Retro are working with Ubisoft on Killer Freaks?
I hope that was a joke because nintendo wouldn't accept that - Retro is basically "nintendo studio with certain freedom to choose projects" - but for Metroid Prime yeah there was a lot of supervision - im not saying as supervision being invasive or don't letting developers input - that's not at all what supervision is about - supervision is very important for Metroid Prime to live up to the previous series with the correct lore, character model , art accuracy , legacy and the story obviously - + all those scan entries and hints - and the biggest point is that Retro totally understood what nintendo wants and delivered above expectations.
Retro studios is owned by nintendo for those that might not know this yet ... which makes it a first-party while some people might mix them as 3rd party, from all the western non-nintendo developers they got the earliest WiiU kits, way before anyone else got the kit ... like crytek, ID , and epic. Expect the substantially better representation of WiiU power and capabilities from their game if they choose to skip immediate launch window - compared to 3rd parties that took the launch window - some being just enhanced ports. But as iwata said he wants games on launch so to not make the same mistake again - but that's questionable on the game quality, it's a big plus Retro got kits earlier so hitting the release window with quality might not be as bad as for the 3rd parties who don't even consider upping the tex and polies.
So supervision is good , but making deadlines is not so i hope nintendo doesn't get too hard on it - should rely on 3rd parties enhanced ports cause im not bothered by having no super-great omg game at launch - i want quality and im prepared to wait for it - leaning on the 3rd parties and pushing them seems to be more of a correct thing to do instead of pushing first-parties on the get go - that's not enough time to make a truly superior first-party title at launch - only possible with twilight princess cause wii and GCN were pretty much same hardware, same engine same thing - except extra controller support code.
Plus the early kits aren't anywhere close to the final product ... i just hope they don't release Retro game this year - i feel too early.
About supervision: Just look at other franchises from other games where the main character model was not consistend ... this never happens with nintendo --- oh it did , those guys that made starfox assault one it was .. fox doesn't look anything like the N64 version.
I kind of agree with the N64 version creator that Starfox should be kept in Air and not land - i don't think that was a good idea from miyamoto to introduce half-land game with similar zelda-mario mehanics, let the adventures spinoff take care of the land if they really do must - but don't let the premiere series be a half-assed game.
Edited by Stewox, 26 March 2012 - 07:30 AM.