Hey guys! I noticed alot of people(including myself) changed their names to Link-related names. So i decided to do a roleplay! You can choose any character(not necessarily your forum name) and just talk and stuff. You can use any type of talking and bla bla bla. I'll use this one:
Me: Hey
Toad: Thank you! But our princess is in another castle.
Me:*runs* Ok.
The plot is a group of Links meet and have an adventure and meet non link or zelda characters and other stuff.
You don't have to be a "Link". You can be Zeldas, Ganons, Pokemons, Mario, Ponies, and any other character!(You can make one your own, or mix 2 characters together,like me.)
I will be "Linked", a Two-Tailed Link.
Of course you can meet with other users in your roleplay. For example:
Me: Hey its you USER-1!
USER-1: Yes its me, and this is my friend "USER-2"
Me: Nice to meet you.
No, you can't kill someone if he doesnt want to, like:
Me: USER-2, prepare to die!
*Linked killed USER-2*
Ok so you guys can start. I will start but not now.

The Legend of the Links
Started by Two-Tailed Link!, Jan 02 2012 04:51 AM
roleplay the legend of zelda link army
6 replies to this topic
Posted 02 January 2012 - 04:51 AM
KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 02 January 2012 - 08:09 AM

Edited by Aaron, 02 January 2012 - 08:10 AM.
by chance
Posted 02 January 2012 - 09:56 PM
Joins TEH game.
Im a blue link
Grabs the triforce
Im a blue link
Grabs the triforce
Recently Watched Movies: The Dark Knight Rises, The Amazing Spider-Man (Favorite of this year), The Avengers.
Current Games I'm Playing: Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Okami HD, LittleBigPlanet
What I'm Geeking Out For This Month: The Amazing Spider-Man DVD Release, and of course, The WiiU
Current Games I'm Playing: Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Okami HD, LittleBigPlanet
What I'm Geeking Out For This Month: The Amazing Spider-Man DVD Release, and of course, The WiiU
Posted 02 January 2012 - 11:41 PM
13 years ago....
A female fox and a male Hylian are seen riding on a horse in a forest with a little baby in the fox's hand.
An arrow flies towards them. It arrives at the Hylian. He dies.
Fox: Noooooo!
Hylian: keep.........goi....g......Kok..ri
THe Baby Starts Crying
Fox: Noooooo! Don't leave us!
The Hylian Falls down of the horse.
Fox: No-Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
An arrow heads towards them. The fox ducks and it hits the horse's eye! SHe gets down of the horse and runs away waaaay faster than it before.
Fox: There! I found something! A village!*runs to the village at maximum speed*
Kid: HEY! A FOX IS ATTACKING! With a baby???
Fox: No I am not. You have to save the baby. Keep him here. Raise him. Feed him. Protect him. Don't let the evil guards take him aw....
Kid: AAAAH! THE FOX HAS BEEN SHOT!*Takes baby and runs*
Other Kid: Whats wr....nevermind!*Runs to his house*
THe Guards arrived, with the leader in the front.
The Leader: Give me the boy.
Kid: NO!
The Leader: Do you know with who you are talking now? The Great Ganondorf!
Kid: The Great Grifondor?
Ganondorf: GANONDORF!
Other Kid: Gorondwarf?
Ganondorf: UGH!
All the kids: Ugh? The Great Ugh?
Ganondorf: You are gonna see! I have a little surprise for you! *Runs to the great deku tree.*
The Kids and the guards follow him.
Ganondorf: Now hand the baby, or your little "daddy"'s end is near.
Ganondorf: SHUT UP!*attacks the Tree with Magic*
GDT: AAAAARGH! Don't give him the baby...
Ganondorf: here is another one! *points his hand towards him and prepares to attack* Goodby..
Kid: WAIT! Great Ugh, we will give you the baby.
Ganondorf: Finally.
GDT: Don't!
Kid: Come get it!*runs*
Ganondorf: What a waste of time.*attacks the tree*
Ganondorf: Goodbye. We will meet again.*runs away*
13 years ago....
A female fox and a male Hylian are seen riding on a horse in a forest with a little baby in the fox's hand.
An arrow flies towards them. It arrives at the Hylian. He dies.
Fox: Noooooo!
Hylian: keep.........goi....g......Kok..ri
THe Baby Starts Crying
Fox: Noooooo! Don't leave us!
The Hylian Falls down of the horse.
Fox: No-Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!
An arrow heads towards them. The fox ducks and it hits the horse's eye! SHe gets down of the horse and runs away waaaay faster than it before.
Fox: There! I found something! A village!*runs to the village at maximum speed*
Kid: HEY! A FOX IS ATTACKING! With a baby???
Fox: No I am not. You have to save the baby. Keep him here. Raise him. Feed him. Protect him. Don't let the evil guards take him aw....
Kid: AAAAH! THE FOX HAS BEEN SHOT!*Takes baby and runs*
Other Kid: Whats wr....nevermind!*Runs to his house*
THe Guards arrived, with the leader in the front.
The Leader: Give me the boy.
Kid: NO!
The Leader: Do you know with who you are talking now? The Great Ganondorf!
Kid: The Great Grifondor?
Ganondorf: GANONDORF!
Other Kid: Gorondwarf?
Ganondorf: UGH!
All the kids: Ugh? The Great Ugh?
Ganondorf: You are gonna see! I have a little surprise for you! *Runs to the great deku tree.*
The Kids and the guards follow him.
Ganondorf: Now hand the baby, or your little "daddy"'s end is near.
Ganondorf: SHUT UP!*attacks the Tree with Magic*
GDT: AAAAARGH! Don't give him the baby...
Ganondorf: here is another one! *points his hand towards him and prepares to attack* Goodby..
Kid: WAIT! Great Ugh, we will give you the baby.
Ganondorf: Finally.
GDT: Don't!
Kid: Come get it!*runs*
Ganondorf: What a waste of time.*attacks the tree*
Ganondorf: Goodbye. We will meet again.*runs away*
KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 05 January 2012 - 02:32 PM
Can I be a ninja link?
by chance
Posted 05 January 2012 - 11:01 PM
sureCan I be a ninja link?
Kid: Hey look, that baby has a tail! TWO TAILS!
Other Kid: Woow! Sooo Cool!
Kid: Well... now the the Great Deku Tree is gone.. what should we do?
Other Kid: I dont know, maybe we should find that guy.
Kid: Ugh?
Other Kid: Yes.
Girl Kid: But you know, we can't go outside the forest.
Kid: Your right.
KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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