I remember when I was about 4, I peed on my older brother's GameCube. The only way we could play the games was on our Wii (normal, not U). Well, that was the end of that. Memories of the GameCube...

Posted 29 December 2013 - 03:39 AM
EASILY my favorite console of all time.... THE GAMES!
- LinkKennedy likes this
Posted 29 December 2013 - 03:46 AM
I remember never liking the controller.
Starfox Adventures is the best Starfox.
Super Smash Bros. Melee is my least favourite Smash Bros.
The only good games were 007 Nightfire and Dark Summit.
Does that belong here or the unpopular opinions thread?
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 29 December 2013 - 04:58 AM
The Gamecube was actually my least favorite Nintendo console. It was the only console where I didn't like many of its exclusives. The only enjoyable memory I recall is playing Luigi's Mansion that Christmas. Other than that, I used my PS2 and even Xbox more.
- BrosBeforeGardenTools likes this
Posted 29 December 2013 - 06:07 AM
Well everyone seems to have nice memories haha.
I remember when I bashed my head on a wall I spent the whole day playing paper mario ttyd. Got me through the day since I was in a lot of pain haha.
- LinkKennedy likes this
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Posted 29 December 2013 - 07:59 AM
Oh GameCube, definitely one of my favorite consoles. One great memory was when I was supposed to get Smash Bros. Melee for my birthday and my Dad had my sister hide it in a place I couldn't find it. Later that day I was looking through our games shelf and saw it, still wrapped in plastic, hiding among the others. I took it out and showed it to my Dad, and instead of taking it and saying it was for later he told me to put into the GameCube. We spent that entire afternoon playing it and going through all the different modes. Another memory is of this one James Bond (Forgot which one) where my Dad could never get past the first boss. He kept trying for awhile and soon months later he just gave up and traded it in at the local game store. He always had trouble with those games, another time was one where you needed to get onto a train and he kept failing, but one day he made it and I remember all of us celebrating. GameCube was one heck of a great system.
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Posted 29 December 2013 - 08:37 AM
Still the one memory I will always keep close to me( I have a ton tho lol, Wind Waker, Sunshine, etc. ) is when I played Resident Evil 4 on the Cube. Seriously I had heard the hype for the game and I was a fan of the series but man I never expected this game. The build up was great and before I played that game I had played God of War and I felt like "Wow" games are heading in the right direction with games like GOW, I seriously felt that was a sure bet to be the best game that year( I think I played them early 05) and then I played RE4. That was that and it was official RE4 had become my personal game of that generation followed closely by GOW,Half Life 2 and Twilight Princess.
I honestly believe the gaming industry was and has been ripping off Resident Evil 4 and it doesn't get enough credit but alas is a master piece.

- JPMulvanetti likes this
Posted 29 December 2013 - 08:37 AM
Don't see why the Gamecube was more popular (besides that disc issue, but I liked the small disc, and still kinda stand that games on cd disc is still strange). I loved my Gamecube. The controller was better then the N64. Plus we had SSB Melee (the best one in my opn.), LoZ Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Need For Speed: Most Wanted, Crash Band. (I know its on PS too) It was overall my favorite era of games. I refused to own anything buy Nintendo, and I was kinda right. I still hate dual-shock controlers (those wiggly joysticks), and the gamecube was way more powerful. Tony Hawk looked like crap on Ps2 but amazing on gamecube.
Stupid Snowmads!
Posted 29 December 2013 - 09:36 AM
Don't see why the Gamecube was more popular (besides that disc issue, but I liked the small disc, and still kinda stand that games on cd disc is still strange). I loved my Gamecube. The controller was better then the N64. Plus we had SSB Melee (the best one in my opn.), LoZ Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Need For Speed: Most Wanted, Crash Band. (I know its on PS too) It was overall my favorite era of games. I refused to own anything buy Nintendo, and I was kinda right. I still hate dual-shock controlers (those wiggly joysticks), and the gamecube was way more powerful. Tony Hawk looked like crap on Ps2 but amazing on gamecube.
I am amazed to see how many gamers have fond memories of it. At the time, the complaints were monumental. No online, no M rated parity with the other platforms, the controller, it looks kiddy, no DVD player, etc. (play the world's smallest violin while reading).
On a related note, for those of you that have all three consoles, stand the PS4 horizontally, lay the XBone beside in, and put the Wii U next to it. Google a picture of the Gamecube's gen, with the three console's together. It is uncanny how the PS4 and Xbone menid me of that gen, while the WII U is like a Gamecube that fixes those problems (sans playing DVD's, yet there is Netflix now).
Posted 29 December 2013 - 09:38 AM
Didnt like the controller either. Xbox S controller was my choice controller (and console) of that gen.I remember never liking the controller.
Starfox Adventures is the best Starfox.
Super Smash Bros. Melee is my least favourite Smash Bros.
The only good games were 007 Nightfire and Dark Summit.
Does that belong here or the unpopular opinions thread?
Well... I never cared much for sf, if you are going to do an on rails shooter and charge more than 25 cents a pop, you better go all out and be sin and punishment levels, which sf never came close too. So I wou.d think turning it into an adventure game (my favourite and starving genre) woukd make it my favourite. Unfortunately the game was trash.
I dont understand what the fixation with melee is by most.
007 nightfire, that was the one with the cell phone grappling hook that was like the hook shot right? That was fun had it for ps2. Dark summit was all right. Though I suppose this means in the end you dont consider sfa a good game after all... So I suppose that cancels out your bad taste with these two.
Posted 29 December 2013 - 12:30 PM
I still play on my game cube and one of my favorite till now is crazy taxi and here are the games which is still love on my gamecube
1.batman vengance
2. Luigi mansion
3.resident evil 4( i finished this game 4 times now )
5. Animal crossing
6. Metroid prime ( one of my favorite games)
Posted 29 December 2013 - 12:47 PM
I also had no idea the Xbox existed. Good times.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 29 December 2013 - 03:51 PM
All I remember is pikmin, metriod zelda pot, and Mario part and sunshine.
I didn't really like the big controller.
xile06 "N" ID
Cod bo2, AC3, Zombiu, NSMB, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Smash Bro wiiu,
Preorders : ..
Plan to buy : -
Posted 29 December 2013 - 04:42 PM
Pikmin. that's all I have to say.
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Posted 29 December 2013 - 05:35 PM
Not my fave console by any means or fave Nintendo console. Still have some good memories mostly when it launched and right before.
It was the first Christmas after a much over due and wanted a divorce for my mom and I was 18 and out of high school. I asked for one for Christmas and got it along with Crazy Taxi and Luigi's Mansion. It was the most peaceful Christmas we had in years. I remember being glued to the TV with Luigi's Mansion. Not done a full play through since.
GameCube also holds my fave Zelda of all time with Wind Waker. I remember the demo disc for PC in 2000 and saw Luigi's Mansion and I think the Zelda one. Then a year later and was so mad at the new look of Link. I thought it looked like the 1960's Rudolph Claymation Elves. Still I pre-ordered got it played it loved the hell out of it. Still like Luigi's Mansion not played it since really. Still have them. I have memories with Smash Bros,Sonic Adventure 2 and others like Resident Evil,Sonic Mega Collection,Metroid Prime,StarFox,F-Zero,Soul Cal II and so any more. Still I felt Wii was the new NES for me and my fave system of last gen...well the games for it. Hardware wise it was PS3. This week when I get my Wii U (hopefully tomorrow but shall see) I get the same vibe from it as I dd with SNES.
Posted 29 December 2013 - 06:56 PM
The Gamecube was a good system, at least as far as first party goes. Personal favorites being from that system:
F Zero GX
Custom Robo
Spiderman 2
Star Fox Assault
Mario Kart Double Dash
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Legend of Zelda collector's Disc
Metroid Prime
X-men Legends 2
It's probably the #1 system I own when it comes to sheer quantity of games I like. Probably not my favorite system, but perhaps second place.
Posted 29 December 2013 - 11:43 PM
gamecube was fun. much better than last gen. so much better.
metroid primes
tales of symphonia(am i the only one who bourght up a tales game?)
007 games(nightfire and agent under fire. nightfire was the one with a cell phone graple, also had the suit case sentry gun).
melee(better for competitive but liked brawl for just randomly characters and casualy duking it out.)
rogue squadron games.
paper mario
a list of other smaller 3rd parties.
all of which had a much much higher replay value then the vast majority of games now.
also fireemblem and f-zeroGX on dolphin.
Edited by tboss, 29 December 2013 - 11:44 PM.
- dark_rabbid likes this
Posted 30 December 2013 - 04:22 AM
I loved GC.
It was the first console i got at launch (with LM and Wave Race BS).
Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker were big surprise. Some hated it. I really liked them!
Remember playing a lot ISS 2, Eternal Darkness, Bloody Roar, Sonic Adventure 2, Resident Evil 4, the Metroid games (the first being the best one so far).
Had other games andven played burrowed ones, but those were my favourite.
Posted 30 December 2013 - 06:07 PM
I had a GameCube, but I was still pretty young so i never got far in any of the games (except for Mario Kart)
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