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Little mad with Nintendo.

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#1 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 01:38 AM


MM3D New 3DS XL is limited edition, yet people think it should be for everyone. I do think they should've dealed with pre-orders as the timezones, and try to talk into the retailers into limited pre-orders a person/ip.

Amiibo's, while little maddening are understandable, but they need to be more confident, their playing it too safe with everything, not just Amiibo's. Though all should get a re-print, not cards. Rotate what amiibos are out like Skylanders, but dont just get rid of them. 

But stuff like Pokemon Shuffle and the wait or pay to play, or only being able to use the Kirby amiibos once a day??? And why does Mario Party 10 need to save?

No normal New 3DS in the NA?? Yes the XL sold great, but the normal 3ds sold too, there is no reason to not to, again, Ninteo playing it too safe. Don't care about the faceplates much, while cool, and should be for both. But the design of the New 3DS is just... odd. 

No charger, yes I know its common in Japan, and it works. But people in N/A don't seem so happy about it, so they should back away from that choice and package it in, sell it for the same price and suck up the little loss. Maybe someday it'll work here, maybe with a mini-usb instead of the connecter their using. 

I mean I was so hyped for 2015, and then after the direct I fell into a low. I'm not going to leave them ofcourse but I'm not all happy hype. I like the fact that P&D Z and the mario version are a 2 in 1 deal, great deal. Though they should've left Pokemon Shuffle in the dust and did a P&D of Pokemon, and have a 3 in 1 maybe, though that might be too much. 

Pretty sure I had more to say, oh well.

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#2 storabajskorven



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 04:28 AM

But stuff like Pokemon Shuffle and the wait or pay to play, or only being able to use the Kirby amiibos once a day??? And why does Mario Party 10 need to save?

Agreed with a lot of what you said, but especially this! Seeing this during the Direct made me so disappointed.

#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 05:09 AM

Pokemon Shuffle is experimentation. At least they are not charging you for the game AND making you pay via micro transactions. So, I let this slide for me personally.


I do wish Nintendo made a 2nd run of the 1st couple wave of amiibo's, even better would be offering stock to online retailers. I know in store, shelf space isn't always available or possible. What would fix everything is if Nintendo sold these items themselves online. NIntendo UK you can purchase online.. but NA nada.


I'm also a bit ticked about not being able to get the new 3ds and only being offered the xl. I am hoping this changes....

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#4 Hank Hill

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:11 AM

MM3D New 3DS XL is limited edition, yet people think it should be for everyone. I do think they should've dealed with pre-orders as the timezones, and try to talk into the retailers into limited pre-orders a person/ip. This is true. Although, I think this is more of a "Scalpers are effin' insane" problem than a "thye're not making enough" problem.

Amiibo's, while little maddening are understandable, but they need to be more confident, their playing it too safe with everything, not just Amiibo's. Though all should get a re-print, not cards. Rotate what amiibos are out like Skylanders, but dont just get rid of them. Gonna spoil something for you: NoE and NoJ have no Amiibo stocking problems. None. The pretty much all of the "rare" amiibos in NA are easily orderable for not-much-more than MSRP on Amazon's European branches. 

But stuff like Pokemon Shuffle and the wait or pay to play, or only being able to use the Kirby amiibos once a day??? And why does Mario Party 10 need to save? Pokemon Shuffle is just an investor appeasement, the Kirby Amiibo things are a bit dumb, and I'm not sure what you mean by MP10 needing to save.

No normal New 3DS in the NA?? Yes the XL sold great, but the normal 3ds sold too, there is no reason to not to, again, Ninteo playing it too safe. Don't care about the faceplates much, while cool, and should be for both. But the design of the New 3DS is just... odd. I look at it like this. The New3DS is, really, the one people want most, and it's what most of the hardcores will wind up getting. If Nintendo released the New3DS OG here, they'd have to convince retailers to put even more shelf space towards the faceplates...and most retailers in NA would rather carry a multitude of Sony and Microsoft games and accessories than $9.99 faceplates. Or whatever they cost.

No charger, yes I know its common in Japan, and it works. But people in N/A don't seem so happy about it, so they should back away from that choice and package it in, sell it for the same price and suck up the little loss. Maybe someday it'll work here, maybe with a mini-usb instead of the connecter their using. Oh, don't worry. It's not just NA that thinks it sucks, EVERYBODY thinks it sucks. It's the equivalent of buying an oven without heating coils or a couch without anything except the base frame.

I mean I was so hyped for 2015, and then after the direct I fell into a low. I'm not going to leave them ofcourse but I'm not all happy hype. I like the fact that P&D Z and the mario version are a 2 in 1 deal, great deal. Though they should've left Pokemon Shuffle in the dust and did a P&D of Pokemon, and have a 3 in 1 maybe, though that might be too much.  I'm more iffy on the state of NoA in general. We're being treated like a third-priority country whenever NA is probably the biggest support of Nintendo in terms of sales. Begging for localizations, having to preorder entirely unrelated games to get something that was included with LEs for MM in other territories. The Nintendo Direct was fine, even if it did create more criticism than solve problems. The main problem being: Not being treated as equals to other territories despite being one of the best-performing territories Nintendo even serves.

Pretty sure I had more to say, oh well.


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#5 SPG


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:38 PM

from my understanding, the majora's mask isnt limited edition, it will be like the smash bros 3ds and nes 3ds (which you can still buy to this day) so I think its a waiting game. At least thats what I hope for because I dont want to buy one for 2-3 times its value (and I wont) in terms of everything else....yes they're screwing it up and its getting really annoying because I can't buy things that AREN'T limited edition and its driving me insane. In terms of the in app purchases, I could care less, I wont buy anything in the game so it doesnt matter to me.


#6 Kokirii



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 04:53 PM

from my understanding, the majora's mask isnt limited edition, it will be like the smash bros 3ds and nes 3ds (which you can still buy to this day) so I think its a waiting game. At least thats what I hope for because I dont want to buy one for 2-3 times its value (and I wont) in terms of everything else


not to be a negative, but I don't think anyone is going to get the mm3ds without a preorder. Gamestop is not even going to be selling them in their stores (unlike the smash and nes versions). the preorders are being fulfilled through the mail

Edited by Kokirii, 17 January 2015 - 04:54 PM.

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#7 3Dude



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 06:17 PM

I was super hyped at the software end of the direct. Still am.<br /><br />But yeah, NoA appears to do everything in its power to put a damper on it with its hardware shenanigans.<br /><br />I dont think I have a shot in Niffelhiem of getting one of those custom 3ds's, I really wanted that mohun one, and I am not going through a scalper.<br /><br />I REALLY dont like XL's, the 3ds screen is a low enough resolution already without blowing each pixel up to be 4x bigger. I was super excited about some awesome looking face plates, that clearly we wont be getting since its for normal new 3ds... Not to mention its just not pocket portable at that size, and I dont like the more rounded edge design, feels like there is less of a flat surface to get my support/holding fingers some grip....<br /><br />The power adaptor thing is bad, but it doesnt affect me as I alrady have 2 adaptors I can use with 3ds's. Nintendo should really go for a usb charging solution.<br /><br />Yeah, can definately sat noa has me a little miffed as well.<br />



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