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#1 darkdaysx1



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:36 PM

man i heard the wii u graphics wont be as good as the ps3 or xbox 360 because it dosent have enuff shaders

nintendo has faield me again

#2 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:36 PM

ThE people who originally said that are fakers look towards developers for how powerful the wiiu is


#3 darkdaysx1



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:44 PM

i hope your right man

#4 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:50 PM

Im being serious every dev that has the system says its very powerful much more powerful than ps3 and xbox


#5 Meelow100


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:57 PM

THQ dev, september 2011:

The Wii U version of games from ALL developers and publishers, have potential for much smoother framerates, improved textures, and additional bonus content that the 360/PS3 version's won't have. In a way, buying the Wii U version over the 360/PS3 versions, will be like buying the Blu-ray version of a movie instead of the standard dvd version. You get better visuals, and more additional content with the Wii U version of any game compared to the other console version. But this will only happen as long as a developer or publisher puts in the time and effort instead of doing a straight port.

The Wii U is much more powerful than the other HD consoles,
so Wii U doesn't have a huge problem doing 1080p for the majority of its games. Will Darksiders 2 and Metro: Last Light be in 1080p on Wii U? I can't speak for the teams behind those games. I don't work on those specific teams so I can't say what they plan to do with the Wii U versions of their games as far as graphics or content go. I do know based on the specs I've seen, the console is more than capable of graphics that surpass current consoles. It's like I said before. Expect majority of third party Wii U games from most publishers to have true 1080p, additional content, and smoother framrates than what the PS3/360 versions offer. If you want the DEFINITIVE version of any game in your library, I would suggest either the PC version or the Wii U version...at least for now.


#6 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 03:59 PM

Well we already have been confirmed that the graphics exceed that of the current generation. Not only that take a look at the Zelda graphics demo. That was RUSHED! So if those are rushed graphics that would be probably the worst they get.

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#7 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:00 PM

Also how did nintendo fail you the first time . Please explain.


#8 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:14 PM

Also how did nintendo fail you the first time . Please explain.

I guess he means The Wii.

Edited by Cerberuz, 03 April 2012 - 04:14 PM.


#9 neverwinteru



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:24 PM

there is no logical way a console could be produced this late by one of the big 3 and still have the same graphics as the last generation.

#10 Chinomanila


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:31 PM

Regarding Zelda HD, Japanese developers said that it could not be replicated on other machines. It was made in a relatively short period, so Iwata feels that HD development will not be a problem. BOOM!!!

Edited by Chinomanila, 03 April 2012 - 04:34 PM.

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#11 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:37 PM

Im sad that you think nintendo failed you with the wii when it is the most innovative console EVER yeah i said it lol especially considering the wii can run games that look on par with most xbox games if u have an hd wii cable! I just hope everyone knows the power of the wii . I doubt it though. Also the motion controls help with almost everygame the wii has if you play the system and get good enough. Wii is best this gen.


#12 10k


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:03 PM

man i heard the wii u graphics wont be as good as the ps3 or xbox 360 because it dosent have enuff shaders

nintendo has faield me again

I will try to comfort you as best I can.

1) Mark Rein, the founder of Epic Games and Unreal Engines (the engines used for Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat, Gears of War, etc.) has praised the Wii U and its capabilities, including visuals. This guy is a graphics whore who wants consoles to become PC's and sold at a loss. If this guy is satisfied with hardware, then the hardware is good!

"I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people," he predicted.
"I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller.
"Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would. That's what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great."

Note: Wii U has been rumored to support the even better Unreal Engine 4, something the PS3 and 360 can't support at all

2) You can't even find GPU's from 2006 on the market anymore. There is no way in hell Nintendo could make the Wii U weaker than the 360/PS3 because the tech is so old and not even on the market anymore. The oldest AMD GPU I can find on newegg is the Radeon 5450, which is miles ahead of the PS3's gpu.

Edited by Tenkay23, 03 April 2012 - 05:04 PM.

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#13 darkdaysx1



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:06 PM

i will proble end up buying the will u i heard dragon nest and wow is gona be on it i like mmorpg games

#14 Soul



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:15 PM

Well we already have been confirmed that the graphics exceed that of the current generation. Not only that take a look at the Zelda graphics demo. That was RUSHED! So if those are rushed graphics that would be probably the worst they get.

The bird demo too that was better imo.

#15 KgGamesXL



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 05:56 PM

i will proble end up buying the will u i heard dragon nest and wow is gona be on it i like mmorpg games

Im not sure about WoW but Dragon's Nest could be possibly

#16 Joshua


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 06:06 PM

Please don't listen to those rumours. It's all a bloody lie since there is absolutely no way for Nintendo to make consoles weaker than the PS3 and 360 now.

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#17 Meelow100


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Posted 03 April 2012 - 06:06 PM

I will try to comfort you as best I can.

1) Mark Rein, the founder of Epic Games and Unreal Engines (the engines used for Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat, Gears of War, etc.) has praised the Wii U and its capabilities, including visuals. This guy is a graphics whore who wants consoles to become PC's and sold at a loss. If this guy is satisfied with hardware, then the hardware is good!

Note: Wii U has been rumored to support the even better Unreal Engine 4, something the PS3 and 360 can't support at all

2) You can't even find GPU's from 2006 on the market anymore. There is no way in hell Nintendo could make the Wii U weaker than the 360/PS3 because the tech is so old and not even on the market anymore. The oldest AMD GPU I can find on newegg is the Radeon 5450, which is miles ahead of the PS3's gpu.


#18 Reaper Pin

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 06:23 PM


Click on the Spoiler, it'll save some time .
I made it btw (That's why it sucks, it's a comic, lol)
Oh, and maximum effect if you play
while reading it.



Edited by KeyBladeWielder, 03 April 2012 - 06:31 PM.

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#19 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 06:41 PM

At this point I want up to date graphic gameplay of a game. I'm not believing anything else till see up to date gameplay.

#20 darkdaysx1



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Posted 03 April 2012 - 06:47 PM

lol nice funny stuff

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