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So here are The Game Awards nominees....

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#1 magiciandude


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 11:54 AM



For those unaware, it's just the VGAs with a fresh new coat of paint.


After last year's disaster, yeah....

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#2 Rasvita



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:05 PM

After last year's disaster, yeah....


Now I'm going to have to look up what happened last year...


As for the games, Bayonetta 2 was the only thing I knew would be there.  After the reviews it got, it just kind of had to be.


I had totally forgotten that Bravely Default came out this year.  I really liked the game, but I think the repetitive story could hold it back from winning anything.


Mountain?  Unless there is more to that game than the little bit I've seen of it (totally possible), it seems like they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel there.

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#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:06 PM

Nice to see Tomodachi Life in there. That really was a surprise seller I think for Nintendo. It did very well.

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#4 Mitch



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:20 PM

Are we casting our predictions and/or choices?


Template for other posters who don't want to type every category 




Game of the Year

Bayonetta 2


Best Independent Game

Shovel Knight


Best Narrative

Valiant Hearts


Best Performance

Trey Parker- South Park


Best Remaster (Oh God Why is this a thing)

Pokemon...Because every other remaster was an unnecessary cash grab *cough tomb raider*


Best Action/Adventure

Bayonetta 2


Best Fighting

Samsh 3ds or Wii U


Best Sports/Racing

Mario Kart 8


Developer of the Year



Best Mobile/Handheld (Shouldn't even be in the same category as one another)

Smash 3DS


Best Score/Soundtrack

Child of Light


Game for Change

Not entirely sure what this category is.... So Last of Us :P


Best Shooter

With the piss poor pool of shooters its up against, it sadly has to be CoD


Best RPG

Dark Souls 2


Best Family Game

Mario Kart 8


Best Online Experience (Otherwise known as the BF4  Award)

Another piss poor selection so I'll throw out Dark Souls 2


Most Anticipated Game



Esports player of the year

Chris "GeT_RiGhT Alesund (CSGO)


Esports team of the year

Obviously NiP 


Trending Gamer

Probably Pewds but hopefully its Total Biscuit


Best Fan Creation

Twitch Plays Pokemon

#5 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 02:56 PM

The fact that Ubisoft is a best developer nominee...

Stupid Snowmads!

#6 tboss



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 03:30 PM

not as bad as i thought it was going to be, but plenty of room for improvement. also shadow of mordor and dragon age over smash..... 


also how did Ubisoft make it into the dev nominations? 


And most importantly, why didn't we wait till january before even making a nominee list, There are games that haven't even released yet this year.

#7 Rasvita



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 03:46 PM

Oh goodness, I didn't even notice that there was Ubisoft in the developer nominations.  Of course it is specifically Ubisoft Montreal.  I don't know specifically what they worked on.

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#8 Bill Cipher

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 04:49 PM

Oh goodness, I didn't even notice that there was Ubisoft in the developer nominations.  Of course it is specifically Ubisoft Montreal.  I don't know specifically what they worked on.

Basically, every game that Ubisoft has published this year Montreal has had some part in. Off of the top of my head, they've done BOTH AC games, WatchHogs, Child of Light, I think they're working on the Crew.


Edit: To follow up on Mitch's list, here's mine. LET THE DOWNVOTES COMMENCE


Game of the Year
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Game is like Crack to me at moments, only digital and with trading cards.
Best Independent Game
SHOVEL KNIGHT(Like there's any other choice)
Best Narrative
(Haven't played any of these due to me being a filthy Plebian, So...Uh..I nominate Mario Kart 8. Seriously, that final battle with the dialogue between Bowser and Mario, where Mario is like "SO LONG BOWSER" and Bowser's facial expressions just hit me RIGHT in the feels. Plus, they got back Bowser's VA from SMS, who is such a spectacular choice he deserves several oscars despite being in a video game because who needs GAMEPLAY when you've got a bloody plot about...Plumbers and Zombies, which is an accurate summation of how I feel about this category.
Best Performance
Best Performance? Obviously Bowser's VA from MK8, he was so spectacular that..I'll let my above comment describe what I mean.
Best Remaster (Oh God Why is this a thing)
Because we are just Mitches to the game publishers, ones that will GIVE them money for the chance to get screwed over. In all honesty, the correct answer here is Halo, and I say that DESPITE the horrible launch because it's 4 Games for $60, all running on that GIANT Xbone teh Hardcorez have for Halo.
Best Action/Adventure
Haven't played any, but judging by the way Neogaf/Nintendo fans are treating Bayonetta 2  like the second coming of Christ if Christ was a 7 foot tall witch who uses her hair to attack angels, I'm going to with that one.
Best Fighting
Does this category REALLY need to exist? No offence to the producers of this, but this might as well be called "Best Smash Brothers Game". No one really played P4:AU, Killer Instinct is F2P and no one is really playing it, and USF4 is basically Street Fighter 4(which is 6+ years old ATM), but this time with whatever the heck Capcom deems worthy of a full expansion pack. Two of these are remasters and one of them is F2P. This is like having a vote on which console you should buy when one requires you to FEED IT MONEY to work, two are the exact same console you have already just with a few tweaks(Ala slightly faster CPU, etc) and two are the console everyone's going to vote for, just with two different versions because IT'S DIVERSITY AND CATERING TO THE GAMING MARKET, HURRAH.
Best Sports/Racing
Once again, haven't played ANY games in this category, but Mario Kart has my non existant vote because it's bloody Mario Kart against two sports games and two racers that not a lot of people care about. However, why is Sports/Racing merged together? That's like me saying that we should have a best Roleplaying game category but we have FarCry 4, Dragon Age: Inquistion, Persona Q, Bravely Default, and Child of Light. It's just sloppy to try and merge categories.
Developer of the Year
Ah, yes, developers, which is Why Nintendo, a game studio that has multiple sub studios, is listed as a developer. Keep up the great work, Doritos Pope. In actuality, I'm rooting for Blizzard, mostly due to my digital Cardboard Crack Addiction.
Best Mobile/Handheld (Shouldn't even be in the same category as one another)
Oh gosh. This will be INTERESTING :Opens list: What. Seriously Doritos Pope, THIS is your selections? Considering Hearthstone STILL isn't on Android, the biggest thing I've heard about Monument Valley was the userbase revolting against ACTUALLY PAYING MONEY FOR A GAME, and Threes! has never even popped up on my Radar. As you can probably guess, my vote is for hearthstone DESPITE NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY IT ON MY DEVICE OF CHOICE. Since that's not legal, Super Smash Bros sadly gets my vote(Seriously, what is up with me having not played half the games on this list? I blame my lowly plebian status)
Best Score/Soundtrack
No Shovel Knight? List is invalidated automatically. My non-existant vote goes to Transistor, as I've heard good things about the soundtrack(not from anything else, but then again my vote is less then worthless. In fact, that gives me an idea..)
Game for Change
What the bloody hell is this Category?  I know ABSOLUTELY Nothing about these games(Minus The Last of Us: Lesbian Bromance),so I'm not voting. Game for Change is a stupid category though. I don't think there's a FILM for Change category in..anything, so I can only justify this as "LOOK AT US TRYING TO BE ART. WE ARE ART, THEREFORE WE ARE SPECIAL", completely ignoring that this whole category just feels...off.
Best Shooter
No comment, though Destiny seems likely to win because GET GAMES HYPE GREATEST 7/10 EVAR
Best RPG
Dang it, the ONE year I go out of my way to play RPGs...Then I find out they don't count because they aren't "CORE ENOUGH" Yeah, tell that to Grimrock 2. I'm going to say the vote will go to DA:I, due to the Industry's suprising amount of love for games that Bioware Makes for about 1-3 Months after release plus the idea that "IT'S NOT AS BAD AS ME3/DA2, THEREFORE IT IS GOTY". My non existant vote, because apparently I'm a filthy casual. goes to the aformentioned Grimrock 2.
Best Family Game
Mario Kart 8(Though I'm surprised LBP isn't on here), based mostly on the idea that two of the games are BUY MORE TOYS TO PLAY US and the other 2 are an Xbone Exclusive and a weird simulator of life that feels like this is what Miyamoto creates while on acid.
Best Online Experience (Otherwise known as the BF4 Award)
I'll bet you'll NEVER guess my answer. It's 100% impossible. That's right, it's Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCrack.
Most Anticipated Game
THE WITCHER 3: ASSASSIN OF KINGS, due to the sole fact that I actually have faith on CDProjekt Red to deliver on what they promise in a game with the word ASSASSIN in the title, unlike Ubisoft. 
Esports player of the year
I know Jack all about Esports, and the fact that Sejun Park isn't on this list after basically winning Worlds on the back of a ripoff of Pikachu is a very poor decision. No vote here.
Esports team of the year
My vote goes to No team, due to all failing to live up to their names. Evil Geniuses aren't cackling in the picture,  Ninjas in Pajama's aren't wearing Pajamas AND don't appear to be Ninjas, Samsung White could obviously go FULL WHITE and be drinking Starbucks(Or alternatively, covered in Flour), Newbee is a team of people who did stuff this year, so that's like me calling a headshot a mild wound, and Edward Gaming is lacking sparkles or anything that I associate with Edward, even including a monotone face Kristen Stewart
Trending Gamer
Wow, TwitleBiscuit is number one ATM. Uh..Let's not vote for him. I vote Jeff Gerstman, because I like GB and that picture is utterly fantastic.
Best Fan Creation

Two Fan songs I've never heard, a meme that has it's own subreddit, a series that united the internet BEFORE Gamergate basically destroyed it into a billion pieces, and a Minecraft Creation. This is a terrible category, and the only logical vote is Twitch Plays Pokemon due to the joy it provided...until said joy was rammed into the ground by playing EVERY POKEMON GAME. I'd like to see someone try FFIII on Twitch though, mostly because that Final boss is pure HACKS unless you use the right classes.


There we go, a summary of my votes. I'm actually surprised how much Hearthstone won, though I do admit I do have a DCCP(Digital Cardboard Crack Problem)

Edited by Doctor Strange, 20 November 2014 - 05:53 PM.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#9 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 05:30 PM

Mitch I feel like your suggestions are what should happen, but I mean... VGAs...

Also I don't trust Peter Moore to not try his best to ruin Nintendo's chance of winning their rightful awards.

And Titanfall could win best shooter. Should be Splatoon next year though.

Edited by WydrA, 20 November 2014 - 05:32 PM.






#10 Bill Cipher

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 05:44 PM

Mitch I feel like your suggestions are what should happen, but I mean... VGAs...

Also I don't trust Peter Moore to not try his best to ruin Nintendo's chance of winning their rightful awards.

And Titanfall could win best shooter. Should be Splatoon next year though.

Considering this is Peter Moore, who seemingly feels no remorse over basically Stabbing Nintendo in the back with their exclusive partnership, I agree.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#11 Waller


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 06:54 PM

Game Advertisement Of The Year: The Game Awardstm


#12 Portal



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 07:09 PM

rainbow. It's back. I totally regret watching the VGAs last year. So bad. So so bad.

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#13 3Dude



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 07:14 PM

Game Advertisement Of The Year: The Game Awardstm

Beat me to the punch.

I was going for the PMA's, Publisher marketing awards.



#14 Son Edo

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:08 PM

The game with best soundtrack isn't even listed ;)

#15 Raiden


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:19 PM

The game with best soundtrack isn't even listed ;)

Because they can't put a game up for 2014 awards that came out in 1986.

#16 Bill Cipher

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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:49 PM

The game with best soundtrack isn't even listed ;)

Legend of Grimrock 2/Shovel Knight?

Because they can't put a game up for 2014 awards that came out in 1986.

Have no idea which game you mean...

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#17 Waller


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 11:16 PM

Because they can't put a game up for 2014 awards that came out in 1986.


But Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne came out in 2003...


#18 Raiden


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 11:56 PM

Legend of Grimrock 2/Shovel Knight?

Have no idea which game you mean...

Yuzo Koshiro's best work IMO. Ys Books I & II

#19 Mewbot


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 12:24 AM

How is Smash Bros. Wii U not even nominated for game of the year?


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#20 Son Edo

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 01:11 AM

How is Smash Bros. Wii U not even nominated for game of the year?


Mmmm. They might want to wait until more reviews come out, could eclipse Bayonetta 2.

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