I'm so sorry that you've "given up on us". It's a shame we all can't be more like you, saying stuff like how it's fine for blacks to be racist against whites, just as long as it isn't the other way around. :v
Yo, bro.
Bro... YO.
Calm dem tits (they look so much nicer when they're calm bb), then read my posts more clearly. I've never said specifically white people (in fact I've even said many black people have the same problem) and I literally just told that exact same thang to Matrix.
But jus' so you know, that thing where you see I think people are racist and am black so clearly I really mean white people is also stereotyping
Oh, I should have been a tad more clear... I was talking about the example where a white person guns down a black person.
Haha that doesn't answer my question... at least I'm assuming it doesn't. If it does, dang man, that's cold.