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#21 HaHa-No


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 08:43 AM

Shadows flew around Oliver like the residents of a disrupted beehive. 5 molded together into a clump and filled out into the shape of a large sword. Another few clung together and formed a machine gun. Gray lunged forwards, sensing Olivers hatred and he managed to slit his arm slightly. The blood dripped to the floor in a slow melodic rhythm. The blood shot up into the machine gun and the rest covered Olivers sword and making it glow.
"You have done wrong. Your death is deserved." Oliver said quietly.
He flew forwards, faster than the eye could see and he pulled the trigger of his machine gun, blood red bullets flew from the end of the it and a few dug into Grays hands, knocking him over. Oliver swung his sword high above his head. His red eyes glinted as he bought the sword down, lavishing the moment...


^Click it

^I agree with this guy

You know you want to! 'Tis leaked Nintendo information!

#22 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 08:58 AM

Gray was not stupid for he still wanted to set those who still live free so he said "Fine be that way." so he grabed Ice and went back into the house and woke red up. They ran off into the darkness as they run no one stops them. However they run into Detective S. Gray smiles and stops running. He walks up to S and says "Her death isnt a bad thing it is just setting the living free. Dont grieve over this celebrate for many more will fall victim to me." Gray then runs off and S turns around to see three people runing off into darkness...

Edited by nl010203, 11 December 2011 - 09:01 AM.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#23 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 09:45 AM

(It seems to me that no one is actually waiting for the other to react. Just know, that I will have my character react to all actions.)
Larry keeps a close eye on Gray and Oliver and takes some mental notes. Oliver had control of shadows, but he could easily be dispatched in pitch black. Larry turns back and hops on a motorbike, driving off towards the group.
"Nothing more than cowards with weapons, I had hoped better for you." Larry spoke to himself, "There have been many with the same idea, but they made no difference. Life may be a hell to you, but tis not for me, as I have already been in hell."

#24 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 10:03 AM

Grey contiues his rampage. He trys to stay in heavaly populated areas so no one can snipe him out otherwise there would be civilian casualties. Grey then finds that there is no one in the town square... Empty... This is a bad idea we walk around the square and finds annother house. He goes in and there is no one. Empty.... No one here. Gray sighs "There is no one to kill here but this house will do. May not have water nor does it have electricty butit will do..." Red just looks around for any potential food while Ice is whitling a chunck of ice he found on the sidewalk. We sit there and wait...

Gray then says "This world has not forgiving. Why do people want to live is it the pain that comes with dying? Or is it that they just dont see the gray that comes with it? There is no one that doesnt know what hell is. Hell is life, life is hell. Everyone dies but who lives?" Gray then sits down in a corner and waits out the night without sleep.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#25 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 10:29 AM

Red finds a convenience store. The owner inside spots him and looks suspicious. He find a couple bags of chips and go up to the counter. I pay for the chips and walk outside. "Hey Gray,Ice!" i got some stuff. We sit on the sidewalk while eating the chips. red remembers his home and feels anxious and homesick. Red didn't commit any crimes so he can still go home. He thinks " I have to leave tonight this isn't my issue". Gray and Ice help find shelter . We are walking down a dark road when he spots a garden full of bushes and trees to hide in. He starts to fall behind then red slowly start walking away from them as they turn the corner. I bolt for the garden i jump in. My friends start calling my name. i stay low in the brush as their voices fade. i wake up the next morning and notice that its noon looking at my watch. I start running home . Near the end of the day i am at my home. finally i made it. i tell my parents what had just happened and they call the cops . The search is on ! i can't be friends with gray anymore. i have to keep my distance . He will understand...


#26 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 10:51 AM

Furious... Gray felt a fury in him. A flame that has never sparked before. Fire bursts out. He yells "Red you made a big mistake! You said you would help in my goal! You WILL serve me your family WILL die! If you still deny me I WILL kill you too!" The flames that came out were circling Gray's fists. "Comon Ice we are on a man hunt!" Ice follows. Ice wonders where Red would have went and then says "Where could he have went?" Gray then answers "I know he went home. I will give him one more chance. If he denys us that one time we will kill everyoen he knows." Ice sees the fire in him and slowly backs off keeping a distance and then says "Fine but I cant kill Red you will do that." Gray answers "Thy will be done"

We hear the sirens. We then run away again.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#27 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:00 AM

Larry grinned looking upon the scene. "Now this is what I was hoping for. Looks like waiting really did pay off, now's the time to watch the fun."
Larry followed like the demon he was. Even if they did notice him again, he wasn't the biggest worry, not until his act would begin.
"And the curtain begins to rise."

#28 aaron



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:05 AM

Ice begins to play his ocarina in the midlle of the night.

by chance

#29 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:25 AM

Gray begins to play around with his new found powers. "Fire, I have been told this is red, blue, yellow, and white. I can morph it yet it has no solidity. Just like life. Red here we are." We start walking at the break of dawn. We know where Red lives so we start walking twards his house and we get there at twilight. "We should wait untill night and the sun sets." says Ice "Sure lets wait" says Gray.

Night time and we charge into the house. Gray imediatly goes upstairs while Ice stays down to handle his family with a sword of ice. Gray then reaches Reds room as the screams from his parents downstairs dies out... "Hello Red do I look familiar to you?" Ice comes back upstairs.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#30 aaron



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:31 AM

Ice smiles with a cold deadly smile and says, "I would love to kill you Red, but I shan't as I have not been given the order to." He then frowns and waits as if awaiting the order to kill him.

by chance

#31 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:46 AM

"Now my plan will set in motion."
Larry had already made it to the upper window. Waiting until the sight seemed desperate, Larry smashed through the window, and was standing above Gray and Ice, handguns ready.
"Nice to see you again, boy," A murderous glint shown in his eye.

#32 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:54 AM

"I am NOT going to die today!!!" yells Gray. Gray is enraged. His fire circles the gun pointed to Gray and the fireing pin melts. "I wont just give up!" The gun other gun is still pointed at Ice.

Edited by nl010203, 11 December 2011 - 11:55 AM.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#33 aaron



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:56 AM

Ice blows into his ocarina and ice rockets into the barrel of the gun just as he shoots and the gun explodes into Larry's face.

by chance

#34 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 11:59 AM

(I never fired the guns, so it can't explode.)
"Then that's going against your own philosophy yet again. You'll find that my other gun is rather durable and wont melt, nor will I." Larry only grins as his longcoat moves with the wind, flecks of fire retardant shine from it.

#35 aaron



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 12:01 PM

Ice says, "Join us Larry, together we will free all from this cursed world of hatred and darkness."

by chance

#36 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 12:08 PM

Larry only grins, "Do you know who you are talking to? I am an agent of chaos, a demon if you will. A symbol of what you wish to fight."

#37 aaron



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 12:10 PM

Ice replies,"I want to help people, can't you see that? Do you want people to suffer lives of misery?"

by chance

#38 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 12:16 PM

"Your voice falls when going against me. I know what you wish to do and how you do so, but just as how Gray is no ordinary man, neither am I. Think of yourself as an agent of law or order as I am an agent of a chaotic balance."

#39 aaron



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Posted 11 December 2011 - 12:18 PM

Ice replies, "Heh, fine, shoot me."

by chance

#40 Xiombarg


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Posted 11 December 2011 - 12:21 PM

Larry only laughs, "Remember, you are mere entertainers for me. I have only come to show you how helpless you really can be. I have been following you for some time, I could have killed you at any time."
Larry turns back and stands at the window sill, "Don't die, just yet, this is fun. Until next time." Larry jumps from the window.

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