Some of you probably remember the Zelda fan film Link to the Future that was posted earlier this year. (If you don't, It's basically a hilarious parody of the Zelda timeline including Doc from Back to the Future) Well, the creators of the film are planing to make parts II & III. However, before they can make it, they need donations to build the budget for the films. To do this, you can give to their Kick Starter account, which can be found here: http://www.kickstart...arts-ii-and-iii
If you are able to use a credit card over the internet, be it yours or with your parent's with their permission and supervision, and still have some left over after shopping for the holidays and donating to David's Well building efforts(which should indeed take priority over this if you do have some money to give), feel free to head on over and give them a hand.
You can find the original Link to the Future video here.