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Hostage situation in Lindt cafe in Sydney in apparent terrorist attack

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#1 CUD


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 05:43 PM


I live in Sydney and visit the Sydney CBD regularly so this is pretty shocking to see. This is going on now, you can watch live streams online but the ABC news one on YouTube is apparently region locked.

There were signs shown that make it clear this is the act of Muslim 'extremists'. The signs said that (paraphrasing) "Allah is the one true god and Muhammad is god's messenger."

There are apparently 13 hostages in the cafe itself but people in the building above the cafe are currently being evacuated by police. Hopefully they all get out of this alive.

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#2 Portal



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Posted 14 December 2014 - 06:23 PM

Took long enough for this thread to be made. Been trying to follow this for the past couple hours. Really freaky stuff. I'm honestly kinda upset by this. Probably not the most mature thing in the world to do, but I'd really like to punch that gunman in the face right now. Seeing something so stupid go down and you can't do anything. Ugh. My thoughts and prayers go out to these people.

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#3 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 14 December 2014 - 06:33 PM

I think you put quotation marks around the wrong word.. These are definitely extremists, whether or not they're truly muslim is a much more debatable issue.

But anyway, very scary situation obviously. The amount of terrorism we're seeing actually getting out is very, very worrying.






#4 Raiden


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 06:52 PM

whether or not they're truly muslim

They are no more Muslim than Timothy Mcveigh was a good christian. Muslims are about peace. These groups take a name in vain. If a person claiming to be a Buddhist   Monk was doing this they would deny him being Buddhist. Muslims get this undeserved bad rep because post 2001 world.

#5 CUD


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:29 PM

I think you put quotation marks around the wrong word.. These are definitely extremists, whether or not they're truly muslim is a much more debatable issue.
But anyway, very scary situation obviously. The amount of terrorism we're seeing actually getting out is very, very worrying.

Within Islam this seems much less extreme as such violence is encouraged in the Quran.

They are no more Muslim than Timothy Mcveigh was a good christian. Muslims are about peace. These groups take a name in vain. If a person claiming to be a Buddhist Monk was doing this they would deny him being Buddhist. Muslims get this undeserved bad rep because post 2001 world.

Islam isn't a religion of peace. The Quran encourages violence, these actions can be justified in the Islamic holy books which the same cannot be said for Christianity.

People these days defend Islam saying that it's just a minority that deviated from Islamic teaching when in reality it is these people that are truly following Islamic teaching.

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#6 Bill Cipher

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:42 PM

They are no more Muslim than Timothy Mcveigh was a good christian. Muslims are about peace. These groups take a name in vain. If a person claiming to be a Buddhist   Monk was doing this they would deny him being Buddhist. Muslims get this undeserved bad rep because post 2001 world.

Actually, I'd argue this whole Anti-Muslim attitude is an on again off again thing dating back to the Crusades, where it was th"e West" of Europe vs what was deemed as a bunch of savages due to the actions of their King, who IIRC killed a bunch of Christians/Jews for some reason. Crusades started and ended, and regardless of the whole impact of the crusades(Kickstarting the Renaissance, etc) there's still very much of an Anti-Muslim bias in the western culture, though for many the first big thing that Muslims did in the eyes of a generation was 9/11. It would be like Atheists being judged as an entire community for Columbine. It's not right, but sadly in this society sins weigh more the good deeds.

I just.. Bleh, I get that you can't kill the source as violence leads to more violence, but this whole ISIS thing just makes me wish there was some reasonable solution.

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#7 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 14 December 2014 - 08:21 PM

They are no more Muslim than Timothy Mcveigh was a good christian. Muslims are about peace. These groups take a name in vain. If a person claiming to be a Buddhist   Monk was doing this they would deny him being Buddhist. Muslims get this undeserved bad rep because post 2001 world.

This is what I've heard some say, thus why I said it could be called into question. However...


Within Islam this seems much less extreme as such violence is encouraged in the Quran.

Islam isn't a religion of peace. The Quran encourages violence, these actions can be justified in the Islamic holy books which the same cannot be said for Christianity.

People these days defend Islam saying that it's just a minority that deviated from Islamic teaching when in reality it is these people that are truly following Islamic teaching.

This is also true. People absolutely love to get on Christans cases. Things like westboro baptist Church get heavy media exposure and there's this huge circlejerk of ripping them down and talking about how backwards and disgusting these "practical nazis" are.

But, yeah you can say what you want about westboro, but you can't say their violent. They may be vegetas that have clearly twisted the Bible to fit some incredibly stupid viewpoints, but they're not violent. they're just people expressing a dumb opinion quite arrogantly. Say that Christianity breeds hatred and use them as an example? you on't run into much resistance. Some people will be like "most Christians aren't like that" but the only people who might be outraged are other Christians.

Try to do that about islam? You're a racist! How could you suggest that Muslisms support this blah blah blah. the fact of the matter is they are the only religion that has this problem to this degree. No other religion has this many people declaring war on innocents and slaughtering people worldwide. there is clearly something different about their religion if so many more people from it fall into this trap. Even if they're not actually there I think I heard something like 7-10% of people support what groups like al qaeda do. That's messed up. You won't find support for violence anywhere near those percentages in Christianity.


Actually, I'd argue this whole Anti-Muslim attitude is an on again off again thing dating back to the Crusades, where it was th"e West" of Europe vs what was deemed as a bunch of savages due to the actions of their King, who IIRC killed a bunch of Christians/Jews for some reason. Crusades started and ended, and regardless of the whole impact of the crusades(Kickstarting the Renaissance, etc) there's still very much of an Anti-Muslim bias in the western culture, though for many the first big thing that Muslims did in the eyes of a generation was 9/11. It would be like Atheists being judged as an entire community for Columbine. It's not right, but sadly in this society sins weigh more the good deeds.

I just.. Bleh, I get that you can't kill the source as violence leads to more violence, but this whole ISIS thing just makes me wish there was some reasonable solution.

Case and point. "It's comes down to a race thing."

No, it comes down to the fact that everyone's seeing people one religion getting up in everyone else's face (and by that I mean killing thousands (possibly millions actually) of innocent people) simply because they don't follow their religion.

Seriously, this forum is crazy. When something is actually about race, no one thinks it's about race, when something isn't about race suddenly it is. It's effed up man. Maybe some of this hate is a bit racist, and it's probably fueling the fire, but it's certainly not the main reason. People didn't have a problem like this before 9/11. A very big part (most) of this comes from the rising acts of terrorism all around the world.

Oh and islam is a religion anyway, not a race. Considerable amount of whites of european heritage have joined them. Was a british guy who was making the demands in the beheading videos. Canadian showed up in the most recent one. Some from france. Of course I get that the vast majority are still middle eastern, bur still, it's not a race.






#8 Bill Cipher

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 08:42 PM

Wydra, when the flying hell did I Mention race? Read my comment again. I'm saying that perceptions of Islam in western culture have been an on/off thing since the Crusades. What the Wii does that have to do with Race? There's both good and bad people on eveeyside of the world, from the slums of India to the penthouses of New York. But sure, make my comment about a religion be about race. I mentioned the crusades because at that point in time, Islam was primarily centered around the middle east. I'm not an idiot who can't understand that Religions spread, but at this point in time, Islam was primarily a middle eastern Religion due to varying factors. The largest Islamic region in Europe as a country was yet to be formed, so my point arguing that the modern west, descended from Europe and it's ilk, has had issues with Islamic dating back to the Crusades is a valid point.

I never said I supported ISIS, or that any of their actions are justified. I never mentioned race, and here you are accusing me of being racist? For Pete's sake, stop putting words into my mouth.

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#9 Big Boss

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 09:10 PM


didnt take long to break this thread down

Edited by Big Boss, 14 December 2014 - 09:12 PM.

#10 Raiden


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Posted 14 December 2014 - 10:16 PM

Leave it to wydra to make it about race lol

#11 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 14 December 2014 - 10:38 PM

Wydra, when the flying hell did I Mention race? Read my comment again. I'm saying that perceptions of Islam in western culture have been an on/off thing since the Crusades. What the Wii does that have to do with Race? There's both good and bad people on eveeyside of the world, from the slums of India to the penthouses of New York. But sure, make my comment about a religion be about race. I mentioned the crusades because at that point in time, Islam was primarily centered around the middle east. I'm not an idiot who can't understand that Religions spread, but at this point in time, Islam was primarily a middle eastern Religion due to varying factors. The largest Islamic region in Europe as a country was yet to be formed, so my point arguing that the modern west, descended from Europe and it's ilk, has had issues with Islamic dating back to the Crusades is a valid point.

I never said I supported ISIS, or that any of their actions are justified. I never mentioned race, and here you are accusing me of being racist? For Pete's sake, stop putting words into my mouth.

My bad. I didn't reread past the first couple words when posting, so I just kind of got mixed up. A lot of current racism is often blamed on similar roots. White peopl back in the day called pretty much everyone (except other whites of course) savages. You're right, your post wasn't about racism. However i will still say I don't think that has very little to nothing to do with it.


Leave it to wydra to make it about race lol

1. The last time I brought up race on this forum was several onths ago. I said never again because you were all idiots and spidermen about it. I have adhered to my word.

2. My post was about how this is not about race. So yeah, I'm clearly making this about race.






#12 NintendoReport



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 03:53 AM




Police are negotiating with an armed offender who has been holding an unknown number of people hostage at the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Sydney's Martin Place.


Three people emerged from the building about 4:00pm (AEDT) and they were followed by another two an hour later.

Hostages were earlier seen pressing a black flag with Arabic text against the cafe's windows.

The text on the flag said: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

Information technology company Infosys has confirmed that one of its employees is among the hostages. The company said it had notified the family.




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#13 Portal



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:29 AM

I think it's over. Police have stormed the building.

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#14 CUD


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 04:01 PM

Yep. Three dead. Two of the hostages and the hostage taker himself.

It's hard, in a situation like this, to save everyone but at least they kept the casualties low.

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#15 Portal



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Posted 15 December 2014 - 04:07 PM

Yep. Three dead. Two of the hostages and the hostage taker himself.
It's hard, in a situation like this, to save everyone but at least they kept the casualties low.

I guess. My heart sank when I saw that two of the hostages had died. Hostage taker, eh, sorry.

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#16 grahamf


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 04:34 PM

He died a failure. How's that going to look in his afterlife?



#17 Raiden


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 05:32 PM

He died a failure. How's that going to look in his afterlife?

Well Hitler is punished to make Hello Kitty stuff in a factory in hell wearing all pink as his supervisor is a demon disguised as Jewish black man.

I'm sure he will get a nice eternity if sitting in an all white people church listening to a christian sermon that never ends as his balls are perpetually crushed in a vice.

#18 CUD


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 05:59 PM

He died a failure. How's that going to look in his afterlife?


I'm sure he's having a great time with his 72 virgins right now.

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RIP in peace Nintendo.


#19 grahamf


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:05 PM

I'm sure he's having a great time with his 72 virgins right now.

Too bad they're all guys like him.



#20 Raiden


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Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:24 PM

I'm sure he's having a great time with his 72 virgins right now.


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