The world seems dark and grey to children when they are sad, but what would their minds turn to when their eyesight is changed forever.
A small boy's vision was replaced by the bleak black and white vision of being color blind, and for his reaction was one with pure anger.
He began to hate the world for what it was; small, black, and depressing.
Sometime later, unsolved murders began to rise around his neighborhood, while the cops could never figure out who did it.
Once they gained a lead, they broke into the small boys house.
They found him hiding in his closet with a smile across his face.
He slowly began to chant, "In this world of gray and black, there is nothing that anyone can take back.."
With the way the child was, investigators began to call him Gray, one for his hatred of the world, another for his eyesight.
With his parents lawyer, he was sent free from the trial, causing him to hate the world in even greater extent.
He began to kill with pleasure, killing innocent people to let them escape from the depression of the world.
That is where you come in.
You can either work with Gray, or against him. I shall be Gray. And please know that once you join that you should really keep posting otherwise you will end up dead in the game.
Name: Gray
Gender: Male
Attack: 50/100
Defence: 70/100
Agility: 80/100
Special Abilities: Tricking people into doing my bidding, and assasinations (Two max)
Personality:I have no emotion just a sense of justice but am a suprizingly strong leader
Weapons: A rusty knife
Description: Black hair that stands up naturaly, brown eyes, tall and well built, long arms, wears whatever he can, has a smile on his face no matter what but expecialy when killing
Mercinaries and Friends: Start in my house
Police: Investigate the murders.
If you are on no ones side just start out randomly on your daily routine however try not to run into me

Note: Attack, Defence, and Agility can only add up to 200 max. Ex: mine is 50+70+80=200. This is to prevent godmodding. Also the game wont end when I die it ends when EVERYONE ON GRAY'S SIDE DIES.
Edited by nl010203, 13 December 2011 - 12:12 PM.