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WiiPad Rumored to use Android OS:

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#41 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 10 May 2012 - 11:46 AM

I'm saying that iPad is a tablet. The wiipad is a controller.

You buy an iPad for portability and to able to other stuff than gaming and some extra stuff. You buy the wii u for gaming. You can't really compare them.

Nope...WiiPad is controller/tablet or a tablet with a controller. The best of both worlds. They can be compared with the exception of mobilty. It's like getting tablet and a console in the same box. Combined they'll both be cheaper than iPad.

#42 Hinkik


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Posted 10 May 2012 - 09:47 PM

Nope...WiiPad is controller/tablet or a tablet with a controller. The best of both worlds. They can be compared with the exception of mobilty. It's like getting tablet and a console in the same box. Combined they'll both be cheaper than iPad.

The wiipad won't have a built in processor or gpu. It's not a tablet really. Plus iPad has the appstore which have a ton of quality apps while the wii u will have some sort of eshop with like 15 good apps and they will be expensive.

The iPad has a lot better screen which means that you can watch 1080p video on the go and the cameras are a lot better. And it has multitouch.

iPad has the itunes store (nuff said on this point) Can be used to almost anything.

The conclusion:
The iPad is a tablet. The wii u is a console. iPad is for a ultra portable laptop experience. The wii u is for gaming.

You don't skip buying an iPad because of the Wii U. (Maybe if you wanted an iPad for gaming... that's awful if true)


#43 Nollog


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Posted 11 May 2012 - 12:26 AM

The wiipad won't have a built in processor or gpu. It's not a tablet really. Plus iPad has the appstore which have a ton of quality apps while the wii u will have some sort of eshop with like 15 good apps and they will be expensive.

The iPad has a lot better screen which means that you can watch 1080p video on the go and the cameras are a lot better. And it has multitouch.

iPad has the itunes store (nuff said on this point) Can be used to almost anything.

The conclusion:
The iPad is a tablet. The wii u is a console. iPad is for a ultra portable laptop experience. The wii u is for gaming.

You don't skip buying an iPad because of the Wii U. (Maybe if you wanted an iPad for gaming... that's awful if true)

Apple have terrible products so I dunno about any positives about their proprietary software for them.

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#44 Stewox



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Posted 11 May 2012 - 04:14 AM

Yeah gaming in mobile devices is something extra.

There is a big difference with the terms portable and mobile - i do not like these terms to be mixed.

Portable is exactly what PSP and 3DS are. Everything else is mobile.

Portable is semi-mobile or limited. But fully mobile is another thing.
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#45 RippedOffMattress



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Posted 12 May 2012 - 07:12 PM

If they do this, I will love Nintendo forever. More than I do now!
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#46 GabCM



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Posted 12 May 2012 - 07:19 PM

If this rumor is true, we'll be able to play Angry Birds on our Wii U controllers, for free. :P

#47 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 12 May 2012 - 11:01 PM

The Wii U controller is not a controller/tablet it is just a controller with a screen. I don't think size and shape alone make it a tablet or part tablet.

Edited by Cerberuz, 12 May 2012 - 11:28 PM.


#48 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 13 May 2012 - 05:57 AM

The Wii U controller is not a controller/tablet it is just a controller with a screen. I don't think size and shape alone make it a tablet or part tablet.

It's more than a controller if it can run apps.

#49 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 14 May 2012 - 03:37 AM

It's more than a controller if it can run apps.

It needs the Wii U console to do that, it doesn't do it by itself.

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Lets say this thing was the final Wii U controller design and it has all the features (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, built-in stereo speakers, front facing camera, IR sensor strip, built-in microphone, etc.) the current controller has. I know people wouldn't be calling this thing a tablet.


#50 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 14 May 2012 - 09:34 AM

It needs the Wii U console to do that, it doesn't do it by itself.

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Lets say this thing was the final Wii U controller design and it has all the features (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, built-in stereo speakers, front facing camera, IR sensor strip, built-in microphone, etc.) the current controller has. I know people wouldn't be calling this thing a tablet.

Not shaped like one

#51 Stewox



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Posted 14 May 2012 - 09:39 AM

It's more than a controller if it can run apps.

What the HECK MAN! Again with this apps ... apps or no apps, doesn't matter, it's just transferring what the console DOES, either on the big screen or small screen. AHH these people who have no technical experience are such a headache.

Didn't you read my posts in this thread - how many times im going to p

It's not a tablet with controls, it's the controller with a screen. It has NO SELF-SUSTAINABILITY. It's a dependant device, it needs a TERMINAL, and that's the console.

The console and the controller are therefore MUCH SUPERIOR to any mobile tablet out there. Apps mean nothing, it can play FULL GAMES ... i can't even think what more is possible, it's going to be great.

Edited by Stewox, 14 May 2012 - 09:54 AM.

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#52 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 14 May 2012 - 09:51 AM

What the HECK MAN! Again with this apps ...

It's like this in order for you to see a different view from what's on the main tv screen, their has to be some kind of CPU/gpu/ram or whatever. We expect the Wii U to stream content to the WiiPad, run the game, recognize your face, allow for touch recognition, and display everything in 1080p. Either this is the most powerful console ever and you need to sit it inside an ice cooler just to keep it from exploding or the WiiPad does have processors/CPU/gpu/arm whatever. I love speculation but I hate bs. What your trying to say is that the WiiPad is just a clear piece of glass and plastic until the console itself streams something to it. Since you work at nintendo tell me how can I get a job

#53 InsaneLaw



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Posted 14 May 2012 - 11:02 AM

It's like this in order for you to see a different view from what's on the main tv screen, their has to be some kind of CPU/gpu/ram or whatever. We expect the Wii U to stream content to the WiiPad, run the game, recognize your face, allow for touch recognition, and display everything in 1080p. Either this is the most powerful console ever and you need to sit it inside an ice cooler just to keep it from exploding or the WiiPad does have processors/CPU/gpu/arm whatever. I love speculation but I hate bs. What your trying to say is that the WiiPad is just a clear piece of glass and plastic until the console itself streams something to it. Since you work at nintendo tell me how can I get a job

He's just saying that it won't be powerful enough to run applications and games on it's own, the Wii U will stream everything to it, ofcourse it has to have a few chips inside of the controller to run the touchscreen, camera and stuff, but you're talking like the thing can run on its own, which it won't, it's sort of like a T.V with a touchscreen and extras more than anything.

Edited by Stulaw90, 14 May 2012 - 11:02 AM.

#54 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 21 May 2012 - 06:10 PM

I think you should give this a read.

Breaking: The Nintendo Wii U Is Not An Apple iPad

There’s been a thick layer of ignorance surrounding Nintendo’s upcoming console that I have personally triedtime and time again to dispel, based on the huge volumes of information already available for the device.

Look around the internet for a while and you will swear that Nintendo is gearing up to release an iPad. The reason is just as baffling as the realisation; the new console’scontroller contains a 6.2-inch touchscreen. This, along with the fact that Nintendo chose a rectangle design for the controller has the world’s mainstream media convinced that the new device is an iPad, or a tablet computer.

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They believe this so much that they’ve often overlook the fact that Nintendo’s controller actually connects to a console. This has lead to headlines like “Nintendo’s ‘Bizarre’ Wii U will be a Hard Sell to Gamers”. Actually, in that article (not to get too off topic), the writer states that Nintendo’s feature packed Wii U is too “complicated” for gamers to comprehend; compared to the Wii, I suppose, who’s technological leap into motion control was somehow a cinch to understand.
Getting back on track, though, I’d like to point out one small realisation I picked up around this time last year; The Nintendo Wii U is not an Apple iPad!

It doesn’t look like an iPad. It doesn’t work like an iPad. It doesn’t try to be an iPad.
The Wii U, in fact, is a small, white box that is approximately 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long. It has a disc slot that accepts Nintendo’s own high definition 12cm data discs and Nintendo’s 12cm Wii optical discs, has internal flash memory and an SD card slot and a whopping six USB ports. It accepts both Nintendo Wii controllers and Nintendo Wii U controllers. The Wii U controller has two analogue sticks, four face buttons, a Directional Pad (+Pad), four trigger buttons, a rechargeable battery, a camera, a microphone and stereo speakers. The screen is a 16:9 widescreen with touch inputs triggered by stylus and/or fingers.

Let’s compare that to the iPad.

The latest iPad is 9.5 inches high, 7.31 inches wide and 0.37 inches deep. It has no disc slot, has internal flash memory, has no SD Card slot or USB ports. It doesn’t accept any Apple-made controllers, has one button on the front and yes, a touchscreen that presents video in 4:3 aspect ratio.

The Wii U’s main purpose is to play video games. The iPad’s main purpose is to surf the internet.
How these two devices have be shoved in the same bucket by anyone is beyond my comprehension. And yet, these outlets keep going, even making up some crap about Android being the operating system for the device.

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Or did I miss something? When Nintendo showed off the controller last year, pointing out how it will change the way we interact with video games, did I hear them wrong? Were they actually saying “We’re going to release an iPad that you can’t take outside and we’re going to make it so crappy that it will cost us billions of dollars and ruin our entire business that has spanned generations”? Because it seems that this is exactly what every other website in the world heard that day.

Actually, in their entire E3 2011 presentation that spanned a total of 70 minutes and 6 seconds, Nintendo did not mention the word “tablet” once. The word “mobile” was only mentioned once, and then only by EA Games’ CEO. The word “controller”, on the other hand, was mentioned a total of 36 times.
Thirty six times.

So, please, I ask; where did this confusion come from? Was it just the fact that E3 is now only open to reporters, thus the general public and the humble blogger with a brain cannot gain access to add hands on weight to the arguments of the big media companies? Or does Apple pay a huge deposit to the Murdoch kids’ trust fund to keep competition off the front pages?
Perhaps I’m coming off as arrogant, but there’s nothing confusing about the Wii U. It’s a video game console with a unique, revolutionary controller that will change the way gamers interact with video games for the next 5 or 6 years. The power of the console will ensure all games can be released on the device, and the unique features of the controller will attract millions of new players with less experience than their hardcore opponents.

If the media honestly can’t see how the Wii U console is any different than the iPad, there is something frightfully wrong with the world.

Edited by Cerberuz, 21 May 2012 - 06:13 PM.


#55 mrsal511



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 06:35 PM

I understand that the controller would be unlikely to contain a GPU, therefore making independent graphics impossible. On the other hand, could "applications", or smaller bits of software be streamed from the console to your controller? Would this not have the same effect? If you wan't a portable device to play angry birds, buy an android phone or something. I'm saying if you really wanted to play angry birds or have some sort of "application" store, just have it streamed from the console to your controller and leave the TV off. Problem solved.

Edited by mrsal511, 21 May 2012 - 06:37 PM.

#56 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 22 May 2012 - 03:35 AM

I think you should give this a read.

Breaking: The Nintendo Wii U Is Not An Apple iPad

Who in their right mind said that it was an IPad? You would have to be insane or born yesterday to think that. Nintendo realized that console gaming was being challenged by mobile gaming. Nintendo adapted an interface similar to a tablet but never said it was a tablet. It was a very easy job to explain the differences; and they are plenty, but Nintendo knows that. The created something with s similar feel and style of a tablet because that is what most people are familiar with now. Let's talk about the similarities:

-Touch Screen Interface
-Ability to surf web
-Ability to play apps(Wii U console may stream to WiiPad but you still play the games on the WiiPad. So both iPad and WiiPad can be used to play games and apps on).
-Can do digital downloads(I know it's done by the Wii U console but can be displayed and played on the WiiPad).
-Mobile(you may not be able to go far but you can move around your house with it. Mobile none the less).

Nintendo is only trying to make an device that has an interface that everyone today is already familiar with. I Agree Wii U is a console and not an iPad, however, it comes with a interface that is similar to all tablets including iPad.

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