Keeping the forum going
Posted 28 April 2016 - 12:44 AM
Posted 28 April 2016 - 07:37 AM
Eh, the Wii U only has about a year left as a dominant console. Might as well switch to a more generic site that covers all the Nintendo consoles without being overwhelming.
- BrosBeforeGardenTools and Dr Wario like this
Posted 28 April 2016 - 11:06 AM
k. I'm just tired of hearing people complain about how this site doesn't have activity while not wanting to move. Now I do like and appreciate the efforts of Sorceror and Dr. Wario. Dr. Wario's site is now my main one.
Posted 28 April 2016 - 11:14 AM
I'm 90% sure the only reason Feld0 keeps this site still running is because of the ad revenue.
Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash
Posted 28 April 2016 - 05:06 PM
k. I'm just tired of hearing people complain about how this site doesn't have activity while not wanting to move. Now I do like and appreciate the efforts of Sorceror and Dr. Wario. Dr. Wario's site is now my main one.
is Dr. Wario the guy behind nintendoforums?
Posted 28 April 2016 - 05:27 PM
Yeah, he's crunchyg.
And I'm not trying to take traffic away from his site or Sorceror's. I just think it'd be beneficial to keep this site alive and active for as long as possible too. At least until we get notice from Feld0 that TheWiiU is done.
Edited by BrosBeforeGardenTools, 28 April 2016 - 05:34 PM.
Posted 28 April 2016 - 06:32 PM
I don't really have anything different to say that what I said here, so...
Things change, we all have to move on at sometime. To be truthful, I wanted to step down as admin a long time ago on this site. I never really felt like I fit the role well and I was always too lax with things. If the forum dies, oh well, but if you guys want to put in the effort to breath new life into it, go ahead. I might even try to help you out if your effort is good enough. But it's just how things seem to go on online sites like this, I've seen it happen before.
I might have pulled a lot of jabs at feld0, probably more than he deserved, but he is a busy guy too. I completely understand why he hasn't been around as much, not only is he running a more active forum, but he is heading a project for a community as well as juggling real life (and if I remember correctly, his aspirations and studies were a bit more higher shooting then mine). That's not to say there aren't some problems here especially with communication, but that's neither here nor there right now.
At the very least, my opinion of the site improved after the chatroom was removed, that was a real mess. In hindsight, nothing good came out of the chatroom and it was a major source of all the site's problems.
I mean, I can maybe try helping you guys with whatever you want to try next, but I really don't have the time for it anymore at this point in my life, so I don't know how much I can promise you.
- YoshiGamer9 and BrosBeforeGardenTools like this
Posted 28 April 2016 - 06:38 PM
Hi mourn,
I'd like to see this forum stick around and here is why. It's going to be impossible to get everyone to migrate. There will be people who refuse to migrate but will stay here. Seen it happen before on another forum. I'd like to see this forum bring new people, which in turn, some of them can be migrated to Nintendo Forums or Sorceror's site. This place is like a central hub. That is my opinion at least.
I think the idea that we can bring everyone to X or Y just isn't going to work. We can only bring some people to X or Y in reality.
And since I think I fully expressed my ideas now, I won't be posting again in this thread.
Edited by BrosBeforeGardenTools, 28 April 2016 - 07:10 PM.
Posted 28 April 2016 - 07:16 PM
The problem is that you need a stronger userbase than this to accomplish rejuvenating this forum. People would need to be vocal and active about change and contacting feldo, but the remaining users here, regardless of amount, aren't really calling for any serious change. It also says a bit about the attitude of the site when some of our "core users" are routinely banned each year (which is, imo, a result of the chatroom)
I've watched a few online communities die over the past few years, it just sort of happens. Only way to change things is to get a solid group I guess.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:30 AM
We just need to face the truth of the situation on this forum. Once a new console gets announced, this forum is going to become dated and irrelevant. If you guys really want to keep in touch with each other, consider using something like Skype or another messenger. Who knows how long Feld0 is going to fund this site.
In previous experience with forums, this is the phase of the forum before it dies. When the administer is so distant, it becomes so easy to just cut the cord.
Posted 30 April 2016 - 03:25 PM
I'm 90% sure the only reason Feld0 keeps this site still running is because of the ad revenue.
Usually, forums only make enough ad revenue to sustain themselves, and that's when they have a decently large active userbase. MLPForums is much more active than this site has ever been, and yet Feld0 has to rely on user donations to actually maintain the damn thing because the ad revenue just can't keep up with the costs of the website.
I'm certain the only reason the site is still up is because Feld0 is too attached to actually to take it down. And because it's being maintained by MLPForums donations.
- Feld0 and YoshiGamer9 like this
Posted 06 August 2016 - 11:13 AM
Whelp, I've been gone since April and only four topics (with only two that count). I only came back because I was looking for a rant I posted somewhere.
Posted 13 October 2016 - 01:41 AM
from my experience a forum can only be as active as the owner wants it to be, The owner needs to show activity and wants to see their forum grow, the moment a site owner gets tired or activity slows down, the rest of the community falls right along with it.
I love all things Nintendo
Posted 11 February 2018 - 05:36 PM
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 14 May 2018 - 02:35 PM
I'm turning this place into my own personal space and there isn't anyone around to stop me mwahahaha
Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash
Posted 15 May 2018 - 02:03 PM
This place was just doomed right after the chat room was removed. Activity just continued to drop steadily after it was gone.
Cant help but wonder if we would still be talking away if the chat room was never gone.
Posted 22 May 2018 - 09:40 PM
This place was just doomed right after the chat room was removed. Activity just continued to drop steadily after it was gone.
Cant help but wonder if we would still be talking away if the chat room was never gone.
Na prolly not
Posted 20 June 2018 - 01:27 PM
gaming sites typically aren't built to last
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