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Nintendo E3 2014 Rumors! LET THE FUN BEGIN!

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#1 meitantei_conan



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 04:50 PM


I know, you probably won't believe me but I want to share the informations I got with you.

I'm from Germany and I know a good friend who works at Nintendo in Großostheim. A part of the restructure progress of Nintendo is to have deep contract with all their HQ's to make sure everything is fully scheduled regardless of which country.

They are working pretty hard with Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Japan for the E3 and he got some great informations for me, because he knows I'm a big fan. So believe me or not, I really don't care. Of course he can't reveal all of it, but he allowed me to have a sneak peak at their plans for E3 2014.

- The Digital Event is completely different from a regular direct, it features a stage and a audience which are 80+ knownless fans invited from Nintendo to a special room. They will make it atmospheric as they can, Reggie, Iwata, Aonuma etc are on stage, furthermore it will have a changing background with fog machines etc. So you truly won't miss the old conferences 1.gif

- Nintendo will announce Zelda U, he said it's going to be the game we are waiting for, very big world, fully filled with many secrets and life, it will feature a more stylized tech demo look, it has a more mature storyline and sidequests similar to Majoras Mask, complex dungeons and there's a very cool feature which will drive the Zelda series so much forward. That's the informations I could get out of him!

- he said "Nintendo will finally announce many comebacks from old IPs we are waiting for and they will blow your mind". (I guess FZero, Metroid, Starfox etc? )

- Nintendo will announce some new IP's, two casual IPs in the vein of Nintendogs and Wii Sports , the others are hardcore IPs in the Zelda, Metroid league and there is even one IP which will appeal to the CoD/BF audience with Nintendo gameplay. (NICE!! Nobody needs new casual IPs though, glad there are also some new hardcore IPs!)

- There is one cancelled project that was previously announced (? Don't really get what he means)

- Besides of that, they will also show many new 3DS games and a new hardware!

- He said QoL will be discussed on a seperate event at E3 time (maybe one treehouse livestream?) to appeal to the right audience.

- There are some remakes (Majoras Mask??!?)

- Iwata will talk a little about his mistakes

- It's planned to have a lot of charming jokes like you saw in the Reggie Fils A Mech video

- There will be a BIG surprise at the end that will completely blow ur mind!

That's all I got out from him, I will keep you updated so please stay tuned. I fully understand if you believe this is a joke, I for one would think that too if I would be a reader, but I just deliver the information to you, it's really not a joke.

Happy discussing! 1.gif





And so it begins, the inevitable "I know a guy who works at Nintnedo" rumor has been posted. If true, then Nintendo's E3 will be huge! What do you guys think? is it all bologna?

Let the E3 hype flow through us all! D: 

Edited by meitantei_conan, 30 April 2014 - 04:51 PM.

#2 Azure-Edge


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 04:53 PM

Yeah....I'm not gonna put much stalk in to that. I'd rather just wait for the big day. 


#3 3Dude



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 04:53 PM

I wish that guy he knows actually worked at nintendo so this would be true



#4 Ocarina of Time

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Posted 30 April 2014 - 05:29 PM

"There is one cancelled project that was previously announced (? Don't really get what he means)"


Obviously yarn yoshi has been canned.

#5 Big Boss

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Posted 30 April 2014 - 05:32 PM

I work at nintendo and i can confirm this is 100% true

#6 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 05:57 PM

I was hoping they would save Zelda U for last... only game besides Smash bros that will actually get any hype (first party wise)



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#7 Portal



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 06:08 PM

I was recently at the Nintendo TreeHouse hitting on Audrey and found out Dragon Quest 7 will be localized by October and Dragon Quest 11 is 3DS exclusive being a sequel in the vein of Dragon Quest 9.

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#8 Blake



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 06:12 PM

Rule no. 1 in life: never believe ANYTHING a nerd says


like this guy

#9 PyroKinesis



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 06:53 PM

Remakes are clearly Ruby/Sapphire.

#10 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:15 PM

Well at least it's not like these are completely outrageous predictions. points for trying.






#11 Goose


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:19 PM

"There is one cancelled project that was previously announced (? Don't really get what he means)"


Obviously yarn yoshi has been canned.

If it is true I would say Shin Megami X Fire Emblem because we haven't heard anything about it since launch and there was no gameplay shown. Although I believe there was an interview with a developer at one point. 

#12 uPadWatcher2


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:22 PM


- There is one cancelled project that was previously announced (? Don't really get what he means)




I hope that previously cancelled game is "Devil's Third".



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#13 lucario23


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:24 PM

Very few people on the ign boards are questioning it. Huh. I'm skeptical, but it actually seems mostly reasonable. Especially given the mood Nintendo seems to be in these past few days.

#14 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:28 PM

So much negative nanny's in this thread. Yes, always take rumours with a grain of salt, but shouldn't always dismiss them completely. It seems this guy kinda played it safe with a few not-so-believable parts.

  • The Digital Event makes sense - We know its not a ND otherwise it would be called that (unless Nintendo is playing us on), but a select few in a room is something they've done before.
  • Zelda U - We knew this was coming for quite a while, delay after delay. Though the E3 announcement pretty much set it in stone because of the music, I couldn't pin-point it (I'm bad at music) but I heard stuff like OoT, MM, SS thrown around. So mature, classic feeling and stylized would make sense. I know people would much prefer a realistic style but thats more Metroid then Zelda, stylized but still realistic (TPxSS / OoT at the time).
  • Old IP's making a comeback - The only one that makes sense is Metroid, atleast an announcement with a 2015 release. We know Retro didn't hire all those people for DK. Plus the Metroid easter egg in TF, the Metroid Pin at the award disaster (the show itself, not just nintendo), the bit of emphasis during the smash direct. Plus the constant bickering on their FB/G+/Twitter pages about them, so they probably got through. Not sure about any others, StarFox or F-Zero could make a come back but probably not till 2015/2016.
  • The new casual ip's is probably more about the Fit/Music mix and a new nintendogs or something of the sort. Probably best saved for a direct but its Nintendo. We know Miyamoto is working on a new IP, and he has put interest in FPS before. Not sure about more than that, but they can surprise us.
  • 3DS / Remakes - Well Ruby/Saphire are due, and people keep wanting MM. 
  • QOL / Mistakes (Get it?) - Makes sense. Weird that it would be treehouse as its Iwatas idea. And ofcourse him admitting stuff is probably going to be mentioned.
  • Charming Jokes - to be expected.
  • Big suprises/New Hardware - Hard to believe.

Stupid Snowmads!

#15 SPG


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:31 PM

Remakes are clearly Ruby/Sapphire.

even if this was real, the chances of that happening are slim to none, the first gen and second gen were remade because you couldnt trade to gen three with the new mechanics, so there is no point in doing it, i my self dont care about gen three but im not hating on it by any means and kniw many people want it


#16 Falco



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:51 PM

retro announces new game
pokemon or zelda will become nintendo first mmorpg
x and bayonetta get release dates
playable demos of smash bros. wii u, metroid wii u and new fps(conduit 3)
nintendo announces partnership with capcom and square enix

#17 Keviin



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Posted 30 April 2014 - 11:51 PM

"more mature storyline and complex dungeons"

yeah no way in hell Nintendo would advertise with this. This is exactly what the stereotype fanboy wants. Nintendo (and true gamers) don't care if a game is "mature". Also, a game that will appeal to COD/BF fanbases? Nintendo is not a company like that. This is just... faker than fake.


But I do enjoy me some E3 rumors, they can get me hyped. So keep 'em coming.


On another note: I hope the Digital Event thing will be true. It doesn't have to be too spectacular but it would be cool to have a stage. I remember a Nintendo direct after E3 2012 I believe where they just had a stage too. It would also be nice to invite fans only, for more enthousiastic fan reactions instead of boring press.

Edited by Keviin, 30 April 2014 - 11:55 PM.

No sig.

#18 Nollog


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 03:43 AM

Old IP's making a comeback - The only one that makes sense is Metroid, atleast an announcement with a 2015 release. We know

I was singing every post in this thread to myself to test my mic, then I got to this and started laughing.

I know, you probably won't believe me but I want to share the informations I got with you.

I'm from Germany and I know a good friend who works at Nintendo in Großostheim. A part of the restructure progress of Nintendo is to have deep contract with all their HQ's to make sure everything is fully scheduled regardless of which country.
There is no re-structuring going on at Nintendo, but the lack of good English does suggest she is of German nationality.

They are working pretty hard with Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Japan for the E3 and he got some great informations for me, because he knows I'm a big fan. So believe me or not, I really don't care. Of course he can't reveal all of it, but he allowed me to have a sneak peak at their plans for E3 2014.

- The Digital Event is completely different from a regular direct, it features a stage and a audience which are 80+ knownless fans invited from Nintendo to a special room. They will make it atmospheric as they can, Reggie, Iwata, Aonuma etc are on stage, furthermore it will have a changing background with fog machines etc. So you truly won't miss the old conferences :)
Obv. Doubt the fan thing though.

- Nintendo will announce Zelda U, he said it's going to be the game we are waiting for, very big world, fully filled with many secrets and life, it will feature a more stylized tech demo look, it has a more mature storyline and sidequests similar to Majoras Mask, complex dungeons and there's a very cool feature which will drive the Zelda series so much forward. That's the informations I could get out of him!
They already announced it... The rest is drivel.

- he said "Nintendo will finally announce many comebacks from old IPs we are waiting for and they will blow your mind". (I guess FZero, Metroid, Starfox etc? )

- Nintendo will announce some new IP's, two casual IPs in the vein of Nintendogs and Wii Sports , the others are hardcore IPs in the Zelda, Metroid league and there is even one IP which will appeal to the CoD/BF audience with Nintendo gameplay. (NICE!! Nobody needs new casual IPs though, glad there are also some new hardcore IPs!)
Doubt it. E3 isn't the place to do this, for Nintendo at least. They use e3 to announce dates, unless those magical new IP are close to finished, Nope.

- There is one cancelled project that was previously announced (? Don't really get what he means)
Probably an off-shoot of a Nintendo IP for the Wii U, Yarn Yoshi fits that bill, wait, why am I even entertaining this now? Nintendo don't waste their money like that. Unless they never started work on it, and thus wouldn't announce it, they would still finish it, or port all their code to something else, like a Mario game as they've done in the past.

- Besides of that, they will also show many new 3DS games and a new hardware!
obv. I doubt the new 3DS hardware though.

- He said QoL will be discussed on a seperate event at E3 time (maybe one treehouse livestream?) to appeal to the right audience.
Wishful thinking

- There are some remakes (Majoras Mask??!?)
Wishful thinking of a deranged fangirl

- Iwata will talk a little about his mistakes
Doesn't he always lately? just quit, that'll be enough of an apology for us all.

- It's planned to have a lot of charming jokes like you saw in the Reggie Fils A Mech video
charming? she must mean not good/dumb, there always is.

- There will be a BIG surprise at the end that will completely blow ur mind!
Wishful thinking of a deranged fangirl

That's all I got out from him, I will keep you updated so please stay tuned. I fully understand if you believe this is a joke, I for one would think that too if I would be a reader, but I just deliver the information to you, it's really not a joke.

Happy discussing! :)
happy ur mom

Edited by Nollog, 01 May 2014 - 03:57 AM.

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#19 Mewbot


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Posted 01 May 2014 - 04:29 AM

I have a friend who works for Nintendo Alaska, and he says that all this is bullcrap.

He also says Nintendo is buying CoD.


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#20 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 01 May 2014 - 04:42 AM

I have a friend who works for Nintendo Alaska, and he says that all this is bullcrap.

He also says Nintendo is buying CoD.

My friend from Nintendo Madagascar said Nintendo already secretly owns COD. Your source is lying to you.






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