A theory on the Wii U and 3rd party support
Posted 15 August 2013 - 12:08 PM
Some people here seem baffled on why outside developers are slow to come to (or back to) the Wii U.
Last generation I had all 3 systems. I never even considered the Wii for anything other then Nintendo titles. ... for obvious reasons.
History will repeat itself I'm this generation.
The gamepad is more of a hindrance then a benefit in development. Why would a developer want to spend extra resources an oddity that will certainly lag far behind Sony and MS in sales?
I do really like the Wii U. But when Nintendo themselves barley used the gamepad in Pikmin what need is there for others to go the extra mile?
So in short the Wii U will always be the 2nd tier system in most homes and will be there for the Wonderful 101, mario, Zelda...etc
Posted 15 August 2013 - 12:32 PM
Nintendo doesnt hinder themselves by doing this
They make excellent games that are far superior than any other games on the market and then they make it so you can only play those games on their hardware
Its genius
Posted 15 August 2013 - 12:38 PM
Nobody forces developers to make clever use of the gamepad. I'm sure everybody prefer playing a game with a blank gamepad screen better than not playing the game at all. Leaving features out that versions for other consoles get is lazy, but not using the gamepad cleverly isn't. If 3rd party would develop for the console as much as for other consoles, people would buy the console.
Edited by storabajskorven, 15 August 2013 - 12:40 PM.
Posted 15 August 2013 - 12:52 PM
It is my belief that with Nintendo' s choice in hardware the last couple of generations they have made themselves the 3rd choice in most gamers minds.
Some people here seem baffled on why outside developers are slow to come to (or back to) the Wii U.
Last generation I had all 3 systems. I never even considered the Wii for anything other then Nintendo titles. ... for obvious reasons.
History will repeat itself I'm this generation.
The gamepad is more of a hindrance then a benefit in development. Why would a developer want to spend extra resources an oddity that will certainly lag far behind Sony and MS in sales?
I do really like the Wii U. But when Nintendo themselves barley used the gamepad in Pikmin what need is there for others to go the extra mile?
So in short the Wii U will always be the 2nd tier system in most homes and will be there for the Wonderful 101, mario, Zelda...etc
I hope you didn't miss out on the fantastic 3rd party exclusives...
you played zack and wiki right?
and little kings story?
Shing Shong For Smash 4!
Honk For Ponk!
NNid AdmiralClassy
Psn AdmiralClassy
Steam AdmiralClassy
Posted 15 August 2013 - 01:26 PM
the reason that the WiiU won't get 3rd party support
Small Install base
Inferior technology
Bad relationship with 3rd party devs
Posted 15 August 2013 - 01:49 PM
the reason that the WiiU won't get 3rd party support
Small Install base
Sort of true, but before launch, no console has a large install base, and it gets a large install base if 3rd party developers support it.
Inferior technology
The technology may be inferior to the PS4 and the Xbox1, but we don't know by how much yet, and today, 3rd party produces games for PS3 and Xbox360 which have inferior technology to WiiU.
Bad relationship with 3rd party devs
This could be true, but we can't know how much is done by Nintendo to try to fix this.
Posted 15 August 2013 - 02:04 PM
There's no doubt nintendo didn't help themselves back when sony started using cd's and they decided not to, and continued a trend of doing their own thing.
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Posted 15 August 2013 - 03:03 PM
If 2M people decided to buy Mario AND Assassins Creed then we wouldn't have to have the same discussions over and over. The games don't sell so they don't get made.
The specs talk is nonsense, as the gap isn't huge this time, not to mention how 360 and PS3 are going to be supported for a long time.
And the gamepad stuff is also nonsense, as quite frankly you don't need to be a genius to stick a map on there, or some weapon switching like Splinter Cell.
It is quite simply the lack of people buying these games.
Posted 15 August 2013 - 06:28 PM
Sort of true, but before launch, no console has a large install base, and it gets a large install base if 3rd party developers support it.
The technology may be inferior to the PS4 and the Xbox1, but we don't know by how much yet, and today, 3rd party produces games for PS3 and Xbox360 which have inferior technology to WiiU.
This could be true, but we can't know how much is done by Nintendo to try to fix this.
you're right it does take 3rd party support to get an install base but the thing is 3rd party devs don't want to take a risk on something they don't know if it will pay for itself i.e vita and wiiu
yep but the thing is devs don't know if its worth it to put on the WiiU so if Nintendo doesn't pay for 3rd party support they're not going to get it example Nintendo payed for timed exclusive of Resident Evil Revalations Nintendo payed for the development of Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 and what 3rd party games are Nintendo getting that are fully featured for the WiiU the only one I can think of is Watch dogs because Blacklist has framerate issues and it didn't ship with all the modes that its 360 counterpart did
and how is this not true when was the last time Nintendo had solid 3rd party support 3rd parties have hated Nintendo for a very long time because they tried to control 3rd parties and apparently not enough has been done to fix this
It's the install base and nothing more.
If 2M people decided to buy Mario AND Assassins Creed then we wouldn't have to have the same discussions over and over. The games don't sell so they don't get made.
The specs talk is nonsense, as the gap isn't huge this time, not to mention how 360 and PS3 are going to be supported for a long time.
And the gamepad stuff is also nonsense, as quite frankly you don't need to be a genius to stick a map on there, or some weapon switching like Splinter Cell.
It is quite simply the lack of people buying these games.
Specs are something Devs take into account and the specs are a huge leap from WiiU to PS4 http://www.ign.com/w...omparison_Chart but besides that you're right
Posted 16 August 2013 - 12:04 AM
The gamepad is quite a leap when it comes to controls, devs are either too lazy, lack creativity or don't want to take the risk of creating something unique with the gamepad.The controller is by no means a bad device but it has pushed devs away a little since devs don't really have anyway to make the WiiU version of a game special if they need to make the other version without the inclusion of a gamepad.

This is where it ends
Posted 16 August 2013 - 12:23 AM
just because a game uses the gamepad as a realtime map or an inventory does not make it bad usage.
it adds a quick always on interface that does not get in the way of the game. Unlike pause screen maps or minimaps or inventory management of old, it streamlines the process to near or byond PC drag and drop levels or point and click management.
Posted 16 August 2013 - 02:11 AM
you're right it does take 3rd party support to get an install base but the thing is 3rd party devs don't want to take a risk on something they don't know if it will pay for itself i.e vita and wiiu
yep but the thing is devs don't know if its worth it to put on the WiiU so if Nintendo doesn't pay for 3rd party support they're not going to get it example Nintendo payed for timed exclusive of Resident Evil Revalations Nintendo payed for the development of Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 and what 3rd party games are Nintendo getting that are fully featured for the WiiU the only one I can think of is Watch dogs because Blacklist has framerate issues and it didn't ship with all the modes that its 360 counterpart did
and how is this not true when was the last time Nintendo had solid 3rd party support 3rd parties have hated Nintendo for a very long time because they tried to control 3rd parties and apparently not enough has been done to fix this
Specs are something Devs take into account and the specs are a huge leap from WiiU to PS4 http://www.ign.com/w...omparison_Chart but besides that you're right
The specs are as huge a leap as the Xbox was from the PS2. There's not going to be a massive difference, and if the games for Wii U sold loads then they'd make it work no matter what.
I agree that the 3rd parties don't want to take risks, which is down to the ridiculous budgets they've all set.
- storabajskorven likes this
Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:12 AM
The specs are as huge a leap as the Xbox was from the PS2. There's not going to be a massive difference, and if the games for Wii U sold loads then they'd make it work no matter what.
I agree that the 3rd parties don't want to take risks, which is down to the ridiculous budgets they've all set.
you're right but it is still behind the PS4 by quite a bit and some games I don't think they could make it work. For certain games that push the PS4 or XBOX1 to their max it would be impossible for WiiU or they would make it work and have major issues/drawbacks like taking out key features
Posted 16 August 2013 - 03:48 AM
you're right but it is still behind the PS4 by quite a bit and some games I don't think they could make it work. For certain games that push the PS4 or XBOX1 to their max it would be impossible for WiiU or they would make it work and have major issues/drawbacks like taking out key features
developers want you to think this exact thing. Why do you think a game can be made for pc specs and then ported to any console? you be lieve the PR dribble from developers if you want... truth is if you want the best graphics then you have a gaming PC for that. you think PS4 isnt "quite a bit" behind the best pc specs out right now?
Posted 16 August 2013 - 04:01 AM
developers want you to think this exact thing. Why do you think a game can be made for pc specs and then ported to any console? you be lieve the PR dribble from developers if you want... truth is if you want the best graphics then you have a gaming PC for that. you think PS4 isnt "quite a bit" behind the best pc specs out right now?
umm they really can't look at minecraft on xbox the worlds aren't infinite which is a huge feature reduction or look at all the games that are a million times better on PC
Edited by nbond3040, 16 August 2013 - 04:01 AM.
Posted 16 August 2013 - 04:13 AM
Just because technically they can shoehorn a game on ANY hardware and call it the same game, doesn't mean feature wise it ACTUALLY plays the same.
This is the argument I have with Watch Dogs. While its launching on all platforms I would be VERY surprised if it doesn't play differently on Xbox One and PS4. Because things like draw distance, lighting, textures, AI quality, number of NPCs, all have an affect on how the game "feels" to play. Even switching from 720p to 1080p can make a game very quite different due to the ability to see details in the game world more easily, some of which might be clues for what to do next.
Sheffield 3DS | Steam & XBOX: Alex Atkin UK | PSN & WiiU: AlexAtkinUK
Posted 16 August 2013 - 04:44 AM
umm they really can't look at minecraft on xbox the worlds aren't infinite which is a huge feature reduction or look at all the games that are a million times better on PC
Give us some examples of games that are loads better on PC. Minecraft is a good one but what else?
Not just graphics wise, I want actual gameplay differences.
Posted 16 August 2013 - 05:25 AM
Give us some examples of games that are loads better on PC. Minecraft is a good one but what else?
Not just graphics wise, I want actual gameplay differences.
my first instinct was to go straight to modding because that's where gaming is going its a huge part of games like minecraft and skyrim but I'm not going to modding so games that are better on pc: Super Meat boy( on pc it has a level editor and way more unlockable characters), Blood Bowl( xbox version didn't even have online leagues or tournaments plus pc had more than triple the races), Starcraft was released on n64( controller enough said also I included this one for strategy games in general they usually just don't come to consoles because of controls), team fortress 2( 4 years of updates to pc none to the xbox version) also little know thing the pc version of gears of war is better more maps, more chapters, and more multiplayer modes, portal 2 with tons of user created custom maps. so that was a couple of them I could name more but really pc games are usually better than console games because of the modding community, along with more frequent updates, and graphics
Posted 16 August 2013 - 05:40 AM
my first instinct was to go straight to modding because that's where gaming is going its a huge part of games like minecraft and skyrim but I'm not going to modding so games that are better on pc: Super Meat boy( on pc it has a level editor and way more unlockable characters), Blood Bowl( xbox version didn't even have online leagues or tournaments plus pc had more than triple the races), Starcraft was released on n64( controller enough said also I included this one for strategy games in general they usually just don't come to consoles because of controls), team fortress 2( 4 years of updates to pc none to the xbox version) also little know thing the pc version of gears of war is better more maps, more chapters, and more multiplayer modes, portal 2 with tons of user created custom maps. so that was a couple of them I could name more but really pc games are usually better than console games because of the modding community, along with more frequent updates, and graphics
And none of that is down to hardware. Sure, those are all reasons why the PC version is best, but that not because the PC has more powerful hardware.
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