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Ubisoft: "We won't be showing off any Nintendo games at E3 this year"

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#21 Lupaie



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 10:59 PM

Anyone considered that Ubisoft might not present Nintendo games...but that Nintendo might present Ubisoft games in their digital event?

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#22 GAMER1984



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:07 PM

the Wii U situation is a VERY sad one to me. I just dont see an end or a solution right now. I think the Nintendo gamers had enough with lackluster efforts given to them, the 3rd aprties are not seeing the sales and profits they wants and Nintendo are just clueless and go after the wrong 3rd party companies. Seriously Nintendo why havent a GTA game graced one of your home consoles yet? I mean bringing a GTA game to a Nintendo console would sale no DOUBT in my mind Wii U games will purchase more than a million copies of whatever GTA games comes. If I am Nintendo go after a SURE seller. but who knows.... How many copies have Blops2 and Ghost sold on Wii U?

#23 Abcdude


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:11 PM

Those saying "I don't care" and "I bought Wii U for first party" are the problem here and the reason why Ubisoft aren't releasing any more Wii U games. 


Even if you don't enjoy Ubisoft's games this is bad news for Nintendo. No third party titles for the foreseeable future. 


But the support isn't helping anything. If anything, nintendo has to stop greenlighting "Hello Kitty Karting" or "Fit Music Wii U" and get some serious 3rd party support to approach to all audiences. But support for any 3rd party games atm is just not doing a thing.


My choice of platform however is just common sense to me. I don't understand why you'd want to experience a game in it's lesser form than getting much more for the same price if you also own a better console/PC.


Also, what's with all the Ubisoft hate? I've yet to play a ubisoft game that i've found "Broken" or "Rushed". They've also given all the 3rd party support they could in the past 2 years of the Wii U's life, but with times changing and seeing how the Wii U is pretty hard to develop for, and just doesn't have the audience as wide as PS4/XB1/PC, it's a sad, but smart choice. This is how video game companies work, it's the sad truth.


#24 3Dude



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:12 PM

Those saying "I don't care" and "I bought Wii U for first party" are the problem here and the reason why Ubisoft aren't releasing any more Wii U games. 
Even if you don't enjoy Ubisoft's games this is bad news for Nintendo. No third party titles for the foreseeable future.

*disclaimer- The righteous rage in this post is directed at anti consumer policies of major publishing houses, not bystanders*

No, Ubisoft and 3rd parties in general releasing, even at their very VERY BEST crapped out experiences, degraded experiences, and constantly treating nintendo systems owners like second class citizens forcing us to wait 9 months on a completed game etc EVERY SINGLE TIME, ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS, is the problem, as its the REASON WHY NINTENDO SYSTEM OWNERS DONT CARE ABOUT THIRD PARTIES.

And there ARE third party games in the future. And all of them rocking exclusives.

Its just not the western studio homogenized, game design atrophied, marketing campaign 20x higher than the cost of making the game, mindless schlop, multiplatform crap the gamz media is getting paid to make sure everyone circle jerks over and get hyped into a frothing frenzy over, so they buy the game before they realize.... Yup, they got screwed again kind of games.

But you know what. If thats what you want, ps4xbone has you COVERED. Hell, watch dogs has FIVE collectors/limited editions versions, none of which have exactly the same content, just for people who really REALLY like buying the same 3rd party games over and over and over again. Now you can buy the same one for the same system, FIVE TIMES, just to make sure you get the content of one whole game!

Now, I know it sounds confusing, what with five different versions of varying content, but thats OK because ubisoft MADE A SPREADSHEET, so you have THE CHOICE of how far you need to prolapse your anus to fit the ubishaft of your choosing!!!


This is NOT a future I want ANY part of. And you are damn DAMN right I am going to do everything i can to be a problem to it.



#25 GAMER1984



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:27 PM

*disclaimer- The righteous rage in this post is directed at anti consumer policies of major publishing houses, not bystanders*

No, Ubisoft and 3rd parties in general releasing, even at their very VERY BEST crapped out experiences, degraded experiences, and constantly treating nintendo systems owners like second class citizens forcing us to wait 9 months on a completed game etc EVERY SINGLE TIME, ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS, is the problem, as its the REASON WHY NINTENDO SYSTEM OWNERS DONT CARE ABOUT THIRD PARTIES.

And there ARE third party games in the future. And all of them rocking exclusives.

Its just not the western studio homogenized, game design atrophied, marketing campaign 20x higher than the cost of making the game, mindless schlop, multiplatform crap the gamz media is getting paid to make sure everyone circle jerks over and get hyped into a frothing frenzy over, so they buy the game before they realize.... Yup, they got screwed again kind of games.

But you know what. If thats what you want, ps4xbone has you COVERED. Hell, watch dogs has FIVE collectors/limited editions versions, none of which have exactly the same content, just for people who really REALLY like buying the same 3rd party games over and over and over again. Now you can buy the same one for the same system, FIVE TIMES, just to make sure you get the content of one whole game!

Now, I know it sounds confusing, what with five different versions of varying content, but thats OK because ubisoft MADE A SPREADSHEET, so you have THE CHOICE of how far you need to prolapse your anus to fit the ubishaft of your choosing!!!


This is NOT a future I want ANY part of. And you are damn DAMN right I am going to do everything i can to be a problem to it.


Nintendo needs to be smart and find a good "WESTERN" partner to make exclusives for them and dig in that money chest a little bit. I do not disagree with what you are saying I just think there is a (like it or not) a crowd of gamers that feel like Nintendo does not have the games they want. I would like to see a Nintendo made shoooter (hopefully retro) just to show how much better they can make them than the average shooter that everyone think is great. I just want to see Nintendo step out the box a little bit and that is not me saying no more mario or zelda. Those are homerun hitters that are million plus sellers  

#26 3Dude



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:34 PM

Nintendo needs to be smart and find a good "WESTERN" partner to make exclusives for them and dig in that money chest a little bit. I do not disagree with what you are saying I just think there is a (like it or not) a crowd of gamers that feel like Nintendo does not have the games they want. I would like to see a Nintendo made shoooter (hopefully retro) just to show how much better they can make them than the average shooter that everyone think is great. I just want to see Nintendo step out the box a little bit and that is not me saying no more mario or zelda. Those are homerun hitters that are million plus sellers

You make it sound like that calibur of quality is in high supply on the corner of every general store.



#27 GAMER1984



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 11:37 PM

You make it sound like that calibur of quality is in high supply on the corner of every general store.


no i just want to see what Nintendo can do when making a shooter 1st party. I mean we know that at least 3 of their studios are making new Ip's I hope one of those are somthing we have not see from them recently. something mind blowing and just not usually associated with a Nintendo IP

#28 3Dude



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:22 AM

We already know what they COULD do.


And we KNOW it was nintendos involvement, because look what happened when nintendo was gone.

And of course.
Still completely untouchable.

The waiting sucks. I feel it because I KNOW nintendo is the only damn place that will commit to the quality over the quick factory payout.

However... Nintendo does seem to have a plan in motion. They set it in motion a while back, and its picking up steam...

Platinum IS 3rd party.

Nintendo HAS been looking at other third parties, of calibur they beleive they can trust. And they are making them the ULTIMATE OFFER. Their own ip's. Luigis mansion 2 was actually made by a western 3rd party. Next level games. Luigis mansion 2 was a smash. You can bet your butt they are working on something for nintendo now. Maybe 3ds, maybe wii u. They proved themselves in the ultimate crucible.

Fire emblem x shin megami is another one. Testing 3rd parties with the uultimate offer. Here, have our proven ip. Dont blow it.

Hyrule warriors is another one. Spin off or not, it. is. ZELDA.

At first I thought it would be nothing more than an amusing time sink while i waited for REAL games. But the latest media made it very clear.

This game is going to be of a quality clearly above and beyond anything in the mouso series (which i am both familiar with... and as a result rather ambivalent towards). Nintendo wont let it be anything else. Even if its not an actual zelda game.

Nintendo is indeed building something. And with third partie. But they arent risking blindly.... And in order for them to do something, its become very clear they feel they need to pick only what they feel they can mold into something worthy of their ip's.

And most of whats on the western front is either unnattainable (owned by sony, all though nintendo HAS been snapping up a considerable amount of naughty dog and other sony studio jumpers) or deemed unworthy, or were simply to arrogent/anti nintendo to work with.

As for retro. DK turned out pretty amazing. I cant deny that, even though i am not remotely looking for another 2d platformer.. Even with the veteran turnovers, and the new blood. They have proven themselves. So the question is, what will nintendo let the reproven retro do now?

what nintendo appears to be doing, is building from the ground up. The incumbents wont work with them, and are too entrenched to take head on. So they look at the small talented struggling mid teirs, that may have the potential to do great things, but just not the oppertunity, or funds, or arent established enough to do them. The kind of companies that typically end up being absorbed by the incumbents for talent and ip's to run into the ground.... And taking them away from that.

Nintendo appears to be hedging on waging attrition by cornering the future.



#29 Raiden


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:28 AM

Don't forget Nintendo worked closely with games like Pandora's Tower and The Last Story, Which are now Nintendo owned IP's.

TLS was successful so who knows if we see more. So they are always working close with trusted 3rd party developers. as 3Dude says they don't cheap out. Cheapouts are driving the industry to stagnation. Even if sales do not show it Nintendo is working on keeping quality and new interesting ideas.

#30 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:32 AM

We already know what they COULD do.


And we KNOW it was nintendos involvement, because look what happened when nintendo was gone.

And of course.
Still completely untouchable.

The waiting sucks. I feel it because I KNOW nintendo is the only damn place that will commit to the quality over the quick factory payout.

However... Nintendo does seem to have a plan in motion. They set it in motion a while back, and its picking up steam...

Platinum IS 3rd party.

Nintendo HAS been looking at other third parties, of calibur they beleive they can trust. And they are making them the ULTIMATE OFFER. Their own ip's. Luigis mansion 2 was actually made by a western 3rd party. Next level games. Luigis mansion 2 was a smash. You can bet your butt they are working on something for nintendo now. Maybe 3ds, maybe wii u. They proved themselves in the ultimate crucible.

Fire emblem x shin megami is another one. Testing 3rd parties with the uultimate offer. Here, have our proven ip. Dont blow it.

Hyrule warriors is another one. Spin off or not, it. is. ZELDA.

At first I thought it would be nothing more than an amusing time sink while i waited for REAL games. But the latest media made it very clear.

This game is going to be of a quality clearly above and beyond anything in the mouso series (which i am both familiar with... and as a result rather ambivalent towards). Nintendo wont let it be anything else. Even if its not an actual zelda game.

Nintendo is indeed building something. And with third partie. But they arent risking blindly.... And in order for them to do something, its become very clear they feel they need to pick only what they feel they can mold into something worthy of their ip's.

And most of whats on the western front is either unnattainable (owned by sony, all though nintendo HAS been snapping up a considerable amount of naughty dog and other sony studio jumpers) or deemed unworthy, or were simply to arrogent/anti nintendo to work with.

As for retro. DK turned out pretty amazing. I cant deny that, even though i am not remotely looking for another 2d platformer.. Even with the veteran turnovers, and the new blood. They have proven themselves. So the question is, what will nintendo let the reproven retro do now?

what nintendo appears to be doing, is building from the ground up. The incumbents wont work with them, and are too entrenched to take head on. So they look at the small talented struggling mid teirs, that may have the potential to do great things, but just not the oppertunity, or funds, or arent established enough to do them. The kind of companies that typically end up being absorbed by the incumbents for talent and ip's to run into the ground.... And taking them away from that.

Nintendo appears to be hedging on waging attrition by cornering the future.


I hear I just hope that E3 we get to see what they have been doing. I mean Nintendo has the talen, Money, and knowledge of this business to stomp Sony and Microsoft into the ground but they seem to just lack the motivation to go and make it happen. I mean the lack of Wii U marketing since it was release just I dont understand. So I am hyped but yet at the same time scared for E3. Nintendo just has this way of doing just enough to get by I hope E3 is not a let down of... here is Zelda U and a bunch of mini NFC party games that attempts to use the gamepad in an effective way.

Don't forget Nintendo worked closely with games like Pandora's Tower and The Last Story, Which are now Nintendo owned IP's.

TLS was successful so who knows if we see more. So they are always working close with trusted 3rd party developers. as 3Dude says they don't cheap out. Cheapouts are driving the industry to stagnation. Even if sales do not show it Nintendo is working on keeping quality and new interesting ideas.


I am not an RPG person we need more adventure/shooter games from Nintendo with there KNOWN nintendo QUALITY.

#31 3Dude



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:45 AM

I hear I just hope that E3 we get to see what they have been doing. I mean Nintendo has the talen, Money, and knowledge of this business to stomp Sony and Microsoft into the ground but they seem to just lack the motivation to go and make it happen. I mean the lack of Wii U marketing since it was release just I dont understand. So I am hyped but yet at the same time scared for E3. Nintendo just has this way of doing just enough to get by I hope E3 is not a let down of... here is Zelda U and a bunch of mini NFC party games that attempts to use the gamepad in an effective way.

I am not an RPG person we need more adventure/shooter games from Nintendo with there KNOWN nintendo QUALITY.

Pandoras tower isnt an rpg. Its an action adventure game. The last story is closer to an action adventure than an rpg as well. Only Sword/crossbow based game i can think of with a take cover system. Its use of real time tactical guerilla combat was actually surprisingly relatable to real life tactics.... Except with magic instead of guns/explosives.

Shame the multiplayer just went down. It was pretty beast.



#32 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:48 AM

Pandoras tower isnt an rpg. Its an action adventure game. The last story is closer to an action adventure than an rpg as well. Only Sword/crossbow based game i can think of with a take cover system. Its use of real time tactical guerilla combat was actually surprisingly relatable to real life tactics.... Except with magic instead of guns/explosives.

Shame the multiplayer just went down. It was pretty beast.


Well bring it on... I mean I will buy EVERY Wii U exclusive that appeals to me... which is everything except traditional RPG's, music, and lousy party games. I loved W101, Pikmin 3, Mario3dWorld, DKTF bring on the heavy hitters

#33 Raiden


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 01:01 AM

That doesn't count nor that or that or that. SEE Nintendo is out of ideas. No shooters GTA shooters GTA

All your posts complaining is exactly this. You want those so much,then go get a PS4 or XBOX. Last thing we need is more of that crud. Nintendo with those games I mentioned and  esp those games caters to my interests so I bought the appropriate console for it. You keep sounding like you feel you made a mistake spending 300$ and want Nintendo to fix your mistake. Not going to happen bud.

Get 400$ and fix it yourself or open a steam account. Nintendo cannot fix your insecurities.

#34 Scumbag



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 02:23 AM

The vast majority of Ubisoft games:



#35 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 02:39 AM

All your posts complaining is exactly this. You want those so much,then go get a PS4 or XBOX. Last thing we need is more of that crud. Nintendo with those games I mentioned and  esp those games caters to my interests so I bought the appropriate console for it. You keep sounding like you feel you made a mistake spending 300$ and want Nintendo to fix your mistake. Not going to happen bud.

Get 400$ and fix it yourself or open a steam account. Nintendo cannot fix your insecurities.


Again you are trying to rope Nintendo into that same crowd. So just because Nintendo makes a shooter it wont be good? I did not make a mistake but yes I will push nintendo to make other things than what I know is coming. Nintendo will make this happen suck it up wait for E3 you will be singing a different tune when you see what they have coming.

#36 Lupaie



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 02:47 AM

I wonder why Ubi even communicates that they'll show no Nintendo software. we would have found out anyway, and they could have done it a week prior to e3. Yet they CHOOSE to reveal it 1 week before Nintendo's biggest release in WiiU history, a title Nintendo hopes to sell units with. This is a very mixed signal they're sending and reeks of sabotage.

What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left

#37 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 03:13 AM

I wonder why Ubi even communicates that they'll show no Nintendo software. we would have found out anyway, and they could have done it a week prior to e3. Yet they CHOOSE to reveal it 1 week before Nintendo's biggest release in WiiU history, a title Nintendo hopes to sell units with. This is a very mixed signal they're sending and reeks of sabotage.


even more so for me is they are saying this BEFORE they release Watchdogs for Wii U. Now wouldnt they want to show some form of Watchdogs on Wii U hardware at E3. I mean this pretty confirms they have no faith in the product they will give to us. I guess now it is the waiting game to see what we get.

#38 Chrop



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:49 AM

not trying to be an A$$ here but everyone keeps saying that... but is there proof? 

yes, check the sales on google, the Wii U version blew the rest out the window when compared to sales. 

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#39 Kokirii



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Posted 23 May 2014 - 07:06 AM

That chart is depressing.  Why are people such lemmings?





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#40 Gamejunkie



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Posted 24 May 2014 - 06:32 AM

All your posts complaining is exactly this. You want those so much,then go get a PS4 or XBOX. Last thing we need is more of that crud. Nintendo with those games I mentioned and  esp those games caters to my interests so I bought the appropriate console for it. You keep sounding like you feel you made a mistake spending 300$ and want Nintendo to fix your mistake. Not going to happen bud.
Get 400$ and fix it yourself or open a steam account. Nintendo cannot fix your insecurities.

I disagree. The games you mention as being crud are from being so. A lot of those games are great and even if you don't care about them a lot of Wii U owners do and those are exactly the kind of games the Wii U needs. The attitude of people like you happy with the first party and second party exclusives is certainly not a representative of the wider Wii U community any one who bought one certainly didn't make a mistake in doing so. They have every right to expect the same games that are being released on other consoles. Unfortunately with the state of the Wii U as it is today most third parties don't really have a financial incentive to release their games on the Wii U. A lot of this has to do with Nintendo not being aggressive enough or providing the type of game playing experience found on other consoles especially when it comes to the online structure and how people's online accounts are handled.

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