The spirits that choose not to consume people actually help people throught the ages. They are loyal and good company. They would come to heros in the form of their hearts. Each one is unique no two are the same. They exist for the soul purpose to devour other spirits that eat mortals. But they can't eat them if you don't use their powers. The spirits come in the form of a weapon each one is magic but they are the only weapons that will kill the spirits. Your mortal weapons will do nothing to harm them.
But in the ancient times the good spirits were few and we never had enough. The world is being overrun by the spirits. Now there are only a handfull of survivors and you are one of them. Anyone who can weild a weapon takes one in hand. The leftover good spirits go ahead and come to the rest of the survivors.
Here is how it will work: This is a very simalar set up to Gray wich you can still join! So if you played Gray you have a good idea of how this works.
Name: Apolus the Prince of Fire
Gender: Male
Spirit: Sword of fire
Armor: 50/100
Attack: 75/100
Defence: 75/100
Agility: 50/100
Side: Light (Do darkness if you want to be evil he he he...)
Note: All status must add up to a maximum of 250
We will all start out in a stadium for gladiator fights. This is regardless of your side.
Now you can be a bad spirit and your goal is obvious: kill and devour us. The status is the same it is just instead if having your spirit you have your form.
Bonus: The first poster can be of royalty like me

Edited by nl010203, 11 December 2011 - 01:17 PM.