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WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

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#41 Nollog


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Posted 12 April 2012 - 02:28 AM

thats not true, its fanboys, reporters who get some of their income by promoting specific companies and marketing freaks. An example is the forums (social networks) itself.. How many times you ask something in a forum between two brands, and one forums is supporting 1 device more than the other... The moderators get incomes for supporting and promoting specific brands.. You can also see this very clearly when the times comes for a product release, and always this forums get an NDA product for review first. in a specific brand.. All of it is a marketing thing..

I could give you many examples with a very known and populated forums.. And I speak mostly for general forums, for all products, not only nintendo, or nikon, or canon, amd, nvidia.. whatever.. Forums is social cafe's who serve specific brands of coffee.. Even in amazon chat I found once an employee, trying to convince people buy the game.. At least his name was the same, from one the employes who manage the official social network of the company who released the game (very known game and very big company, very recent) :).. imagine that.. Ofcourse I had a huge argue with him inside amazon chat, and I enjoyed it.. A very recent game that everybody disappointed.. nothing more to say..

Every post of yours I skim, the more I come to realise you're a bit paranoid and I don't feel as paranoid as I thought I did.

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#42 Plutonas



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 02:53 AM

I see jealousy in u.. lol Iam just dyslectic (a bit heavy, optical and acustic).. And we are different characters.. I have lots of humor, a bit dark humor, in my writing, but its hard to detect though.. many thing that I am a mean person.. i am not.. I am just honest.. lol..

Edited by Orion, 12 April 2012 - 02:56 AM.

#43 flc



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 03:17 AM

I see jealousy in u.. lol Iam just dyslectic (a bit heavy, optical and acustic).. And we are different characters.. I have lots of humor, a bit dark humor, in my writing, but its hard to detect though.. many thing that I am a mean person.. i am not.. I am just honest.. lol..

that's fabulous.

in a perhaps vain attempt to return to the long-since derailed topic, I highly doubt nintendo are going to make another backward system. with the wii, they had an excuse: the other two systems were expensive, large and flashy, while the modest little white box was light, cheap and had casual appeal. to launch a second light, cheap and casual system would be both pointless and detrimental to both systems' sales.

instead, by releasing a high-end system, nintendo use their established consumer base of half the western world plus all of japan as well as the hardcore appeal they used to have (what with zelda and metroid as well as the current gen killer apps), sell a buttload of consoles and end up with another money printer.

or the thing could flop because it's too hardcore for the casuals and the hardcore gamers don't want anything to do with nintendo anymore. this is what I'm more interested in.
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#44 Joshua


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Posted 12 April 2012 - 03:20 AM

This could be possible but not likely.But it's good to see a positive article about the Wii U for once and no bashing it.Have you noticed something why are all these sites bashing the Wii U? Do they hate Nintendo or something or are they scared that the Wii U will do well and make there companies current gen Consoles look bad?

Bad news tends to catch more attention than good news.

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#45 Plutonas



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 03:22 AM

I disagree with u in a point, because I know many extreme gamers that love nintendo, but at the same time they see nintendo with a half eye.. Because nintendo was always a bit away from the hard core stuff and they have to prove it, they have to make a huge effort for the hard core gamers.. When we say the word nintendo, everybody thinks about cute and sweet stuff, they have to balance it.. But they must also give us a hardcore machine.. When nintendo says "specs dont matter, enjoy the game" its a turn off for many hard core gamers, because we know what good specs do and thats what we want. (Its because the knowledge hard core gamers have, from pc mostly... its not just a fetish to see good specs.. because hard core gamers, know very well, what does what.. inside the machine ) But also, depends what nintendo means, with the word "hardcore", I think hardcore as a meaning, is superior than the word "enthusiast" (I am enthusiast, I am not hardcore) and I am honest, my fingers are crossed. We wait for the E3...

Edited by Orion, 12 April 2012 - 03:37 AM.

#46 Narcidius



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:38 PM

When nintendo says "specs dont matter, enjoy the game" its a turn off for many hard core gamers, because we know what good specs do and thats what we want. (Its because the knowledge hard core gamers have, from pc mostly... its not just a fetish to see good specs.. because hard core gamers, know very well, what does what.. inside the machine )

lol... yeah, as a loyal apologist for Nintendo since the NES days (where is your hedgehog now, you smug, smug SEGA kids from my childhood!!!) I have had ample opportunity to appreciate the irony of my posture toward the company. On the one hand, it feels somewhat awkward being told by a company what you want ("no Mikey, you want to play with this now... that thing that you think you want really doesn't matter at all")... but on the other hand, the people have crafted some of the most compelling, enjoyable, and beloved IPs of all time, and there's something to their idea that the experience is built of far more than visual complexity.

I do agree with you when you say that their attitude will not win back the so-called "hardcore" gamer (and I like your distinction between hardcore and enthusiast... it is quite a useful distinction). The people that they lost are not the mindless trend-followers that they are so often painted to be (as much as I would love to indulge in the vindication afforded by that caricature) - they are consumers, with money, who know what they want, and they will spend money on what they want. They are interested in a certain aesthetic, and a certain kind of horizon of wonder that is afforded by cutting-edge technology, and I don't really think that they will be persuaded that what they actually want is solid play mechanics within a fresh and robust approach to interactivity in games... no matter how compelling the experience might really turn out to be.

#47 Soul



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:48 PM

that's fabulous.

in a perhaps vain attempt to return to the long-since derailed topic, I highly doubt nintendo are going to make another backward system. with the wii, they had an excuse: the other two systems were expensive, large and flashy, while the modest little white box was light, cheap and had casual appeal. to launch a second light, cheap and casual system would be both pointless and detrimental to both systems' sales.

instead, by releasing a high-end system, nintendo use their established consumer base of half the western world plus all of japan as well as the hardcore appeal they used to have (what with zelda and metroid as well as the current gen killer apps), sell a buttload of consoles and end up with another money printer.

or the thing could flop because it's too hardcore for the casuals and the hardcore gamers don't want anything to do with nintendo anymore. this is what I'm more interested in.

[Content Deleted]

Edited by Sportsgamer, 13 April 2012 - 11:32 AM.

#48 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:50 PM

This thread is so sexual.WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

I'm sorry, but that's only you Sportsgamer.


#49 Soul



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 12:52 PM

I'm sorry, but that's only you Sportsgamer.

I know, I'm a dirty kid. America.

#50 Blasty



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 06:46 PM

I know, I'm a dirty kid. America.

What have I told you about watching that stuff?!
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#51 Alianjaro



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 07:00 PM

This thread is so sexual.WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

I'm sorry, but that's only you Sportsgamer.

I know, I'm a dirty kid. America.

What have I told you about watching that stuff?!

Is there anything my pure virgin mind should understand!?
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#52 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 12 April 2012 - 07:01 PM

Is there anything my pure virgin mind should understand!?

No, and stay away from Sportsgamer for now.


#53 Soul



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 09:20 PM

What have I told you about watching that stuff?!


#54 flc



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Posted 13 April 2012 - 01:34 AM

This thread is so sexual.WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

I'm 19 and what is this

more to the point is there some sort of censor on this forum? I do not recall typing 'buttload' at any point in time

then again maybe I was typing carp-ton and then thought 'wait this forum probably has rules against swearing' so I said something different

either way, my mind is currently elsewhere and I don't know how to get it back

edit: ok, so apparently shιt = carp now. interesting. this is going to go swimmingly

Edited by flc, 13 April 2012 - 01:38 AM.

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#55 Narcidius



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Posted 13 April 2012 - 05:45 AM

lol... flc, you crack me up.

On the topic-side of things... I guess consoles are kind of in a tight spot right now with where to shoot, spec-wise. They just CAN'T make something on par with high-end PCs, because consumers won't pay that much for a console, and they can't cheap out on the specs because people have seen games running on high-end PCs and tend to expect similar experiences...

On the other hand, the functional gap really is not that big right now. Yes, Crysis 2 really does look astounding on a gaming PC with all the settings cranked to 11... but the difference between that and the Xbox360 version of the game is still not as big as the difference between, say, Black Ops on Xbox360 and Black Ops on Wii. Whatever Microsoft and Sony manage to squeeze out for their next generation, it will certainly not represent a challenge for 3rd party ports to the WiiU. The real question, as has been said, is whether or not the lost fanbase even cares about Nintendo any more...

#56 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 13 April 2012 - 05:58 AM

You call this dirty.

Man, this whole site is too pure.

I want to go dirty it some more.

But I have work in the morning :|

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#57 Blasty



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Posted 13 April 2012 - 06:12 AM

You call this dirty.

Man, this whole site is too pure.

I want to go dirty it some more.

But I have work in the morning :|

Quit your job and join us.

Edited by Blasty, 13 April 2012 - 06:12 AM.

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#58 djlewe78



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Posted 13 April 2012 - 06:50 AM

Ok guys now lets be a bit real here, this post is called 'wiiu to blow current gen out of the water', that is not exactly encoraging news that nintendos new machine will be better than 4-5 year old consoles! IT BLOODY WELL SHOULD BE, if it doesnt heads will roll at nintendo and investors will jump ship as nintendo pledged to win back hardcore gamers! imagine trying to win over COD and battlefield sharp shooters with the words 'hey guys buy a wiiu, its brand new and its a tiny bit better than what u have, its $400 and it will last u about a year unti u see the new xbox ' ! I seriously hope nintendo raise the bar, and do what they say.

#59 Soul



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Posted 13 April 2012 - 11:29 AM

I'm 19 and what is this

more to the point is there some sort of censor on this forum? I do not recall typing 'buttload' at any point in time

then again maybe I was typing carp-ton and then thought 'wait this forum probably has rules against swearing' so I said something different

either way, my mind is currently elsewhere and I don't know how to get it back

edit: ok, so apparently shιt = carp now. interesting. this is going to go swimmingly

Yup it has odd censors. Like BS turns to Unicorn Rainbow. Not true, but you see where I am going. It's something similiar though.

You call this dirty.

Man, this whole site is too pure.

I want to go dirty it some more.

But I have work in the morning :|

This is super clean compared to what I posts on other forums, or chats.

Edited by Sportsgamer, 13 April 2012 - 11:31 AM.

#60 MoH


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 12:36 PM

I'd be very surprised if the Wii U wasn't more powerful. In fact, I'm expecting it to be...

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