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Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

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#21 SailtheSeas


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 01:14 AM

The consumer doesn't want what Nintendo is offering in terms of hardware. They don't want the tablet controller, they don't want a mediocre 32gb of storage space, they don't want a first and second party only system.


Then there's the lack of marketing and a lack of real must play software, but if you head over to websites like IGN, gamers who own Microsoft and Sony consoles state why they aren't interested in purchasing the Wii U and it all comes down to hardware and a lack of third party support.


If for £100 extra you can pick up a PS4 which will have a wide variety of software and vastly superior hardware then a Wii U, you'll be hard pressed to find many people who would opt for the Wii U over the PS4. 

#22 JaylisJayP



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Posted 14 February 2014 - 07:32 AM


Also we're dealing with people who care about pretty graphics who aren't smart enough to operate a PC outside the realm of Facebook.


This is such a ridiculous stereotype, and I'm not sure when it became so black and white regarding gameplay vs. graphics.  For as much as Nintendo fans don't like others coming down on their choice for different reasons, there are certainly a fair share of Nintendo gamers who seem to be fine with ripping other gamers because they enjoy graphics.


I think you'll also find the vast majority of those who enjoy good graphics for - you know - VIDEO games, want them in conjunction with good gameplay and stories, not one or the other.  And as an owner of 5 different consoles and a Vita and PC, I can easily say there are WAY more than enough quality games that offer the complete package with embarrassingly better graphics than most Nintendo games.


Gamers should not have to sacrifice good graphics and put up with awkward gameplay gimmicks just to get quality gameplay.  And they're not, which is why Nintendo is losing out and continues to fall.


So yes, the falling behind on graphics is a huge element to what's hurting Nintendo.  They put their time, money and effort elsewhere for a second time and it didn't work out for them again.  As others and Nintendo have said, they misread the market...really badly. 

#23 3Dude



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Posted 14 February 2014 - 08:12 AM

This is such a ridiculous stereotype, and I'm not sure when it became so black and white regarding gameplay vs. graphics.  For as much as Nintendo fans don't like others coming down on their choice for different reasons, there are certainly a fair share of Nintendo gamers who seem to be fine with ripping other gamers because they enjoy graphics.
I think you'll also find the vast majority of those who enjoy good graphics for - you know - VIDEO games, want them in conjunction with good gameplay and stories, not one or the other.  And as an owner of 5 different consoles and a Vita and PC, I can easily say there are WAY more than enough quality games that offer the complete package with embarrassingly better graphics than most Nintendo games.
Gamers should not have to sacrifice good graphics and put up with awkward gameplay gimmicks just to get quality gameplay.  And they're not, which is why Nintendo is losing out and continues to fall.
So yes, the falling behind on graphics is a huge element to what's hurting Nintendo.  They put their time, money and effort elsewhere for a second time and it didn't work out for them again.  As others and Nintendo have said, they misread the market...really badly.

No. No. Not even close. I like graphics. I love analyzing them, even back to ps2/cube, and beyond. But this, this is just brainwashed narrative.

The quality of games whose gameplay actually matches the money effort and marketing of graphics are virtually non existant today. You can practically count them on one hand. Like my ps360 collection. In fact, you might find that they practically ARE my ps360 collection.

Everything else is just copy pasted gameplay from a decade ago, simplified, streamlined, computer assisted to the point I can actually defeat enemies by slapping my genitals across the controller. Challenge, and thus skill, have been completely removed, and replaced by dramatic depictions of FAKE challenge. Making players think they are amazing, by showing amazing things happening on screen, but in reality any idiot can accomplish the same results by slamming their face into the controller repeatedly.

Jonathan Blow wrote a presentation on it entitled 'Dramatic representations of Faux challenge' and, despite being written in 2007/8 it has accurately predicted the current level of crap the AAA games market has descended into.

The REASON we gamers HAVE to typically sacrifice good graphics for actual gameplay is because AAAAAAAAAAAA publishers all make the same kinds of games has they have created an incredibly risk adverse environment, and have dropped into a cycle of easily marketable products to an easily manipulatable consumer base, and more importantly games media/metacritic base.

1. Genre capability of easily expressing good graphics check
2. Non challenging gameplay in a well established comfortable genre that any idiot can play without ever needing skill to progress. check
3. Non challenging game play presented in a way that makes the player think they are good at games. Check
4. not good amounts of money poured into VO, Cutscenes and manchild story presentation. Check.

This is the ONLY WAY to get the kind of money needed to get the production values associated with the big name AAAAAA releases. If you dont follow this, the big publishers will NOT give you the resources you need to match those games production values.

Why? Well, contrary to what you and everyone else the marketing department of these publishing houses has used the games media to brainwash you into thinking, a AAA game is NOT a high scoring game, it is NOT a high quality game, it is NOT in any WAY SHAPE OR FORM INDICTIVE OF HOW GOOD A GAME IS.

AAA is budget bracket reserved for games the MARKETING TEAM believes will sell a lot if heavily marketed because it matches the same criteria as previously established mega hits. If it doesnt match that criteria, its not getting that funding for those top teir graphics.

This is why every game that comes along that bucks that trend, that actually HAS good gameplay, gets split reviews straight down the middle, either 10's, or 5's and 4's.

Older reviewers, who actually have gaming skills, can play the games, and rate them highly.

Newer generation reviewers, whos gaming skills have atrophied because they have been exposed to nothing but dramatic presentations of faux challenge, cant tell the difference between demanding gameplay, and 'broken' gameplay, and rate them 6's or 5's or IGN's infamous 3 for Godfist, which later on went to secure a place in IGN's greatest hundred games of all time.

You know, AFTER their incompetence aong with dozens of other media chains resulted in capcom shutting down the Creativity LOVERs studio, whos sole purpose was to determine if their was still a market for pioneering creative games with exceptional tight, and challenging gameplay. The kind of stuff that put capcom on the map originally.

It has gotten to the point that gamz girnolists have to be proven wrong again and again and again and again repeatedly, before they start revieweing games and franchises correctly, like say, MONSTER HUNTER.

Or, a series needs to undergo a complete marketing makeover, in order to get a chance to be viewed fairly, like KINGS FIELD, which is today known as the Demon/Dark souls series.

Son no. Not even close. 99% of games today, the entirety of the mainstream market, is little more than simon says paired with flashy computer graphics.

Its garbage, filth, trash, aimed at the lowest common denominator, and the big publishers are doing every thing in their power to keep it that way.



#24 SailtheSeas


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 08:17 AM

The Wii U is capable of producing good graphics and great visuals, the problem with the Wii U is the tablet controller, the architecture for the Wii U is not third party developer friendly and the fact the Wii U lacks really compelling software. 

#25 Raiden


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 09:35 AM

The Wii U is capable of producing good graphics and great visuals, the problem with the Wii U is the tablet controller, the architecture for the Wii U is not third party developer friendly and the fact the Wii U lacks really compelling software. 

You brain peoples damage with this retread ridiculous tripe. Get the fuk off these forums and go to VGcharts. These idiotic posts fit nicely with those brain dead  pickled egg farts.

#26 MorbidGod


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 01:18 PM

The consumer doesn't want what Nintendo is offering in terms of hardware. They don't want the tablet controller, they don't want a mediocre 32gb of storage space, they don't want a first and second party only system.

Then there's the lack of marketing and a lack of real must play software, but if you head over to websites like IGN, gamers who own Microsoft and Sony consoles state why they aren't interested in purchasing the Wii U and it all comes down to hardware and a lack of third party support.

If for £100 extra you can pick up a PS4 which will have a wide variety of software and vastly superior hardware then a Wii U, you'll be hard pressed to find many people who would opt for the Wii U over the PS4.

You keep referring to the gamers on other web sites. What you fail to realize is there are gamers - a lot of them - who don't go on those sites. Believe it or not, one of my old best friends didn't even know what E3 was and he plays more games then I do.

What is his opinion of the Wii U? He wants better games. Doesn't care about the Call of Duty or Assassins Creed. He has his 360 for those. He wants awesome games to play. He doesn't have that yet.

The problem is and has always been software. Would have better hardware helped? I doubt it. Didn't help the GCN did it? Didn't help the N64 did it? Yes, other factors played into those systems, but the point still stands. It's not just a hardware issue.

To prove my point, let's say Nintendo day one launched with Super Smash Bros. One month later Mario 3D World. Two month later X. Three month later Donkey Kong. Four month later Pikman 3. Five month later Mario Kart 8. Six month later Bayonnetta 2. And still had ZombiU, Wonderful 101 and all the other games currently released.

Would the Wii U have only sold barely six million by now? Hell no. It would have blown everyone so far out or the water, it'd be impossible for the others to catch up.

Here is the key: Would third party be supporting the Wii U? Nope. They couldn't have competed with those games. Their sales would probably have been worse, minus ZombiU. But third parties wouldn't have supported Nintendo past the other guys releasing their hardware.

And if you deny that those games coming out wouldn't have impacted the sales, then I can't do anything else to prove to you my point.

This is not a Wii U doomed article i just really want you guys opinion. Now i know nintendo makes consoles based on what they believed and they have said they dont follow Sony and Microsoft. So if you have been living under a rock the ps4 and xb1 are selling lot hotcakes. The consoles are the exact opposite for the most part of what the Wii U is. More powerful, Bigger(physical size), and more exspensive. So what gives why are they selling and the Wii U is not at least like i think it should. Is it just marketing... or are the consumer telling Nintendo they are ok with paying more and getting more.

you thoughts?

So, I don't think ANYONE can say for sure. Why? Has Nintendo perfectly executed their plan, and was their plan the right one? One, no they didn't. They planned on more games being released and that didn't happen. If they were able to get all the games that we are still waiting for things could have been different. Imagine a Mario 3D World, DK:TF, and X all being released last holiday season. With proper marketing that would have boosted sales.

However, Nintendo has stated they mid read foreign trends. And they plan on correcting that this year.

So, it's a mixed bag.

You brain peoples damage with this retread ridiculous tripe. Get the fuk off these forums and go to VGcharts. These idiotic posts fit nicely with those brain dead pickled egg farts.

Wow, really?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#27 Raiden


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 02:15 PM

Yes really VGchartz is for morons and Sail's tripe fits nicely with those ignorant not good timmy's. God horsing damn everytime you read topics and posts there it's like reading a place with 90 thousand mahmoods and sails.Not to mention much like N4G it's been taken over by the Sony defense tards.

#28 Merky Water

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 02:55 PM

I'll agree on the advertising being a problem.  I don't watch much TV myself so my basis is off of what I hear from others.  ..and when friends of mine tell me how much fun the 'new' CoD or Assassin's Creed game is and I say "I know!  I have it on the Wii U"  they reply, puzzled, "they made that game for the Wii?"  ...so the word is not out. 


As far as the name itself, I'll agree Wii U is bad.  Especially if targeting parents who see it's name so closely resembles it's predecessor.  What's done is done unfortunatly though so, from my end, I'm doing the best I can now by just calling it 'the U' and letting the whole Wii part die in my terminology(unless actually talking about the original Wii)


Games like MK8 and Smash Bros are going to grow the community by leaps and bounds once they finally drop.  Then people will learn as they buy U games for their Wii and wonder why it doesn't work and then realize the U exists.  Until then... it seems it's kind of on us to get the word out.  Which I don't really mind as I LOVE the system and all it's features!  ...just kinda sucks nintendo's not pickin' up their own slack in the marketing dept.


#29 MorbidGod


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 04:55 PM

Yes really VGchartz is for morons and Sail's tripe fits nicely with those ignorant not good timmy's. God horsing damn everytime you read topics and posts there it's like reading a place with 90 thousand mahmoods and sails.Not to mention much like N4G it's been taken over by the Sony defense tards.

Even if that's so, the language was harsh.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#30 SoldMyWiiU



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:08 AM

You brain peoples damage with this retread ridiculous tripe. Get the fuk off these forums and go to VGcharts. These idiotic posts fit nicely with those brain dead  pickled egg farts.

wow you're maaaaaaaaaaad...

#31 Raiden


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:46 AM

wow you're maaaaaaaaaaad...

lol no. Just always been very upfront and blunt and off censored forums I use expletives as easy as the word the. Not anger just who I am.

#32 Nintyfan86



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:57 AM

I believe the Wii U's problems are obviously tied to the success of the Wii, or rather, Nintendo's thinking that the same core strategy could work again. However, if we break this down a little more, and in no particular order:

  • The system launched without a real 'next gen' value proposition compared to existing competition. This is only based on launch games. 
  • Third parties were given the floor, like with the 3ds, yet failed to deliver. 
  • Advertising was confusing and delayed until quality software was available. 
  • The looming PS4/Xbone launch created a 'Dreamcast' effect. 
  • Quality software debuted when the market was gearing up for the launches of the other systems. 
  • Said software has a split priority-Wii Fit/Sports/Play/etc. were never going to drive the install base that has moved on to other formats. 

Nintendo drastically misjudged the market. Their conservative nature prevents them from making knee jerk reactions, and this has paid off (do a current ratio from their recent financials to laugh off this Nintendo is doomed nonsense). 


I hope 2014 is about the gamer. QOL can mean many things. People assume it means more fitness games. However, as we see with the Rusty Baseball IP, it can mean many different things (good feelings through software interaction). 


Now that the PS4 and Xbone are out, I actually think Nintendo may have a better chance with the Wii U. The hardcore market was probably presuming a Wii-360 gap in power, combined with shovelware support. 

#33 3Dude



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Posted 16 February 2014 - 09:03 AM

I believe the Wii U's problems are obviously tied to the success of the Wii, or rather, Nintendo's thinking that the same core strategy could work again. However, if we break this down a little more, and in no particular order:

  • The system launched without a real 'next gen' value proposition compared to existing competition. This is only based on launch games. 
  • Third parties were given the floor, like with the 3ds, yet failed to deliver. 
  • Advertising was confusing and delayed until quality software was available. 
  • The looming PS4/Xbone launch created a 'Dreamcast' effect. 
  • Quality software debuted when the market was gearing up for the launches of the other systems. 
  • Said software has a split priority-Wii Fit/Sports/Play/etc. were never going to drive the install base that has moved on to other formats. 
  • Nintendo drastically misjudged the market. Their conservative nature prevents them from making knee jerk reactions, and this has paid off (do a current ratio from their recent financials to laugh off this Nintendo is doomed nonsense). 
    I hope 2014 is about the gamer. QOL can mean many things. People assume it means more fitness games. However, as we see with the Rusty Baseball IP, it can mean many different things (good feelings through software interaction). 
    Now that the PS4 and Xbone are out, I actually think Nintendo may have a better chance with the Wii U. The hardcore market was probably presuming a Wii-360 gap in power, combined with shovelware support.

  • [/list]

This is great list and Id love to dive in a little deeper.

The system launched without a real 'next gen' value proposition compared to existing competition. This is only based on launch games.

- This is true. When we look into it further, we start to see why. Nintendo released a next gen system, capable of captivating the core gamer, people who want a system powerful enough to do more with franchises like Zelda, 64/sunshine/galaxy style mario, Metroid, New IP's along these lines, capable of giving a mentally stimulating adventure of epic proportions.
ANd then they proceeded to completely ignore this audience.

They ignored this audience for the 120 million wii/ds audience.... Who bought the wii and ds because they liked the simplistic fun, of a non demanding, non investive gameplay experience, and they didnt care diddly squat about graphics.

But wait, thas audience doesnt care about system power increases, which was the entire selling point and reason for existance of the wii u. Whoops. These people only wanted a simple, non challenging, non demanding, time wasters that require no mental investment, something they can now get for 'free' through a device they need to have for personal/work life. A mobile phone.

Meanwhile, Nintendo is devoting 90% of its time and resources to an audience that will never come over, while completely ignoring the audience that bought the wii u for what it could do for real games.

Third parties were given the floor, like with the 3ds, yet failed to deliver.

-Surprise, surprise. Unprecendented partnerships indeed.

Advertising was confusing and delayed until quality software was available.

-Advertising is still 'confusing', barely anyone outside the internet knows what a wii u is. And the quality software is just not enough.

If you look at the split between games like Nintendo land, or nsmbwu, or nsmb3dw, or wii fit, games meant to attract the casual crowd whos scared of deeper gaming experiences, vs say, pikmin 3, or tw101, you will find damn near a 10-1 split in favor of people who have moved on to cell phones.

Just imagine, IMAGINE, if Nintendo had decided to say, make a 50-50 split instead. Every game, of every genre you like currently on wii u, would have 2-3 more games for you to play RIGHT NOW.

The looming PS4/Xbone launch created a 'Dreamcast' effect.-I cant even give this one to nintendo. Nintendo did this to themselves. If they had come out prepared for this, prepared for the Nintendo faithful, instead of ignoring them, We would have first gen first gen Zelda's (remember how much launching with a zelda helped wii?), then BAM pikmin 3, then BAM tw101, bam metroid, oh no, maybe some downtime? BAM hd rerelease of windwaker, bam mario kart, bam smash.

Nobody would give a crap about ps4/xbones pathetic launch line up, because they were being SATISFIED, except the ones who were going to buy one no matter what.

Instead, Nintendo has a starving pissed off customer/fanbase tired of being ignored for no shows.

Quality software debuted when the market was gearing up for the launches of the other systems.

-True, and still, not nearly enough. Nintendo was still downplaying games for people who like investing their time in videogames, in favor of people who just want to waste some time, at a ratio of about 10-1.

Said software has a split priority-Wii Fit/Sports/Play/etc. were never going to drive the install base that has moved on to other formats.

-Oh, you... you... E-hug.

Man, any attempts at using almost any manner of formatting are just not working out for me today.



#34 MorbidGod


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 11:28 AM

This is great list and Id love to dive in a little deeper.

The system launched without a real 'next gen' value proposition compared to existing competition. This is only based on launch games.

- This is true. When we look into it further, we start to see why. Nintendo released a next gen system, capable of captivating the core gamer, people who want a system powerful enough to do more with franchises like Zelda, 64/sunshine/galaxy style mario, Metroid, New IP's along these lines, capable of giving a mentally stimulating adventure of epic proportions.
ANd then they proceeded to completely ignore this audience.

They ignored this audience for the 120 million wii/ds audience.... Who bought the wii and ds because they liked the simplistic fun, of a non demanding, non investive gameplay experience, and they didnt care diddly squat about graphics.

But wait, thas audience doesnt care about system power increases, which was the entire selling point and reason for existance of the wii u. Whoops. These people only wanted a simple, non challenging, non demanding, time wasters that require no mental investment, something they can now get for 'free' through a device they need to have for personal/work life. A mobile phone.

Meanwhile, Nintendo is devoting 90% of its time and resources to an audience that will never come over, while completely ignoring the audience that bought the wii u for what it could do for real games.

Third parties were given the floor, like with the 3ds, yet failed to deliver.

-Surprise, surprise. Unprecendented partnerships indeed.

Advertising was confusing and delayed until quality software was available.

-Advertising is still 'confusing', barely anyone outside the internet knows what a wii u is. And the quality software is just not enough.

If you look at the split between games like Nintendo land, or nsmbwu, or nsmb3dw, or wii fit, games meant to attract the casual crowd whos scared of deeper gaming experiences, vs say, pikmin 3, or tw101, you will find damn near a 10-1 split in favor of people who have moved on to cell phones.

Just imagine, IMAGINE, if Nintendo had decided to say, make a 50-50 split instead. Every game, of every genre you like currently on wii u, would have 2-3 more games for you to play RIGHT NOW.

The looming PS4/Xbone launch created a 'Dreamcast' effect.-I cant even give this one to nintendo. Nintendo did this to themselves. If they had come out prepared for this, prepared for the Nintendo faithful, instead of ignoring them, We would have first gen first gen Zelda's (remember how much launching with a zelda helped wii?), then BAM pikmin 3, then BAM tw101, bam metroid, oh no, maybe some downtime? BAM hd rerelease of windwaker, bam mario kart, bam smash.

Nobody would give a crap about ps4/xbones pathetic launch line up, because they were being SATISFIED, except the ones who were going to buy one no matter what.

Instead, Nintendo has a starving pissed off customer/fanbase tired of being ignored for no shows.

Quality software debuted when the market was gearing up for the launches of the other systems.

-True, and still, not nearly enough. Nintendo was still downplaying games for people who like investing their time in videogames, in favor of people who just want to waste some time, at a ratio of about 10-1.

Said software has a split priority-Wii Fit/Sports/Play/etc. were never going to drive the install base that has moved on to other formats.

-Oh, you... you... E-hug.

Man, any attempts at using almost any manner of formatting are just not working out for me today.

I don't 100% agree with all these statements. Specifically, the statement that Nintendo is focusing on the casual gamer. I would argue, that they haven't been focusing on any market and that explains why we don't have any ads. They don't know who to target.

At least, that's how I see it
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#35 SailtheSeas


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 11:31 AM

Even if that's so, the language was harsh.


He's clearly delusional, bitter, angry and cannot face the fact that Nintendo is slowly but surely heading to irrelevance in the home console market. He states that gamers on the Internet are a minority and their opinions on the Wii U don't matter. Well the silent majority haven't been lining up to buy a Wii U have they? 


Consumers by in large (presently) just don't want what Nintendo is offering with the Wii U. 

#36 3Dude



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Posted 16 February 2014 - 03:54 PM

I don't 100% agree with all these statements. Specifically, the statement that Nintendo is focusing on the casual gamer. I would argue, that they haven't been focusing on any market and that explains why we don't have any ads. They don't know who to target.

At least, that's how I see it

Maybe, if you are looking at advertising. But since they basically HAVE nothing to look at in that department, if you look at the games instead, you will find for every game like say, pikmin 3, or the wonderful 101, you will find 10 games like nintendo land, or nsmbu, or wii fit or wii party or just dance etc.

Its pretty obvious who they were targeting.



#37 MorbidGod


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 05:39 PM

Maybe, if you are looking at advertising. But since they basically HAVE nothing to look at in that department, if you look at the games instead, you will find for every game like say, pikmin 3, or the wonderful 101, you will find 10 games like nintendo land, or nsmbu, or wii fit or wii party or just dance etc.

Its pretty obvious who they were targeting.

But Nintendo only has two, or four if you count Nintendo Land and NSMBU. Out of the all their games they have made. They have more "Nintendo Core" games then "casual games".

I think the problem is, they didn't have an audience in mind at all.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#38 Azure-Edge


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 05:58 PM

Nintendo has definitely screwed up on a multitude of levels. I think the Wii U is still salvageable but only if Nintendo starts to get their asses in gear. We'll see though, it depends on if Iwata truly has what it takes to turn the company and the Wii U around. I'm not sure if he does.  


#39 Nollog


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Posted 16 February 2014 - 07:55 PM

I believe the Wii U's problems are obviously tied to the success of the Wii, or rather, Nintendo's thinking that the same core strategy could work again. However, if we break this down a little more, and in no particular order:

  • The system launched without a real 'next gen' value proposition compared to existing competition. This is only based on launch games. 
  • Third parties were given the floor, like with the 3ds, yet failed to deliver. 
  • Advertising was confusing and delayed until quality software was available. 
  • The looming PS4/Xbone launch created a 'Dreamcast' effect. 
  • Quality software debuted when the market was gearing up for the launches of the other systems. 
  • Said software has a split priority-Wii Fit/Sports/Play/etc. were never going to drive the install base that has moved on to other formats. 

Nintendo drastically misjudged the market. Their conservative nature prevents them from making knee jerk reactions, and this has paid off (do a current ratio from their recent financials to laugh off this Nintendo is doomed nonsense). 


I hope 2014 is about the gamer. QOL can mean many things. People assume it means more fitness games. However, as we see with the Rusty Baseball IP, it can mean many different things (good feelings through software interaction). 


Now that the PS4 and Xbone are out, I actually think Nintendo may have a better chance with the Wii U. The hardcore market was probably presuming a Wii-360 gap in power, combined with shovelware support. 


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#40 3Dude



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Posted 16 February 2014 - 09:29 PM

But Nintendo only has two, or four if you count Nintendo Land and NSMBU. Out of the all their games they have made. They have more "Nintendo Core" games then "casual games".

I think the problem is, they didn't have an audience in mind at all.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze[45]
Dr. Luigi
nes remix 1 and 2
game and wario
Just dance wii u - Yes, this was published by Nintendo, so, this one is on the list, though whether you add just dance 2014, and just dance kids is up to you.

Mario and sonic at the olympic games
New super mario bros u
New super luigi bros u
Nintendo land
Sing party
Pokemon rumble U
Super mario 3d world (yes, it is a 2d mario, just in 3d, it appeals to the simplistic, easily intimidated 2d mario players, as anyone waiting for an entry in an actual 3d mario style game will quickly tell you)

Wii fit u
Wii party u
Wii kareoke U
Wii sports club U

oh yeah... its just 2 games. Oh wait. No its not. The wii u is a veritable clogged toilet overflowing with party games, singing games, mini game collections, 2d sidescrollers, and other casual fare.

When you add in 3rd parties, what little 3rd party we have, the ratio gets much, much worse.

90% of the titles available on the system, offer nothing attractive whatsoever, to the people who own a wii u, or who WOULD own a wii u.

That last 10% is FANTASTIC quality stuff. But even if it was the greatest game ever made, it cant be expected to be replayed over and over and over again for the next year or two straight and keep someone happily satisfied. Its just not possible.

Which is the EXACT situation wii u owners are in. RIGHT NOW.

However, f you take that gigantic list most of which was casual garbage no one bought, and split it in half, all of the sudden, those wii u owners have 3-4x the games to play through over the next year or two, instead of a gigantic pile of NOTHING.



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