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Welland Academy, Home of the Gifted

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#101 Andy


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Posted 30 May 2012 - 07:38 PM

(Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've had a bit going on recently.)
(Edited at Legend's request)
Joe had unfortunately woken up a little late this evening. "OK, maybe sleeping with one eye open isn't the best idea."He joked with himself. He got dressed and looked at his schedule.

Monster/Beast combat I
Martial Arts I
Energy Control I
Technology and Machines Workshop I
Herbology I

"Doesn't look too bad," He thought. "The theater is close by, I can make it to orientation in time."
He makes it to the theater with seconds to spare. After Orientation, he makes his way to the field for Beast/Monster Combat.

When he arrived at the field the instructor, Mr. John, told them to defeat three large bear-like creatures strategically.

"Seriously? I have no combat experience at all and they expect me to take on these things with just an old iron short-sword to my name?" Joe complained to himself. "Well, here's hope that I don't get in the other's ways too much."

Edited by Andy, 31 May 2012 - 05:46 AM.

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#102 Joshua


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Posted 30 May 2012 - 10:59 PM

(EDIT: Oops, sorry. Fixed it to make sense of the story).

Dean finally arrives at the theater. Here he listened to the orientation and got an idea where his classes are.
The first class he went to was Beast/Monster combat.

He notices Cy and Vacili as they are both together awaiting instructions from the teacher, Mr. John. Dean decided to join them.
After being told that this course is dangerous, Dean approved; "I work better under pressure", he said with a sure tone.
"Always be prepared", Mr. John said as a final remark. Dean was getting quite pumped as he never faced a monster before and eager to do so.

Mr. John then opens the cage, revealing 3 large, snarling beasts that looked like mutated bears. Backing away from scene, Mr. John told the students to defeat them strategically. Immediately Dean knew that his leadership trait could prove very useful here. Dean looked at Cy and Vacili with a confident face, displaying readiness within himself, in hope to inspire leadership with the group.
With adrenaline pumping and the excitement flowing, he gets into a fighting stance and signals everyone to attack.

Edited by Joshua, 31 May 2012 - 04:58 AM.

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#103 Legend



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Posted 31 May 2012 - 04:34 AM

(For the above two, and anyone else confused: I wanted to inform you that the classes at Welland Academy don't work like real-life classes. So instead of Beast/Monster Combat I and Beast/Monster Combat II being different classes, they refer to the same class but different students have different ability (referring to their rank, I is low, V is high). So, right now everyone taking Beast/Monster Combat is fighting the 3 beasts as shown in my latest post. Please edit your post to include this, thanks! I wanted to make it more simple, so sorry if it's too convoluted.)
The Legend

#104 PipoPito


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 04:51 AM

(srry for being sooo impatient. )
Ray leaves the theater and goes to monster combat I
When he enters the room, he sees 2 people. Joe and a guy. the other students.
The guy introduces himself as Mr Adams John
Ray sits down and opens his book to page 10 watches as Mr. John opens the cage of three beasts. Ray prepares himself for battle, and attacks.
He then raises his hand and asks "Can we fight monsters now?"
Mr adams told him to be patient and wait for next semester.
Ray puts his head down on the table and starts sleeping.

Ray stretches his hand (With his elastic powers) and takes off one eye of the beast. He then puts the eye in its mouth and cuts off its tongue.
Mr. John says, "Nice, but not perfect. You're still a beginner"

Ray," No i am not. Hmph."
EDIT: Sorry didn't read legend's post.

Edited by PipoPito, 31 May 2012 - 05:24 AM.

Old Usernames: Pipopito, Great Mighty Poo , Pit.

#105 Xiombarg


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 08:37 AM

(It sounded like these were wild animals, animals used to fighting and go even crazy after intense pain. A bear wont stop after losing an eye and tongue, it would go insane and attack blindly.)
Morgan continued to watch from the side and took notice of Dean.
"He's different... If he can join them in a combined effort, they have a great chance of taking out the creatures..." Morgan talks to himself.
He slowly makes his way back to the clearing but keeps his distance.
After Ray attacks, Morgan sighs and says "idiot..." under his breath and prepares for the worst.

#106 PipoPito


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 09:56 AM

(Well... Ray is still in Monster Combat "I". Which means he is a beginner. But you are right, they would attack even if they lost eyes and tongues)
Thinking that the bear is dead, Ray says, "Heh. You are an embarrassment to your race."
Mr. John says,"What are you saying? They don't die immediately. YOU are an embarrassment to YOUR race."
"Uh...Oh...." Ray stares at the beast as it stands up with one eye and no tongue."This... is bad"
Ray stretches his 2 hands and makes a shield.
Then, Mr. John shouts,"You IDIOT! A Shield Made out of skin is useless!"
"Oh right..." Ray transforms into a kind of liquid of skin using his elastic powers right before the bear hits him.
Mr John says, "Since when could he transform? I thought he could only stretch himself..."
Ray then takes his liquid body into the air.
"And he can fly too..."
Ray tells him that he can use his powers to turn into liquid. He just have to kinda.. squeeze himself while stretching every single part of his body.
The Bear roars, and Ray's Liquid of skin enters its mouth and takes out the heart.
"Are you taking out every organ of the body?" Mr. John asks.
"Maybe." Ray replies as he throws the heart on the floor and kicks it. "And another Hyperion victory! He is dead.. right?"
Mr. John answers, "Most probably. Here is your grade on how you did."
"Yay!!!" Ray says excitedly.
Mr. John gives him the paper and then Ray's face expression changes.
"A 3.5% over 100???!??!?!?" Ray screams. He continues reading the paper. " 'Ray was a joke while killing this beast. He kept on torturing it with some lame disgusting attacks and his catchphrases make you face-palm. Overall, Ray is bad at killing monsters and should fail the year.' This was... biased."

Edited by PipoPito, 31 May 2012 - 09:57 AM.

Old Usernames: Pipopito, Great Mighty Poo , Pit.

#107 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 10:54 AM

The bear quickly charges after Vacili and he pulls out Sabatian the M16 with M203 Grenade launcher and blows the thing to smithereens. John looked shocked. "BRAVO! You did exactly what I told you. Prepare for the worst and you did just that. 87%!" Vacili just replies with "A wise man once said 'Prepare for the worst; hope for the best.'" He puts the assault rifle somewhere in his jacket.

Edited by nl010203, 31 May 2012 - 04:24 PM.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#108 PipoPito


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 11:39 AM

Ray runs to Mr. John. He then says," Sir. I think there is something wrong here... how come he got a 87% and I got a 3.5%? I was way more badass."
Mr. John turns to him and says,"You are right. I should fix this."
"Yesssssss" Ray says excitedly.
"Here you go". Mr. John gives him the paper.
Ray reads the paper slowly to see what Mr. John changed. He then rips the paper and throw the tiny pieces of paper at the other beast. Ray shouts at Mr. John," YOU JUST CHANGED MY GRADE FROM A 3.5 to A 0.5 FOR HAVING A BAD A-??" He hears a roar behind him and turns to see the other beast preparing to attack him.
Ray stretches his arms and picks up a nearby tree. Using the tree. Ray hits the beast, which collided into another tree. The beast gets up, covered in black blood and attacks Ray. It jumps on Ray and starts scratching him. Ray punches the beast and then tries to hold it. Ray fails in holding it as it is too heavy so he picks up another tree and starts hitting the beast. The beast dies and Ray turns around to leave. Suddenly, someone shoots his knee with an arrow, so Ray falls to the ground unconsciously.

Edited by PipoPito, 31 May 2012 - 11:40 AM.

Old Usernames: Pipopito, Great Mighty Poo , Pit.

#109 Xiombarg


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 12:16 PM

(I'm just going to wait until Legend posts...)

#110 Andy


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 01:23 PM

(So... The rest of us basically did nothing while those two took out all three Bears.... I think we need to rethink some things here... AND WHY DID MR. JOHN GIVE VACILI AN 87 FOR KILLING IT WITH A GUN WHEN THE SCHOOL HAS A BAN ON THEM? I'm calling favoritism.)
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#111 Legend



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Posted 31 May 2012 - 02:04 PM

(Haha, guys I really wanted the 3 beasts to serve a purpose as an enemy that the whole group had to face- not two people overtaking them all ((and in a manner that was fairly overpowered)). See, that left the rest of us with nothing to do. Basically, try to think of others and how everyone in the RP can be involved and to push the story :))

Mr. John smirked as he watched the two boys' pride in themselves. Cy could see the teacher's eyes that he was not done. Mr. John stepped further away from the scene and- out of a nearby forest- a gigantic, tentacled, three headed monster slithered towards the group. Mr. John turned his gaze away from the two boys and calmly said to the rest " Now show me how prepared you are".

Cy could only stare at the huge monster in awe. It looked like a three-headed squid that was covered in a slime substance. Each head roared, exposing their sharp teeth.It slithered around slowly, but each wave of its many tentacles looked like it could knock someone out.

Cy turned to Dean. "This... this is ridiculous! Are they trying to kill us?" Despite his nervousness, Cy still felt somewhat confident with Dean beside him. "You know what? Maybe we can do this." Cy does a quick stretch of his arms, then closes his eyes. The morning sun revitalizes him with energy, and Cy stores this energy in the palms of his hands. He runs closer to the monster and fires two beams of energy at one of it's heads. The monster recoils for a moment, but seems to recover quickly. It tries to slap down Cy with one of its large tentacles, but Cy manages to roll out of the way. Cy yells, "Yeah, I don't think this isn't going to be easy!"
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#112 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 04:32 PM

"OH SHIZNIT!" yelled Vacili "WE NEED THE BIG GUNS!" he pulls out a LAW (Light antitank weapon) and blasts the fudge ripples out of the thing. When the smoke clears it doesn't seem to have done a single thing to it. "YOU MAKE ME MAD!!! THAT ANTITANK ROUND COSTED 400$!" he gets furious and starts to light on fire. He blasts it a few times and notices. "Guys I can't go through these scales!"

Edited by nl010203, 31 May 2012 - 04:33 PM.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#113 Andy


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 04:42 PM

Joe decided to make his move. "I can't just stand around while everyone else fights." He charged toward the beast, sword drawn, when he entered a dream-like state.

He saw one of the monster's final exams tentacles (dang auto correct! :laugh: ) grab him, and begin to squeeze the crap out of him.

(note: From now on, if I have something in a quote, it's a vision)
Joe ducked as the tentacle came over him. As it passed, he raised his blade, slicing through the appendage. The creature screamed in a mixture of pain and rage. Once again, his eyes glazed over as if he was dreaming. "Dean, to your left!"

Edited by Andy, 31 May 2012 - 10:08 PM.

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#114 PipoPito


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 07:40 PM

( Sorry for killing the 2 beasts. First,I Knew that all 3 beasts were for all of us, but then NL said that the second on attacked him after he killed the first one, and I killed one before, so then i thought that each one has 3 and... )
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#115 Chinomanila


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Posted 31 May 2012 - 08:40 PM

Rafael seeing that most of students are being very carefree about their strategy to defeating the monster decides to get in on the mess.
With a more tactical approach he starts to charge towards the monsters large tentacles and leaps into the air and transforms into Boomslang.

(A Boomslang is a very poisonous snake whose venom disables blood clotting)

He injects venom into the monsters tentacles that are not fully protected with scales and falls down to the floor slithering away.

He hides behind a rock and turns back into a human "That should be enough help for these rookies" He say's while looking at the monster and seeing it's tentacles movements slowing down.

Edited by Chinomanila, 31 May 2012 - 10:21 PM.

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#116 Joshua


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:47 AM

Dean is quite furious with Ray for his reckless behaviour and acting out of teamwork;
"This is a group effort Ray. Your going to sabotage this fight if you think only you and Vacili can accomplish this!"

Disappointed, Dean rallied everyone up to listen to Mr. John. Mr. John smirked as he watched the two boys' pride in themselves. Dean knew almost immediately that something big was in store for the students. Mr. John stepped further away from the scene and- out of a nearby forest- a gigantic, tentacled, three headed monster slithered towards the group. Mr. John turned his gaze away from the two boys and calmly said to the rest " Now show me how prepared you are".

Dean, keeping his cool, tried to study the creature as fast as possible. He noticed that the creature is all covered in slime except for it's eyes. He assumes that the slime is some sort of defense mechanism for the giant three headed monstrosity. It's scales provide as a secondary form of protection if an attack were to bypass the slime. It's three big eyes allowed perfect vision of the field, making it hard to outsmart it. Making it blind will make this fight a whole lot easier. He concludes that the beast's weakness is it's eyes.
The squid appears to be slow but it's tentacles are large enough to kill an individual by sheer weight.

"Everyone focus your power on one of the heads' eyes..."

Before Dean could even finish Vacili already fired a LAW gun. Dean notices that he is getting infuriated and he eventually 'lit up'.
Dean commands him;
"Vacili, focus your fire on his eyes! See if you can also disintegrate the slime surrounding his tentacles!"

Dean then begins to give orders to the other students;
"Cy, focus your energy beams on where Vacili creates holes in the squid's slime. They should be strong enough to break through it's tough scales. We need to stop it from flailing it everywhere!"

"Morgan, ward everyone so we can have a fighting chance against this thing!"

"Ray, turn into something that will be effective against the squid's eye!"

"Joe, see if you can get a slice under the squids appendages! Your sword looks like it can cut through it's defenses!"

Suddenly Joe shouts out;
"Dean, to your left!"

He does a swift roll to dodge the flailing tentacle which stays positioned where it landed. Dean quickly ran toward the tentacle and began to move up onto one of the squids eye. Thankfully it's scales allowed for easy vertical movement. He hopes to be able to rip the squids eyes with his hands by digging it through it's iris with his bare hands.

Edited by Joshua, 01 June 2012 - 03:13 AM.

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#117 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:02 AM

"Okay..." Vacili decides to light the thing up and sure enough after a while the slime just start to evaporate with the heat. "Well I am going to guess that means he is now vulnerable!?" Vacili cools down and stops flaming on the thing.

Edited by nl010203, 01 June 2012 - 02:02 AM.

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

#118 Legend



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 05:18 AM

Hearing Dean, Cy runs straight for the vulnerable point that Vacili exposed. The monster makes a piercing shriek as Cy approaches it and begins to rapidly flail its tentacles. In a fluid motion, he rolls and dodges past all of the thrashing tentacles. Getting past the last flair, Cy jumps fairly high in the air with one fist raised. As he descends upon the vulnerable point on the monster, Cy's fist is charged and glows with light energy. Cy brings this force from his fist straight onto the monster, creating a small eruption of slime and guts from part of the monster's body. Cy and sends him across the field.

Cy looks to be in extreme pain and looks up at Mr. John from his lying position. The teacher simply stands there, watching the fight.
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#119 PipoPito


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 05:35 AM

Ray wakes up when he heard a big BANG. His body is covered in slime.
"Huh? What is this arrow doing in my knee?" He screams in pain as he takes the arrow out of his knee. He tries to walk but falls down on the floor.
Ray turns into the flying liquid he used before and starts moving, taking the arrow with him.

Edited by The Huntsman, 01 June 2012 - 05:43 AM.

Old Usernames: Pipopito, Great Mighty Poo , Pit.

#120 Xiombarg


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 06:02 AM

Listening to Dean, Morgan felt some sort of feeling, a feeling like he could actually accomplish something, a feeling he had long forgotten.
With this unknown confidence, it sparked Morgan's warding and he was able to focus on a slight ward around the group but was focusing most on those who were moving quickly. Some thrashing was able to shatter parts of the ward, but Morgan was able to bring it back, stronger each time.

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