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I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

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Poll: Are you swayed by the PSVita? (49 member(s) have cast votes)

Are you swayed by the PSVita?

  1. Yes (7 votes [14.29%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.29%

  2. No (35 votes [71.43%])

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  3. Not sure (7 votes [14.29%])

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#41 HaHa-No


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Posted 10 June 2011 - 11:35 AM

Care to explain, I'd love to hear this :P

Hmmm... you come onto this forum, start going "OH YA VITA IS AWESOME! 3DS IS ****"
And yes. That is what your saying.
Your also pretty damn rude to Wertville, in my opinion anyway.
And now you don't think your trolling?


^Click it

^I agree with this guy

You know you want to! 'Tis leaked Nintendo information!

#42 Epic Kirby

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Posted 11 June 2011 - 02:12 PM

You said the new Kirby game's gonna be the best Wii game ever. C'mon, Kirby isn't bad, but you either don't know what you're talking about or you're a Kirby fanboy. Or a troll. Seriously, even Epic Kirby, who seems to be less active recently, should agree that while Kirby is fun, it's not quite on the same level as Mario and Zelda. At least it wasn't in the past, and we don't have enough information on the new Kirby to judge how it's going to be.

I don't think that Zelda and Kirby can even be compared, I think its hard to do cross genre comparisons. It's like me comparing Zelda to Mario kart. I think the old Kirby's have sometimes been better than the old Mario games, the game that I hear people want on the eshop the most is Kirby's Dream Land but overall Mario has had better games, . Epic Yarn doesn't come close to Super Mario Galaxy but this new Kirby is definitely a step in the right direction.

I'd place Kirby's Adventures ahead of any Mario game from it's era personally. I loved the old school Mario games but Kirby was just awesome.

Rep for the Kirby games :D

Kirby and Mario both take a backseat to Zelda and Metroid, personally. I'm not a huge Platformer fan, but Metriodvania games just have that something extra that makes them different; and Zelda is Zelda. While I do agree that Twilight Princess was far too easy, Windwaker is easily the third greatest (3D?) zelda game, after MM and OoT, respectively.Who's Bret Hart? :P*Is totally clueless about famous people in any country (outside of Video games, of course)*

In the end of the day Kirby has had more innovative games than Mario and Zelda. With Link the story barely changes and with Mario there's pretty much no changes at all but like Ruthie said Kirby has been so many different things. But I guess if Link wore red in the next game Zelda fanboys would explode or something. :rolleyes:

/Kirby fanboy rant
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Check out my RP
Kirby Sig made by Anisaxis, thanks dude :)

#43 Guest



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Posted 11 June 2011 - 11:06 PM

Red is my favorite color for Link in both SSBMelee and Soul Calibur 2, so I would LOVE it if he had red clothes in the next Zelda =)

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#44 Elric


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Posted 12 June 2011 - 10:20 AM

I think it will defiantly be able to compete with the 3ds if it has the right games and line of good games.




#45 Ruthie



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Posted 12 June 2011 - 10:48 AM

Should you be? This is a Nintendo forum, so it's full of blind Nintendo fanboys! :P

I guess not :D
Assistant Writer of Wii U Go and Vita/3DS enthusiast.

#46 Crimson



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Posted 13 June 2011 - 05:16 PM

- Significantly more powerful then the 3DS. True.
- Looks to have a better gaming line-up then the 3DS (80+ games are being worked on according to the conference) Seriously, no. Besides Uncharted and Wipeout, I must say nothing has caught my eye. The 3DS' frist-part support will be excellent come Winter.
- Online functions looks to improve. Yeah, but it's a handheld, so...
- Wi-Fi version cost only $250 and 3G version just $300. Now that is an excellent part about it, to be honest.

Still, I might buy it, but I just think that the 3DS has better games. I already have a PS3 and don't need a portable one. I want a unique experience. The price is excellent and the hardware's great but I just don't see what about this system is portable. It's big. It's bulky. It's almost too powerful for its own good. The experiences on it will really barely differ from what you may find on a PS3 or an Xbox 360.

What's good about this, though, is that if you don't have a home console, it's an excellent, excellent, excellent alternative.

I might still end up buying it if good exclusives come to it.

#47 Mario


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Posted 13 June 2011 - 10:10 PM

It looks to be a damn fine piece of hardware, and at the price, it seems reasonable.
What it really comes down to is content.
And, chances are, I won't be playing Ocarina of Time, remade in stunningly beautiful 3D on the Vita, so...
while I will definitely end up owning one, the 3DS is first on my list.
Help Buy Mario a 3DS!

#48 rob_shadows


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Posted 13 June 2011 - 11:28 PM

Hmmm... you come onto this forum, start going "OH YA VITA IS AWESOME! 3DS IS ****"
And yes. That is what your saying.
Your also pretty damn rude to Wertville, in my opinion anyway.
And now you don't think your trolling?

Is it not awesome? Even if your not into the Sony games library it's hard to deny the tech in the thing is pretty nifty, lol.

I never said the 3DS is rainbow, I said some people overrate 3D. I also remember saying that it depends on your preference in games, mine tend to lean toward more what the PS3, 360 and PSP have offered over what the Wii and DS have offered but obviously that's just me. I'm huge into western RPGs, open world games and Sports franchises, three genre's that are currently better represented on the PS360 devices than Nintendo devices, for those more into what Nintendo offers than obviously the 3DS would be better for them (which given that this is a Nintendo forum, applies for most other people here...which is why I get ganged up on a little bit, I'm like Sackboy at a Mario convention:P )

As far as being rude to Wertville goes, is this about the Canadian comment again? Was it really that difficult to discern that it was a joke? I have nothing against Wertville or any Canadians...I don't like the attitudes shown by a lot of French Canadians in and around Quebec but I still don't hate them or anything. I don't like the attitudes of the population of Detroit either which is literally a 10-15 minute drive down the road from me depending on traffic but I don't hate Detroit. In fact I quite like Detroit, lot of entertainment downtown. Anyway the point is it was a statement made in complete jest, I meant no actual insult to Wertville or any other Canadians. As I said I live 15 minutes from the most active border crossing point between the U.S and Canada (the Ambassador Bridge connecting Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario) and have crossed the border myself on many occasions to go to Wheels Inn in Chatham and Caesar's in Windsor, I've also attended multiple indy wrestling events in Canada and accompanied my uncle when he trained in Canada (wrestling and MMA training with Scott D'Amore and Dan Severn). If Wertville was offended by the comment I sincerely apologize as it wasn't meant to be offensive in any way.

So no, I don't think I'm a troll. In my experiences Trolls don't have the decency to actually attempt to explain their views and opinions, they're right and that's that. I've displayed that as well as admitting the argument is one based on taste and not facts on which is better, very anti-trollish if you ask me.

Still, I might buy it, but I just think that the 3DS has better games. I already have a PS3 and don't need a portable one. I want a unique experience. The price is excellent and the hardware's great but I just don't see what about this system is portable. It's big. It's bulky. It's almost too powerful for its own good. The experiences on it will really barely differ from what you may find on a PS3 or an Xbox 360.

What's good about this, though, is that if you don't have a home console, it's an excellent, excellent, excellent alternative.

I might still end up buying it if good exclusives come to it.

I think the experiences would compare to the WiiU more than the PS3 and 360 given the touch and cameras and such, especially given that I'm absolutely positive that if Sony really wanted to they could use the Vita in conjunction with the PS3 to do much of what the WiiU does, though I doubt they'll really utilize the connectivity too too much aside from the stuff they showed being able to play games on either Vita or PS3 and save to the cloud to resume on either at any time and stuff like that because, well it's a bit much to ask someone to invest in a PS3 and a Vita both to play certain games or whatnot.

Edited by rob_shadows, 13 June 2011 - 11:31 PM.

#49 raney150


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 03:54 AM

There were over 100 games in development for the 3DS, several months ago. No telling howmany there are now. Besides, it's better to judge quality. Right now, it's impossible to fully judge either system. Give us 2 years and then we can get a good grip on how good each system is.

#50 Camcam281



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Posted 14 June 2011 - 05:14 AM

Yup as everyone above pointed out, the 3DS has much in store for it in The coming future, and Nintendo can afford to drop the price if they really needed to. On the other hand, Sony cannot because they are spending all of their profit into inserting a touch pad on the back! Haha lol, I personally am a Nintendo fanboy, so things like rival handhelds don't shake me to easily. I personally am very happy with my 3DS, and can't wait for the big boy 1st party games to come out later this year. And as for the vita, NO I WON'T BE GETTING IT :)
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#51 The Video Gamer

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Posted 14 June 2011 - 07:53 AM

Nope the Nintendo 3DS has a much better lineup than the Playstation Vita.

#52 MagmaBeatles



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Posted 14 June 2011 - 10:30 AM

The only games that really interests me thus far on the Vita is LBP and Wipeout. But the problem is: I already have both of those games on the PS3. And there's about 20 games on the 3DS so far that I really want. So unless the portable versions of LBP and Wipeout can offer me something different that I haven't experienced yet, I'll probably skip the platform. The only reason I could see myself buying it is for the exclusives.

Also, I didn't really take any offense to what rob_shadows said and I'm sure no other Canadians did. It was a joke and should be treated as such.

Another thing: Uncharted is highly overrated.

#53 Deboog


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 10:48 AM

Did anyone here see Sony's Press Conference tonight? If you have, you would have noticed that the PSVita has been confirmed and it looks to overshadow the 3DS in quality. That's why I'm planning to get that instead of the 3DS now.

- Significantly more powerful then the 3DS.
True. The 3DS has 3D which imo wins in the graphics department but the Vita has power.
- Looks to have a better gaming line-up then the 3DS (80+ games are being worked on according to the conference)
Guess I'll just whip out OoT for Vita OH WAIT.
- Online functions looks to improve.
What does that even mean?
- Wi-Fi version cost only $250 and 3G version just $300.
So same as 3Ds.

The last part is what sold me to the PSVita.

So, are you considering whenever or not to get a PSVita with/instead of the 3DS?

I feel like Sony is just desperate. Touch screen on the back? Phone service on your gaming device? These are just unnecessary expenses.

Edited by Deboog, 14 June 2011 - 10:55 AM.

#54 rob_shadows


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 02:17 PM

Phone service? There is no phone service on Vita....I think your confused about what 3G actually is, it's not a phone service but a general wireless service used for any type of data transfer...phone service is just one thing it's used for. With Vita it's use is to allow the device to access all online features anywhere that AT&T has coverage, meaning you don't have to be near a WiFi hotspot as you do with current handheld gaming systems. Useful but at the same time has it's own drawbacks because obviously that requires a monthly service fee.

[quote]Guess I'll just whip out OoT for Vita OH WAIT.[quote]

Woohoo, games we all played 13 years ago ftw! Of all the games you could have said, that wasn't really the best option, lol. Not going to impress many non-nintendo fanboys with a game they've likely already played and beaten many times. Don't get me wrong, Oot is easily my favorite Zelda game but at this point I've played it so much it's just not as enjoyable as it use to be.

#55 Wertville


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 02:42 PM


Oh, no offense here. I didn't find you rude at all, and it's nice to debate with someone with opposite opinions as you every once and awhile :D
I guess on the outside they can sometimes seem a bit... Hostile? But, like games that kids play, they are a lot safer on the inside :P

@R_S Zelda: OoT

The thing is, it was 13 years ago! There are plenty of younger people and casual gamers who have never touched the game, especially because it was on the N64 which didn't sell nearly as much as the PS1. It actually might just be a way to attract MS and S fanboys; it almost screams 'Not only do you get some great hardcore franchises, but you can get the most famous game of all time with it!'

And then there's the nostalgia factor... :D
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#56 raney150


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 06:04 PM

Phone service? There is no phone service on Vita....I think your confused about what 3G actually is, it's not a phone service but a general wireless service used for any type of data transfer...phone service is just one thing it's used for. With Vita it's use is to allow the device to access all online features anywhere that AT&T has coverage, meaning you don't have to be near a WiFi hotspot as you do with current handheld gaming systems. Useful but at the same time has it's own drawbacks because obviously that requires a monthly service fee.

Woohoo, games we all played 13 years ago ftw! Of all the games you could have said, that wasn't really the best option, lol. Not going to impress many non-nintendo fanboys with a game they've likely already played and beaten many times. Don't get me wrong, Oot is easily my favorite Zelda game but at this point I've played it so much it's just not as enjoyable as it use to be.

It would appeal to people that haven't played it. There are some of those people, like me.

#57 rob_shadows


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Posted 14 June 2011 - 07:29 PM

The thing is, it was 13 years ago! There are plenty of younger people and casual gamers who have never touched the game, especially because it was on the N64 which didn't sell nearly as much as the PS1. It actually might just be a way to attract MS and S fanboys; it almost screams 'Not only do you get some great hardcore franchises, but you can get the most famous game of all time with it!'

And then there's the nostalgia factor... :D

For me it's probably closer to 5 years ago since the last time I've played it (if that)...I've played it (and many other games) far too much to actually admit without feeling some embarrassment...I can safely say I've invested over 100 hours each in at least a couple dozen different titles and one particular title went over 250 hours...easy to understand why I had to sell my PS3 and exit the gaming world for a while, lol. I was seriously severely addicted to games.

Anyways back on point, it's true that a lot of younger people haven't played it (not that I'm THAT old myself, 24) and there is a nostalgia factor for those who have but I've just always had an issue with Nintendo focusing so much on the same franchises continually. I love Mario, Zelda, DK, etc...but it's been quite a while since we've seen a new Nintendo IP (that wasn't a gimmick game for the Wii anyway), I know Miyamoto is suppose to be working on something new but (and I realize this is a sin to say) I've kind of lost faith in him a bit, the Wii generation of games he worked on weren't up to par for him IMO. It will be interesting to see what he does with a more powerful system at his command though, I personally don't think he'll be the type to really take advantage of that (never has been one for that sort of thing) but at this point he may want to try something different...never know.

#58 hohi


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Posted 15 June 2011 - 05:19 AM

-He's refeerring to how some of the 3DS games look on Par with PSV.
-And what are the odds the reverse could happen. Plus, how many of those games are going to be innovative/new IP's? I'd say very few, due to the fact it has a CONSOLE level budget. Also, who wants a Portable PS3 that they will most likely play at home? not me
-How can you be sure it will be inferior? For all we know, Nintendo could be Contracting Valve to work for the Online on the 3DS, and their online makes PSN look like crap in comparison
-Yeah, because losing $100 when you sell 10000 equals a positive number :D

^ This

We'll most likely see PSV games being ported to the PS3, so companies can get more money from it. They did with the PSP, when titles like Grand Theft Auto and Syphon Filter were ported to the PS2. In fact, there are PSP games being ported to the PS3 as we speak. That's one of the main problems I had with the PSP: it had little unique aspect as a handheld. I personally think it's much easier to just play Uncharted: Golden Abyss with a regular PS3 controller than with PSV's cumbersome touch-sensitive controls. I'm definitely looking forward to the PSV because I am digging the library, but there is a double-edged sword when it comes to making your handheld as powerful as a console.

^ and this

I am not a fan of uncharted so the games that they showed us during E3 2011 didn't impressed me. But the price, USD250 made me want to purchase it however I don't regret purchasing 3DS because both handheld will give different gaming experiences. Still it won't be a day one purchase like what I did with 3DS, I will wait until they have the games I want to play. From Graphic and Power wise, I would say PS Vita won over 3DS but I don't give a carp crap to graphics so it doesn't affect my opinion about 3DS.

Edited by hohi, 15 June 2011 - 05:20 AM.

#59 Bill Cipher

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Posted 15 June 2011 - 07:45 AM

For me it's probably closer to 5 years ago since the last time I've played it (if that)...I've played it (and many other games) far too much to actually admit without feeling some embarrassment...I can safely say I've invested over 100 hours each in at least a couple dozen different titles and one particular title went over 250 hours...easy to understand why I had to sell my PS3 and exit the gaming world for a while, lol. I was seriously severely addicted to games.

Anyways back on point, it's true that a lot of younger people haven't played it (not that I'm THAT old myself, 24) and there is a nostalgia factor for those who have but I've just always had an issue with Nintendo focusing so much on the same franchises continually. I love Mario, Zelda, DK, etc...but it's been quite a while since we've seen a new Nintendo IP (that wasn't a gimmick game for the Wii anyway), I know Miyamoto is suppose to be working on something new but (and I realize this is a sin to say) I've kind of lost faith in him a bit, the Wii generation of games he worked on weren't up to par for him IMO. It will be interesting to see what he does with a more powerful system at his command though, I personally don't think he'll be the type to really take advantage of that (never has been one for that sort of thing) but at this point he may want to try something different...never know.

No new IP's you say?
Steel Diver
The Last Story
Endless Ocean

All ones that come to mind immediatly as new games in the last 5-6 years

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#60 Wertville


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Posted 15 June 2011 - 11:39 AM

No new IP's you say?
Steel Diver
The Last Story
Endless Ocean

All ones that come to mind immediatly as new games in the last 5-6 years

Xenoblades and The Last Story weren't developed by Nintendo.
I have no idea about endless ocean.

Anyway, it's not nearly as easy as it seems to make a new IP. I think one from Miyamoto per generation should be enough, and the Wii games were, IMO, quality enough to be included.
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