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Describe why you love your choice of Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft/etc.

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#21 Waller


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Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:05 PM

I agree that they could use another game, but they definitely make up for it by keeping their games running and active for so long. I also agree that greenlight, for the most part, isn't great. However, on the bright side, it did allow through some excellent games, that I know at least one of which probably wouldn't have got on otherwise.


And on the dark side, it's creating a situation similar to the one that caused the video game crash a couple of decades ago.



Edited by Waller, 16 December 2014 - 11:08 PM.


#22 iEatTacos


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:29 AM

No one can quite make games like Nintendo can imo. There's a certain magical quality to their games that just keeps me coming back for more. Plus like someone above said, you can always count on Nintendo delivering a complete and finished product. Something that is sorely lacking nowadays.

#23 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:04 AM

That still doesn't excuse the phrasing of "other". That's like me saying all :Insert offensive statement here:, then going " well I only meant some of them". Fact is, the statement is crap as it lumps everyone but Nintendo into one Giant boat. We would have Almost Human, who feed drip the story, in the same boat as David Cage. That's just bad phrasing, and to say "Well I meant AAA games" isn't an excuse.

Not the same thing. If he meant all, he would have said all. Other just implies that a significant portion/the majority that are not the current subject. This is like when I was talking about why I don't like america and every kept saying "Not all americans do that"

Yeah, no crap not every single person/game fits into that category, but it's common practice in english to not have to specify that you didn't actually mean every single person, unless you're specifically trying to be very clear, like in some scientific report or some crap.

An example; you would say "People who buy every single installment are brainwashed." You wouldn't say "A certain percentage -that is most likely the majority- of people who buy every installment of the Call of Duty series are brainwashed." That's just a waste of time and has the same effect to anyone who isn't being overly specific for whatever reason. Every language, english very much included, likes to keep things short where they can. This is one of those times.






#24 Portal



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Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:05 AM

Nintendo because they're hands-down the BEST at making fun, great-looking games with amazing gameplay and music. They have the only games I like to play.

More or less this. I'll play indies and a few more mature or less family-friendly games by myself, and then play on WiiU with family. I think the only game my sisters have liked as much or more than a Nintendo game was Rayman Legends. Maybe Runner2. Pretty telling.

Some people always have a cellphone on them. I'm so awesome I always have a 3DS.
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#25 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:13 AM

Nintendo just has a certain magic that no one can deny. Both my brother and one of my oldest friends were "Nintendo consoles so much less powerful than competition. Ew." sorts of people. But they both shut up the first time they played Nintendoland. Now every time I'm coming over I get told to bring "the forks and knives game" (animal crossing mini game)

More or less this. I'll play indies and a few more mature or less family-friendly games by myself, and then play on WiiU with family. I think the only game my sisters have liked as much or more than a Nintendo game was Rayman Legends. Maybe Runner2. Pretty telling.

Another time some random guy in my school library was trying to be all condescending about my choice of console for this gen (Wii U obviously) then I mentioned smash bros, and all the smugness disappeared, his eyes lit up and he was like "Oh, I love that game!"

To quote Will Smith "Can't nobody do it the way [Nintendo] do" 

Also "Haters, sick of the hits"

And "I see in [game journalism] pages, they refer to me as soft, yeah... more like Micro-soft" ok maybe not that second part so much.

Edited by WydrA, 17 December 2014 - 10:15 AM.






#26 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:40 AM

I'll probably end up pretty much like Sorceror. I don't think anyone can deny he is a huge Nintendo fan. But he also sometimes plays third-party games almost completely unrelated to Nintendo on the Wii U (Watch Dogs for instance). I'll probably be the same way. I just picked up Kirby (the retail game) 3DS, but I was seriously thinking about trying Call of Duty Ghosts again, this time on the Wii U.

About the only difference is he wants to get a PS4 or XBox One, while I've already been there, done that :).

#27 Bill Cipher

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:52 AM

Not the same thing. If he meant all, he would have said all. Other just implies that a significant portion/the majority that are not the current subject. This is like when I was talking about why I don't like america and every kept saying "Not all americans do that"
Yeah, no crap not every single person/game fits into that category, but it's common practice in english to not have to specify that you didn't actually mean every single person, unless you're specifically trying to be very clear, like in some scientific report or some crap.
An example; you would say "People who buy every single installment are brainwashed." You wouldn't say "A certain percentage -that is most likely the majority- of people who buy every installment of the Call of Duty series are brainwashed." That's just a waste of time and has the same effect to anyone who isn't being overly specific for whatever reason. Every language, english very much included, likes to keep things short where they can. This is one of those times.

A majority/Significant portion? Lol what? The games he means are at most 10% of the market. That's not even enough to constitute any majority/significant chunk. It's grossly over simplifying the other side. Heck, even most AAA games nowadays still give you more control then he implies: the big 4 sellers of the Year(CoD, Destiny, Watchdogs, and AC:U) are games that most people love not for the story but the gameplay.

Now, making an argument about not the other games being cinematic but being Style over Substance, or depth? That they put too much focus onto hyping/creating lots of content but they fail to make the content meaningful? That's a bigger portion and a better argument, but it's not about Cinematic games. It's about the current issue in the industry where spectacle sells more then soundness. Why buy an old game with fantastic gameplay that looks a bit dated (See:System Shock 2) when you could buy a game that has no depth in combat but promises you a massive open world?(Skyrim). Game companies besides Nintendo(and even then this is still a bit deluded as there is the smaller studios/publishers, Indies, etc that still do Substance over Style or manage to balance the two such as Valve, Atlus, etc that still make up a large portion of the games released) tend to be favouring Style over substance, as has been seen by way that Open World games are becoming more and more popular with developers trying to make an Open world in a yearly cycle.

TL;DR No, the "Other games are cinematic" = Just a sigificant portion/Majority argument is BS. Saying Style over Substance would be closer, but even then that's still a simplification into an Us vs. Them mentality.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#28 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 17 December 2014 - 11:01 AM

A majority/Significant portion? Lol what? The games he means are at most 10% of the market. That's not even enough to constitute any majority/significant chunk. It's grossly over simplifying the other side. Heck, even most AAA games nowadays still give you more control then he implies: the big 4 sellers of the Year(CoD, Destiny, Watchdogs, and AC:U) are games that most people love not for the story but the gameplay.

Now, making an argument about not the other games being cinematic but being Style over Substance, or depth? That they put too much focus onto hyping/creating lots of content but they fail to make the content meaningful? That's a bigger portion and a better argument, but it's not about Cinematic games. It's about the current issue in the industry where spectacle sells more then soundness. Why buy an old game with fantastic gameplay that looks a bit dated (See:System Shock 2) when you could buy a game that has no depth in combat but promises you a massive open world?(Skyrim). Game companies besides Nintendo(and even then this is still a bit deluded as there is the smaller studios/publishers, Indies, etc that still do Substance over Style or manage to balance the two such as Valve, Atlus, etc that still make up a large portion of the games released) tend to be favouring Style over substance, as has been seen by way that Open World games are becoming more and more popular with developers trying to make an Open world in a yearly cycle.

TL;DR No, the "Other games are cinematic" = Just a sigificant portion/Majority argument is BS. Saying Style over Substance would be closer, but even then that's still a simplification into an Us vs. Them mentality.

Well first of all, I would 10% is a signficant portion. Especially when you take into account that when it comes to the amount of exposure games get that 10% gets a much more significant proportion. Also nothing about why people love the games was mentioned. We're talking about what they contain, not whether or not that's why we play them.






#29 Bill Cipher

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 11:13 AM

You said Majority. And no, 10% is not a significant portion by any means, even if they get promotion. I could say that 10% of movies released this year are book Adaptations (it, like "Cinematic games, is probably closer to 5%) and I can't say that's a majority despite everyone on my social media sites not shutting up about Katniss/Bilbo/Whatever the hell the Maze runner kid is called. I can say that 10% of HBO's content is Fantasy, doesn't mean that it's suddenly a reason for me to say it's a significant portion of HBO's content, considering the channel focuses on Drama, even though GoT is considered to be HBO's flagship.

By the logic in this thread, someone can say " I prefer my games with actual plots in them, as opposed to Nintendo Games which have none" because 60%+ Of Nintendo's content has minimal story or "I like my games to be about more then platforming, as opposed to Nintendo where that's all they produce" because platformers are a big hyped part of Nintendo's market. So please, continue to enlighten me about why The 10% of games(Again, probably lower then this) is somehow an acceptable metric to lump the others together in with but a statement about how Nintendo only makes platformers isn't, despite Nintendo having a far larger amount of platformers

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#30 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 11:16 AM

This argument is dumb if you ask me. It would be different if we were arguing terrorism or something. But we're arguing a guy's opinion who posted it only once that can easily be let go.

#31 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 17 December 2014 - 01:18 PM

Well first of all I said majority/significant portion as in it could be a significant portion, or majority.

Second you're totally missing the point. I'm talking about grammar and usage and application of words. Nor about whether or not whatever percentage is cinematic.

But anyway we probably should drop it. This will most likely go nowhere.






#32 CUD


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 06:25 PM

Steam is my choice because of the great deals and huge range of games.



Edited by CUD, 17 December 2014 - 06:26 PM.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#33 Rockodoodle


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Posted 22 December 2014 - 03:50 AM

Nintendo has the best and most memorable characters, not to mention gameplay. I also have xbone, but while its games are generally mor sharp and polished, I can't say there's a game that has gripped me like my favorite nintendo titles.

#34 Scumbag



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 05:27 AM

Nintendo - I admire the attention to detail and love they put into their games. I like how they innovate like no other while still providing that quality feel to a finished product and not to mention the exclusives. They also make the best controllers and game worlds IMO.


Sony - I like the fact they have usually tried to make the most powerful hardware and build quality has always been top notch. They have remained competitive throughout the years so the competition has been kept on their toes (great for all gamers) and in some generations sold the most so that hard work paid off.

Some great exclusives too for sure.


Microsoft - I was really looking forward to DRM and having to sign in every 24 hours, also how they forced parity for 3rd party and overpricing a cable box lol. Seriously I don't know, I like how ugly and massive they make their consoles and every Xbox has had some must have games. They are still here even when people looked at the original Xbox and said it would flop.

Edited by Toilet_Snaker, 22 December 2014 - 05:28 AM.

#35 3Dude



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 08:17 PM

Nintendo: I like the exclusive games on their system that cant be experienced anywhere else.

Sony: I like the exclusive games on their system that cant be experienced anywhere else.

Microsoft: .... ..... I will always have fond memories of the original gigantic black box. The 360 had better performing multiplats. I generally have grown to hate multiplats as industry destroying garbage. And the xbone has nothing but worse performing multiplats, and multiplats ms paid to make not multiplat.



#36 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 December 2014 - 10:23 PM

Nintendo just has a certain magic that no one can deny. Both my brother and one of my oldest friends were "Nintendo consoles so much less powerful than competition. Ew." sorts of people. But they both shut up the first time they played Nintendoland. Now every time I'm coming over I get told to bring "the forks and knives game" (animal crossing mini game)

More or less this. I'll play indies and a few more mature or less family-friendly games by myself, and then play on WiiU with family. I think the only game my sisters have liked as much or more than a Nintendo game was Rayman Legends. Maybe Runner2. Pretty telling.

Another time some random guy in my school library was trying to be all condescending about my choice of console for this gen (Wii U obviously) then I mentioned smash bros, and all the smugness disappeared, his eyes lit up and he was like "Oh, I love that game!"

To quote Will Smith "Can't nobody do it the way [Nintendo] do" 

Also "Haters, sick of the hits"

And "I see in [game journalism] pages, they refer to me as soft, yeah... more like Micro-soft" ok maybe not that second part so much.

What the heck!? How did that get in there...?






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