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Wii U is supposedly "NOT" next gen

nextgen wii fanboys pachter

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#41 10k


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Posted 12 December 2011 - 05:29 PM

The difference between the Wii U and PS4/Xbox Next wont be like the wii and ps3. It will be like the difference between the GameCube and the Xbox 1, which isn't that big. Games will still be ported to it.

If the wii u specs are true, the wii u will be leaps and bounds ahead of ps3 and not that far from a ps4. This generation won't be a big leap like the leap to HD was. The next gen will focus on true 1080p at 60 fps with 4x AA instead of the upscaled crap on the current gen software with no AA (halo 3 was run at 640p, cod is run at 720p and only 30 fps)
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#42 Link707



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Posted 12 December 2011 - 06:16 PM

The difference between the Wii U and PS4/Xbox Next wont be like the wii and ps3. It will be like the difference between the GameCube and the Xbox 1, which isn't that big. Games will still be ported to it.

If the wii u specs are true, the wii u will be leaps and bounds ahead of ps3 and not that far from a ps4. This generation won't be a big leap like the leap to HD was. The next gen will focus on true 1080p at 60 fps with 4x AA instead of the upscaled crap on the current gen software with no AA (halo 3 was run at 640p, cod is run at 720p and only 30 fps)

I really hope the wii u comes out with a bang and true 1080p at e3 2012 so it will show up all of those people who think they are getting hd with their current consoles. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

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#43 neverwinteru



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:37 PM

i will just be glad when all of this hd talk is done then it will be down to processing power and developer knowledge of the system, and not how good they can make the resolution on your tv look.

#44 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 02:42 PM

i will just be glad when all of this hd talk is done then it will be down to processing power and developer knowledge of the system, and not how good they can make the resolution on your tv look.

me too honestly all the other companys only have a couple good games. not anything like nintendo so thats all mainly microsoft fans talk about is graphics.

I really hope the wii u comes out with a bang and true 1080p at e3 2012 so it will show up all of those people who think they are getting hd with their current consoles. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

btw The U already had full 1080 by 1080p last year. trust me , people will probably love the wii u. i have a bad feeling sony and possibly microsoft may be going down the same road the wii did. They will probably be on par or below in terms of power compared to wii u and have something like no controller like an enhanced kinect or maybe something different. I really want sony to make something innovative and new this coming generation of consoles. It would be nice

The difference between the Wii U and PS4/Xbox Next wont be like the wii and ps3. It will be like the difference between the GameCube and the Xbox 1, which isn't that big. Games will still be ported to it.

If the wii u specs are true, the wii u will be leaps and bounds ahead of ps3 and not that far from a ps4. This generation won't be a big leap like the leap to HD was. The next gen will focus on true 1080p at 60 fps with 4x AA instead of the upscaled crap on the current gen software with no AA (halo 3 was run at 640p, cod is run at 720p and only 30 fps)

it will probably be even less of a difference because of limitations and balance in terms of power and graphics. I think all the new consoles will support 1080p (truely) but they will have different shaders etc.

Edited by hardcoreUfan, 13 December 2011 - 02:49 PM.


#45 Medu


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Posted 17 December 2011 - 03:46 PM

This has been said a few times but it's important that it's clear.

The Wii will support 1080p but that doesn't mean all games will support it. The PS3 and Xbox360 also can display in 1080p but it's rarely used. Resolution, just like fps, is a trade off. If you want to display something in 1080p then it will need to be a less complex scene, or it will need to be at a lower fps(which usually is a BAD idea). This gen dev's felt that games would look better with more detailed environments at lower resolution so they stuck with 640-720p. The same thing might happen in the next gen or it might be game dependent.

I think it's also important for ye to understand why the current Wii wasn't support as much as Nintendo fans would like.(At least from a technical PoV). It's well known that the Wii hardware was based on the GC. The GC was a great piece of kit, probably Nintendo's best console from a technical perspective, but it was based on fixed function shaders which were what was used in the late 90's, early 00's. At the start of the 00's Nvidia, and ATi followed, with programmable shaders.
Essentially this means that on the GC/Wii a developer ASKED the GPU to do something. If it didn't know how to do it then it couldn't be done. However with programmable shader's the GPU is told what to do and how to do it. This makes the Wii incompatible with the game engines that run on programmable shader GPU's. Hopefully this should explain why the Unreal 3 engine can run on the iPhone3GS but not the Wii even though it's technically about the same power as the Wii.

So the point I am making here is that while the Wii U might not be as powerful as the next generation of consoles that doesn't mean it won't play the next generation of games.

Edited by Medu, 17 December 2011 - 03:47 PM.

#46 neverwinteru



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Posted 17 December 2011 - 06:02 PM

This has been said a few times but it's important that it's clear.

The Wii will support 1080p but that doesn't mean all games will support it. The PS3 and Xbox360 also can display in 1080p but it's rarely used. Resolution, just like fps, is a trade off. If you want to display something in 1080p then it will need to be a less complex scene, or it will need to be at a lower fps(which usually is a BAD idea). This gen dev's felt that games would look better with more detailed environments at lower resolution so they stuck with 640-720p. The same thing might happen in the next gen or it might be game dependent.

I think it's also important for ye to understand why the current Wii wasn't support as much as Nintendo fans would like.(At least from a technical PoV). It's well known that the Wii hardware was based on the GC. The GC was a great piece of kit, probably Nintendo's best console from a technical perspective, but it was based on fixed function shaders which were what was used in the late 90's, early 00's. At the start of the 00's Nvidia, and ATi followed, with programmable shaders.
Essentially this means that on the GC/Wii a developer ASKED the GPU to do something. If it didn't know how to do it then it couldn't be done. However with programmable shader's the GPU is told what to do and how to do it. This makes the Wii incompatible with the game engines that run on programmable shader GPU's. Hopefully this should explain why the Unreal 3 engine can run on the iPhone3GS but not the Wii even though it's technically about the same power as the Wii.

So the point I am making here is that while the Wii U might not be as powerful as the next generation of consoles that doesn't mean it won't play the next generation of games.

thanks for your insight but honestly i think it should be obvious that the wiiu will defiantly be more powerful than the previous generation of consoles.

#47 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 18 December 2011 - 03:17 PM

i would have to say that next gen will be probably be almost identical in power imo. if they aren't close the other consoles will release in years to come


#48 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:34 PM

Okay well I think that the WiiU will blow away all of the next gen competition because look at the power of the Nintendo counsels! The NES was the most powerful thing of it's gen. Look at the SNES also the most powerful of it's gen. Look at the N64 also the most powerful of it's gen. Look at the all mighty GCN the most powerful of it's gen. Sadly the only exception to this rule was the Wii so I think that we have nothing to worry about the WiiU will be a HUGE powerhouse in the next gen. Also don't worry about the graphic until we have seen them. Iwata said that the WiiU's at the E3 was only 10% of it's full potential so multiply the awesomeness of the one's you saw at E3 by 9 to get a better understanding.

Edited by nl010203, 19 December 2011 - 12:37 PM.

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#49 Waller


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:44 PM

Iwata said that the WiiU's at the E3 was only 10% of it's full potential so multiply the awesomeness of the one's you saw at E3 by 9 to get a better understanding.

That was about the posibilities of the controller, not the power.


#50 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 19 December 2011 - 12:50 PM

That was about the posibilities of the controller, not the power.

Really I heard that it was the whole system all together?

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#51 neverwinteru



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Posted 20 December 2011 - 10:58 PM

Okay well I think that the WiiU will blow away all of the next gen competition because look at the power of the Nintendo counsels! The NES was the most powerful thing of it's gen. Look at the SNES also the most powerful of it's gen. Look at the N64 also the most powerful of it's gen. Look at the all mighty GCN the most powerful of it's gen. Sadly the only exception to this rule was the Wii so I think that we have nothing to worry about the WiiU will be a HUGE powerhouse in the next gen. Also don't worry about the graphic until we have seen them. Iwata said that the WiiU's at the E3 was only 10% of it's full potential so multiply the awesomeness of the one's you saw at E3 by 9 to get a better understanding.

just so you know the xbox was the strongest last gen then gamecube then ps2

#52 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 21 December 2011 - 12:38 AM

i thought the gamecube was better than xbox fzero looked amazing

eternal darknes had its moments too

Edited by Eskimo_sam, 21 December 2011 - 12:48 AM.

#53 Medu


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Posted 21 December 2011 - 02:27 AM

i thought the gamecube was better than xbox fzero looked amazing

eternal darknes had its moments too

Mr ECHO3 is correct, the Xbox was the faster console. In fact dev's have said that the Wii is about on par with the original Xbox but less flexible due to the type of shader's it used.

#54 MorbidGod


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Posted 21 December 2011 - 08:01 AM

The Wii U should be powerful enough to run the next gen engines. It might end up being less powerful then the others. It all depends on when the Xbox Loop and PS4 comes out. But the Wii U will still be next gen.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#55 Blarg


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 11:58 AM

I think Pachter has a point-it doesn't match 720/PS4. Still, they've got E3 2012 to prove me wrong.

I think Pachter has a point-it doesn't match 720/PS4. Still, they've got E3 2012 to prove me wrong.
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#56 AMAC



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Posted 23 December 2011 - 12:22 PM

I think Pachter has a point-it doesn't match 720/PS4. Still, they've got E3 2012 to prove me wrong.

How can you say that the Wii U doesn't match two consoles which haven't even been announced when we don't even know the full capabilities of the Wii U?

#57 Blarg


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:12 PM

@AMAC: It's obvious, XBOX/Playstation are always superior. Anyway, it's even more obvious here cos Wii U sucks.
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#58 Waller


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:22 PM

@AMAC: It's obvious, XBOX/Playstation are always superior. Anyway, it's even more obvious here cos Wii U sucks.

... No comment on your lack of proper information...
... Also no comment on the fact that N64 was stronger than PS1 and Gamecube stronger than the PS2, with the Wii being the exception...
... Also no point in asking why you're here...


#59 Hank Hill

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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:24 PM

@AMAC: It's obvious, XBOX/Playstation are always superior. Anyway, it's even more obvious here cos Wii U sucks.

Funny, cause I remember the GCN being more powerful than the PS2, and the N64 being more powerful than the PS1.

Anyway, it's even more obvious you're a troll because you made a ridiculous statement when we know nothing about the system specs-wise.



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#60 AMAC



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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:45 PM

@AMAC: It's obvious, XBOX/Playstation are always superior. Anyway, it's even more obvious here cos Wii U sucks.

Blarg if you're just here to bash the Wii U then don't bother posting. The rules here do say not to bash Nintendo or the Wii U (or any other gaming company). Saying something negative if you know what you're talking about is fine. Simply saying that the Wii U sucks however, is not.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nextgen, wii, fanboys, pachter

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