You obviously avoided the SMAWfest snore fests in online multiplayer.
Yes, but I used the phase rifle. Perhaps I was just as bad.
and the glitch jumping...
I never actually saw this.
the glitched walls....
Nor this. But to be fair, I've fallen through the floor plenty of times on Black Ops and BO 2, so I'll assume this was frequent.
the bugged AI in Invasion mode...
Once or twice. I was usually occupied with the shooting ones.
and the ill made maps...
I only really disliked the Jungle in Invasion because it was small. Thought Crash Site and Precipice were pretty nice with all the different heights. The others, while most were simple, I enjoyed.
And for that you get a thumbs up.
That won't cut it, jack. I demand a cookie with a side milk.
And no one ever had an excuse for bombed FPS online at that point because Goldeneye 007 on the wii was near flawless with net connection. Somehow. Eat my balls and my rifle shenanigans, smash bros.
I hated Golden Eye's wii remote controls, so I never got into the online side. I was much too slow with a gamecube controller. Also: single player. As in the story, as cheesy as it was.