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Reggie Fils-Aime Thoughts on Sony and Microsoft Copying Wii U

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#21 Joshua


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 06:07 PM

Reggie is awesome compared to some other people like the stupid Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.

You gotta admit, his old commercials for Microsoft computers was pretty funny.....and scary.

Edited by Joshua, 03 March 2012 - 06:08 PM.

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#22 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 07:49 PM

You gotta admit, his old commercials for Microsoft computers was pretty funny.....and scary.

I tried to find those old commercials, but ended up on the Religion vs Atheist side of YouTube. I will give it another try.


#23 Joshua


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Posted 03 March 2012 - 08:11 PM

I tried to find those old commercials, but ended up on the Religion vs Atheist side of YouTube. I will give it another try.

Here you go. As said, it's pretty scary, but It should give you a good laugh.

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#24 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 08:33 PM

Here you go. As said, it's pretty scary, but It should give you a good laugh.

That was hilarious, and it made me think of another commercial from the 80's called "Big Bill Hell's" (Car Commercial). It has cursing so I didn't want to put it, but it's hilarious and should make you laugh even more. :)

Edited by Cerberuz, 03 March 2012 - 08:36 PM.


#25 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 05 March 2012 - 06:32 PM

Reggie has always been a cool figure in the Gaming industry. Steve Ballmer really doesn't belong on stage, and Jack Tretton isn't a likeable character. But Satoru Iwata is simply pleasant, Shigeru Miyamoto is just awesome and nerdy, And Reggie is cool calm and a great salesman. Im not surprised because Nintendo has such a gaming passion behind it, being a game developer and gaming company exclusively. I think this gaming head on Nintendo's giant shoulders is the reason Sony and Microsoft need to copy them ( we have established they're copying right?). When Reggie makes fun of people it seems.. less hurtful more cool and fun (that could just be me). And honestly, as long as i know Miyamoto (or another true passionate nerd) is near the top of Nintendo's ladder then i know Nintendo will be awesome. (side note) although miyamoto is passionate and nerdy, Iwata and Reggie (sorry i never recognized Europe's CEO .. i dont know of em) probably barly play games... and i'm ok with that. As long as they optimize the product, have a good business mind, get it out there, and ensure their audience isn't getting pissed (that's where Miyamoto would come in) then i am happy. And that is exactly what they do, and that is exactly why they are being copied and why they are on top. I'm beginning to sound liek a fanboy but they did sell an enormous amount this gen right? Top selling gaming company.. i thought that's what it was but im not sure. Anyway GO NINTENDO... please... never ever go bad. If we ever find an immortality syrum.. we're giving it to Miyamoto.
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#26 Agent000



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Posted 11 March 2012 - 06:11 PM

Thing is, Reggie is 100% correct. Nintendo makes an innovative idea/product (joystick, RumblePak, motion controls, touchscreen console) and every single one of those has been copied by Sony or Microsoft. That's not a bad thing, it's just good business. What gets me pissed is when fanboys start giving MS/Sony credit for those ideas, not the original creators.

BTW, I love Reggie. He must be incredibly intimidating to MS/Sony/anyone else's representatives. You know that when Reggie Fils-Aime gets up on that E3 stage, something awesome is about to go down.
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