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DKC: Tropical Freeze only sells through 35% of its initial shipment in Japan.

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#41 Nollog


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 11:26 AM

I haven't stated any facts in any of my posts, just my honest opinion, so maybe you can explain to me just how an opinion can be factually wrong and also what have I spouted nonsense about? I've said that gamers don't want the Wii U and they don't hence why the console has struggled for the past year.
For a console in one fiscal year to sell only 2.8 million units or thereabouts is absolutely dire and shows just what a poor position the Wii U is in.
Give it a few more weeks and the PS4 will breeze past the Wii U in Worldwide sales, give it a few months and the Xbox One will be there or thereabouts.
The fact is gamers just don't want the Wii U presently and the Wii U is clearly in trouble, it's upto Mario Kart 8 to try and boost sales and start turning around the Wii U's fortunes around for the better. You may not like this, but as I've said read around the Internet and you'll see that gamers don't want what Nintendo is offering with the Wii U.
The casuals don't seem to want the Wii U either.

That's only an "opinion" because you never gave any facts to back your opinion up.
Usually opinions are based on some kind of facts.
Also, stop ironing.

PC version, and i was talking about the gameplay/mechanics/style seems to be alot like paper mario

Yah, you can also get shooters and stick of truth on the sony and ms console.
The point is, Nintendo should acquire non-platformers to get in people who want to game across many different genres.
We know the Wii U is more cross-genre than any other console, but it only has 1 or 2 of each of those genre-types, padding out another select genre like RPG for example, would give the console 2 genres which are heavily looked after on the console.

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#42 Akazury


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 12:00 PM

That all Nintendo seems to do lately, platformers and rehashes of old games.

 The same can be said for your comments, yet you keep on making them without any sign off having listened to what others told you. You're stuck in the same routine, yes you come out at a little bit at times like with the ND. Nintendo does it the evergreen way, slow start with great things along the lines which gives it momentum. Had those games in fact been Launch titles, they wouldn't have anything else to give. 


People here keep saying that Nintendo needs a new Metroid, a new F-zero and a new Star Fox, but Nintendo is too stubborn to release them. While in fact they might just be smart enough. Those games only cater to the old nostalgia filled Nintendo 'fanboys.' Metroid would have to change so many things to appeal to what teens/kids nowadays are in to, it wouldn't work. Hell they've tried it, it didn't work. F-zero, I for one have never heard of it and hey I'm 18 so there's a real good chance I'm not alone on this. And Star Fox for god's sake, they remade it on the 3Ds, didn't do to well now did it. I totally get why they stay with the IP's that sell, cause it's sorta been proven that the lesser known and older ones just don't cut it.


Now in the other topic you asked me for how long the U will be the more diverse and it will be for quite a while. Part of the indies coming out on PS4 are also on the U and if they're not there are enough to cover for it. While third party may be small we are getting Batman Blackgate (I admit it's a port but it does break the dry spell a bit), there's still Hyrule warriors beat 'm up and with them licensing out Nintendo franchises, you just wait. And even if this wait takes up to E3 it won't matter to me cause I have faith in my system that it'll give me the fun and pleasure that I bought it for. Cause I remember the first time we saw the Gamepad at work, it created a whole virtual space around you. It was this tiny window which let you peek into a much bigger world, always active around you. I still believe in what I saw was possible and while Nintendo now focuses on the NFC I am excited to see what they'll bring to the table.


Now to finish my rant I've got a word of advice for you. If you dislike the U so munch that you need to Daisy about it almost every chance you have sell it and if you won't the STFU, cause nobody likes to hear you wine about how Nintendo cheated you with their E3 presentation, that the gamepad should have been an accessory instead of the main controller or that it has been gathering dust for months. I'll tell you this no matter how good Bayo2, X, SSMB will be and how much you'll be looking forward to them cause once released you'll haven't changed your mind and you know as well as I do, it'll never.

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#43 SailtheSeas


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 12:08 PM

If you don't like what I type, don't read it.


Simple isn't it?

#44 Ghost



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 12:16 PM

A shame but who cares? Watch out for lifetime sales because I guarantee that they will surpass 2-4 million copies easily when other stronger "AAA" titles come out. 

#45 grahamf


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 01:30 PM

I always thought Nintendo's best strategy would be to stay out of the console war. With the last gen the main fight was between the Xbox 360 and PS3, but everyone also bought a Wii as a secondary system. Nintendo just needs to make sure they don't price themselves out of their niche or gain the impression of being a graphically poor competitor to the other two consoles.



#46 Rockodoodle


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 05:18 AM

While the game might not have made a splash in terms of numbers- I'll bet that it has steady sales over the length of the life cycle of the Wii U.  This will be one that people will eventually pick up.  Feb. is a slow month anyway.  

#47 SailtheSeas


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 10:59 AM

I always thought Nintendo's best strategy would be to stay out of the console war. With the last gen the main fight was between the Xbox 360 and PS3, but everyone also bought a Wii as a secondary system. Nintendo just needs to make sure they don't price themselves out of their niche or gain the impression of being a graphically poor competitor to the other two consoles.


How can the best strategy for Nintendo be a strategy which see them not competing with their competitors? People mention the Wii which was a bolt of lightning! Lightning generally doesn't strike twice, the fact is the Wii was the right product at the right time and like it or not, it went toe-to-toe with the other two competitors and smashed them to pieces because it offered non-gamers an entry level to gaming, it had some fantastic games for the casual, for the traditional Nintendo fanbase and for gamers in general. However the casual gamers who lapped up the Wii U are now playing Flappy Bird on their smartphone and tablet device.


If you take out the Wii from Nintendo's home console sales figure what you see is a downward trend in sales from generation to generation.


The NES sold 61 million units.

The SNES sold 49 million units.

The N64 sold 32 million units.

The Gamecube sold 21 million units.


The Wii U may well continue this trend by the end of its life cycle. 

Edited by SailtheSeas, 25 February 2014 - 11:00 AM.

#48 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 25 February 2014 - 11:18 AM

If you don't like what I type, don't read it.

Simple isn't it?

This is the singlemost stupidest thing anyone can ever posted on a forum. A forum by definition is a place to publicise thought. Asking us not to read what you post isn't just a contradiction, it's the biggest flag you could ever raise that pretty much says "hey look, I'm a troll!"

360 no scope cornshot. Ban this sick filth

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#49 NintendoReport



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Posted 25 February 2014 - 11:22 AM

This is the singlemost stupidest thing anyone can ever posted on a forum. A forum by definition is a place to publicise thought. Asking us not to read what you post isn't just a contradiction, it's the biggest flag you could ever raise that pretty much says "hey look, I'm a troll!"

360 no scope cornshot. Ban this sick filth


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#50 SailtheSeas


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 11:22 AM

This is the singlemost stupidest thing anyone can ever posted on a forum. A forum by definition is a place to publicise thought. Asking us not to read what you post isn't just a contradiction, it's the biggest flag you could ever raise that pretty much says "hey look, I'm a troll!"

360 no scope cornshot. Ban this sick filth


No it's not, if people don't like my opinions, they are not forced to read them. Telling me to refrain from posting my opinions on a forum where you are given the right to post your opinions providing they do not breach the TOS of the forum is also stupid.

#51 Lupaie



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Posted 25 February 2014 - 12:32 PM

No it's not, if people don't like my opinions, they are not forced to read them. Telling me to refrain from posting my opinions on a forum where you are given the right to post your opinions providing they do not breach the TOS of the forum is also stupid.


Pls ....At first I read your opinions and those of your 'fans' with a pinch of salt.....the problem is;...there's so much of it in a SaltySea...I mean...SailtheSeas. Yet, to my honest belief, it is getting annoying for me too. Not the fact that you have your own opinion, but the fact the the war over this opinion hijacks complete topics....and as a reader, one is almost unable to skim the topic for ontopic information.


Please...SalltheSeas and others: fight this out in a PM and Admin and Mods...pls block off topic comments.

Edited by Lupaie, 25 February 2014 - 12:32 PM.

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#52 DéliopT



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Posted 25 February 2014 - 12:33 PM

Personally i think Famitsu`s numbers are more accurate as they count the download cards (MC doesn`t).


But even taking into consideration the MC numbers, given the userbase, it`s really uexpected. Dk did better on Wii and 3DS because they had sold a lot more by the time they got their DK game.

The difference in userbase between Wii, 3D and Wii U at time of launch of those games is just to big to ignore.


Same thing happened with Mario 3D World.


Also, it doesn`t help that DKCR TP doesn`t seem to be that different from it`s predecessor - or predecessors, if you count the 3DS port.



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