arkham City will come down after 6 or 7 months.

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#498 Narcidius



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 07:23 AM

yeah, i'm going to have to go ahead and agree with the $300 estimate... if only because (sadly) I believe the rumors about Nintendo hitting the bargain bin on their GPU to keep costs down.

I would GLADLY pay $400-$450 for the WiiU if it featured some solid, forward-thinking hardware specs (not mind-blowingly powerful, which is really outside of a console's reach at a reasonable price, but with enough oomph to output native 1080p while running all the bells and whistles of developers' recently-teased game engine updates).

But hey, that really isn't how Ninty operates (nor what has made them special to me, for that matter). I'll always feel a little embarassed by the specs, and I'll always feel ultimately satisfied by the truly engaging experiences that the company offers me. I DON'T think that Iwata-and-co. will get greedy after the 3DS price debaucle, so I'm confident that we will get a somewhat annoyingly (though not painfully) underpowered system at a reasonable price.

#499 Desert Punk

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Posted 14 April 2012 - 04:37 AM

I'm also expecting the wii U to be similar power or below 360/PS3 power but thats still a fantastic amount of power compared to the original wii. These are difficult times and Nintendo needs to make the console competitive on price. Even if it can't match the texturing and polygon output of 360/PS3 it should still be able to do 1080p well and produce some stunning first party software. I'm expecting a price of about $300 in the USA and £250 in the UK. The UK has a 20% sales tax rate so effectively we will pay a bit more for it but most of the difference is sales tax.

You always get your Nintendo fans who are hoping for amazing performance from new Nintendo consoles and on the face of it, its realistic to expect the wii U to be more powerful than 360/PS3 because of the wii U being much later but both of those consoles were brought to market making a huge loss and financially neither have been successful. Microsoft wrote off huge losses due to RROD and Sony's finances are currently a huge mess. We shouldn't expect Nintendo to subsidise our gaming hobby they need profit to survive. The original wii was less powerful than the original xbox, the 3DS only uses a 266mhz Arm processor for running games and many 3DS cartridges are quite small and I'm expecting the wii U to be as low cost as possible but still offer performance competitive with 360/PS3.

If the wii U launch is a big success and it sounds like they are going to get the timing perfect for a christmas launch this year then Nintendo make big money but if it fails to sell at launch price they still have plenty of movement on price before they start losing money.

Personally I think the new Xbox and PS4/Orbis won't be as ambitious as many are hoping for either. So we may find that despite the wii U not being as powerful as we hoped it still won't be that far behind Orbis and PS4 which may end up being only 2-5x as powerful as the earlier generations. The xbox 360 is at least 10x as powerful as the original xbox overall and I don't think we are going to get that difference this time around. I think its all about launching at a competitive price point. I personally think this is the sane thing to do. I went through about 7 faulty 360s as I was an early adopter and it was a complete farce. My 60GB PS2 compatible PS3 has never gone wrong but many have reported problems. This time around it seems like consoles will use mature technology that will hopefully be robust and reliable which I'm quite happy about.

Also lets not forget the wii U will have advantages not directly understood on analysis of the specification to do with modern manufacturing processes. If the gpu, gpu memory, cpu, cpu cache and a few other functions are all integrated onto one large i.c. then the wii U will have incredibly low latency and huge memory bandwidth which will enable the console to be pushed beyond what you expect for the hardware and even just fitting 768M or 1GB of memory gives it clear advantages over 360 and PS3. Also the wii U has a high density optical drive which the 360 hasn't.

I think the wii U will offer many fantastic games and I personally don't think its anything to be worried about that it might perform below ps3/360 in some ways like polygon output.

The only way I can see the wii U failing is if it has no decent launch titles. It really needs a triple A title at launch like Mario kart or Zelda etc that people will need to play. If it just launches with less important third party titles like darksiders lower the launch numbers considerably.

#500 Plutonas



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Posted 14 April 2012 - 04:55 AM

As I said in an earlier message I speculate the cost about 500 in release.. but if it cost less hopefully it will be strong... If it cost as I said 500, hopefully the rumor for constructing wii U didn't cost them 180 and leech me an extra 300+ for it, because nobody will buy it.. lol u got the point..

If its expensive on release and till the next gen consoles show up, I hope it worth's the cost, and its about that the built costs... I wouldnt mind lots if wii U originally costs to nintendo 300-350 and they sell it to me 450-500, but I care alot if they cost them 180 and they sell it to me 500.. lol If they want to sell an expensive console, it must be expensive from inside out... not just the brand.

Edited by Orion, 14 April 2012 - 04:59 AM.

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