I never got very involved with the Martin case. Tho him signing stuff is not very shocking to me esp at a guns convention. Politics aside US does things like this often of putting anyone who has been in the public eye on a pedastal and making them famous for no good reason. Much of it coems from no talent idiots on reality shows and other times stuff like this. It's nothing new. I think my first exposure to this was Joey Buttafuoco.
For those not in the know in the early 90's this guy had an affair with a 16 year old gear named Amy Fisher who shot his wife in the face. She did survive but was disfigured. He was a celeb for a short and I believe accused of being part of the shooting but was only found guilty of having sex with a minor and he has had legal trouble since. I know some have come before him and since but was my first exposure to this kinda crap.
Another reason I stay in hiding is US culture often is like nails on a chalkboard.
Zimmerman basically stalked a 15 or 16 year-old black boy weraing a hoodie. He called the police, the police told him to go home ad leave it to them. The boy (Tryavon), who was on the phone with his girlfriend said he knew he was being followed, and stuff. They both hung up, and the next thing anyone knows is from people calling 911. In the background you can hear a voice screaming for help and then gunshots. Police arrive to find Martin dead and Zimmerman with some scratches on his head and arms. He claims he was in "life threatening danger". They go to court, his lawyer throws some ad hominem against Trayvon around and he gets away scott free.
Don't get racist about it.
I wasn't talking about zimmermon, you were.
Originally, I was talking about how an innocent man was being idolised by people who believe he used his gun-rights to uphold his country's values.
How that innocent man was victimised by the same organisation who asked him to attend as a special guest, due to media pressure.
After this, you proclaimed him guilty of crimes a court found him innocent of, further along the timeline saying you wore a hoodie just like the chap who died.
Talking about how you walk dark streets in your hoodie looking suspicious due to (your version) the colour of your skin, or (my version) wearing a hood over your face.
This was when you said a shopkeeper would ask for your hood to be lowered, while another person might shoot you to protect their country from you.
Questing for sex is of less value than saving your country, but it was just a quick analogy.
1. The thread is about Zimmerman, also, I was talking about Zimmerman when you responded to me, so you suddenly not talking about him is on you not the other way around.
He killed a boy that he was stalking. no matter where you go from there, in pretty much any other civilized country, he would be guilty of something or other. Cool, you know who else was called innocent by the courts? OJ simpson.Also the kid who hit and killed people with his car. The court system is balls. Actually I said apparently being black AND having a hoodie makes you suspicious. In case you didn't realize, that was sarcasm. Both are non-reasons to stalk and shoot someone.
It was a bad analogy because it was comparing an analogy about Zimmerman to one about hoods.
What I highlighted in bold is, most definitely, a crime punishable by law, at least when taken purely at face value and without context. The problem is, Zimmerman didn't just walk up to Trayvon and shoot him. If I understand the evidence correctly, he followed Trayvon for a ways due to him looking suspicious (I can't remember the exact words). Trayvon then turned around and attacked Zimmerman. To save himself from being beaten to death, Zimmerman shot and killed (I'm not certain if his intent was to kill him or if it was just to injure him) Trayvon. So it all depends on whether you think that shooting someone in self defense is a right that we (human beings) should have. If Trayvon hadn't attacked Zimmerman, he wouldn't be dead, and his family and friends' lives wouldn't be ruined.
As for the fact that you're a black teen who wears hoodies while walking home... Why does this matter? If you noticed a cop following you, would you turn around and attack him? Or would you just ask him what was wrong? If the whole case had been turned around and Zimmerman tried to kill Trayvon first and Trayvon shot and killed Zimmerman in self defense, I'd be on Trayvon's side.
Why yes, there is a big difference. The thing is, Zimmerman didn't shoot Trayvon because he was wearing a hoodie and he was black. He followed because of it, but he only shot him when his life was threatened.
He followed Trayvon due to him looking "suspicious" in other words, having a hoodie on, being black, and having his hands in his pocket. Zimmerman claims that Trayvon then attacked him. There's no evidence that's true, either one could have attacked first. I also seem to remember that in his call he could be heard shouting at Zimmerman before he hung up (could be wrong about that). If that's the case, then he most likely had a warning to stop stalking Trayvon which is illegal, especially when the police specifically told him not to do so. Zimmerman claims he was going to be beaten to death. Ever seen the photos?

I don't know about you, but that doesn't look life threatening to me. Two scratches on the back of the head and one scar on the nose. Really looks like he was taking a beating there /s. I seem to remember there was more than one shot so i'm thinking it was to kill. Actually if Zimmerman hadn't of stalked Trayvon then nothing would have happened.
It matters because those are the things that were deemed "suspicious", and therefore justified his stalking and eventual killing of trayvon.
If a cop was following me, I probably would do nothing. Confronting him might end up in me being arrested, so I would just pretend not to notice him. If not arrested, shot. Zimmerman however, was not a cop, nor did he look like one. Look at the above pictures. Clearly not a uniform. So if a CITIZEN was following me I would turn, and ask quite angrily they are following me, since I know I have no reason o be followed, just like Trayvon did. Also, because I wouldn't think they would have a gun, and the will to kill a 16 year-old who ways 20 pounds less than them.