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Wii U Manufacturing costs?

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#41 uh20



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:03 PM

this is diprainbow, they are taking all the most likely but bad news, talk a bit about it being current (ps3) generation, and then use good news to keep the fanboys at least a little ok

i would not be suprised if this was from another companies employees, im not lying when i say this is the perfect example of de-hyping a competing product while still looking relevent and factual

Edited by uh20, 08 April 2012 - 08:05 PM.


#42 Tre



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:04 PM

True, but for him to consider taking a loss(especially for Nintendo) would indicate that they were making an expensive, Beast of a machine. Certainly not a meat $180 system.

The cost of manufacturing for Nintendo is not the same as the cost for you or me. They have contract which mean they will have AMD, IBM, and whoever continue producing the products they need. I would be a one time purchase of those products which would make it cost higher for me to manufacture. That's how all companies that makes profits conduct business. You don't operate at a loss and expect to gain profits.

#43 Meelow100


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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:12 PM

Didn't Iwata say something about considering a $50 loss on each Wii U sold at one point?

He did say something like that, and there was another rumor stating that Nintendo is willing to price the Wii U cheaper then it should be.

#44 Soul



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:20 PM


#45 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:41 PM

So let me school you guys on what's going to happen with Wii U. The Wii U isn't going to be dramatically more powerful than current gen. Yes it will be more powerful. But there is going to be a lot going on with this console. Its selling point won't be the graphics. The online is going to be better than what psn and xbox live have right now bet on that. Nintendo will be banking on the controller and the online capabilities. Me personally I want Wii U to be the gamecube (tech wise) of next gen I will be fine with that. The reality is unreal engine 4 will be able to be scaled down for Wii U. For tech heads this console will still produce beatiful games that aren't possible on PS360.

#46 Soul



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 08:47 PM

So let me school you guys on what's going to happen with Wii U. The Wii U isn't going to be dramatically more powerful than current gen. Yes it will be more powerful. But there is going to be a lot going on with this console. Its selling point won't be the graphics. The online is going to be better than what psn and xbox live have right now bet on that. Nintendo will be banking on the controller and the online capabilities. Me personally I want Wii U to be the gamecube (tech wise) of next gen I will be fine with that. The reality is unreal engine 4 will be able to be scaled down for Wii U. For tech heads this console will still produce beatiful games that aren't possible on PS360.

How do you know? You may be suprised.

#47 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 09:34 PM

How do you know? You may be suprised.

i could. but i doubt it. the hardware will be a noticable upgrade but not like mind blowing. they will hang their hats on controller/gameplay, and online.... not power of console thats never been nintendo's MO.

#48 Meelow100


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Posted 08 April 2012 - 09:56 PM

So let me school you guys on what's going to happen with Wii U. The Wii U isn't going to be dramatically more powerful than current gen. Yes it will be more powerful. But there is going to be a lot going on with this console. Its selling point won't be the graphics. The online is going to be better than what psn and xbox live have right now bet on that. Nintendo will be banking on the controller and the online capabilities. Me personally I want Wii U to be the gamecube (tech wise) of next gen I will be fine with that. The reality is unreal engine 4 will be able to be scaled down for Wii U. For tech heads this console will still produce beatiful games that aren't possible on PS360.

If the Wii U is the Gamecube of next gen tech wise then it would need to be more powerful then the PS4 or Xbox 720 and to a lot of people the graphics would be the selling point to them.

#49 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 10:45 PM

If the Wii U is the Gamecube of next gen tech wise then it would need to be more powerful then the PS4 or Xbox 720 and to a lot of people the graphics would be the selling point to them.

not really. think of Wii U as gamecube of next gen and ps4 and nextbox as orignal xbox. gamecube had great tech and amazing graphics but xbox was clearly better. nintendo has never sell console on look how good this game graphics are. they just let the graphics speak for itself.

i think the Wii U will hold its own to get the third party games but im expecting microsoft and sony first party games next gen to look better than Wii U's. nintendo themself said they dont do HD graphics well.... so yes they will be more artistic in there first party games then raw presentations and polygons.

#50 Keviin



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 12:08 AM

This article claims that the U is on par with current gen, which I don't believe.Conttoller price seems legit though so I am still saying 350.
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#51 Plutonas



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 12:28 AM

a leak came up yesterday about ORBIS, ofcourse no negative comments there, the leak says, Orbis will use an AMD A8-3850 cpu and a 7650 gpu. A question, since when 3850 cpu is a high end cpu, and can compete with a power7 one... lol

u see? They advertise it as a high end cpu part.. but the truth is, it is one of the most horrible cpus for pc gaming! There is plenty of games that have it as "not recommended cpu" in PC gaming, the truth is, it will perform differently in the console, but wii U proved to have a MUCH better cpu even from ps4.

AMD a8-3850 cpu, cannot compete even 3 generations back, intel cpus... And power 7 quad core, is almost equal with an intel 980x 6 core cpu (unmodified)... As for the gpu, I think its equal to the 6670 that xbox720 will have... That means, all 3 consoles, not just xbox and ps4, will be around the same level... Even wii U, will have better parts in some aspects that the other 2..

Edited by Orion, 09 April 2012 - 12:40 AM.

#52 Andres


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 12:30 AM

For Me I think the WiiU price would be at the very least $299- $400. Nintendo did say this time their console would not be Cheap. Also if they do make the WiiU stronger than the Xbox 360 and PS3 Spec Wise, Expect the price to be around that range. But we got to wait until E3 to see if the system is gonna be Powerful. B)
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#53 Plutonas



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 01:01 AM

the rumor about wii U power, equal or less than 360 and ps3, is fake.. Except if wii U is not using 1 gig of ram, or its not using a power7 cpu.. Also the gpu chipset..

And remember when they said ps4 and 720, will be 10x times better than the current generations and wii U will be ONLY 4 times?? I do remember this leak.. Read this.. http://www.fudzilla....cs-get-detailed

ps4 will be 4x better than the current generation.. The site who leaked this info, is fudzila, and I think this site is reliable.. U see how they all fit together? If ps4 is 4x, its logical to have anonymous rumors, that wii U is less than the current or equal.. lol

Edited by Orion, 09 April 2012 - 01:03 AM.

#54 Joshua


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 01:14 AM

You watch, the next generation of consoles is NOT going to be a power leap like that of the PS2 > PS3 and Xbox > Xbox 360.

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#55 Plutonas



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 02:05 AM

I dont care about ps3-ps4 difference, but to show u, that wii U will be competitive with ps4 and xbox720.. I bet the differences will be about 5%-10% maximum to each other, but the games will be the same.

And its more logical to me, as sony and microsoft invested lots of money on 360 and ps3, that they didnt took them back... Or they just started to have a small profit from it.. That means, the huge spec differences are gone..

Edited by Orion, 09 April 2012 - 02:06 AM.

#56 Desert Punk

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 02:07 AM

Considering the xbox 360 is now sold at a healthy profit and the PS3 is meant to be at break even point and both of these include hard drives which are a lot more expensive that the screen fitted to the wii U controller I would estimate the manufacturing cost of the wii U sub $100 easily. People need to factor in things like bluray players that are coming out of factory doors for sub $30. Take the raspberry pi for example a profitable bit of hardware that has a 733mhz arm processor and a gpu capable of Quake 3 at 1080p and has 256 megabytes of memory which sells for $25 and is many times more powerful than the 3DS for example. That said its getting more expensive to build in China nowadays but apple, microsoft, sony and nintendo products are all coming out of Foxconn factories. So if the 360 can come out of a Foxconn factory with a fitted hard drive, more powerful gpu, more powerful psu and larger case and be sold for a profit in the uk at £160 including 20% vat its pretty clear the wii U is going to be easily very profitable at its launch price of probably something like $300 in the USA and probably something like £249 in the UK.

Nintendo made absolutely huge amounts of profit on the original Wii but i don't think they will repeat this with the wii U but still it will be very profitable.

Like everyone here I don't know the final specificaiton of the wii U as Nintendo won't give out such information but I believe the wii U will be about current generation performance. In some ways better and in some ways worse. The gpu will probably be the weakest part compared to current gen as the wii U has such a small form factor and gpu's are the most expensive part of silicon and I'm guessing Nintendo will cut this back so it both runs cool to fit the small case and is cheap to buy.

For anyone who actually thinks the wii U will cost $180 to make can they break down where the money is going and why the wii U is more expensive to make than the Xbox 360s with hdd.

It seems to me the wii U has been designed to be made as cheaply as possible and avoids expensive components like a hdd. The display in the controller is low resolution and of the same type as digital photo frames that cost very little money.

#57 Stewox



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 02:12 AM

It might not be as far fetched as you guys might thing / and this is the continuation of the speculation towards proving the power behind it, hopefully anyway it goes the "over 1000 GFLOPS" remains true over the course of time ... it would be rightdown stupid if not totally wasteless of the potential behind such a console to be less powerful but offer such array of services that this rumor promises.

Now lets get into detail, these kinds of rumors written in such way historically are valid, but to understand it ... thats the key, its shocking and thats why it seems unbelieveable.

But remember, this rumor is very significant to what you people have responded yet, I am so at a loss that i cannot post on neogaf to share these, anyone on neogaf plese copy all this qute there, but it shouldnt be what the other guys like bgassasin know, im just going to explain the rumor now, for others who might not see the significance in this, however this is still speculation so dont blame me but its high probablity that we bet on.

Lets see why this rumor actually could fit with the whole final thing of a rumored 1TF capable console, first its the rumors source, the manufacturing ... that information is likely to be someone that works in a factory like foxconn or where the GPU and CPU chips may have been made, but since the scope of the rumor is weider that might indicate the source is probably at the factory where the consoles get their final assembly since he knows surprisingly a lot of thing besides the hardware, no idea but if for some reason a chance is that this source is from a GPU or CPU factory that has his own knowledge of details he purposelly did not share might even confirm the idea of GPU and CPU being manufactured closely the so called fishkill partnership ... (your going to follow my posts im not going to explain what we know all over again about fishkill) So we can eliminate this idea since the probability is very low to the rumors scope that it shows us otherwise about the origin of the source ... this kind of rumor is a textbook one and mostly gets out from the packagin plants, the person behind it know the FACTS but he is not completely necessary for this person to be a super TECH DETECTIVE geek so the description that he gives is subjectively DISTORTED, parts of the rumor might appear contradictory to what we all hope for, thats why i so pointed it out last big post, if you do not have the experience to analyze the rumors you will percieve them wrong.

This specific part i can point out is when he says that the "CPU and GPU nintendo choosed are economical" in this case the source might have further knowledge of the specifics but the describes it as such, this does not mean that the hardware is bad, the source describes it as such compared to something he knows but not that we know what he's comparing it to specifically, one thing is for sure, he definitely doesn't compare that to current generation and if he does that would speak he has no idea about tech but the source has idea about tech he just lets a bit out without revealing too much as that would also confirm exact location of the leak and much easier for nintendo ninjas to pinpoint.

The next example is "Cutting production costs to maximize profits is Nintendo’s main concern with the Wii U" - notice the "production" word ... it is very important what production signifies, it does not indicate that all the performance will be cut back ... this proves the historical nintendo's policy, the smalles process possible so that the production of the chips is as efficient as possible that might also back up the far fetched 28nm node while i won't go that far my self so im still settling on 32nm from the fishkill theory looks more plausible than one single rumor about 28nm which is a quite old now though i frogot exactly the tech he mentioned was something that was not compatible with other rumors.
So don't think that this means they would cut all hardware and make the thing dumbed down and crappy ... nope, one of the most significant production costs reductor is the process node because the smaller you're chips are the more you can fit on a signle waffer, nintendo's quality design=better yields(percent of how many chips actually work fine, per waffer), faster supply, less waste, less time to meet demand.

The 300$ mark comes as to no surprise - heavily predicted by myself and others. For those who still don't understand, the capabilities of the system would push the console to 350, but nintendo choosed to not repeat 3DS scenario so it goes back down to 300$ and if that means not making profit, so be it, nintendo hinted this them sefls. They might not be making profit in the early launch period of some months but it definitely will be worth it for 1 year leap and boost as well as later cheaper tech such as NFC tech dropping by 400% in the near future as well as the production overall, chips and LCDs and all that comes down a bit for a nicely timed price drop around PS4720 launch. They obviously won't loose that much money, the system will cost probably the same number in euros , so 300€ is 406$. The more dollar is useless the more europeans passively suffer for it, stupid planet we live in, blame the banker elite.

"Nintendo got a bargain price on the custom GPU and CPU that the Wii U uses." - This could be significant, because it may prove the fishkill partnership of CPU and GPU being manufactured at the same facility with partnership of GlobalFoundries(AMD), IBM and ATI(AMD), as well as the low production costs of the chips as they developed them to be, the word custom just adds on what we know. Might sound far fetched, but the bargain might come because IBM might actually use GloFo fab to make those CPU chips as AMD would use to make GPUs and normally there wasn't any connection with the IBM and AMD , but it looks like that im merely speculating, looks like GloFo is pleased that AMDs connection with the GPU also brought in another customer IBM ... so somethings fishy going on there, i won't say its exactly like this i need to think about it more, but looks like some big win was accomplished for the newly opened plant at fishkill - Also AMD made GloFO with an indie saudi tech investment company, the investment company then bought out AMDs share and GloFo became fully independent, still AMDs ties are there, however some executives were leaving GloFo ... which might not mean anything bad, maybe they weren't good and were replaced, but if this is good for nintendo then great!

"They are cutting costs in the Wii U’s hardware to build back confidence in investors" - that's a silly statement, they don't work for the "apple hippie investor" that jumps on and off thinking the company will break and make a quick buck , they don't understand nintendo. The investors will have to wait and have patience, nothing is done to please their impatience, nintendo will never sacrifice them selfs for some stupid analyst. And that's why nintendo is my favourite company.
Thats what the source thinks ... but his opinion here is weak, and first of all, cutting back on the hardware doesn't mean anything to be concerned with, it could be a plastic we all know it'll be a balance, we all know it'll not be the super duper 599$ console, and nobody of the tech guys expects wiiu to be more powerful in the next gen, we should expect to know it'll be the least powerful but the still open question is, by how much. Who the heck cares about 20% ... first-parties will finally get what they deserve no matter what.
What i understand from this, that nintendo won't PIMP the console where theres no need for, there won't be any cuts in the CORE hardware that we all heard it got bumped up and Epic's push for more RAM rumored this year.

"Nintendo wants investors to view Wii U as a less risky proposition" - dismiss this, this is a subjective assumption, it might be wrong, it might be correct, or somewhere in the middle - it's the source "pimp" words on what he thinks, not a real leak of what would nintendo say. Moving on ...

"There is a bigger focus on downloadable content, applications, video content, digital distribution, and services to create a stream of revenue." - This is again the pimp words, a summary, to make the whole rumor more something, or a mere re-confirmation of what we allready know so no surprise here but good to hear. The whole thing sounds more likely a good info but also pimped with buzz words for the investors them selfs, this rumor for the investors actually - the stupid investors who can dig anything up and belive on the get go so ... the cutting down means nothing for us, it's a statement that makes investors feel good as they might think theyll get more profit from it - dismiss this, it does NOT mean CPU and GPU would be crap - and investors won't get that much since we all suspect it'll not be that profitable on launch.

The 180$ cost is materials only - marketing, research, packaging , mass production, retail, shipping, box contents, etc etc etc. So it's not that far fetched - as i said, the source signified only the stuff the investors would go "ecstatic" ... and for a stupid apple investor seeing 180 cost and 300 sell point - "oh that would mean great profit ya ya ya" .... that's just to get the stock price up for E3 HYPE! whoever done this rumor ... god knows - no such profit at all people, don't buy the shock buzz, look what the source is saying "between the lines" as i explained, this is one of those rumors ... textbook example that can confuse almost everyone.

Aswell the info might be handed around and other people might added those parts of views - do not see this rumor as something that one person planned it in his booknote and then released it - taking every sentence as separate is the key aswell.

Edited by Stewox, 09 April 2012 - 04:18 AM.

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#58 Desert Punk

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 02:42 AM

Also I'd like to add in the UK you can buy a Radeon 5450 512 Megabytes 3DDR gpu card to go in a PC for about £20 delivered. If you backtrack that price and remove delivery cost, VAT, shop profit, wholesaler profit, transport to the uk, profit for manufacturer etc you are surely going to end up with a manufacturing cost well below £10. Lets say $12. Now you factor in this product will not be manufactured in anywhere near the same numbers as the wii U you are looking at a a tiny cost for that gpu.

From my understanding the wii U gpu will be far less powerful with far less dedicated video memory. I do realise though that the wii U gpu will need to be a custom design that offers original wii compatibility although this could simply be the wii gpu repeated in the same silicon. My understanding is the wii U will have gpu, video memory, cpu and some cpu cache memory all on the same piece of silicon offering breathtaking memory bandwidth but this is likely to be mean the gpu features are cut down and the cpu core may only be dual core for example not quad core. You have to factor in though that both gpu and cpu together on the same silicon will create huge benefits and increase performance considerably. The wii U may end up being a console that can't quite match the visual quality of 360/PS3 but actually surpasses them with much higher frame rates so what you lose in visual detail you gain in smoothness and response time while playing which to me personally is a big advantage. I hate the slow frame rates you get on some ps3 games especially multiformat titles that were badly converted from the 360.

#59 Crackkat



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 04:09 AM

this sounds very possible to me, im satisfied if the console just runs unreal engine 4, if it can be done properly with $180 worth of material then im happy.
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#60 Keviin



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Posted 09 April 2012 - 04:40 AM

this sounds very possible to me, im satisfied if the console just runs unreal engine 4, if it can be done properly with $180 worth of material then im happy.

Agree, because UE4 is a true next-gen thing. I don't want to pay $400+ for just slightly better graphics.
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