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The Other Videos of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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#21 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 29 April 2012 - 01:30 PM

Wow this debate is getting a bit out of control
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Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#22 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 29 April 2012 - 09:15 PM

If you hate this game because it's a clone of Smash Brothers fine get out don't buy the damn game. Let us who like playing all games (doesn't matter if it's a clone of some other game) talk about it. We all love Nintendo that is why we are here on this site there is no need to be rude. Why don't you talk **** about the other SSB clones.....Oh! wait you don't care about those games because they weren't developed by a Sony Developer.

Since we already watched the debut trailer I skipped it to the 3:06 point.

Link to skipped one.


Edited by Cerberuz, 29 April 2012 - 09:38 PM.


#23 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 29 April 2012 - 09:42 PM

When I see it, it also makes me think on how Smash Bros Wii U will look like. I also like how they are bring two franchises together in there stages.
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Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#24 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:25 AM

This game will pass the time until we have Smash Bros Wii U. You can't dislike fun, this game looks fun and probably is.

#25 AegisReflector



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 07:55 AM

I really cannot comprehend why people think this is a direct carbon copy of SSB. Sure, it has the same kind of gameplay, but let's be honest here, you can't really change anything in the fighting genre besides on how you approach it. I'm telling you, this really isn't a big deal. You guys need to stop complaining so much with "Sony is ripping off Nintendo" and actually FOCUS ON THE GAMEPLAY. Don't just judge this game out of spite and loyalty.

#26 Stephen



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 10:04 AM

don't take my post's to personally. i'm just saying that Sony could have added something new to that genre. i didn't mean it was a "direct" copy of the game, just that it shares allot of similarities in the game.

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#27 nintendo3DS


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 12:42 PM

If you hate this game because it's a clone of Smash Brothers fine get out don't buy the damn game. Let us who like playing all games (doesn't matter if it's a clone of some other game) talk about it. We all love Nintendo that is why we are here on this site there is no need to be rude. Why don't you talk **** about the other SSB clones.....Oh! wait you don't care about those games because they weren't developed by a Sony Developer.

Since we already watched the debut trailer I skipped it to the 3:06 point.

Link to skipped one.


Wow, kid. You think just because this is a Nintendo web site that there's only Nintendo fanboys?
Bi*** please, I've owned nearly every console made by the major publishers.

#28 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 01:02 PM

Wow, kid. You think just because this is a Nintendo web site that there's only Nintendo fanboys?
Bi*** please, I've owned nearly every console made by the major publishers.

You clearly didn't get the point in my message.


#29 Blake



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 01:19 PM

And this debate will continue on the internet until the game is released.

#30 Xiombarg


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 01:28 PM

Wow, kid. You think just because this is a Nintendo web site that there's only Nintendo fanboys?
Bi*** please, I've owned nearly every console made by the major publishers.

That was uncalled for, kid. You are younger than Cerberuz(and me) and yelling at him because you were the one raging in the first place.
Owning consoles means jack squat about your open mindedness. Just because you feel like some rich boy who can afford any system doesn't mean that you will go unchallenged when you say something stupid.

#31 nintendo3DS


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 04:05 PM

That was uncalled for, kid. You are younger than Cerberuz(and me) and yelling at him because you were the one raging in the first place.
Owning consoles means jack squat about your open mindedness. Just because you feel like some rich boy who can afford any system doesn't mean that you will go unchallenged when you say something stupid.

Excuse me, for all we know you could be some no-life 800 lbs POS.
Why don't you get a life, and go do something with your life?
I have a life; I'm done with these forums. Forums are for ignorants. I'm out.

#32 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 04:12 PM

Excuse me, for all we know you could be some no-life 800 lbs POS.
Why don't you get a life, and go do something with your life?
I have a life; I'm done with these forums. Forums are for ignorants. I'm out.

After 973 total posts?
Total life right there, dude.

Edited by Reaper Pin, 30 April 2012 - 04:13 PM.

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#33 Elric


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 04:21 PM

Excuse me, for all we know you could be some no-life 800 lbs POS.
Why don't you get a life, and go do something with your life?
I have a life; I'm done with these forums. Forums are for ignorants. I'm out.

You lost the debate and here is why:

Someone who just ends up insulting the other person automatically loses. When you get to the point that you are insulting the other person that just means that you ran out of things to say. You have to learn on forums that other people have different opinions than you and you can still debate a subject with disagreeing without getting hostiles. So people have different opinions than you do, that doesn't mean you have the right to outright insult them. "I'm right, and anyone who doesn't agree with me is a stupid ignorant 800 lb. no life" is not going to get you anywhere on the internet and many people will find you quite annoying. You already probably lost many users respect because you insulted other members because they didn't agree with you and were calling you out for doing something that was totally uncalled for. Mournblade was simply pointing out that there was no reason to act like that. I once had respect for you as a user, but now that respect level has drastically dropped because I just realized how you handle arguments and just rage if everyone does not agree with you. I would have to say you are the real person being ignorant.

So fine, leave. I think at this point not many users care for you that much and don't really care if you leave.


There have been almost identical games that have been fun before. Take for example, Crash racing might be considered almost a direct copy of Mario kart. It was still fun to play, and people didn't rage that it was copy of Mario Kart. Seriously, it was basically the same thing except with a storyline and different characters to choose from. I don't think we should judge this game just because it looks exactly like Smash Bros. It still has the opportunity to be a really fun game. I mean, if it's a fun game why should it matter that it's kind of the same formula as smash bros.? What I am trying to say here is that we shouldn't judge a game that is not out yet. Who knows, it might differ from smash bros. in some ways, but it will still have the same formula.

Guys, let's try to debate without insulting each other. It's really not that hard to do. You can disagree with someone and have a civilized debate without insulting each other. Seriously.

I think we should lock this thread if this thread gets any more heated up.

Edited by Elric, 30 April 2012 - 04:28 PM.




#34 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 04:30 PM

You lost the debate and here is why:

Someone who just ends up insulting the other person automatically loses. When you get to the point that you are insulting the other person that just means that you ran out of things to say. You have to learn on forums that other people have different opinions than you and you can still debate a subject with disagreeing without getting hostiles. So people have different opinions than you do, that doesn't mean you have the right to outright insult them. "I'm right, and anyone who doesn't agree with me is a stupid ignorant 800 lb. no life" is not going to get you anywhere on the internet and many people will find you quite annoying. You already probably lost many users respect because you insulted other members because they didn't agree with you and were calling you out for doing something that was totally uncalled for. Mournblade was simply pointing out that there was no reason to act like that. I once had respect for you as a user, but now that respect level has drastically dropped because I just realized how you handle arguments and just rage if everyone does not agree with you. I would have to say you are the real person being ignorant.

So fine, leave. I think at this point not many users care for you that much and don't really care if you leave.


There have been almost identical games that have been fun before. Take for example, Crash racing might be considered almost a direct copy of Mario kart. It was still fun to play, and people didn't rage that it was copy of Mario Kart. Seriously, it was basically the same thing except with a storyline and different characters to choose from. I don't think we should judge this game just because it looks exactly like Smash Bros. It still has the opportunity to be a really fun game. I mean, if it's a fun game why should it matter that it's kind of the same formula as smash bros.? What I am trying to say here is that we shouldn't judge a game that is not out yet. Who knows, it might differ from smash bros. in some ways, but it will still have the same formula.

Guys, let's try to debate without insulting each other. It's really not that hard to do. You can disagree with someone and have a civilized debate without insulting each other. Seriously.

I think we should lock this thread if this thread gets any more heated up.

inb4 it's locked
Just wanted to say you had the best post on the whole thread!
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#35 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 04:43 PM

It is amazing how things got out of hand.
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Co-Leader of the A.D.P.F
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Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#36 Elric


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 04:51 PM

It is amazing how things got out of hand.

It's because the moderators and owners of the forum are too busy to look for chaotic stuff like this now and actually moderate threads. Moderators could definitely be better at their job.

Edited by Elric, 30 April 2012 - 04:52 PM.




#37 Blasty



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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:00 PM

We really need more moderators on the forums; I volunteer myself for the job.
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#38 Nollog


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:14 PM

You lost the debate and here is why:
[long red text]
I think we should lock this thread if this thread gets any more heated up.

You're wrong.
You lose when you compare the other person to Hitler.
Unless you're joking, in which case you win when you do that.

About moderators being needed and this getting out of hand?
This never got out of hand.
You're all too sensitive. It was just a discussion, nobody really got into name-calling since they self-censored or just used the old "no-life" thing.
Sure, someone left, but lol, their loss. If you can't handle a discussion on a discussion board, good riddance.

It's clear to everyone Sony formed this studio to copy Smash Bros.
The footage from Gametrailers even showed a Wii in the studio.
Battlefield and Call of Duty are different, Battlefield focuses on vehicles, Call of Duty is just a run and gunner.

Edited by Nollog, 30 April 2012 - 05:16 PM.

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#39 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:17 PM

You're wrong.
You lose when you compare the other person to Hitler.
Unless you're joking, in which case you win when you do that.

About moderators being needed and this getting out of hand?
This never got out of hand.
You're all too sensitive. It was just a discussion, nobody really got into name-calling since the self-censored or just used the old "no-life" thing.

It's clear to everyone Sony formed this studio to copy Smash Bros.
The footage from Gametrailers even showed a Wii in the studio.
Battlefield and Call of Duty are different, Battlefield focuses on vehicles, Call of Duty is just a run and gunner.

It did?!
Cool, I guess they really analyzed what Smash Bros. is
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#40 Xiombarg


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Posted 30 April 2012 - 05:18 PM

Really, a lot of this could have ended at stephen's post, as he had a great point. He more or less won as his post had an answer that could have satisfied everyone.

Battlefield and Call of Duty are different, Battlefield focuses on vehicles, Call of Duty is just a run and gunner.

It was battlefield and modern warfare.

Edited by Mournblade, 30 April 2012 - 05:19 PM.

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