I've played knack. If you ask me, it was as bad or worse than what the reviewers were saying about it. As TheUltimateWaddleDee said, it feels a lot like the earlier licensed Lego games (I wasn't a fan of them, either).
That is very interesting as I first got into the LEGO games when I played the Star Wars demo but never got round to buying it. I don't think I actually played one properly until Harry Potter and those LEGO games were fantastic. Then LEGO City Undercover took it to a new level. I recently tried to finally play LEGO Star Wars and it really does feel bad, they have improved A LOT over the years. Its why when anyone hurls abuse at LEGO games I get quite annoyed, as they really are much better. Sure the mechanics are ultimately the same with every game, but then 99% of games are like that.
Anyway, on topic.
Resogun like most other people I was pleasantly surprised with. A LOT of people have given this game abuse without playing it, because its too "old school" like somehow that makes it inherently bad. In reality, its no more old fashioned than any other game - its just people dismiss shooters without question for some reason.
Assassins Creed 4, nothing I can say that hasn't already. This game is amazing and much more fun to play than the older games. I have only played about an hour in the first two games and even less in the third, but I found myself get into the fourth MUCH quicker and think the super smooth 30fps frame rate, excellent drawing distance and just overall beautiful game is a lot of it. I still end up fighting with the controls quite a lot, but not as much as the first two games. The only negative I would give is that the islands are too similar in appearance to each other, especially the smaller ones with just a chest on them where they clearly are copy/paste jobs. Considering they are all within a relative small map (in geographical terms, in game play terms its a very good size) its probably realistic to just see the same foliage over and over, so I can't really call it a fault.
It proves a quote I read that I think was from Rockstar (but it might have been another dev talking about GTA). To make a large map is easy, to make a large map with diverse scenery and things to do so that its actually FUN to play, is very very hard, and sometimes you have to throw away realism to do it. AC4 sticks more with realism than the GTA route where rivers and mountains do not really make geographical sense, and it pays off. It only really gets tedious if you let it, like when I end up chasing down collectibles for too long, you then have to go back do some more missions. That is whats so great about the game, when you bored of being a pirate you go inland, when you are bored of land missions you set sail, its a great combination and I have already spent over 24 hours in the game with about 33% completion.
Contrast sadly lives up to the reviews, its pretty bad. It had the potential to be a good game, but the mechanics do not live up to the premise and ultimately its a very simplistic platform/adventure game.
Killzone I am having a hard time getting into sadly. After seeing the tutorial level I had high hopes, but I am having issues with the game not really directing you to what you need to do next and the controls feel kinda clunky to me. Perhaps I just need to spend more time with it but with how easy AC4 was to get into I am not in a forgiving mood. This also kinda puts me off trying any other FPS right now.
Need for Speed: Rivals, I was originally planning to buy it but have held off after watching people on Twitch and reading about how so much of the single player experience seems to have been thrown away compared to Hot Pursuit/Most Wanted, in order to make it always online. I never found always online added anything to Test Drive Unlimited, if anything it was just annoying as when my friends were online it wouldn't always bring them into my game world straight away. Now starting from scratch as I haven't played online in AGES and that was on Xbox, any game that relies on playing with people online has me very cautious. That also has delayed me trying the free to play games which are all on my HDD, but AC4 keeps calling.
Overall though I am very pleased with the PS4. I find the controller the most comfortable I have used to date, possibly behind the Gamecube controller but the extra functionality causes it to pull ahead. The only real problem is that being used to playing with the left analog up top I find when I think I am pushing left, its at an angle. It doesn't make a huge impact when gaming as you correct yourself, but its noticeable. I'm just disappointed it doesn't work on GTA V on PS3 as apparently it does work in many other PS3 games when plugged in via USB and the new triggers would make things much better. Speaking of, I had doubts about the triggers from the look of them but actually I find them the most comfortable yet.
I'm curious to know what the Xbox One controller feels like as I was considering getting one for PC to replace the Xbox 360 controller, but now I have my doubts if I should bother. The triggers being shaped should be more comfortable, as they were on the original Xbox controller, but they really are not a problem on dual-shock 4 and I suspect that will eventually be hacked into working perfectly on PC. People are already complaining about the gap between the triggers and bumpers being too small on One, not a problem on PS4.