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For What It's Worth: Xenoblade comparison N3DS and Wii

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#1 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:50 AM


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#2 Scumbag



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 07:06 AM

Hardly a surprise Wii looks better. Obviously higher polygon count, less jaggies, better textures and a warmer colour pallette but that's just 2d mode from a YouTube vid.

Actual gameplay in 3d and real life view on 3ds screen is what I want to see.

#3 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:02 AM

In the trailer I thought the character models looked horrendous for the new 3DS, Shulk's face looked so bad, but the story of the game and the size of the world looks very promising, I'm really feeling it...



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#4 Raiden


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:07 AM

What I said before. It has lower resolution textures. Said that at a reveal and got chastized. No big deal I am just glad more people can enjoy the game. My friend had the game but his EX stole his copy so he can finally play again.

#5 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:24 AM

Hardly a surprise Wii looks better. Obviously higher polygon count, less jaggies, better textures and a warmer colour pallette but that's just 2d mode from a YouTube vid.

Actual gameplay in 3d and real life view on 3ds screen is what I want to see.

The polygon count is identical, the cutscene is taking place during 2 different times, which is why the lighting color pallette is so different, as shown by the fact the ether lights are on in the 3ds version, and off during the wii version, so it looks like we are looking at blades gorgeously warm sunset pallet on wii (Seriously, the BEST time to make cutscenes happen) and night time on 3ds. (Seriously nintendo? You havent learned to remove variables like this? You havent learned people will notice there is a difference, but assume thats its the supposed to be the same time and same lighting conditions because thats what is expected of a comparison like this?)

The wii video is natural resolution, the 3ds video is blown up 4x past 3ds's its naturaal resolution, and 8x past its 2d resolution.

The same texture on 3ds, will have less pixels of its texture on screen (those texture pixels ARE STILL THERE on the texture), than on wii, but the same amount of rays hitting each texture pixel, because there are less pixels on the 3ds screen than a 480p image. This is why you actually SHOULDNT use the same textures if you are going to reduce the render resolution, and the reason I can tell that they DID. When you use textures that are designed for a higher render resolution, in a lower render resolution, you actually start to LOSE detail, it appears to start fading out to brightness or 'washout'. Now multiplay this by 2x for 3ds 2d mode, which is half the resolution of 3 mode. Of course, I dont expect a port to redo every texture with the render target in mind.... Might as well make a ground up remake then.


The tree sprites have been changed. Probably because the wii ones constantly clipping into, in front of, and behind each other as they always rotate to face the camera made for quite the hilarious headache inducing visuals in 3d. In fact, Im wondering if they are even sprites anymore, or if theyve been changed to shells and fins.

Its impossible to tell yet, because of the fact the screen has been stretched 8x past its resolution, but Im guessing the games going to have to be heavily compressed from 6.5Gb to >4Gb as nintendo isnt going to break out the 8, or even 6 Gb cartridge, and they want an easier faster, smaller memory footprint for eshop downoad.



#6 Tom


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:12 PM

In the trailer I thought the character models looked horrendous for the new 3DS, Shulk's face looked so bad, but the story of the game and the size of the world looks very promising, I'm really feeling it...

In the hardware's defense, the textures looked horrible on the Wii, whose screen resolution is double that of the 3DS.


#7 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:32 PM

In the hardware's defense, the textures looked horrible on the Wii, whose screen resolution is double that of the 3DS.


Yeah, but still, the character models in OOT 3D/ MM 3D looked better than that of this game in my opinion, Shulk's face just looks really flat is all...



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#8 Raiden


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:41 PM

Yeah, but still, the character models in OOT 3D/ MM 3D looked better than that of this game in my opinion, Shulk's face just looks really flat is all...

When you spread butter on toast it gets thinner. Meaning the more resources a game uses the visual quality goes down. OoT and MM3D are remakes of Nintendo 64 games and don't use a lot of resources not even the remakes. Xenoblade is a massive massive game. It uses far more resources than the original 3DS even had. New 3DS is able but still the resouces are spread thin.

#9 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:47 PM

When you spread butter on toast it gets thinner. Meaning the more resources a game uses the visual quality goes down. OoT and MM3D are remakes of Nintendo 64 games and don't use a lot of resources not even the remakes. Xenoblade is a massive massive game. It uses far more resources than the original 3DS even had. New 3DS is able but still the resouces are spread thin.

The 3ds has more gpu resources than the wii ever had. the 3ds gpu has newer more effecient architecture, real shaders, more registers, more memory, and a higher clock speed than hollywood. Xenoblade on og3ds is cpu bottlenecked, not gpu bottle necked.

Since people STILL cant seem to get whats going on here, and why using blown up video of the 3ds in 2d mode makes the textures look worse, I will prepare a visual demonstration, of what happens, when you cut an image in half via intrlacing, double it, and then blow it up 4x past the original resolution.



#10 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:48 PM

To expand on what Ryudo said, Majora's mask 64 was a good looking game for its time and they were able to expand on the graphics. Xenoblade they had to reduce or keep the same.

The overall complexity will tend to be handed to Xenoblade, while the polish levels at least on paper, might be handed to Zelda.

#11 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:54 PM


Here we have an image, roughly 3ds sized, on the left we have the full image, the amount of visual data you would recieve with left eye, and right eye images put together. On the right, we have the left eye image ONLY, which is what the 3ds uses for 2d mode, which is what is being shown in the videos. in order to fill those gaps for 2d mode, 3ds simply stretches the pixel lines over to fill the gaps.



#12 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:58 PM

When you spread butter on toast it gets thinner. Meaning the more resources a game uses the visual quality goes down. OoT and MM3D are remakes of Nintendo 64 games and don't use a lot of resources not even the remakes. Xenoblade is a massive massive game. It uses far more resources than the original 3DS even had. New 3DS is able but still the resouces are spread thin.


Nintendo should have made the new 3DS just as powerful as the Wii U imo, graphics and power improvements are depressing.



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#13 Raiden


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:59 PM

The 3ds has more gpu resources than the wii ever had. the 3ds gpu has newer more effecient architecture, real shaders, more registers, more memory, and a higher clock speed than hollywood. Xenoblade on og3ds is cpu bottlenecked, not gpu bottle necked.

Since people STILL cant seem to get whats going on here, and why using blown up video of the 3ds in 2d mode makes the textures look worse, I will prepare a visual demonstration, of what happens, when you cut an image in half via intrlacing, double it, and then blow it up 4x past the original resolution.

 I know. HOWEVER HE is one of those who doesn't get that  graphics are not clip art. Can't just choose the graphics you want no matter what. Oh hey why doesn't Xenoblade look as good as Zelda ooT. Answer is simple without pulling the comic book nerd attitude herg derg well actually the mega pixel hertz is more..STAHP. That is not helping it's just shoving your nose hiding in the dark waiting to correct someone on the internet but not seeing that's not the issue here is some worthless spec debate.


The answer was simple. OoT uses less resources period. Same reason XCX can't look as good as Art of Balance U or Mario Kart 8 up close. Whatever resources you have spread out the further they spread the thinner they get. You know what I was saying. Stop this.

#14 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:59 PM


Here we have an image, roughly 3ds sized, on the left we have the full image, the amount of visual data you would recieve with left eye, and right eye images put together. On the right, we have the left eye image ONLY, which is what the 3ds uses for 2d mode, which is what is being shown in the videos. in order to fill those gaps for 2d mode, 3ds simply stretches the pixel lines over to fill the gaps.


Too bad playing in 3D murders battery life and is impossible for others to see...



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#15 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 01:00 PM

When you double the pixel lines, you get something that looks like this: (In actuality it would look worse than this, exponentially so the further in the background you go, as its an image from a 3d environment thats then rasterized, as opposed to starting with a flat already rasterized jpeg, with auto smoothing applied to resizes)



#16 Raiden


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 01:00 PM

Nintendo should have made the new 3DS just as powerful as the Wii U imo, graphics and power improvements are depressing.

god this post is dumb on so many levels

#17 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 01:03 PM

And then for that final NOA touch of brilliance. We blow the image up:


And hey, it looks like the video, complete with crappified textures! Seriously NOA, WTF?



#18 3Dude



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 01:53 PM

I agree with what you were talking about with resources of a large open world game like xenoblade vs a smaller closed one like zelda Ryudo, I just didnt have the time to respond to so many varying topics while I was using the 3d stereoscopic interlacing imaging tools in a way they werent supposed to be used (HINT Nintendo....) to recreate Nintendos self destructing xenoblade imagry.


And I dont disagree with the notion the new argument that sprouted should be had, I just feel it would be better had in a seperate thread.



#19 CUD


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 07:38 PM

In the hardware's defense, the textures looked horrible on the Wii, whose screen resolution is double that of the 3DS.

Yeah, that's clear from this comparison.

The textures close up are really poor, you'd expect them to at least focus on the character textures since that's what you see a lot of. At least from a distance things look good and some of the larger enemies seem alright..

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#20 Marcus



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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:54 AM

Yeah, but still, the character models in OOT 3D/ MM 3D looked better than that of this game in my opinion, Shulk's face just looks really flat is all...


Agree. But think how much bigger the Xenoblade world is than any of the Zelda worlds. They've got an awful lot of stuff to render after the characters.

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