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Wii U sales wont go so well?

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#1 Pro Pizza! >:D

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 11:33 AM

Anyone else a bit worried the Wii U sales will end up with the 3DS? 3DS had to get its price dropped so low that 1) Nintendo is losing money on it and 2) just to get peoples attention and that was @ $250(Or $200, idk). Imagine that with a consoles $300+. You think people will still buy the best console or stick 2 the cheaper consoles? People won't buy the best but only the affordable. You guys think the console will have a successful launch? Personally, it's a bit shaky since everyone isn't as rich as they were and everyone owes everyone else money.
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#2 Bill Cipher

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 12:43 PM

Anyone else a bit worried the Wii U sales will end up with the 3DS? 3DS had to get its price dropped so low that 1) Nintendo is losing money on it and 2) just to get peoples attention and that was @ $250(Or $200, idk). Imagine that with a consoles $300+. You think people will still buy the best console or stick 2 the cheaper consoles? People won't buy the best but only the affordable. You guys think the console will have a successful launch? Personally, it's a bit shaky since everyone isn't as rich as they were and everyone owes everyone else money.

I'll tell you what hurt the 3DS: The DS Branding and when it came out.
By adding the 3 before the DS and focusing on 3D as opposed to new hardware, many consumers were not aware of the difference. I've asked several of my classmates and they say a sequel to a brand name should have a higher digit AFTER the consoles name, I.E. DS2/DS3 However, the WiiU looks to change this as it's general idea's and aesthetics behind it are entirely different. Where as the 3DS looks very similar to that of the DSi, the WiiU's controller looks entirely different compared to that of the Wii's. Problem for market will be telling people that it is not an add on.

As for Launch, I sincerely believe the only reason the 3DS was not selling well was because it released in March. Had it been released around Christmas, odds are likely that it would have sold a lot more. Wheither or not if it could keep up that momentum after the Vita launched would have been an entirely different story though.

Plus, Nintendo has stated that they have learned from the 3DS's launch mistakes. With part of these "launch mistakes" being that it cost way more then what it should have (Literally, I was expecting it to be $200 at max when it Launched. I even had a Formula for converting the price and it said around $185.), I can tell you Nintendo won't be charging way more then what the machine is worth. Is the day's of Nintendo making aprofit off of everything gone? No, but the days of $50+ profit's are, and I think Nintendo realizes this.

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#3 Andy


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Posted 05 November 2011 - 02:31 PM

Shouldn't this be in Wii U hardware?

OT: I agree with N on this one. Nintendo has openly stated that they learned "a bitter lesson" from the 3DS's launch. If Nintendo can market this in a way to let the masses know that the Wii U isn't a new Wii controller, and is in fact a new, more powerful system, it should do just fine.
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#4 Crackkat



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Posted 05 November 2011 - 06:17 PM

im not worried about wii u sales when it comes to people choosing to buy it or about launch line up (which is looking fantastic so far). i am worried however about the economies of the world, nintendo i think are doing everything they can to make the wii u the best console in history and i think it will be. if it doesnt sell well, its will be because of the possibility of a worsening recession :(
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#5 Katana


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 02:13 AM

Yes I said at the time 3DS needed a different name to dis-associate itself from DS,most people thought it was a normal DS with 3D screens so didn't bother.Plus there was a lack of software at the start (SF4 was not enough to persuade me) and that price...!!!
Wii-U has been a bit shaky though,Nintendo did not quite get the presentation right at E3 (most people thought the tablet was the new console and didn't know about the desktop) and that was a bit of a mistake.Of course they are up to speed with it now and also Nintendo have another E3 to show it and the software.Nintendo will get the release right,good games,good price,but the recession is a problem...but people always find a way of getting the 'important' things :D
I think it will be fine and also Nintendo will have next year and maybe the year after to themselves...I don't see Sony or Microsoft releasing major hardware soon...and also Vita interest is dying I have heard.Might make Sony more reluctant to plough on with PS4 just yet.
I think Nintendo will be fine. :D

Edited by Katana, 06 November 2011 - 04:07 AM.

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#6 MLdragoMaster


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 12:41 PM

I don't think it will.
As long as they take their time, which is what it seems they're doing, it's going to be very well.
3rd-Party support is awesome, and a LOT of people are interested in it. It has a strong line-up, with games like Ninja Gaiden, Tekken, Zelda HD, and a few others, some of them probably release games. And the controller adds a whole dimension of gaming, interest of people being increased, as to what new ways there will be to play.

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#7 nintendofanboy


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 08:01 AM

I believe the main issue will mainly be how Nintendo manages to keep the Wii U price reasonable low to reach the masses, while sustaining huge loses for a certain period of time (and its funny that amazon has a wii u pre order page without the price.).

Huge processing power + gigantic tablets won't be cheap to produce. My main worry is that the console ends up being too expensive and fails to sale well for the first few months.

Edited by nintendofanboy, 29 November 2011 - 01:02 PM.

The long wait for the Wii U.......

#8 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 12 November 2011 - 12:34 PM

I think it is very possible that Wii U sales might not go well. If it has a launch as bad as the 3DS it may be the final nail in Nintendo's coffin. However all Nintendo needs to do to keep this from happening is remembering not to rush the system, as they did with the 3DS.

#9 FreakAlchemist


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 05:32 AM

I think it is very possible that Wii U sales might not go well. If it has a launch as bad as the 3DS it may be the final nail in Nintendo's coffin. However all Nintendo needs to do to keep this from happening is remembering not to rush the system, as they did with the 3DS.

Exactly if they decide to release it around the 2012 holiday season then that would be just perfect for them and us.
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#10 Zuperman


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Posted 13 November 2011 - 05:39 AM

It's really too early to tell. Just wait till next year and we'll see how things are shaping up.
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#11 Nin10dude712


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Posted 14 November 2011 - 02:28 AM

I think it is very possible that Wii U sales might not go well. If it has a launch as bad as the 3DS it may be the final nail in Nintendo's coffin. However all Nintendo needs to do to keep this from happening is remembering not to rush the system, as they did with the 3DS.

I think you're exaggerating that a bit. The 3DS is doing fine now, and I dont think a slow Wii U start would "be the final nail in Nintendo's coffin".

I honestly can't see the Wii U selling less than the GameCube, and Im sure that the GameCube was profitable. I think the Wii name alone will cause it to sell more than the GameCube.

Edited by Nin10dude712, 14 November 2011 - 02:32 AM.

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#12 Anon_Fire



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Posted 26 November 2011 - 08:18 PM

It is too soon to tell if the Wii U's launch does not go as Nintendo hoped.

#13 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 01:44 PM

I dont think that we have anything to worry about. So what the 3DS was only one of the few shaky launches but now it is just rocking the markets and is doing really well. Also I think Nintendo acknowledged this and will make sure that they dont make the same mistake. Plus Nintendo has always made affordable counsels just with the exception of the 3DS. One launch failure out of allot of success wont be enough to judge the WiiU.

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#14 neverwinteru



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Posted 22 December 2011 - 03:00 PM

no doubt in my mind the WiiU will sale

#15 10k


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 03:55 PM

Here is me looking into my crystal ball:

Sony and Microsoft fanboys will say the console was a failure of it doesn't sell near the 90 million units the original wii sold. Even though roughly 60% of wii sales was from the casual gamer. The Wii U will sell maybe 40% of that, as some casuals will convert to hardcore while other casuals might see the Wii U as the newest fad.

With the recession and all, and the next gen being more about innovation and control schemes and less about graphics, I estimate the Wii U will sell at minimum 25 million, at best 40 million. 40 million in this generation would be last place by far, but I honestly think Nintendo will finish third again if they aim for the hardcore. The GameCube was catered to the hardcore and tried to compete in graphics and got roflstomped. But, the Wii U is promising to have third party support and at least HD visuals too not lag behind the other two consoles too much.

We also got to take into account that from 2005-2008 (360 launch and up to the recession) people were willing to pay for anything. People had no issue paying $600 for a launch PS3 and this skews the sales results. The real question is how have these systems sold in the recession, and who will want to spend the money on a new gaming console? Will people just go for the cheapest? (which will be the Wii U), or will The economy get better and people will pay ridiculous prices for the next Xbox or Playstation?

I can guarantee this, all 3 consoles won't be getting over 50 million units sold next generation, not if they launch their consoles higher than $450. My prediction?

Wii U - 38 million units sold worldwide
Xbox Next - 46 million units sold worldwide
PS4 - 50 million units worldwide
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#16 Soul



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Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:23 PM

These are my predictions

Xbox 720- 47 units ww
Wii U- 52 units ww
PS4- 54 units ww

#17 neverwinteru



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Posted 22 December 2011 - 10:59 PM

Wow are predictions really vary cause i think the next generation will probably last longer and sell better

somewhere along the lines of

World Wide

Wii U 60- 80 mil
Xbox loop 40-50 mil
Ps4- 60-70 mil

#18 Deadly Virus

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 04:50 AM

I think it's too early to predict sales, since we know very little about the Wii U's real features and capabilities and absolutely nothing about the PS4 and 720. I agree with Nin10dude that the Wii U is unlikely to sell less than the Gamecube, but selling just as much as it wouldn't be good either. I can see Sony doing better next gen though, they've managed to build the PS3 into a very good console and it's actually selling more than the 360 outside of the US.

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#19 Medu


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Posted 31 December 2011 - 04:28 AM

The Wii U could certainly struggle unless Nintendo have some VERY clever uses for the controller screen. There are lots of simple things that can be done on the screen to aid game-play but I can't see it having the instant appeal of the Wii remote. Helping to hide ideas in multi player would be an nice addition but it seems Nintendo didn't even design the console with that in mind.
The big worry I have for the Wii U is that there is no market left for Nintendo. They say they want to win back the hardcore gamers but why would someone with a 360 or PS3, or both, spend another $250-350, on another console to play PS360 ports? If it's someone that is upgrading from the Wii then they will probably have the choice of a $149 Xbox(or $200 with a couple of games) against a $250-350 machine so Nintendo won't even get all of those. Yes the hardcore Nintendo fans will buy it but if one looks at the sales of hardcore Nintendo games then there aren't many of us left- Zelda/Metroid games don't sell that well compared to triple A exclusives on other consoles.
Oddly enough I think the Wii U will fare better against the next gen consoles than the current ones as that should give Nintendo back it's price advantage and hopefully it will also continue to get multi platform games.

Edited by Medu, 31 December 2011 - 04:29 AM.

#20 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 01 January 2012 - 12:02 PM

I would say as long as Nintendo doesnt pull off a Sony and price it like $600 they should be fine. Also I do think that e3 2012 will increase the fan base even more! But I honestly think that Nintendo has the power to make it sell well not the gamers. The success of the WiiU I mean is in Nintendo's hands. And I wouldnt worry they can sell ice to the Eskimos!

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