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Time for Skyward Sword

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#1 Atticus


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 11:32 AM

So kind of a follow up topic to my playing through Twilight Princess for the first time topic. As I reported I really liked the game and now will get references for TP characters in Hyrule Warriors.


Now my next adventure: it was difficult to find Skyward Sword anywhere so I finally bought it new w/ 25th anniversary soundtrack off a credible seller from eBay and should have it middle of next week. Board thoughts on Skyward Sword (w/o spoilers)? I'm going to try to finish it before release of HW on the 26th.


Thanks folks.



Edited by Atticus, 07 September 2014 - 12:00 PM.

#2 Portal



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Posted 07 September 2014 - 11:48 AM

I absolutely adored my first play through. Like, total awesomeness. Second play through showed more flaws, but still great. Third Hero Mode play through was just plain fun. I don't care what people say. Awesome dungeons and great item and sword controls. Can't beat that. Also, Ghirahim.

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#3 genev


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 11:54 AM

It was my first legend of zelda in a home console and I was absolutely amazed!!!! The motion controls are perfectly implemented in this game. It's my favorite wii game after SMG2.

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#4 Big Boss

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Posted 07 September 2014 - 12:22 PM

It was lots of fun the first time. Sky could've been better but it wasn't a bad game.

#5 storabajskorven



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Posted 07 September 2014 - 12:26 PM

It has some major flaws, mostly in the hand-holding department. It's a game that could have been great if it weren't for those. Story, temples and bosses are good.

#6 Raiden


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 12:40 PM

The most linear Zelda game.Great dungeon designs. Fight the same boss multiple times witch is dumb. Game is a mixed bag. Did some cool things and then some really stupid things. Controls are subjective if you like or dislike motion but it's a very interesting idea.

#7 grahamf


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 02:00 PM

I never finished it. For the life of me I can't say why.



#8 SPG


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 04:18 PM

loved it my first time, was just blown away, second time.... it showed its flaws and was disappointed with it
still really like the game though, but its not number one like I thought it was when i was done my first time around


#9 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 04:21 PM

The temples are definately the most enjoyable thing about the game, and the motion controls are a unique mechanic that will really get you thinking as to how you should solve certain puzzles :)


(But Fi is still annoying, she becomes likable near the end though)



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#10 GAMER1984



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Posted 08 September 2014 - 02:37 AM

played all home console Zelda games and this is by FAR my least favorite. I know many feel opposite so I hope you enjoy

#11 Atticus


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Posted 08 September 2014 - 04:30 AM

played all home console Zelda games and this is by FAR my least favorite. I know many feel opposite so I hope you enjoy


Just curious, why by far your least favorite?

#12 DéliopT



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Posted 08 September 2014 - 06:59 AM

I really liked the game.

Some things were never done in the series.

And for some very strange reason i really loved collecting stuff! :D



#13 Atticus


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 09:43 AM

Just arrived!



#14 NintendoReport



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Posted 11 September 2014 - 10:07 AM


and music cd... nice :)

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#15 Ledo Jaeger

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Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:09 PM

Really really really great game, gave me all the awesome Zelda vibes I was hoping I would get out of it :) Second play through cemented the fact that 'yes, yes I do like this game' all the more. Not my absolute favorite Zelda, but definitely up there.

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#16 Waller


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:39 PM

I don't have a high opinion of 3D Zelda games, so any opinions I give you guys would probably be a bit difficult to swallow.


I'll just say that, if you liked the previous 3D Zelda games, you'll most likely like this one as well. Just not as much as any of the other ones.


#17 3Dude



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Posted 11 September 2014 - 04:38 PM

Some advice for maximum enjoyment and quick adaption to motion controls:

Highly suggest you properly set up your play area for 'anti wiimote interference'.


When you follow these directions, you will see a black screen showing the 'dots' the wiimote camera sees. Any glare, light sources, reflextions etc will show up as additional dots, (The wiimote can only track 4 at a time, so make sure new ones dont 'appear after you get rid of others). Close shades, move interfering lightsources, adjust wiimote ir sensitivity etc, until you get rid of all 'dots' except the sensor bar. Make sure you check to the left of you, and the right of you, as any lightsource picked up over there for whatever reason (swinging, resting your hand) if seen long enough (around a second) will recalibrate the 'fast reference point' from the sensor bar, to over there, leading to shenanigans.

Tips to avoid confusion:

Skyward sword constantly assigns a new reference point every time you pull out a gyro motion control object/mechanic such as the Beetle, bow and arrow etc. It also recalibrates everytime a choice prompt comes up (Like the save menu). This means if you are pointing at the ground when the choice menu appears, the system will think the ground is the TV.

You do not need to recalibrate through the wiimote menu or options to fix this. Simply point to a comfortable nuetral position (point at the center of the tv for most people) and press down on the dpad. Insta fix.

Once you 'get' how this reference system works you can easily start gaming it, ie purposefully referencing the ground so you can say use the bow and arrow with one hand pointed at the ground and the other ehind your head.

The beetle and the bird riding uses the sensor bar for dextrous control contrary to misinformed belief. WIthout sight of the sensor bar, or with ir interference flying straight or steering with nuance becomes ranges from a swerious pain to practically impossible.

Developing a 'slip grip' using your fingers to allow the wii remote to dip towards the ground while keeping control for bird diving or bomb bowling is highly encouraged, as most wrists dont bendperpindicular to the arm (ouchies occur).

You dont need to point at choices to select them, you can use tha analog stick, dpad, or simply flick your wrist in the desired direction to highlight choices.

You literally never need to recalibrate skyward sword after starting the game. If anything feels off, simply point at the center of the screen, and press down on the dpad.

Skyward sword is an actual motion control game, waggle wont get you very far.



#18 Atticus


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Posted 01 October 2014 - 01:20 PM

My thoughts so far: Right off the bat I was impressed with the control in terms of the added precision of the sword swiping. Even just Link holding the sword the same way/angle you're holding the Wii-mote was novel and neat. To me, being able to run and step jump up walls gives a ever slightly more freeing experience than previous 3D Zeldas w/o going overboard. I remember playing TP a month ago and was underwhelmed with the control (though just at the beginning). I was pretty surprised with how fairly story heavy the beginning was. It was a nice change having a completely different opening relationship with Zelda. Thankfully the art style saves it from looking terribly dated as well.


But since leaving Skyloft... meh. (Not a fan of the Kikiwis).


Saved and quit for now just outside the first temple. Will pick up again soon.


and music cd... nice :)

Oh yes indeed! :)



Some advice for maximum enjoyment and quick adaption to motion controls:

Highly suggest you properly set up your play area for 'anti wiimote interference'.


When you follow these directions, you will see a black screen showing the 'dots' the wiimote camera sees. Any glare, light sources, reflextions etc will show up as additional dots, (The wiimote can only track 4 at a time, so make sure new ones dont 'appear after you get rid of others). Close shades, move interfering lightsources, adjust wiimote ir sensitivity etc, until you get rid of all 'dots' except the sensor bar. Make sure you check to the left of you, and the right of you, as any lightsource picked up over there for whatever reason (swinging, resting your hand) if seen long enough (around a second) will recalibrate the 'fast reference point' from the sensor bar, to over there, leading to shenanigans.

Tips to avoid confusion:

Skyward sword constantly assigns a new reference point every time you pull out a gyro motion control object/mechanic such as the Beetle, bow and arrow etc. It also recalibrates everytime a choice prompt comes up (Like the save menu). This means if you are pointing at the ground when the choice menu appears, the system will think the ground is the TV.

You do not need to recalibrate through the wiimote menu or options to fix this. Simply point to a comfortable nuetral position (point at the center of the tv for most people) and press down on the dpad. Insta fix.

Once you 'get' how this reference system works you can easily start gaming it, ie purposefully referencing the ground so you can say use the bow and arrow with one hand pointed at the ground and the other ehind your head.

The beetle and the bird riding uses the sensor bar for dextrous control contrary to misinformed belief. WIthout sight of the sensor bar, or with ir interference flying straight or steering with nuance becomes ranges from a swerious pain to practically impossible.

Developing a 'slip grip' using your fingers to allow the wii remote to dip towards the ground while keeping control for bird diving or bomb bowling is highly encouraged, as most wrists dont bendperpindicular to the arm (ouchies occur).

You dont need to point at choices to select them, you can use tha analog stick, dpad, or simply flick your wrist in the desired direction to highlight choices.

You literally never need to recalibrate skyward sword after starting the game. If anything feels off, simply point at the center of the screen, and press down on the dpad.

Skyward sword is an actual motion control game, waggle wont get you very far.

Thanks, that was thorough!




So I believe I’m not too far from the end. It's not my favorite Zelda game but I really appreciate that it did a lot of things differently. Mainly the story: How you actually grew up with Zelda and who she becomes. Even though it wasn't that hard to see coming it was fun to roll along with and the whole scene where she revealed who she remembered she actually was, Goddess sacrifice, etc. was captivating. The story from the beginning has been pretty engaging for me and I'm looking forward to the conclusion.



Motion controls... I fully believe Nintendo pushed Wiimote motion control capability to its limit for the game and at the beginning I was really surprised at the precision and novelty of the sword swiping vs. Twilight Princess. It was as good as it could possibly get. But throughout the game I think it was more so an annoyance more times than it was fun. Sometimes it just wouldn't swing the way I wanted it to on multiple tries and made some fights/tasks needlessly difficult. Honestly though for the most part it could have been my fault as most of the time I probably wasn't sitting with the ideal Wiimote swiping posture (slouching on the couch) but If Nintendo never uses this Wiimote motion control style of game play for Zelda again I won't be disappointed.



"WTF! No Boomerang?? No compasses??" I'm sure the game being different probably irked a lot of people with a few minor things and less locales (sorta) but it doesn't feel like THAT short a game to me really. I guess it was with all the running around back and forth between the same locations (but with new areas). Personally, I like my Master Swords pulled out of the ground Excalibur style rather than having your sword evolve into it... Like I said though I appreciate that it was different.



Overall though I think I liked Twilight Princess better. I just remember being so much more impressed with the boss battles, content and the game overall.



Hoping to finish this soon so I can crack open HW. My goal was to catch up on and finish a couple of major Zelda titles before playing it.



Just finished the game with 50+ hours and story-wise everything from what I thought was close to the end leading up to and the final battle/ending itself was magnificent. I dare say this was the most rewarding 3D Zelda game I've ever played.


I thought I liked Twilight Princess more but I don't know now. SS was just so unique and different but just as epic as any other Zelda title (but maybe the best at story telling imo).


This was NOT a short game and I'll finally crack open Hyrule Warriors now but I'm going to miss SS (running and diving into sky and landing on your Loftwing's back mid-flight never got old).

Edited by Atticus, 28 September 2014 - 08:25 AM.

#19 pexpress


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:31 AM

me too I am playing Zelda SS, I find it worse than WW and TP but it's still a good Zelda






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Edited by pexpress, 07 October 2014 - 09:57 AM.

#20 Mewbot


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:27 AM

Just finished the game with 50+ hours and story-wise everything from what I thought was close to the end leading up to and the final battle/ending itself was magnificent. I dare say this was the most rewarding 3D Zelda game I've ever played.


I thought I liked Twilight Princess more but I don't know now. SS was just so unique and different but just as epic as any other Zelda title (but maybe the best at story telling imo).


This was NOT a short game and I'll finally crack open Hyrule Warriors now but I'm going to miss SS (running and diving into sky and landing on your Loftwing's back mid-flight never got old).


I agree, the ending of this game really summed everything up for me. Before then I thought it was no better than any other Zelda games but the ending was superb. Great boss battle, and a great wrap up of the story with an impressive amount of emotion. I shed a manly tear at the end of that game.


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