That's what everyone said of Bush, Reagen, Nixon, and Warren G. Harding (Every single american hated him).He actually is though. *don't want to rage on you on how terrible he is*
Just wait until we have another president that we can blame things on. Obama was actually able to pull us out of a further depression, our period is very similar to the last great depression.
I will say that Obama could have done better if people actually gave some of his plans a chance. The whole ObamaCare failure is a result of both sides changing the original plan.
The current economy failure is not because of Obama, but actually Bush and Clinton's combined policies, mainly Clinton's Bank policies and Bush's pushing of those.
Don't get me wrong though. I have many issues with Obama and some of his ideology as well as some of the crap he has spouted ("americans can't complain about america").
Edited by Mournblade, 15 April 2012 - 10:37 AM.