Well I think us Nintendo gamers are to blame for a lack of third party support, we're just not buying third party games in large enough numbers for third party developers to consider our platform a profitable format.
I do hope we get Call of Duty games on the Wii U, not because I'm a massive fan of the series, it's gotten stale but because we need more games on the Wii U, not less. But I am disappointed that AC games probably won't be coming out on the Wii U.
I agree as well I didn't buy Splinter Cell Black List for the very reasons you describe. It was a broken mess and it was gimped. Which is a shame as I would have bought it had it not been a rushed port. I'm delighted to say that AC IV is a very good port, I can tell the time and effort went into the Wii U version which is a shame that it hasn't sold as well as I think it should have done.
I'm with gamer in terms of a pretty large part of this also being developers fault. They're trying to do the same thing they did with the wii. If you've ever seen john mulaney's bit about delta airlines it's a little similar to that. They treat us like idiots, and then get mad at us for not buying their games.
Also, it was my understanding that splinter cell was best on wii u except for load times
Well i just think that Assassin creed is done as a franchise. They are just overdoing it. I tried to play IV and just couldnt get into it. The game isnt fun for me. I will say the same for Batman AO also. I am having a blast with COD ghost though... the wife and I are loving the extinction multiplayer it is very addicting. So for me if i am Nintendo i go after the must have solid games. NBA2k series, GTA, COD, those games sell and have solid reviews everytime they come out for the most part.
I'm enjoying arkham origins. The only thing that's worse imo is the glitchiness.