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The Name Wii U is 'Abysmal,' Former Nintendo Indie Boss Says - IGN

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#21 Raiden


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 08:38 AM

With that phrase you reminded me of Sheldon in Big Bang Theory. hahaha

That show needs to die. Bring back IT Crowd

#22 Kokirii



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 12:23 PM

it's true

Games of The Moment

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

#23 Keviin



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 12:27 PM

They should have ditched the whole Wii thing. The Wii look, the Wii name, Wii (U) X games, Wii accesoiries, Wii target audience.. keep the Mii's tho, they're popular. The Wii has greatly declined in popularity in its final years, I think it was just a huge fad and now no one is interested in the Wii name anymore. Even the 'casual' audience wants cool and trendy stuff instead of 'kiddy' products. The iPhone/iPad/iMac etc. are the most popular gadgets at the moment and they all look very modern and mature.

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#24 GAMER1984



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:41 PM

I do agree that they should have dropped Wii they could have still make it BC with wii controllers though. There seem to be a lot of people that like wii remote controllers in FPS over standard remotes. To me where they really messed up was with the design. They should have made a console that looked totally different from the Wii. I think Nintendo needs to step out of their box some. Really though I am just going to enjoy WiiU for what it is. I am really interested in seeing what they do next go round. Will they FINALLY start learning from their mistakes. The Next nintendo home console launch will be one for the ages. Is there a way they Wii this up... Like the previous 3 or 4 consoles depending on who you ask.

#25 Raiden


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:50 PM

Hated motion as a whole but my god it was godly for Metroid Prime 3. I hope they do for the next FP Metroid MP3 controls again. It was the second best option ever for a FP game next to Mouse and Keyboard.

#26 GAMER1984



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 05:16 PM

Hated motion as a whole but my god it was godly for Metroid Prime 3. I hope they do for the next FP Metroid MP3 controls again. It was the second best option ever for a FP game next to Mouse and Keyboard.


Yep a lot of people loved it. I personally am not a fan but to each his own

#27 3Dude



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Posted 10 August 2014 - 02:51 PM

Hated motion as a whole but my god it was godly for Metroid Prime 3. I hope they do for the next FP Metroid MP3 controls again. It was the second best option ever for a FP game next to Mouse and Keyboard.

Thats because of ailivemove. Specifically one single feature of AI live move, specifically made for creatively bankrupt and design inept studios.

This method of 'control' was named motion record, and worked as such:

Brain dead studio who couldnt figure how to utilize analog 3d controls would take the AI live move middleware, and hit 'record' They would then perform some not good movement, then hit the button again to stop. The not good movement would be stored in memory, and its event would run when the player mimmicked the movement... Exactly mimicked the movement.

According to Ailivemoves own documentation, this was the most poor use possible of the motion control, but they included it because you could literally shoehorn it in to any game design, as the garbage motion does nothing more than take the place of a button press, and requires no fundamental or forward thinking, or new ideas.

99.99% of all 3rd party games used this feature exclusively (SURPRISE!), as did some early Nintendo games that were obviously shoehorned for wii, like twilight princess.

This was immediately recognized as the garbage it was, and was aptly dubbed 'waggle'.

This isngle handedly destroyed the potential of an entire generation in numerous ways. The most important of which was the complete and absolute destruction of motion controls as a viable control scheme in the eyes of everyone who who tried waggle, realized it was crap, but didnt realize that there was more to motion controls. The halo effect that arose surrounding motion controls quickly became impenetrable and irreversable.

Metroid prime used Ailivemove as well, however, it used a different mode, 'snap to grid' iirc, which was a primitive and simplified heavily restricted form of motion control, but actual motion control that gave realtime feedback back to the user. This was used for rotating switches and levers, and ripping things with the grappling beam. Shooting was controlled by IR.

Then there was 3d analog control, which is exactly what it sounds like, the wiimotes motion input is used as a giant spacial analog supplying rotational information along the axis of pitch and roll. Used in a lot of racing games like mario karts, but by far the best implementation by a landslide was excite truck.

Then came motion plus and AI livemove2, which added real time spatial motion tracking thanks to the newly added gyroscope.

And everybody kept crapping out waggle garbage.

There were two games of that entire generation (Games games, as opposed to minigame collections or what have you) that were actual genuine motion control, ANd that was red steel 2, which nobody trusted after the bait and switch waggle garbage of rs1, and Skyward Sword, which came at the end of a generation of which practically NOBODY learned how to actually use motion controls thanks to motion record aka 'waggle crap'.



#28 BananaCheese


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 04:49 AM

I think people think they're too "hardcore" for the name Wii U. Wii was bad enough. As for the low sales though, I find it funny how trolls say Wii U sucks because of low sales and Xbox and PS3 are wayyyyyy better even though those two consoles sold less than the Wii U worldwide in the first four months.


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#29 alex15810



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Posted 11 August 2014 - 05:41 AM

No doubt the Wii U is a terrible name and contributed to the poor sales. Still to this day many people think it's a gamepad add on for the wii.


Nintendo definitely should have gone with a new name entirely and dropped the Wii moniker. Or at the minimum called it the Wii 2, atleast that way people would know that it's a different, newer console.

#30 DéliopT



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Posted 12 August 2014 - 05:48 AM

Iwata said that they were going to have to produce new units to meet their target. Hope it`s in their plans to change the Wii U as much as they can.

Sony did it and it worked for them.



#31 Socalmuscle


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Posted 26 August 2014 - 02:55 PM

This is where the marketing guys either get a huge pat on the back or a Mike Tyson punch to the gut.

They thought "oh... Wii resonates with consumers! So let's keep that connection string with the new machine!"

The problem with that has proven multi-fold.

1) the name is stupid on its own.

2) the wii was dead before the wii u came out. It had run it's course and no one wanted it anymore. They wanted something NEW

3) the decision to minimize the presence of the console itself and maximize awareness of the controller was foolish. It led to confusion about the console itself and whether the controller was an add on of sorts.

Probably half the folks at Nintendo that poured out there heart and soul in engineering nearly dies when the decision was made to market the machine this way.

The Wii U sadly launched without much in the way of identity.

It was a machine that sounded like the wii, played inferior versions of outdated 360 games, and didn't have any kind of killer app.

So it was a rough deal.

But this guy is right. If they got the name right, it would have helped a lot.

And if they designed the console with a bit more presence, it would have helped.

But the games are what matters. And as it is, it launched with a pretty bad selection, doesn't look to be getting much help from third parties for the foreseeable future, and Nintendo's own games are so far and few between, it is hard to wait. Especially when the various genres are not always what you want.

I think the "wii u" marketing is also what scared third parties.

I'm hoping Nintendo can pull a rabbit out of a hat, but all indications are that this is a season of pushing through some hard times.

At the very least, it speaks to Nintendos credibility that they don't simply abandon their customers.

That's definitely earned them Loyalty points for this customer. And I highly suspect that the next Nintendo games machine will be an edgier, riskier beast.

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