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Why Watch Dogs Shouls Be on your Must Have

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#41 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 March 2014 - 10:22 PM

Did you see the visuals for the PS4 version? It's a 2007 Need for Speed quality lol


Yes I have.

Not impressed. It's actually really sad. Was wondering if the e3 footage was fake for a while. But what do you expect? It seems this game started out as Need For Speed anyway. Lol

I said before that the footage shown for watch dogs at e3 wasn't anything the wii I couldn't do.

That's why it will actually cause me to avoid the game on any platform if they don't give the wii u their best shot.

Ubi needs to walk a fine line with Nintendo fans.

#42 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 12:07 AM

I don't see the problem with the graphics, it looked good to me. But I'm not a big graphics person. The the gameplay looks good and thats all that matters.


But I agree with the whole this needs to do well to support the Wii U. Games bombed before, and they didn't deter support really, companies are doing this just with the Wii U. Its like hey, why didn't you buy a crap game? Oh well no good games for you.

Stupid Snowmads!

#43 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 12:30 AM

If you don't buy the game - and its a great game - for the Wii U then your not supporting. Regardless of the reason, you are making that choice. If your not buying it because it's crappy, then that's totally legit. You don't like it. But, if your protesting, then you are causing more harm then good, and when we don't get those other games, I will blame the ones who choose not to buy the game.

There are better ways to protest. Boycotting in this business hurts the consumer.

But if we buy a good game that is still a lesser version we're supporting their ridiculous attitude, which in the end ends up harming us Wii u owners. What other protest do we have? I think just about everything has been tried except storming the officer and giving the CEO's public castrations.






#44 MorbidGod


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 01:08 AM

But if we buy a good game that is still a lesser version we're supporting their ridiculous attitude, which in the end ends up harming us Wii u owners. What other protest do we have? I think just about everything has been tried except storming the officer and giving the CEO's public castrations.

There you go again. Assuming the Wii U version is going to be crappy.

Look, I've said like a billion times, if the game isn't good you are completely legit on nit buying the game. You don't like it because it's gimped. Bam, legit.


I have no idea what I was thinking on that last paragraph.

Edited by MorbidGod, 09 March 2014 - 06:26 AM.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#45 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 01:16 AM

There you go again. Assuming the Wii U version is going to be crappy.

Look, I've said like a billion times, if the game isn't good you are completely legit on nit buying the game. You don't like it because it's gimped. Bam, legit.

I can't believe it wasn't even asked until now. At least according to ship records lol.

No I didn't assume it was crappy. I literally started with "if we buy a good game" Also, I think delaying a game only for Wii U only when they did the exact opposite but a couple months ago is definitely behaviour that should at least make you consider boycotting.






#46 Hunter



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 01:16 AM

But if we buy a good game that is still a lesser version we're supporting their ridiculous attitude, which in the end ends up harming us Wii u owners. What other protest do we have? I think just about everything has been tried except storming the officer and giving the CEO's public castrations.


I think MorbidGod is talking about the people (I don't know if you are one of them) who said they will not buy the game out of protest because it is going to be released a bit later, which is just absurd.

#47 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 01:17 AM

I think MorbidGod is talking about the people (I don't know if you are one of them) who said they will not buy the game out of protest because it is going to be released a bit later, which is just absurd.


I think delaying a game only for Wii U only when they did the exact opposite but a couple months ago is definitely behaviour that should at least make you consider boycotting.








#48 alan123


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 04:43 AM

And this is the reason why we dont get third party support.... Why drop the Wii U preorder and go for PS4? The video i saw looked like a downgrade from what was first shown. Hopefully and thats a biiiiiiig HOPE! I am hopeful that the Wii U version will be a bit more stable with the framerate.  

Im going to buy it on my Wii U because well I dont own the other consoles and I try to support third parties on Nintendo whenever I can.

I have no issue with people buying this for the WiiU i had it pre-ordered as soon as it was announced, but since i have had a WiiU since launch the console has just lost too much for me so i got a PS4 much sooner than i had initially wanted to & thought i would have to, but i have now got a PS4, there will be more people on the multiplayer for one, the graphics will be better on the PS4 they are already down n what was promised & the PS4/X1 version isn't as good as it was supposed to be so the WiiU will be worse & the X360/PS3 worse still, 


Why not hold back & release on all platforms like they did with RayMan Legends ?

This is why i have cancelled my pre-order for the WiiU version of WatchDogs Deadsec & gone for the PS4 Special Edition version instead & got inFAMOUS: Second Son with the money i saved.

​I am not going to blindly support third party content if it's going to be inferior & delayed, yes i want more third party support but this is Nintendo's job to do not mine, Nintendo have already has £300 off me for my WiiU & it's been a poor investment, i doubt anyone from Nintendo has gone to the people at Ubi & said why are you only holding back the WiiU version of WatchDogs  ? why not hold back the PC/X360/X1/PS3/PS4 versions of the game & release all at once ? which is what someone from Nintendo should have done already !


As i have both a WiiU & PS4 which version should i buy then ?


And "buy it for the WiiU because it needs your support" is not a good enough reason.

Edited by alan666, 09 March 2014 - 04:47 AM.

#49 JaylisJayP



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 06:18 AM

I love my Wii U, but from what I've read it looks like there will be a more alive world in the PS4 version aside from any graphical improvements.  I'll wait for reviews first but I'm leaning that way on this title.

#50 MorbidGod


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 06:41 AM

No I didn't assume it was crappy. I literally started with "if we buy a good game" Also, I think delaying a game only for Wii U only when they did the exact opposite but a couple months ago is definitely behaviour that should at least make you consider boycotting.

Not really. I've explained multiple times that Rayman and Watch Dogs are two different examples. Rayman wasn't a huge game that took five years to develop. Waiting even longer when one game feel behind. It will be costly to keep delaying, especially if it ends up being next year. So, Ubisofts next big next generation game won't hit until three years after the next generation starts (Nov 2012 is when it started officially). That's nit very good for business.

So, does it make me mad? Yes. But, as long as the time is well spent on upgrading and adding functionality, I don't give a darn. And every indication says that's what they are doing.

But, as I said before, people who are scorned won't listen to that logic. They just want to nit support a good Wii U game because of anger.

Also, you said the Wii U is the lesser version. Which means it isn't a good game compared to the others. Please don't try to ignore your own statements.

I love my Wii U, but from what I've read it looks like there will be a more alive world in the PS4 version aside from any graphical improvements. I'll wait for reviews first but I'm leaning that way on this title.

You could always buy both and compare. I might do that with the PS3/Wii U.

Edited by MorbidGod, 09 March 2014 - 06:44 AM.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#51 3Dude



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Posted 09 March 2014 - 03:24 PM

You're making the assumption this game is going to be crappy. But even if it is, Ubisoft I believe is using this game to judge whether or not continue to support Wii U with it's next big franchises this generation. So if this game fails because no one buys it, and down the line you get mad we don't end up getting more love from Ubisoft - that is your fault. And anyone who doesn't buy the game.
And of course, if you don't like the game - like I originally said - don't buy the game. That's perfectly fine.
But, I don't see Ubisoft messing this one up for the Wii U. The game was made for this controller.

I don't really see a difference in the original footage, from the brief footage from Wii U shown last year at E3, and from the latest story trailer. Also, reading upon hands on from Polygon, it appears the AI will react to you. For instance, the player thought he noticed someone doing something illegal. He followed him, and the AI became paranoid. Stood at a mail box for a while and eventually put a letter in. After the player was done, he asked Ubisoft about the guy and basically the normal people will react to you. So if they think your stalking them they could run away and act funny.
That's pretty cool. And there is so much more I've read about. The game has been worth the wait, it appears to me. And it seems better then what it originally appeared to me.

No, its actually nothing like that. This is a classic Ubisoft bait and switch. The 'bull play' reveal showed these things to be fluid and emergent, but the reality shown here is anything but.

The proposed emergent system has been replaced with a finite state machine. Its the same technology used for decades. The AI isnt reacting at all in ways that havent been done since the ps2 gen. The player is only being lead on. That person the player 'noticed' (by noticed he was TOLD via 'hacking' his text message) was ALWAYS going to do what it did. That was the state assigned to it, and it was following its script. Whether anyone was watching or not it would have done the same thing, until it was cleared from memory. These ai's arent 'reacting' anymore than they did back with the ps2 gta's, aside from having the time taken to write more states to use.

In fact, you will very rapidly notice the same scripts repeating over and over and over again, because its a FINITE state machine, there are only as many scenarios as scripts the developers wrote, each ai is randomly assigned its state out of the number of previously written scripts, which is the exact opposite of what was promised.



#52 MorbidGod


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 07:14 PM

No, its actually nothing like that. This is a classic Ubisoft bait and switch. The 'bull play' reveal showed these things to be fluid and emergent, but the reality shown here is anything but.

The proposed emergent system has been replaced with a finite state machine. Its the same technology used for decades. The AI isnt reacting at all in ways that havent been done since the ps2 gen. The player is only being lead on. That person the player 'noticed' (by noticed he was TOLD via 'hacking' his text message) was ALWAYS going to do what it did. That was the state assigned to it, and it was following its script. Whether anyone was watching or not it would have done the same thing, until it was cleared from memory. These ai's arent 'reacting' anymore than they did back with the ps2 gta's, aside from having the time taken to write more states to use.

In fact, you will very rapidly notice the same scripts repeating over and over and over again, because its a FINITE state machine, there are only as many scenarios as scripts the developers wrote, each ai is randomly assigned its state out of the number of previously written scripts, which is the exact opposite of what was promised.

Look, you can say what you will. Yes, there is a finite amount of scripts. It clearly states that in the article I read from Polygon. However, it also clearly shows what happened with this player.

Initially, I just ran around exploring the open world and digging into the tantalizing bits of information you can pull from anyone's phone. One particular passerby seemed to eye me nervously, so I checked out his phone and was able to listen to an obscure but slightly suspicious message. I decided to follow him and watched as he stood in front of a mailbox, tapping an envelope in his hand before looking around and dropping it in.

His actions were mostly likely a reaction to my stalking him.

I spent the next 15 minutes tailing him, thinking that perhaps he was up to something. The more I followed him, the more suspicious he acted until finally, abruptly, he started running away from me.

Later, when I talked to the developers about the incident, the told me he was likely just some hapless citizen, not tied to the plot or committing any crime. His actions, which I perceived as the indication of some possible crime, were mostly likely a reaction to my stalking him.


I encourage anyone interested in this game to read that entire article. However, to you 3Dude, I am truly excited for this game, and even more so that Ubisoft has more time with the Wii U version. What he described is freaking cool and I look forward to playing this game and spending an hour chasing someone who thinks I'm stalking him. Even if it is a finite moment, and won't happen every time. It's a cool experience.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#53 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 09 March 2014 - 07:53 PM

As of right now I'm planning to buy this for wii u, assuming the wii u version doesn't get cancelled.  If we don't buy even the decent 3rd party multiplats, devs will probably just drop the console altogether.  If the wii u version gets cancelled, then I won't buy the game at all.

#54 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 12:50 AM

Not really. I've explained multiple times that Rayman and Watch Dogs are two different examples. Rayman wasn't a huge game that took five years to develop. Waiting even longer when one game feel behind. It will be costly to keep delaying, especially if it ends up being next year. So, Ubisofts next big next generation game won't hit until three years after the next generation starts (Nov 2012 is when it started officially). That's nit very good for business.

So, does it make me mad? Yes. But, as long as the time is well spent on upgrading and adding functionality, I don't give a darn. And every indication says that's what they are doing.

But, as I said before, people who are scorned won't listen to that logic. They just want to nit support a good Wii U game because of anger.

Also, you said the Wii U is the lesser version. Which means it isn't a good game compared to the others. Please don't try to ignore your own statements.


The point is that they deemed it ok to delay Origins for months so they could create several other copies of it, but they won't wait at all for Wii U version to be delayed. I also don't se how delaying the games release is a loss of money. Potential money, maybe, but not directly as far as I know.

And people aren't pulling support from under Ubi because they don;t want to support a good game. Don;t be stupid. They're pulling support because of above mentioned betrayal of trust, plus this delay, plus the practically confirmed graphical drop, plus the fact it look like Ubi intends to start treating us like all the other western developers; like second class gamers.

"My full statement was if we buy a good game that is still a lesser version." As in, as the sentence clearly states, it would still be a good game, people just wouldn't b taking Ubi's crap.






#55 MorbidGod


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 05:35 AM

But if we buy a good game that is still a lesser version we're supporting their ridiculous attitude,
in the end ends up harming us Wii u owners. What other protest do we have? I think just about everything has been tried except storming the officer and giving the CEO's public castrations.

That sentence does imply the game is a lesser version. If your not comparing to the other versions, and more of a lesser game then what you thought it was going to be - then you should have said what you meant.

They are spending money right now developing Watch Dogs. It takes something called money to pay these people to make the game. If only one version of the game fell behind - because they are adding features, had trouble originally getting the engine to work on the platform - and they again delay the game for all platforms, and wait another year, they are loosing customers. They all ready made their customers mad delaying the game last year. They lost customers then, I'm sure. Delaying the game another year would mean that they spent six years of resources and didn't make anything for it. Five years is all ready a long time.

Now, if it turns up that the Wii U version is done "in a couple of months", then they should have waited. A couple of months wouldn't have hurt them, especially since there wasn't a firm release date after the first delay. No one would have known it was delayed further. But, telling your customers that you can buy the game at launch of the next generation and then delaying it a year AND THEN delaying another year on top of that, isn't good for business. Gamers would, as you say, loose trust in them to get games out. And again, this isn't a platformer. This is their first big next generation game. It doesn't look good if they can't get it out on time.

And remember, there is another option here. They could release the Wii U version in May like the others, but told the developer making it "Make it a dumb version. We don't care how it plays or what features it has. It's for Wii U." Then you'd be unhappy because its a "gimped version".
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#56 3Dude



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Posted 10 March 2014 - 09:14 AM

Look, you can say what you will. Yes, there is a finite amount of scripts. It clearly states that in the article I read from Polygon. However, it also clearly shows what happened with this player.

Initially, I just ran around exploring the open world and digging into the tantalizing bits of information you can pull from anyone's phone. One particular passerby seemed to eye me nervously, so I checked out his phone and was able to listen to an obscure but slightly suspicious message. I decided to follow him and watched as he stood in front of a mailbox, tapping an envelope in his hand before looking around and dropping it in.

His actions were mostly likely a reaction to my stalking him.

I spent the next 15 minutes tailing him, thinking that perhaps he was up to something. The more I followed him, the more suspicious he acted until finally, abruptly, he started running away from me.

Later, when I talked to the developers about the incident, the told me he was likely just some hapless citizen, not tied to the plot or committing any crime. His actions, which I perceived as the indication of some possible crime, were mostly likely a reaction to my stalking him.


I encourage anyone interested in this game to read that entire article. However, to you 3Dude, I am truly excited for this game, and even more so that Ubisoft has more time with the Wii U version. What he described is freaking cool and I look forward to playing this game and spending an hour chasing someone who thinks I'm stalking him. Even if it is a finite moment, and won't happen every time. It's a cool experience.

Absolutely, and so did I


20 years ago when it was new.

When Ubisoft promised next gen emergent AI, in what no one knew was a trailer that was100% fake but designed to look real, I expected something, after an entire generation sq
uandered, to actually make some progress towards new gameplay, but instead
they delivered a crapped out city full of game cube and ps2 tricks.

Thats called lying, false advertising, and I dont support that crap. Regaurdless what some idiot from polygon who wouldnt be able to recognize or figure out how to play a truly great game if it wonder mushroom stamped him in the face says he thinks he saw while hes felating the publishers who owns his words.




#57 DanJiblets


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 11:03 AM

I really hope this game turns out well. I'll be waiting for reviews and impressions either way.

#58 Azure-Edge


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 04:06 PM

So can someone please answer something I've been wondering for a long time. Why is everyone so interested in this game because I just can't see the big deal. Looks like GTA with a hacking gimmick, the graphics look last gen, and it seems to be following all the same traps as every other overrated 'blockbuster' AAA title that's come out in the past several years.


I watch the trailers and all I can think of is 'this would have made an interesting movie'. Seriously seems like another movie game all over again.


#59 MorbidGod


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Posted 10 March 2014 - 08:32 PM

So can someone please answer something I've been wondering for a long time. Why is everyone so interested in this game because I just can't see the big deal. Looks like GTA with a hacking gimmick, the graphics look last gen, and it seems to be following all the same traps as every other overrated 'blockbuster' AAA title that's come out in the past several years.

I watch the trailers and all I can think of is 'this would have made an interesting movie'. Seriously seems like another movie game all over again.

What has me interested in this game is one, the story. Two, I love open world games like GTA and Infamous. Three, the idea of hacking a smart city and making it my own sounds pretty cool. Now, on a PS3/PS4/XB1 the game doesn't peak my interest. I mean, hitting a button and letting the computer do all the work doesn't sound like fun. But, with the Wii U, they have a touch screen. The guy uses a cell phone (touch screen) to hack the city. Being able to actually do what he does on the screen, and many other possibilities, make this game a win for me.

It's possible they won't so what they could, but its encouraging to me that it's delayed. And the graphics, by the way, aren't what excites me.

So can someone please answer something I've been wondering for a long time. Why is everyone so interested in this game because I just can't see the big deal. Looks like GTA with a hacking gimmick, the graphics look last gen, and it seems to be following all the same traps as every other overrated 'blockbuster' AAA title that's come out in the past several years.

I watch the trailers and all I can think of is 'this would have made an interesting movie'. Seriously seems like another movie game all over again.

Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#60 3Dude



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Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:35 AM

So can someone please answer something I've been wondering for a long time. Why is everyone so interested in this game because I just can't see the big deal. Looks like GTA with a hacking gimmick, the graphics look last gen, and it seems to be following all the same traps as every other overrated 'blockbuster' AAA title that's come out in the past several years.
I watch the trailers and all I can think of is 'this would have made an interesting movie'. Seriously seems like another movie game all over again.

The original reveal trailer painted it as a much different game from what its been shown as since, which is exactly as you have described.



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