Man who tricked girlfriend into taking an abortion pill gets 13 years in jail.
Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:03 PM
Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:13 PM
Teens, who don't know better because they have abstinence shoved down their throat.
Come on man I live in SLC and Teens here even knew horsing probably meant kids. They decided to any way and saw pregnant chicks in Jr high. It's still Pandora's box some idiots can't resist temptation and pay the piper for it and rightfully so.
Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:59 PM
Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:03 PM
Do the crime do the time.
Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:23 PM
Wii U Forums:
A bunch of guys telling a bunch of women what they should and shouldn't do with their own bodies.
On topic, the guy who did this, regardless of the situation is an softshell lizard. :/ If you're worried about stuff like this with the girl, you shouldn't be having sex with her.
Edited by Mignaga, 30 January 2014 - 09:23 PM.
Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:47 PM
There was one man who could have prevented all of this. And his name is Trojan Man!
Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:54 PM
No no no your not understanding.
You must understand that an unborn life is different from a born life.
but what im saying in the end is life is life no matter how big or small. But it is in natural for everything to die. Picking when is up to us and those around us.
eh I don't really want to take care of a kid, I think I'll just have the babies brains sucked out of its head and have it thrown away in the trash....just because I can. Whats the baby gonna do about it? lel because I get to pick who gets to live and who gets to die because Its my body (because murdering a baby is just like getting a tattoo, If I want to do it im gonna do it god dammit its my body) If I don't kill this baby now its just gonna die eventually, so why even bother.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
Posted 31 January 2014 - 01:13 AM
No no no your not understanding.
1) You must understand that an unborn life is different from a born life.
If the child is born and no one wants it then give it away to someone who will love and care for it.
I have seen people treat there kids like crap and some even kill them because they never wanted them.
2) But if the child is unwanted before birth it is a little different.
Thing about a girl that never wanted a baby at all in life ever. And she ended up getting raped and pregnant.
Would you make her go through the 9 months of caring this baby and then the pain of child birth for a baby?
there has been cases where this had happen and most of the time the girl kills herself and the baby together.
3) Ive seen first hand moms that dont want a child and they smoke, drink and do drugs while pregnant, then the baby comes out all messed up. And has to live a life of crap with a parent that never wanted them an treats them like crap.
So basically the kid get hell for nothing. I do not know what happen to her or her child but im pretty sure it wasnt good.
4) but what im saying in the end is life is life no matter how big or small. But it is in natural for everything to die. Picking when is up to us and those around us.
5) Also think about this.
Your wife gets pregnant but towards the end they say something is wrong and only one could be save. The baby or your wife. What do you do? And is picking wrong?
Wow I procrastinated on responding to this...
So like if I'm sounding crazy and stuff it's cause I'm writing this at 3:42 am
Numbered your points and have numbered my responses accordingly.
1) I understand that EVERY life is different in some regard, but we don't justify the killing of any other (human) life.
A baby that was aborted could have been adopted and loved more that anyone in this world. Like I said before, there'a long-as-my-black-dick waiting list (and that's pretty long).
2) Ok, so the rape thing. I knew this was gonna come up because it ALWAYS comes up. Like seriously.
Let me start by saying; let's be real here these cases are SO frinking rare. but that doesn't mean they don't happen so:
I STILL don't think a baby should be aborted if it's a rape. I know rape obviously beyond sucks. I can't even begin to describe how filled with suck it is. And I'm not being insensitive when I say I hope I never can. It can quite literally ruin someone's life. I know that. I know that a lot of the time the person raped hasn't even made bad decisions to put themselves in that situation. Carrying around a baby that reminds you of the incident every day for 9 months. Even more suck. Way more even more suck.
But I'm sorry how does a baby who had even less say in the matter than the person raped deserved to be killed for this? Having to be "punished" (so to speak) for nine months is terrible. You know what's even worse? Being quite literally ripped. Limb. From. Limb With you WHOLE life ahead of you. Because someone ELSE was a hugemungous d-bag. Before you can even comprehend what that pain is and why you're being put through it you're subjected to it, and then you die. You're barely starting understand the fact you're alive, and then you die in a way onl the most sadistic person would wish upon someone. Because NO one wants to be ripped limb from limb. Even if they say they do, I think they'' change their mind REALLY frinking quickly.
3) But you know what? At least that kid got a chance to live a good life first of all. Second of all, mistreatment of already born kids is kind of a different issue. That has to do more with how child services in pretty much every country suck huge monkey dick at their one job.
4) I think you might want to reword that. You're basically saying humans have the right to murder... and I ... yeah I really think you might want to expand or something there...
5) Okay, so another sucky situation. Now I don't have a wife, and I won't "imagine" loving one, because that'll just cause more debate. So I'll replace wife with mother.
Yes I would prefer the child be born. Is that a situation I would want to be put in. HECK. NO. But first of all, you never frinking know what's going to happen for sure. The doctors thought my pastor was cancer. His mom had cancer, and they thought he was part of it. He got chemo'd when he was a fetus. Then the doctors realized "Holy crap, one of these tumors is actually a bay. Whoops." And (I think) my pastor's mom asked them to stop the chemo. Either way it doesn't matter. One morning they came to check on her, and she had "given birth" to the tumor so to speak. Like, it was just lying there in the bed. No need for chemo anymore. Baby is born, turns out to be perfectly normal.
You never. Frinking. Know. Some crazy stuff happens on this weird planet earth place.
Even if nothing happens, you know what? The person who is pregnant (theoretically my mom in this case), has at least gotten to live their life. It may have been cut short and that also really sucks. But that baby hasn't gotten to do anything yet, and it's only fair he gets a chance to enjoy life and see what it's like as well.
K. Imma go to bed now.
- Mitch likes this
Posted 31 January 2014 - 08:34 AM
eh I don't really want to take care of a kid, I think I'll just have the babies brains sucked out of its head and have it thrown away in the trash....just because I can. Whats the baby gonna do about it? lel because I get to pick who gets to live and who gets to die because Its my body (because murdering a baby is just like getting a tattoo, If I want to do it im gonna do it god dammit its my body) If I don't kill this baby now its just gonna die eventually, so why even bother.
Not really.
It's like I said grey area. Either death before you can really feel pain or put left to death right after being born.
When I was younger there was the prom night stories of giving birth and flushing the baby, then go back to prom. It was very common back then.
Just the way I see it is if that will happen it would be better off before you have all your pain sensors.
If I was the baby I can say is rather go before. But that is my opinion and I'm entitle to it
To long to quote but
5) but yes on the doctor stuff. They are wrong alot i been there to many times but i was saying if it happen like that.
But i have heard of cases where the mom or the dad choices for the baby to life. The mom dies and then the baby is born. But something is wrong with them and they die before even making it home.
2) on the rape thing idk how you can think that but i guess you never been there or known anyone that has.
As said thats why most girls kill them self alone with the baby.
4) Yes human can murder , as far as right no, but it happens in life more then anything. It sucks when someone dies. It hurts when its someone you know but all in all at the end of the day how much do you care? Someone dies like ever 5 seconds in the world.
true story. Yesterday a girl got shot in the face during a drive by. It happen around the mall by my house. It sucks that she got shot for no reason, but it happens.
IMO life is only valued by those who care for it.
if you heard on the news that 500 people where trap in a building and it caught fire and they died.
How would you feel?
Now think about the people in that building being kids in a school.
Now think of it being a school close to you where you may know them.
Now think of it being people you do know , see, and love. It hits home and hurts like hell.
Now find out the news reporter was wrong and it wasnt a school it was jail filled with death row people who have killed and raped tons of people.
Does it change the way you feel about those people dying?
alot of people will say it doesnt hurt as bad.
but all in all what i say about this.
Life is valued by those who care for it. if a life is no cared for most of the time it ends.
Thats why people die in drive bys and robbers. The life of the other wasnt valued.
not saying it is right but its what happens.
Nothing gives another human the right to pick who lives and who dies, but its what happens and in no way will it stop.
Sad to say but its human to error and we make a ton of mistake.
There is no more need for debating. If you wanna get an understanding of how i see the world then ok but we will probably never see eye to eye on this.
Edited by xile6, 31 January 2014 - 09:02 AM.
xile06 "N" ID
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Posted 02 February 2014 - 08:27 PM
To long to quote but
5) but yes on the doctor stuff. They are wrong alot i been there to many times but i was saying if it happen like that.
But i have heard of cases where the mom or the dad choices for the baby to life. The mom dies and then the baby is born. But something is wrong with them and they die before even making it home.
2) on the rape thing idk how you can think that but i guess you never been there or known anyone that has.
As said thats why most girls kill them self alone with the baby.
4) Yes human can murder , as far as right no, but it happens in life more then anything. It sucks when someone dies. It hurts when its someone you know but all in all at the end of the day how much do you care? Someone dies like ever 5 seconds in the world.
true story. Yesterday a girl got shot in the face during a drive by. It happen around the mall by my house. It sucks that she got shot for no reason, but it happens.
IMO life is only valued by those who care for it.
if you heard on the news that 500 people where trap in a building and it caught fire and they died.
How would you feel?
Now think about the people in that building being kids in a school.
Now think of it being a school close to you where you may know them.
Now think of it being people you do know , see, and love. It hits home and hurts like hell.
Now find out the news reporter was wrong and it wasnt a school it was jail filled with death row people who have killed and raped tons of people.
Does it change the way you feel about those people dying?
alot of people will say it doesnt hurt as bad.
but all in all what i say about this.
Life is valued by those who care for it. if a life is no cared for most of the time it ends.
Thats why people die in drive bys and robbers. The life of the other wasnt valued.
not saying it is right but its what happens.
Nothing gives another human the right to pick who lives and who dies, but its what happens and in no way will it stop.
Sad to say but its human to error and we make a ton of mistake.
There is no more need for debating. If you wanna get an understanding of how i see the world then ok but we will probably never see eye to eye on this.
Whew! Procrastinated again
5) Yeah of course that happens, however, if you decide to abort you know what it's chance of survival is?
I think that's a little bit less.
2?) What do you mean how can I say that? How can I say having to be "punished" for nine months isn't worse than killing a child.
Uh I really don't think i need to be raped to know that...
4(seriously man?)) Ok I REALLY think you might want to rethink your logic here. So because people die all the time we should just let murder happen without punishment. Maybe we should release Robert Pickton, Luca Mignotta and George Zimmerman (wait, never mind on that last one) then.
I mean what's the big deal? Yeah they died and some people were sad. So what? People die, like, every five seconds!
Also so because foetuses are too young to value life then too bad for them? So then freshly born babies should be legal to kill as well. After all they can't comprehend it. Okay cool. While we're at it, let's go for dementia patients, newborn babies and the severely mentally handicapped. They can't comprehend life well enough to truly value it, so who cares if they die!? See where that logic's flawed?
Well yeah it does a bit. Not because of what they've done, but because a child has only had a few years to enjoy life whereas someone in jail has had quite some time to enjoy it (or at least try to). That's why pretty much every human being on earth take children dying harder than adults dying. Anyway what does this point have to do with the topic at hand. Is this supposed to make me say "Yeah I guess death ain't all that bad" or something? because even if i think children dying is more of a tragedy than adults dying, that doesn't mean I don't still think ANYONE being killed is a tragedy.
I don't see why we can't continue. I quite honestly find it hard to believe anyone could truly believe murder is ok. :/
Posted 03 February 2014 - 12:10 AM
Whew! Procrastinated again
5) Yeah of course that happens, however, if you decide to abort you know what it's chance of survival is?
I think that's a little bit less.
2?) What do you mean how can I say that? How can I say having to be "punished" for nine months isn't worse than killing a child.
Uh I really don't think i need to be raped to know that...
4(seriously man?)) Ok I REALLY think you might want to rethink your logic here. So because people die all the time we should just let murder happen without punishment. Maybe we should release Robert Pickton, Luca Mignotta and George Zimmerman (wait, never mind on that last one) then.
I mean what's the big deal? Yeah they died and some people were sad. So what? People die, like, every five seconds!
Also so because foetuses are too young to value life then too bad for them? So then freshly born babies should be legal to kill as well. After all they can't comprehend it. Okay cool. While we're at it, let's go for dementia patients, newborn babies and the severely mentally handicapped. They can't comprehend life well enough to truly value it, so who cares if they die!? See where that logic's flawed?
Well yeah it does a bit. Not because of what they've done, but because a child has only had a few years to enjoy life whereas someone in jail has had quite some time to enjoy it (or at least try to). That's why pretty much every human being on earth take children dying harder than adults dying. Anyway what does this point have to do with the topic at hand. Is this supposed to make me say "Yeah I guess death ain't all that bad" or something? because even if i think children dying is more of a tragedy than adults dying, that doesn't mean I don't still think ANYONE being killed is a tragedy.
I don't see why we can't continue. I quite honestly find it hard to believe anyone could truly believe murder is ok. :/
Never said murder was ok. I truly don't like it. But it is what will happen in the end.
And people who kill people should go to jail, but there is so many different things that can set that apart.
And lots of people get off with it which can suck.
A few weeks ago. On the news a cop rolled up to a house that was suppose to be getting broken into. There was a guy there walking around and had a gun. They shot him on site.
Now most will say the cop shoyldnt go to jail he did his job right?
Well turns out he was at the wrong address. So he shot and killed a man that was just cleaning his gun in his garage.
But the cop still got off and didn't have to go to jail
Same thing with the abortion. At some times it seems right and other not.
Never said it was truly right, but I can see sometime where it makes sense.
And it's not that young life isn't valued but it's that life is only valued to those who care for it.
That doesn't make it right to kill someone tho.
But that is really just life.
Full of things that aren't right but still happen.
To many different views on things to make a stander right and wrong. That's why we got the courts and judges. Which some agree and others don't.
Edited by xile6, 03 February 2014 - 12:20 AM.
xile06 "N" ID
Cod bo2, AC3, Zombiu, NSMB, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, Smash Bro wiiu,
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Posted 03 February 2014 - 06:43 AM
I wonder how soon this thread will get locked. Any starting bets?
lol, that's why i'm not posting anything. Anything to do with abortion, guns, or gays will end up in a fight. Oh, and beliefs (christianity and atheism).
Posted 03 February 2014 - 05:51 PM
She popped holes in condoms so a baby could be made.
He popped abortion pills in her so baby doesn't become.
As tragic as everything is, and as morally wrong as it was by both parties to do what they did, I honestly don't think that he deserved 13 years in jail. They obviously hit a disagreement about having a child, and both forced stupid things without consent onto each other. They couldn't just leave it at a break up? But you know, Christians and Women all be like "You get her pregnant, you have that damn child" and sympathy votes etc etc
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 03 February 2014 - 10:30 PM
She popped holes in condoms so a baby could be made.
She did? I must have missed that part.
If that is the case both of their actions are wrong.
Obviously giving her the pill without her consent is a horrible inexcusable act but I'm not personally against abortion in itself.
Posted 03 February 2014 - 11:41 PM
Actually, they're just "pro abortion."Except that technically "Pro abortion" people are actually "pro choice."
labeling them "pro abortion" is simply a poor ad hominem attack that distracts from the issue of unwanted pregnancies.
"Pro choice" is a misnomer that is used to positively spin the fact that a choice is being made to murder a defenseless unborn child (who, incidentally CAN" also feel pain very early on - the nerve network is well established at 20 weeks. But pain isn't the issue. Life is. No one diminishes murder just because the person wasn't painfully killed. No difference here-in the state of Minnesota, there is a "right to know" law that has been established specifically since so many moms have been lied to).
There are many facts which are glossed over by the pro abortion crowd. Pregnancy care centers are amazing places to go when someone is having a baby or thinking about ridding themselves of that horrible inconvenience called an unborn child.
Pro-life is also pro-choice. But choosing to be a normal person who cares for defenseless unborn children instead of killing them for convenience.
While there are cases where a woman's life is in danger, etc., that's not what the vast majority of the issue is about.
Shame that such a huge issue is brought down to a play on words.
Even Jane Roe who was a pawn in getting this ball rolling, now is completely regretful.
There is a video of an unborn baby getting mangled by someone sworn to uphold life that is also juxtaposed with a video of a pro-abortion franchise (money to be made!). It's quite enlightening and also not appropriate to post here. But not hard to find.
Just remember. You can't unseen that.
As a Kid, I was force fed pro-abortion lies for a long time - at school no less. Even wrote a paper on it. Then as I got older, I questioned a lot of what I had shoved down my throat and the facts are quite different than the candy coated spin job.
Edited by Socalmuscle, 04 February 2014 - 12:01 AM.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums and Ledo Jaeger like this
Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:16 AM
Never said murder was ok. I truly don't like it. But it is what will happen in the end.
And people who kill people should go to jail, but there is so many different things that can set that apart.
And lots of people get off with it which can suck.
A few weeks ago. On the news a cop rolled up to a house that was suppose to be getting broken into. There was a guy there walking around and had a gun. They shot him on site.
Now most will say the cop shoyldnt go to jail he did his job right?
Well turns out he was at the wrong address. So he shot and killed a man that was just cleaning his gun in his garage.
But the cop still got off and didn't have to go to jail
Same thing with the abortion. At some times it seems right and other not.
Never said it was truly right, but I can see sometime where it makes sense.
And it's not that young life isn't valued but it's that life is only valued to those who care for it.
That doesn't make it right to kill someone tho.
But that is really just life.
Full of things that aren't right but still happen.
To many different views on things to make a stander right and wrong. That's why we got the courts and judges. Which some agree and others don't.
Ok not gonna procrastinate this time
So you don't like murder, but you think death is inevitable so who really cares? That seems like a contradiction.
Well I'm not most people I guess cause I don't think a cop should ever be able to just shoot someone. Ifthey have good reason to believe they're about to be shot, then you have an argument, but just seeing someone with a gun? In america as well, where you guys practically hand guns out like candy compared to every other first world country (don't worry you're ahead of the war torn third world countries though, so it's all good). But that's another issue.
Here's another contradiction "And it's not that young life isn't valued but it's that life is only valued to those who care for it."
So if I understand you correctly, you're say young life is valued, but then you say life can only be valued by those who cared for it. In other words, not young ones...
then you say that it's not right to kill someone when you essentially just said that if life isn't cared for it holds no value. That's another contradiction.
you seem to have a really passive attitude to injustice dude :/
Posted 05 February 2014 - 01:53 PM
Ok not gonna procrastinate this time
So you don't like murder, but you think death is inevitable so who really cares? That seems like a contradiction.
Well I'm not most people I guess cause I don't think a cop should ever be able to just shoot someone. Ifthey have good reason to believe they're about to be shot, then you have an argument, but just seeing someone with a gun? In america as well, where you guys practically hand guns out like candy compared to every other first world country (don't worry you're ahead of the war torn third world countries though, so it's all good). But that's another issue.
Here's another contradiction "And it's not that young life isn't valued but it's that life is only valued to those who care for it."
So if I understand you correctly, you're say young life is valued, but then you say life can only be valued by those who cared for it. In other words, not young ones...
then you say that it's not right to kill someone when you essentially just said that if life isn't cared for it holds no value. That's another contradiction.
you seem to have a really passive attitude to injustice dude :/
ahh it will always contradict.
Its the fact that in some situation things are fine while others things arent.
In this one i believe that the guy should be in jail for what he did. There was other ways to handle this.
Now if both people agreed to do this because something happen that wasnt suppose to or a girl was rapped. Then id agree with the abortion.
But if there was just to dumb people that want to then i dont think they should because they should be able to.
either way having one lowers your chances of having another baby later on in life and some times it can cause problems in the woman.
On the cop thing. I believe he should go jail because there was other ways to handle this. Plus he got the wrong person.
I see alot of time where the cops shot to kill and 9/10 times they didnt need to.
While i didnt value that old guys life, i didnt know him so in my life it doesnt effect me. But just because i didnt value his life doesnt mean i believe he should die for no reason.
Thats why this will always contradict itself. In my eyes there is sometimes reasons to act or do some things.
Murder is murder no matter how you look at it. But in war everyone looks the other way. When a cop does a bust and kill unarmed people they look the other way.
When a girl is attacked and rape and trys to abort the baby they jump down her throat and she ends up in jails.
As said different people different views.
And what your saying is that you rather have new life then old life. You said that someone that has live life die to let a younger life live.
In some situations that is fine but others in my eyes its not.
My mind is a weird place i dont believe many will ever understand.
xile06 "N" ID
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